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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • 13
    Full Member

    Would be nice if this thread had focused on 3 young girls, all under 10, killed in an absolutely horrific attack, and 9 others in critical condition, those parents of the children who have died must be going through hell, start of the summer holidays, send your kid off to a summer camp event and they never come home, should be the happiest times of their lives, and now, i don’t even have a guess on how much pain and misery is running through their heads.

    Anyway, i’ll let you guys get back to caring more about daft posts and the likes that have been around since the internet was invented.

    The thread was specifically about how the crazies of the internet will do whatever they can to provoke hate and division.

    If you don’t like that, maybe instead of sneering at people who do wish to discuss that, you could go and start a threads which is specifically about the tragedy itself.

    You are well wide of the mark on this one.

    Full Member

    Also – sagely advice given to me by a friends father, decades ago… “never trust a man that has more hair on his chin than on his head”.

    Holds surprisingly true.

    Well that’s a bit baldist* isn’t it?

    *if that isn’t a word, well it is now.

    Full Member

    Ive been talking directly to the owner but found the vehicle advertised on autotrader….

    I know you have said you are already, but run away from that van.

    Stuff doesn’t add up. It’s advertised as a 2015 (with 2017 in the description..?) but the DVLA has the first registration as 2008. This means it is absolutely a 1.9 and a much older one.

    Even if it was perfect, I would walk away from something with key questions like that (and definitely not consider parting with 20 grand for it)

    Full Member

    Let me guess. They did not understand the difference between a road legal ebike, a homebrew deliveroo special and a surron?

    Full Member

    Over the past few years – certainly for local travel – I have started asking myself ‘could I bike it instead?’

    Unfortunately, all too often, the answer is at best ‘maybe’.

    Just thinking about supermarkets here…

    It’s fifteen minutes by car to get to my local Aldi. It takes a minute or two less to do it on a bike, which is great! Except there is no provision to actually lock a bike up there. The car park is huge, and rarely full, but zero provision for bikes.

    My local sainsburys has decent bike parking, but there isn’t much of it and it’s clearly an afterthought. There is also a shopping precinct which has an array of shops and cafes. What it doesn’t have is anywhere to lock a bike – unless you are a d!ck and lock it on the railings for the pedestrian ramp.

    Marks and Spencer is on a retail park. Huge car park and guess what, nowhere to lock a bike. It’s also a horrible place to even get into on a bike, zero provision.

    But then we have to look wider at the local area. Despite having a couple of decent cycle routes around, it’s almost actively discouraged from an infrastructure perspective. The only place with a cycle path is a local bypass and then it’s quite a good path – oh wait – it’s a path that would be good if the trees were maintained. Car brain is strong.

    The area I live is a small part of the town that was cut off from the central area years ago but (ironically) a new road development. 500 yards from the edge of the housing is a large horse stables. I regularly see people driving that distance.It’s a ten minute walk to the central shops but folks drive down (me included sometimes, because I want a couple of bits from greggs and there is nowhere to lock my bike).

    It’s quite depressing really. I had some hope when the local council announced they were including a cycle track as part of some new play equipment. There was space for a small pump track which would have been perfect. What we got was a poor off camber gravel loop which was built by a local contractor with zero experience in building things for bikes.

    OK, that turned into a bit of a moan. But when talking to local people about how it could be better it feels like I may was well be speaking in tongues.

    Full Member

    It’s actually really easy to prevent ‘card payments make it easier to spend more than you plan’ issue. I know, as I am a man who has that problem (something that took more time thank care to admit to… well… admit).

    Solution, a separate bank account (I use starling, no overdraft). This account is set up for apple pay and I carry the card in a tiny wallet too ind it’s basically my ‘cash’ account. I transfer what I’m going to need to spend on that account which to me is much the same as going to the cash machine – except without having to find a sodding cash machine. If I run out of money on my starling it gives me pause to check why and whether I need to reign it in. Naturally I can just switch to my other card or transfer some more, but it brings it to the forefront of my mind.

    Works for me anyway.

    Full Member

    Saw some evidence yesterday, but looked like they were prepping not actually flying. It’s coming soon!

    Full Member

    I’ve currently got a couple of sets of Hunt TrailWide v2 wheels, bot cost me under 300 quid new.

    The first set has been faultless for getting on three years, which is why when I was ready for a second set they were an easy choice.

    I see a lot of online comments about how bad they are but no-one has been able to really articulate why their current wheels should not be considered. All I know is they are a good rolling wheels set that feel nice to ride and are a chunk of change cheaper than I would need to spend to fully support british manufacturing.

    Full Member

    Yep, very.

    Every time  I’ve had shifting issues it is after something has smacked my rear derailleur. Always fixed by doing a quick hangar alignment.

