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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • shakers97
    Free Member

    Unless you’re buying from a boutique manufacturer who will make the thing to order whichever bike you choose already exists in the world. All the embodied energy it took to make the thing has already been spent so does it really matter?

    Free Member

    Yes STW advice is free but you’re just about to get your pants pulled down and professional advice, although an upfront cost will likely mean you saving much more in the long run.

    You say he can access the land. This is important information but have you had the title checked? Does the owner have benefit of the access? There may well be a ransom strip preventing him from getting access he may not have the freehold to the access or an options agreement on it.

    Is the site constrained in any other way? Does one of the Statutory Undertakers have an easement? Have you checked the Services Map? For all you know there may be a medium pressure gas main under the site making development difficult and material affecting its Potential Use Value.

    Have you checked with the Local Planning Authority on their view of its development potential or even if there’s an extant permission in place? All material considerations in negotiations on value of land.

    Planning consent will greatly increase its value but if it doesn’t have it and the LPA don’t see it as having development potential then its value is based on its Current Use Value as open space which in the north of England is £10k per acre. If it’s got development potential then who knows what bonkers value it will command down there.

    I strongly suggest you either get professional advice or bend over. Your choice!

    Free Member

    I just wanted to clarify something, you’re getting valuation advice on a land deal from the STW forum?

    It’s just that it isn’t always the first choice when seeking a Red Book valuation.

    Do yourself a favour and appoint a RICS registered surveyor, not an Estate Agent, someone who will use comparables to give you a proper Red Book valuation and will engage the sellers agent.

    Free Member

    A pointless discussion.
    They’ll hang up before the 2nd chord.

    Free Member

    Can’t add anything other than best wishes. I hope she recovers from this awful illness soon.

    Free Member

    As I said originally the bigger artists are undoubtedly taking the p*ss but the general inflation of gigs tickets, and as you point out entertainment generally has made doing that easier. What I’m taking about is smaller and medium sized artists, and I’m not confining that to popular music. As a jazz musician myself I have seen gig prices more than doubled in the past decade because of the reasons I have given, and every tour seems to ramp that up.

    Free Member

    I would suggest that there’s a lot of things happening between the two extremes of bands playing for the love of it 3 to a bill for £5 and worldwide artists like Van Morrison. Professional musicians making a living from being a musical artist that now needs to charge £30 plus for a ticket whereas in the past when they were getting paid for their recorded music they would charge a lot less. Maybe you think artists should produce art for you to enjoy and somehow manage to live on next to no income.

    Free Member

    Ticket prices are what they are because the previous music industry model of Record Label advance to cover recording costs, with the artist taking a percentage of record sales revenue has been broken by streaming services like Apple Music and Spotify where artists receive a tiny fraction of what they would have once received from record sales. Apple Music for example pays just £0.0046 per stream.

    On this basis live music and for songwriters publishing is the only viable income stream. Because of the income profile of gigs versus a constant stream of percentage returns from record sales the income from tours needs to pay the bills for a,long time between gigs. Granted for major artists the streaming revenue alone would be significant so they are taking advantage, albeit production costs are higher but for smaller artists playing smaller shows with lower numbers of streams this is the only viable business model. Either that or don’t have any new music because musicians aren’t going to work for free.

    Free Member

    I do. I’m up to something like 15 donations now. It’s the best thing I ever did. You need to book but once you’re in the habit you book your next session on the way out. The orange clubs have started to reappear back at mine which is nice. Each donation burns something like 500 calories which is great and the best thing is a week later you get a text saying where your blood has been sent, even better when it says it’s gone to Christies just after your dad has finished chemo there. If you’re fit and healthy you should do it.

    Free Member

    They didn’t all go to Stand. Jupp the drummer was at Peel with me. My band supported them a couple of times. They were called Soft in those days.

    Free Member

    Meat based puns are such a rare medium

    Free Member

    Can’t help with the info as I got rid of mine ages ago. It was terrible could hardly ride with it bobbing up and down every time I pedalled. God knows what I was thinking.

    Free Member

    I support your no mincers before December stance. To answer a question I’m surprised you needed to ask – Kipling obviously.

    Free Member

    When you’ve cooked it eat it with a splash of soy sauce – thank me later

    Free Member

    I’ve not had a drink thus far in 2018, my last drink being on NYE. I didn’t drink much before. Can’t say I feel any different, but I can’t say I miss it either. I’m not sure if I’ll drink again, it’s just not part of my life and not something I think about too much.

    Free Member

    1nm tighter than 49nm 👍🏼

    Free Member

    What I’m saying is that property law has no gaps. There’s no senario that isn’t covered off in terms of a clear liability particularly for a senario as common as this. Having insurance is not compulsory. Whether in this particular case they do, or they do because they have a mortgage, or the freeholder has a building wide policy is irrelevant. The question relates to a clear and well trodden principle of property law that if a defect in your property damages someone else’s property you’re liable to sort that out. There may well be another solution via insurance but that doesn’t change the principle in law. You can’t have a principle in law based on something that may only be applicable in certain situations, like having a valid insurance policy because that would create situations where there was no recourse and property law doesn’t work like that. You’re liable end of.

