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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • sgn23
    Free Member

    Pragmasis. You’ll need a 2 or 2.5m. 13mm should be sufficient. Budget £50-60 for a good padlock.
    At the end of the day any security device can be overcome, you just want to make it less hassle for them to steal someone else bikes.

    Free Member

    Yes I’ve had this problem too. I think there’s a limit on how much you can download, though this isn’t well publicised. I was able to download the map I needed once I deleted a few other maps.

    Free Member

    I’ve Irish grandparents, so if the need arises I’ll register on the foreign births register and get a passport. Currently can’t justify the approx £300 it’ll cost, just so I can skip the looooong immigration queue the next time I visit the EU (leaving my wife and kids in the queue may be a problem 😂)

    Free Member

    Get it out of the water and find somewhere cheaper than £500 to store it, then sell in the spring. Condition of the engines will be key to a sale, what did the survey say? And what about the hull condition I assume it’s wood? Varnish is least of your problems.
    The sailing boat is worth a couple of grand depending on condition. See if you can give it away to avoid mooring fees.

    Free Member

    Paying £7000 a day to Tory mates at Boston Consulting then expecting skilled IT workers to work for free is definitely taking the piss

    Free Member

    There are a small number of words where the spelling changes the meaning, everything else is just a pointless waste of time. Unfortunately our 1950s government saw it as important, so KS2 is made tediously boring by having to learn by rote.
    Much more important is to learn and use a wide vocabulary. Often the words on my kids’ spelling lists haven’t even been explained in class.

    Free Member

    Dragon Soop 😲 things have come on a bit since Hooch and Two Dogs!

    Free Member

    I probably last lubed a mech about 10 years ago and I’ve noticed no problem with my shifting, many thousands of offroad km later

    Free Member

    Isn’t this just a digital version of a photofit kit that’s been around for decades?
    After going through about 30 faces there’s quiet a few similar ones that keep appearing.

    Free Member

    I frequently have to do a 3 hour journey when I’ve been up all night and it would be a struggle without the computer handling some of the boring bits.

    What’s your route? I just want to make sure I’m not on my bike near you whilst you’re driving half asleep.

    Free Member

    He and his band of intellectual lightweight cabinet members should be tried for treason.

    I’ve often said that Cameron should be tried for treason. He’s the fool that started all of this.

    Free Member

    How can a guy that frets over spending £22 a month at a gym (last december post) afford a £39K car? Unexplained wealth… perhaps the car’s for a bank job.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Mavic XA and have been impressed with them. Good hub engagement, not too heavy and nice and wide (check they fit your frame). 24 spokes hasn’t been an issue.
    You’ve probably worked out that they come with 135 QR adapters.

    Free Member

    If you want to save some cash, it’s worth considering sticking with 10sp. A sunrace 10-46 cassette and a 32 chainring should give you a fair range, though (as above) not much different to what you have now. Get a deore m5100* 10/11sp crank (about £50) and you can get a 30 ring which gives more climbing ease. Saves getting new shifter and mech.
    *M5100 is boost but works fine with non boost frame

    Free Member

    Another £122M PPE uncontested contract awarded to PPE Medpro a newly established company with no prior experience and close links to the Tories.
    Keep questioning people. We’re being exploited.

    Free Member

    That sounds about right for run time given the age.

    My MK3 Diablo has a weird issue that when turned off the led indicator flashes constantly.

    Free Member

    Pergatory grid 29″ 2.4 with Stans leaks constantly and has done all year. All the way around the sidewall. I get little puddles in the shed. Butcher leaks a bit but nothing like the Perg. Could there have been a bad batch?
    I still love the tyre combo.

    Free Member

    I used Which? to decide on a dishwasher and then coincidentally bought the actual item used in their test from a reseller on eBay.
    It’s a good trustworthy thorough source for reviews, but sometimes the top scored items are old or obscure models which are hard to find or out of stock.

    Free Member

    So let’s let it stay open for the locals by not going there ?

    it sounds like you want another national lockdown? Many of us still believe in a free country where we can roam as we wish, we accept the risk and get on with our lives as best we can, taking acceptable precautions.
    OP is asking for holiday advice, the localism you describe is the anthesis of holidaying.

    Free Member

    Err, Wales is mostly closed…

    It’s only the heavily populated areas of the north and south that are locked down. All the empty bit in the middle is open and great for a walking/biking holiday.

    Channel Islands? You are tested on entry but a nice chilled week can be had

    Jersey is a good choice, just be aware that the goalposts move every Thursday, so if you’ve been in a higher risk area for one night during the last 14 days you may have to isolate for 5 days on arrival and have two negative tests. Some UK areas are 14 days isolation on arrival.