    Full Member

    My watch has a degree of delay on heart rate which I’m sure any arm band would have too.

    My chest strap is much quicker to respond to effort, which means those 30s to 2 minute intervals are much better.

    Full Member

    Currently got two helmets.

    IXS Trigger FF & Giro Montaro

    Bought the FF for days where the focus is going downhill rapidly or less rapidly but where stealth trees grow. This was after a couple of instances where a relatively minor crash in those circumstances hurt way more than it should have due to open face. The FF is a bit warmer than open face but nor much, it’s a very airy helmet.

    My Montaro is going to be five years old soon, so likely getting ready for replacement. I’ll probably still keep it for pub and cafe runs but I expect my next helmet for the pedally stuff will be a dropframe type thing

    Full Member

    T Track adapters for the roof box?

    Full Member

    Ask your employer a couple of questions.

    1. Who can access the cameras?

    2. Do the cameras record audio?

    The answers to these questions should either alleviate your concerns – or at least give you avenues to approach your employer with to ensure they implement the monitoring in a fair and appropriate manner

    Full Member

    Genuine question.

    Why do you take all that stuff out with you?

    Surely going to a gig with all that stuff put yourself more at risk than less. All your keys etc in a bag that (based on everything you have posted here) will also have enough personal information to find your house.

    I concur with everyone here. Get a safe. If you are concerned get two, put them in different places and split stuff between them.

    Full Member

    It’s gone!

    Full Member

    My top multitool is the Crankbrothers M19

    Everything just works. The chain tool can be a bit of a pain but once you know the technique it works fine.

    Full Member

    I’m just over 100 yards from the local primary and on the only side street with a little bit of space to turn around.

    The school attendance has more than tripled since we moved in and now it seems a huge number of those kids get driven to school. Often by people who are only a few streets away but rather than walk will drive, and then sit on the surrounding streets with their engines running for longer than it would have taken to walk. Enough of these parents are such entitled selfish idiots that they have no consideration for the area they are clogging up and the side streets they quite often block completely. Ask them to move and you get ‘I’ll only be a few minutes’. Twunts.

    I won’t miss the road carnage in the mornings for a while that’s for sure.

    Some days the play noise doesn’t bother me, other days it can make my feel physically irritated. I have noise cancelling headphones and windows I can close for the latter. Sensory issues can suck.

    Full Member

    Why are they there again?

    (This is why my house does not have a guest room)

    Full Member

    Isn’t that fox 34 AWL a heavy old bugger too?

    I’d probably keep my money in my pocket.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Another vote for the Barzo. Suprisingly good in the corners when it’s dry. Exciting when it’s not dry.

    But for such a grippy tyre it’s damn fast!

    Full Member

    A pair of quick links will join a pair of chains.

    Each piece of metal is half a quick link. By definition it cannot be a whole quick link as it cannot do the one job of linking a chain on it’s own.

    Full Member

    Before twidding with your knobs – and I apologise if this is proper basics – have you set your pressure, sag and rebound as per the manufacturers suggestions?

    They are not always perfect but do make a good starting point.

    Full Member

    Really wanted to love the Orange Whippet, it has a wonderful overbuilt look about it. But why would they ruin the retro feel by routing the one cable internally!? Noooooooo!

    (yours… a man who is becoming increasingly fed up with internal routing)


    Full Member

    Ditto. Member, can’t read it.

    Full Member

    From the picture that bold looks pretty not straight.

    I don’t think they go into the average fork post at that angle!

    Full Member

    Yes! Absolutely!

    Even my old 26″ pub bike has a dropper.

    If it weren’t for the fact I also have a dirt jumper I would say I’ll never have a bike without one.

    Full Member

    Another guess for a new thing from Calibre.

    Since Vitus went under the good/cheap full susser category has got a but more sparse so – if correct – it should do well.

    Full Member

    Not yet seen the T16 but I’ve seen Thom out with a couple of his other creations. They are all absolutely stunning looking bikes.

    Full Member

    If they’re only used for podcasts, why on Earth are you spending that amount on BT ones

    Genuinely curious why you think going back to wired as against wireless is down to the use?

    One you have been using wireless headphones of any sort for a while going back to wired for anything other than a high end music set is an annoyance at best.

    Full Member

    @j.bro you may be suprised.

    The chameleon has different dropouts for MX doesn’t it? If so, and assuming you have them, the combination of smaller wheel and shorter rear end will likely be quite noticeable.

    My theory is bikes that have been designed properly to take advantage of mulleting will always be better as you get the benefits from the shorter chainstays as well as the smaller wheel.

    Full Member

    So if I took a picture or scanned can I use it ?