    Free Member

    Of course it’s your responsibility. There is absolutely no debate on this you are liable to make good the damage. How do you even know they have insurance? Having insurance is not compulsory and even if they do they have no obligation to claim against it rather than pursue you for damages. You don’t have a leg to stand on – 25 years served as housing professional.

    Free Member

    They are repulsive vile things and people who use them look like they are playing a shit piccolo. At least smoking was cool.

    Free Member

    To add – the listing might not be your issue here. Check the title with the land registry and see if there’s a restrictive covenant on the title restricting its use to a place of worship. If there is it’s not a show stopper as they are rarely enforced but you might want to get some title indemnity insurance sorted out

    Free Member

    I have managed the conversion of a grade 2* listed building in a professional capacity as part of a wider regeneration scheme.

    The key to doing this successfully is have a pragmatic conservation officer in the local authority. I’ve come across both the pragmatic and hardline variety in my time. From a LA perspective I’d guess that they see this building as a potential issue. Having buildings such as this empty because a hardline is taken on conversion does nobody any favours and is likely to result in it becoming derelict over time. Make an appointment to speak to the local conservation officer at the Council and talk through how flexible they can be.

    It’s important to remember that English Heritage list buildings, and the Local Plannning Authority just enforce the listing. I’m aware of many cases where the LPA isnt happy about prospective listings because it makes their job harder. Conservation officers in the Council can be just as motivated to bring empty listed buildings back into use, particularly if there’s a local councillor on their case about it being empty, and if there’s someone willing to invest in this building and work with them you’re more likely than not to find a allie that will help you do it.

    Free Member

    Either ring 999 or post on the STW forum.

    Free Member

    Eureka the national children’s museum in Halifax is brilliant for a day out. The Mattel play centre at the Albert dock in Liverpool is also worth a luck if there’s any interest in Thomas, Fireman Sam or Bob the Builder. If you’re looking for something outside try the ice cream farm in Cheshire or Farmer Teds near Ormskirk – all really good and within a couple of hours depending how far into Cumbria you are.

    Free Member

    i think you can both act like adults with this. Just sit it down and explain why you’re upset by it’s behaviour and agree a compromise. I find that most problems in life can be resolved with a bit of calm communication, understanding and compromise. If that doesn’t work refer to the brick and pillowcase option.

    Free Member

    You need the deeds which as has been noted if they own the house outright they should have somewhere safe. There’s often a misapprehension that you own the boundary to the left with your back to the house but that’s not always true. Look at the deeds. Land Reg will record interests in the land, restrictive conevents, leasehold interests etc, and will have a plan of the registered title but you really need the deeds for what you want.

    You can download the official copy of the registered title from Land Reg online for a few quid if you want to.

    Free Member

    You’re perfectly at liberty to install a door but as soon as you step through it and set foot on that roof you’re trespassing and as such breaking the law, moreover you’re walking on a structure that wasn’t designed to be walked on. When the shop tenants inform the Council they will throw the book at you and quite right as well.

    Free Member

    Really worried about the effect of this game on my 8 year old.  If he’s not playing it, he’s watching videos about it, if he can’t do that he’s talking about it, or playing it with his little brother. It’s a constant source of tension in the house, and I’m sick of the stupid dances he seems to think is okay to do in the street.

    He’s on a strict ration with it and I’m just waiting for an excuse to ban it completely – wife is more liberal, so need to pick my moment.

    Free Member

    Spoiler Alert: he doesn’t die in this one

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why you wouldn’t report that to the Police? Get on the phone.

    Free Member

    I pretty much listen to nothing else other jazz these days. It’s a genre you’ve got to ease into and it take a while before your ears and brain adjust. Straight ahead is challenging but if you stick with it you’ll appreciate it more over time.

    Try something more accessible first like Snarky Puppy or GoGoPenguins.

    To really appreciate it you’ve got to understand what’s going on. They aren’t songs so to speak. Even what today are considered jazz standards are largely improvised  with a fixed phrase (home base) that the musicians will keep coming back to to break up improvised soloing. If you try to appreciate it for what it is rather than like you do other music based on repeated melody phrases you might enjoy it more.

    Free Member

    Throw yourself in front of her car. Your inevitable death will be a lesson about the dangers of excess speed.

    Free Member

    Have an affair with her best friend. That’ll learn her.

    Free Member

    And I nearly served Bet Lynch, and her much younger boyfriend, with fireworks when I worked in a town centre newsagents but I had gone on my break and heard about it from my excited work colleagues

    Free Member

    Eddie Large (of Little and Large) used to live on my road and he came to my school sports day.

    Free Member

    The main difference is you can buy spares for the 29er

    Free Member

    Try and sell for the highest price you can get – you’re welcome 👍🏼

    Free Member

    Did the same person configure the phone as coded this new forum?

    Free Member

    Why what happened?

    Free Member

    Donald Trump. Once an idiot to laugh at now part of

    any sane persons nightmares

    Free Member

    Why don’t you spend a tenner to get it fixed rather than waste time with that question?

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