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  • Now available: KS Southpaw dropper remote
  • seosamh77
    Free Member

    Let the steak come to room temperature then on both side put sea salt, black Pepper, fresh Rosemary, splash with Olive oil and rub it in, fry(no oil in the pan and make sure the pan is hot) on a high heat for 1-2 minutes each side, let rest for 3-4 minutes, then eat! magic!

    Free Member

    if people are abusing staff, they should be charged as in criminally charged, not financially, that’s a back door to the destruction of the nhs as we know it just now…

    They should bring in a muppets in A&E law.

    Free Member

    “If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

    clearly a quote from a c**t.

    Free Member

    The Kindle has a keyboard so you can search for stuff in the Kindle store.

    Aye but we live in a world with touch screen technology so i’ll be waiting till i part with any cash till that happens!

    Free Member

    I tried to read No country for old men not that long ago, got about 10/15 pages in, don’t know if it’s just me but if i can’t visualise the book in my head as I read, I’ll struggle with it… so that was bad book for me.

    Free Member

    Never understood it, I’ve never killed an animal myself but as a society i think we are definitley too far away from the source..Any money she’d wolf it down if she hadn’t eaten for a couple of days! At the end up our society allows these silly attitudes, hunger’s good kitchen as they say.

    Free Member

    I quite like the kindle, but i’ll hold off on buying one till they come out with a decent full screen one. No idea why they think you need a keyboard on them! But screen wise they do look very good. Not sure how many books i’d buy on it, as with most we all like the feel of a book, but for all the old free out of copyright stuff etc on the web(assuming they can read pdf/txt files?), they look like just the very thing.

    Free Member

    Militant_biker – cheers i kinda new i was talking nonsense, cheers for the pic! :)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Last 2 books i read, Long walk to freedom, Nelson Mandela, amazing book, and Mr Nice/Howard Marks, very good also. Just started reading a wee book about tony benn, a political life. I’ve also got a book about Bill Hicks half read which i’ll go back to eventually.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – I’ve had a go at that, defo one i’ll go back to in the future, cracking song, my single sting tremelo isn’t quite up to it the now, i know couple of tarrega songs fairly well though, oremus, endecha, lagrima, adelita and 2/3rds of capricho arabe(it will be conquered one day)…. worth a look if you like tarrega.

    Free Member

    pretty much no, but then again i’ve no real responsibilities(kids) so i guess that helps.

    Free Member

    not long memorised gnossienne no1 by erik satie
    in the process of memorizing torija by federico moreno torroba.
    and made my first attempts at learning castles made of sand by hendrix last night…

    Free Member

    …but even the best music can be ruined by lack of ability.

    i don’t think the white stripes was though. they released some cracking music.

    Free Member

    see here’s the thing, you don’t need to be great technically to make good music, there’s alot more to music than technicality. I think her drumming was spot on for that band, it was all about keeping a beat for jack white anyhow, anything more would have been a bit much.

    Free Member

    I’d get someone you know who plays to go along with you. I agree with everyone else, low action(as low as it can go without fret buzz) and nice feeling fretboard are the things you’re after…Can’t recommend you much mind, i prefer classical guitars myself with nylon, but then i’m a bit weird that way! I learned many moons ago on a Fender Gemini which was good for a beginner.

    Free Member

    You can’t book bike res online (or can you now?).

    no still need to phone or go to the ticket office..

    btw all trains north out glasgow basically need booked, you could get to stirling or mibbe perth without booking, but any further you defo need it

    Free Member

    dancingfool – that would great and make access from croy better, some kind trail down the other side to kilsyth would be great too bit of wishful thinking there i think though.

    Free Member

    here’s a thought, could they not just make a bendy one that snaps back into place after you walllop it? maybe not, but surely there’s a better solution.

    Free Member

    SimonT – cheers for that, a few of us should maybe email the highland council to let them know there interest in it.

    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – I’ve a couple of mates i go out with regularly, so i’m not on my lonesome, but aye i’ve it in mind to try group rides at some point, been cycling through most of the winter to work with some offroad flung in, so looking to improve my averages this year and break out of my comfort zone. so it’s on the cards, just not quite yet!

    Free Member

    my average speed is slow no matter the terrain! probably about 5-7 mph if the computer stops when i stop, probably about 3 mph if i leave the computer running to include breaks…pretty much why i shy away from joining any club or organised rides or anything…

    Free Member

    Sadly Mr Tim Dearman has retired – I spoke to him this morning! Thanks for the pictures

    is that bus not running any more then?

