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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • seriousrikk
    Full Member

    I’ve tried camera bags on the waist strap.

    Despite the issues I persevered for a bit. Since I wanted the camera accessible while I ride I could not go with the bag firmly attached to the strap by the pack, defeated the object. Bit it always ended the same way – the bag would migrate around to the front either by slipping along the strap or starting to move the bag. I’d notice when I took a bump and and the camera tapped my plums a bit hard.

    Full Member

    Also, if you do post in a forum obvs don’t use a username similar to your e-mail address, or any identifiable info – if you say you’re worried and might pay up then I guarantee Alamy keep an eye on posts and will put extra pressure on.

    In my experience that sort are just a bunch of bullies who shout and threaten as it gets results – don’t give them anything to feed off.

    Alamy are huge, one of the largest stock agencies in the world. They are not keeping an eye on forum posts and changing tactics based on what someone said. Especially not when the actual invoice amount is effectively small change for them. Your experience from 20 years ago has absolutely no bearing on what happens in these situations today.

    Alternative viewpoint here. Photographers are absolutely entitled to take the necessary steps to protect their content, and that will always include a higher invoice value when billing for unauthorised use of their content. A settlement figure lower than the original invoice value will almost always be accepted – and in many cases just paying the standard license fee will close the matter.

    Learn about image copyright and pay the fair price for use of content someone else created. Or learn how to create it yourself and make your own content.

    @OP – where was your blog hosted? Do you have your own domain or is it a generic wordpress type site? Before deciding whether to take some of the ‘ignore it’ advice you need to determine if you are in any way traceable from the details you had on your page(s). Alamy is owned by PA Media group who are UK based. While I’m not suggesting they will take action, it is not difficult for them to make a claim through the IPEC small claims route and it would cost them under 60 quid to do so. It would be incredibly inconvenient for something that could be settled quickly.

    Full Member

    Watching with interest.

    I’ve resurrected my compact mirrorless setup for when am heading out on a bimble – or indeed going out on a ride with a group and want to grab some riding shots.

    Not yet found a great solution. So far my favourite is just carrying the camera and nothing else in my evoc hip pack pro. I also have a stage capture 16 which, while excellent, taking it off to take photos gets a bit of a chore.

    Full Member

    I wanted to love Ergon, in theory the SM pro that I bought should have been perfect.

    Chafed like hell. No idea why, felt lovely to ride on right up until the point it didn’t

    I got on really well with the SDG Bel Air 3 until I had a coccyx flare up and now ride on a WTB Koda. It’s great for a few hours and the deep channel all the way to the rear means no coccyx issues. Sadly it turns out the koda is not a full day in the saddle kind of thing – ended up with some discomfort after a recent six hour trip.

    I would love to finally settle on the right saddle one day!

    Full Member

    An old client of mine (who later built his own website) is currently being chased by them for an image he uploaded and they’re currently being pretty threatening to him.

    Assuming we are talking about Alamy here, has he, at any point, simply offered to pay the original licensing fee?

    Full Member

    I’m not a lawyer, but I have deal with image copyright a bit.

    This will be a speculative invoice issued by the copyright owner via alamy. You could ignore it – there is a good chance they won’t persue it as they issued a whole bunch of them to see who would pay up. You could also find the image on alamy to confirm the licensing value (if they have not already provided a link) apologise for your oversight and offer to pay it – the standard usage fee is £35.

    More info here

    You got it from pinterest, so for any claim, the buck stops there.

    Not at all true. If the image is still hosted on pintrest, they could go after them too. The company can go after everyone who is using their intellectual property without permission regardless of how they obtained it. The effort and cost of some scenarios would outweigh the benefit though.

    Full Member

    With tedious regularity, rather than leave us to our misery, some Olly or other will pop in to tell us how ‘soccer’ is rubbish

    Apologies, may have got the wrong end of the stick earlier. If you have to deal with that calibre of numpty on a regular basis you have every right to be grumpy about it.

    Full Member

    For the ‘I just don’t get it’ middle class bedwetters, it’s worth…

    Why on earth do you think anyone who you refer to like that would go on to take any advice from you?

    If you want people to understand – and I mean really want people to understand – your choice of language is doing you no favours. I’d have thought you of all folks would understand a little about taking to people with a different point of view to you.

    Full Member

    Except that there seems to be certain portion of the population who don’t like football  who sometimes seem to want to go out of their way to provoke an argument.

    If you have taken the thread as a whole as wanting to provoke an arguement might I suggest that is on you. Lovers of football do seem to take any such slight against their chosen sport a bit too personally.

    Personally I saw it as an opportunity for other people who also don’t particually like football to congregate and have a good moan.