    Free Member

    I’ve not tried them, but the Nordwand Pro pants from Revolution Race look to be well spec’ed. Not MTB specific but they are recommended for MTB. Lots of Scandi Euro colour options too!

    Free Member

    Survive the Savage Sea by Dougal Robertson.

    Classic true story of a British family surviving in the Pacific after their boat is sunk by a Killer Whale (coincidentally I’d never heard of Orcas sinking boats until reading this book and now it’s in the news after attacks off the Spanish not coast)

    Free Member

    According to the rules you can’t cycle from Knighton Railway station into town

    Knighton is in Powys which isn’t subject to a local lockdown.

    Free Member

    I’ve just retired my Shimano m200 and will be replacing them with ME7 which is the updated version. M200 have been excellent, they survived for 25 days of solid riding doing 8000Kms over 4.5 years in all conditions until the carbon sole snapped and a section of grip detached from the sole. ME7 will be a good investment. Go up by one euro size with Shimano shoes.

    Free Member

    IDK WWSTWD but I’d always go4 a GBC

    Free Member

    I’d say it’s pretty bad form for the grandparents to step on your toes, they must’ve known you’re a keen cyclist (or do you keep it secret?). Tell them to take it back.

    Free Member

    That symbol isn’t present on the online version of the map (available with a subscription), which I assume to be the most up to date.
    Great Hetha and the homestead are in access land (indicated by the tan shaded boundary line in 1:25K), little Hetha isn’t.

    Free Member

    There were some more PPE contracts published yesterday with similar strange goings on. PPE Medro was incorporated in May and then awarded a £122M PPE contract for gowns. They are based in a modest residential house in Cambridge. Rob Knott (@procure4health on Twitter) is a good source for factual detail about this. All of these contracts avoided the normal procurement checks and balances.

    The Good Law Project is continuing to seek a judicial review of Ayanda Capital’s contract for £160M of unusable face masks, that’s likely to have made the company £50M profit. This company is connected to Liz Truss Secretary of State for International Trade.
    Rushanara Ali MP is also asking some probing questions.

    This all stinks of corruption. More people need to be shouting about it.

    Free Member

    did you claim on insurance? If so, the bike belongs to the insurance company. Let them know and the police and then forget about it. As nice as it would be to give him a good kicking, it’ll just make more hassle for you.

    Free Member

    Has no one told you that after the first, you stop giving a sh1t and just wing it?

    Free Member

    The lyrics are abhorrent, but the tune and voice are appealing. I listened to plenty of songs when I was young without ever considering the lyrics. Could some of the streamers be non-english speakers so less of a concern about the lyrics?

    Free Member

    For £500 I would be looking at a 2nd hand Isla or Frog. There are 3 Islabikes Creig 24 on eBay ending this weekend which would be a great option, or a cheaper Beinn 20 or 24 without a sus fork or discs (V brakes are effective for this age/weight)

    Free Member

    The OP has also stated on another thread that they wish for masks to be worn at all times in schools

    Free Member

    I’m pro-masks but i won’t sign the petition. There’s a big difference in wearing a mask for a trip to the supermarket that might last an hour at most, to wearing one for an 8 hour school day. The physical discomfort from extended use will be significant for many children and the psychological impact of not seeing friends faces is also very real. It’s a big ask of an 11 year old particularly, but also older kids, to shoulder the responsibility for something which is highly unlikely to physically impact them.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’ve had mine for 5 years, so they may not do the same dimensions today, when I got it they called it 7’x4′. I’ve had a large 650b FS, large 29er FS and a fat bike in there, plus cycling kit. It can take a bit of juggling to initially get them to fit (such as long handlebars hitting the roof) but once you work out the correct order and follow the pattern it’s simple to get them in and out.
    Great bit of kit and good company to deal with.
    Budget another £60-70 for two high spec Abus Diskus padlocks and consider a chain and anchor inside.

    Free Member

    @prettygreenparrot @weeksy
    Let us know how you get on. I may give it a try myself.

    Free Member


    When I wanted to take him to his grandfathers funeral I got an email…saying how missing a day would be a disaster and they would require a week to consider…

    This is terrible and probably explains some of Steve’s views on the education system

    Free Member

    I tried fitting a ‘new’ Guide R (from CRC on ebay) yesterday in 30 degrees and it has the lever stuck issue. I popped it in the fridge for an hour and it works fine. It’s a well documented issue with these brakes that the piston in the lever expands slightly in the heat (do a search on here).
    The fix is to take out the piston and sand it down where it is sticking. I decided it was too much faff and have bought another brake.
    Here’s a couple of useful videos I found:

    Anyone want to buy a Guide R brake that needs the lever piston fix 😋

    Free Member

    Good luck! For the last week I have been trying to find a tent site with availability and toilets open in West Wales for this weekend without finding anything. I’ve checked over 30 sites.

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