    Free Member

    I take it that it was all downhill or flat?

    Free Member

    Btw i should say a bit more on the reading music bit, as while I can read music up to a point it’s the actual mechanics that are easy enough to understand, it really does need constant effort put into it i reckon. As i find if i spend a bit of time on it, it gets far easier(as with everything). But i don’t do that, my problem is, i’ll read some and get into it for a while, learn a few pieces then, not go back to it for months(even years) at a time, this has most definitely curtailed my sight reading abilities, but i’m happy enough to be able to read enough music that i can muddle through and figure out a piece, my sight reading beyond a certain not very high level remains quite poor, but you don’t need to sight read to commit something to memory. defo worth it though, i play loads of stuff i wouldn’t otherwise know if not for having some kind of reading ability.

    Free Member

    they were fitting out a wee shop in Torridon when we were up there last year, not sure if it ever actually opened. It also had a cafe on the side of it.

    should note it was 2 years ago i was there, not last year.

    Free Member

    From memory, there’s no shops in Torridon.

    no, no shops in torridon, there is a van that goes round and sells loads of stuff, butcher meat and the likes, think it’s just one or maybe 2 days a week, i got him to drops some stuff of for me at the torridon youth hostel last year. There’s a shop in kinlochewe though, so you can restock there. the pub(next to the bunkhouse) in kinlochewe does decent enough grub and guiness, i got a vension casarole which was magic. wasn’t too fussed for the pub in torridon.

    Free Member

    gonefishin – ahhh, i get it now, cheers! :)

    Free Member

    If you can play the guitar i reckon you’d find it easy enough, something i keep meaning to learn. I’ve pottered about with the keyboard a bit, but never put in any serious effort like with the guitar… It’s easy enough to play with one hand, the problem comes with the coordination, the action on having to reverse your left hand completely messes the guitar coordination you have, i don’t think it’d take too long to learn the coordination though and once you do i think it’ll be shooty in, as your fingers will already have the suppleness and independent movement from the guitar playing. Well they should do, i don’t know how well you play the guitar, is it just strumming and chords you do or do you do more complex stuff with your left and right hands? i suppose that will make a difference..

    As for reading music, it’s easy enough once you understand the basics it just needs the time put into it, and sheet music is designed for the piano, so a lot less stuff to consider for instance from reading music for the guitar, though the 2 clefs does puggle me as i’m used to just the one, no idea with they aren’t the same, ie. both middle notes are’t B, weird.

    Free Member

    mountain morph about 3-4 years old, not a thing wring with it, plenty of use.

    Free Member

    If repression means stopping the rot …

    repression is the rot.

    Free Member

    i think i’ll give this a watch again myself not seen it in a few years, but very good docu on it..worth a watch.

    Free Member

    joe blow.

    Free Member

    i’d wear a suit to any job interview. once you get the job it’s a completey different stor, but defo suit for an interview.

    Free Member

    Then you are advocating starting a war if they keep refusing because that is their home.

    No amount of pressure can sway the determine people on both side and you can negotiate or talk until your face turn blue or keep passing on the problem.

    ok so did supporters of anti apartheid advocate war? from their wish to see south africa put under the same restrictions? you’re only kidding yoursef on with that nonsense..

    Free Member

    ps an interesting map,

    how the hell a 2 state solution is even possible is beyond me, smoke and mirrors to make the world believe there is an attempt at a resolution from the israelis.

    Free Member

    If you want a moment in peace that is the way I am afraid. Only temporary because their ugly heads will raise up again. They need to be kept in check put it this way.

    Israel needs to be put under world wide pressure to solve the problem and become a democratic nation, which it isn’t, it needs to incorpoate 4 million or so people into it’s democracy for it to be. And we need to put our governments under pressure to stop supporting israel. The current laughable idea of the palestinians being allowed their democratic and human rights under the corrupt PA is laughable..
    plus the gazans aren’t even allowed a democracy, hamas is not even allowed to the table as they don’t fit with western wishes(plus no nation can properly govern itself while under blockade, an act of war incidently).

    The problem can be solved by economic sanctions imo, it just needs the world to implement them, unlikely i know but your view of all out war is not the only option, far from it.

    Free Member

    chewkw – mon the war mongers eh…

    Free Member

    get a ps3.

    Free Member

    mon the cellic!:)

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