    Much like the Euro 2024 thread is an opportunity for people who do like football to congregate and talk about football.

    Full Member

    Its coming home, its coming home!! Wahhheyyy, gooowaaaan England!!!!!

    At risk of being mildly controversial, how well do you think it would go down if we waded into the Euro 2024 thread and posted about how pants we think football is.

    What you have just done is the equivalent of saying ‘but bacon’ to a vegan. Have a word.

    Full Member

    People like different stuff.

    Excellent. Can someone please tell the die hard football fans?

    Because their reaction can range from confusion though incredulous to downright angry that another man might possibly not care about their so called beautiful game.

    When I have over my years recieved a good amout of abuse purely because I like different stuff, then yea, I’m going to be pretty negative about the whole cultish thing that football seems to have around it.

    Full Member

    Same here with schools. Live near a primary school and between about 8am and 8.45 the main road and a couple of side roads are just jammed with vehicles sitting with engines idling.

    Full Member

    My money is also on a nearby exhaust – possibly a vehicle left idling nearby for a little while.

    Full Member

    Says it all.

    What exactly does not enjoying watching sport say?

    Full Member

    For 300 quid I picked a refurb dell lattitude with 16gb RAM and an 11th gen i5. It’s a 2021 model and more than up to most things I chuck at it.

    No way I’d spend 200 quid trying to fix a seven year old machine.

    Full Member

    On the word of protection.

    I did my first uplift day last year at FOD. I wore burly knee pads, decent elbow pads but at the time didn’t have a full face.

    Some of the trails there are fast, faster than my usual riding. And as I rode more confidence built more until I ran out of skill. Nothing severe, but had I not been wearing the pads then it would have ended my days riding there and then, late morning. As it was I was able to pick myself up, do a bit of a body and bike check, finish my run (slower) and grab some lunch.

    Did I need protection? No. Would I have had a serious injury without it, also no. But it would have been uncomfortable enough to stop me riding for the day. As it went I was back in the uplift bus for the afternoon session.

    Full Member

    Currently waiting on an official diagnosis…

    I do however have an unofficial one. What changed right away? Nothing. It has taken me the best part of a year to start unpacking just how much this has impacted the way I live my life to date. While doing this, I have started to discuss more openly how my brain works and how this may be different to what is expected. My wife understands why I do or don’t do things now, and knows how to better account for me.

    I have also started to accept myself some more. Some of the behaviors which I now know are a direct symptom of adhd are things that I have beaten myself up for all my adult life.It runs really deep too, so it’s taking a good amount of time to realise just how much of an impact this has had on every element of my life (for good or bad). I’m not actually a cold broken lazy individual, my neurons just fire differently to the majority of people.

    I now have direction when it comes to areas I want to improve on. I’m not alone, and there are actually ways of dealing with the intricacies of adhd when it does impact day to day life.

    Full Member

    SDP – wut?!

    The name of their party gave me some hope and the fact they are appealing (or trying to appeal) to the politically homeless almost sucked me in.

    Until their advert was basically recycling tired tropes about the main parties and then banging on about culture and immigration as if that is all they need to fix.

    Least they will split the reform vote where they stand.

    Full Member

    So I don’t know what your issue is, as I’ve not seen you ride. But I can describe my issue and it may give you something to look at.

    I am fairly good at keeping the front wheel weighted, just try and keep my chin over the stem and stop my elbows from dropping too low. Great, well not so much. What I then end up doing is letting my hips move forward and down a bit too much which puts me in much more of a precarious position on the bike. It feels fine, but when the trail gets steeper or twisty it leaves the bike (and me) unbalanced.

    So I’m slowly learning to recognise when this happens and move my hips upward again. Start of a ride now I just do a few drills to remind myself how it feels when they drop forwards and it seems to make it easier to maintain better body position. Every time I correct myself on a feature or section I immediately feel more stable on the bike. Muscle memory is a shit at time.

    Full Member

    @bikerevivesheffield do you think your machine would pull a seized dropper out of a Ti frame?

    If so, I’m only down in Nottingham, so may take a trip up :)

    Full Member

    I have a DMR Rhythm which is absolutely super for pump track.

    The issue I have is down to the speed that some of the groomed mtb trails are intended to be ridden. The are built to work at a certain speed and certainly for me that speed feels really twitchy on a dirt jump bike – even a longer one.

    I’ve actually been looking at what I can do with my Ragley Marley to make it suited for this sort of thing. It’s got sensible reach so feels OK at speed, but is still a short and playful bike. 130mm up front and 27.5 wheels makes it (on paper) a great candidate for the groomed trails but carrying more speed.

    Full Member

    Hm, wonder if they will knock out any gen1 frames are a nice price. I’ve got a 120mm SID that is just begging for a 120mm frame to go with it!