    Yes. Someone taking a picture of an old work does not make it any less in the public domain. The only copyright that would exist is on any photographers picture of the old work.

    You don’t even need to prove anything. “I took a photograph of the original book which contains this etching myself, therefore I own the copyright on my image. The original book is over 70 years old meaning the content is now in the public domain”

    Full Member

    The licensing fee for this image is £35, alternatively we must request that you remove it from your website.

    This simply does not work as it fully encourages the ‘ask for forgiveness rather than permission’ approach.

    Used an image for three years and get found out? Well that’s three years of free usage and the offender will just take it down and go and lift another photo off the internet. The value of imagery is already diluted enough thankyou.

    The normally accepted fee for purchasing a retrospective licence is 3x the standard single image licence fee. To me this has always felt acceptable from an individual. Larger companies will always cost more as they have higher overheads when it comes to chasing unlicensed image use (for example just the fair licensing software is a grand a month). Sure, 500 is a bit high, but they always take less. Same as parking firms take less for quick response any payment.

    Full Member

    So while I’m not fully qualified to answer, because my bike was not designed around a mullet, I do have thoughts.

    I stuck a 27.5 rear wheel in my Vitus Escarpe (150f/140r) trail bike. I set the flip chip thing to the high position which raised the BB by just under 1cm. Then put a 27.5 rear in which dropped the bb by just over 1cm.

    As it stands the only drawback I have found is the slightly lower bottom bracket – but that isn’t an issue on bikes designed for it.

    On an XC type ride it just feels identical. The gearing was a bit different but that can be fixed with a bigger chainring otherwise I feel little or no change. On the build trails I ride it also feels pretty much the same too.

    Where it feels nicer is in the twisty nadgery stuff I ride in the woods. It may be placebo, it may not, but it just felt like it changes direction a bit quicker. I also find having a bit more room at the back has made some of the tighter twisty stuff a bit more fun. Finally, and the main reason I did it, it is much easier to chuck it now. Popping the front wheel is easier and it moves differently in the air.

    My rides are more fun now. Placebo or not, I find the bike now just encourages a bit more silliness.

    What it didn’t do was stop me eyeing up the Airdrop Edit MX. In fact it probably took me the other way.

    Full Member

    If a user or contributor sends a picture they say I can use on my website (I’m asking for permission if you like) and it turns out to be lifted from say Alamy or just random from the net. Who is liable? How far can you check, or just never use images ever, to be on the safe side ?

    Strictly speaking, yes, you would still be liable.

    Although in that case ‘Oh, I’m sorry, {someoneelse} informed me the were the copyright owner and provided me with permission to use the image. I’ll take it down right away, and forward on the details of {someoneelse}” would probably be enough for most companies. Moreso if you then ask about licensing the image for continued use.

    Quickest way to check is a reverse image search on anything you plan to put online. If it brings anything up other than the person who gave you permission at the very least clarify.

    Full Member

    Just suppose – can you use an image and manipulate it, does it then still remain copyright or is it now mine?

    that is where you get into the more murky areas of derivative works. The high level summary is ‘probably not’ particularly in your example.

    Section two on the link below explains it best but the key message is “Legally only the copyright owner has the right to authorise adaptations and reproductions of their work – this includes the making of a derivative work.”

    Full Member

    I have an XT and a deore mech and run SLX cassettes.

    In finally had to change my cassette after nearly four years but it’s only the smaller sprockets which show signs of wear.

    The derailleurs have done very well. The XT nearly got retired but another service later and it is back in the game. It took a huge rock strike on cut gate a couple of weeks back but still finished the ride. Whenever I do start to have issues it is invariably the cheese UDH hanger that my bike came with out of alignment again. Quick hangar alignment and it’s good to go.

    I have also learned never trust a brand new hangar. The only one I have received that isn’t slightly misaligned once fitted is the lovely one I got for my Marley from a gent on here.

    Full Member

    He did well to get that close to the end! Proper steep in those last bits.

    Full Member

    Missed the ‘on live now’ bit thinking I could just open the vid and have a scan through.

    Turns out it is actually live and I’m kinda hooked.

    Full Member

    Those reviews are all crap from people who don’t understand what fair licensing is.

    They are not a third party legal firm.

    They are a supplier of a software service – and to quote their marketing material here

    Please note that Fair Licensing does not make any copyright claims or licensing offers but is soleley a provider of software for photographers and agencies to allow them to resolve copyright infringements directly with possible copyright infringers.

    So in the OPs case the email is from Alamy and no-one else. And for all those people who put their reviews on trustpilot, well their emails are from the companies who own the copyright of the content they used without permission.

    Subsequent edit. I agree Alamy are shit – way better services out there – but from the perspective of this conversation they have the law on their side.

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