    Full Member

    My dad lives in Berwick so I spend a bit of time up there.

    Coldstream doesn’t have a lot there so you will get very familiar with the A698 and the fact that you need to allow a minimum of 20 minutes in the car to go anywhere. It’s a pretty dull stretch of road.

    Load of roads to ride – yes. But sharing them with the typical Northumberland countryside driver is not something I would choose to do.

    Full Member

    Laziness. Can’t be arsed to write the end of the music? Fine, just fade it.

    Full Member

    Take a small child with you.

    Either attached to the bike in some way to weigh you down, or unattached and complaining vigorously.

    Sounds quite stressful to me. Surely part of a bimble is to get away from lifes stresses not bring them with you.

    Full Member

    For me, bimbling is a luxury that comes with having time to just go wherever the mood takes me.

    My last bimble was around a bunch of the local canals and it was quite nice. I’ve started taking a camera out with me as well and my rides also result in me looking for photo opportunities.

    It’s a mindset thing. To bimble effectively I find the actual bike ride needs to be secondary to the places your bike ride takes you.

    Full Member

    Football or team sports in general.

    I just don’t get it. It’s better now but certainly a few years ago other men looked at me like I had an extra arm when I replied to the default ‘who do you support’ with ‘No one – I don’t follow football’. Even more so when I don’t watch England play in a championship match or indeed a final.

    Mayo. Try buying a sandwich from a shop that doesn’t contain mayo. It seems like the world is expected to want mayo on a sandwich.

    See also: Fresh tomato. Does anyone actually enjoy that pip filled slime that comes out the middle? Especially when sliced and put on a sandwich?

    Full Member

    I’m also interested in the answer here.

    Got a bit warm while I was out on Thursday and figured the problem was twofold. Black top that is also a bit heavy.

    I’d love a nice grey long sleeved top with pad friendly cut on the sleeves… and not have to pay fifty quid plus for the privilege.

    Full Member

    I keep eyeing up the TRP DHR brakes as an upgrade for my SLX.
    Nearly the price of hopes which were going to be my brake upgrade of choice. But I am leaning away from Hope due to dot fluid and the bleed procedure.

    Full Member

    If you are local to Nottingham I’ve got a Canon compact laser here you can have.

    a home printer is too expensive and unreliable

    Inkjets are. Pick up a smal laser printer and they will just keep working for years.

    Full Member

    Birthday walk and picnic with his friends

    DSC07660.jpg by Richard Lindley[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Love a good rubbernoze

    Full Member

    Looks like I’ve just agreed to drag my unfit self over cut gate tomorrow night.

    Can’t wait!

    Full Member

    I get this. I don’t like throwing things away but not for the normal reasons. I really struggle to throw things away that are perfectly good but I no longer have a use for. It just feels incredibly wasteful and never sits right with me. Someone else could get good use out of it so why bin it?

    Heres the problem. I’m terrible at either selling stuff or just giving it away. Selling stuff always has the inherant back and forth of negotiation that my brain just shuts down on. Try to give stuff away and still get messed about. The issue is dealing with people, just ends up being frustrating really.

    So here I am with too much stuff in the loft and the garage and no easy way to get rid of it.

    Full Member

    Interesting injury – mahoosive bruise and supposedly his helmet was in play. But no sign of any abrasions to hands, arms, face or body.

    I noticed this. That bruise is quite square and looks a lot like it could be an impact from a typical large American pickup bumper. It’s about the right height too.How that would unfold into the rest of the injuries I don’t know. We may never know what happened.

    Full Member

    If STW had a promo I might look at the company…

    No guarantee I would buy anything though, I’m quite particular about what I use on my beard and have found that many of the companies clearly use the same low quality oil blend with different scents. Made in <insert local nation here> can still easily mean ‘cheap oil imported from china with a bit of perfume’ and that oil feels awful (to me).

    Full Member

    Smidge kept the bitey little bastids off me in Wales a couple of weeks back.

    Full Member

    Not far off, but I currently ride a 140r 150f trail bike for everything.

    I’ve done the n+1 route and still come back to the same conclusion – the bike I ride most is the bike I will be most comfortable on. From a bimble around the local gravel paths to steep stuff in the peak I do everything on it. I don’t find it is too much bike for the tame stuff, but that is because I can choose to ride it differently. Sure, I could just plow through everything at pace, or I could look for the little fun lines, pop off things that the suspension would just absorb etc.

    Full Member

    Long meetings often mean gong off camera and taking up residence on His bed.

    Full Member

    I have to concur, and can see one of these on my next bike.

    Then I look at all the forks and frames I still have I was going to sell to fund the upgrade…

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