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  • Five Ten Impact Pro Review: Is the king of grip still king?
  • senorj
    Full Member

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR -"Reap what you sow?"
    Yes ,as in you get what you deserve.
    Had the dog not exerted itself it would probably be ok.
    It didn't,and it died.
    There you go.
    I'm not ecstatic about it ,
    more indifferent , like "oh that doesn't happen often"
    I don't hate dogs but I love people more.

    Keva- you're right, now I think of it, I did panic.
    I'll try the standing still method next time.
    Although Viv's experience puts me off somewhat.
    I'm a big scaredycat really. :-)

    Full Member

    i agree , I would never wish anything dead.
    I didn't wish the dog dead,it just died.
    I did not hit the dog at all.
    Still serves it right though. :-)

    Full Member

    Thanks for that ton.

    Full Member

    i'm there 26 june.have fun.
    don't wear marco out(chance would be a fine thing!)

    mattymer –
    I would advise the use of knee/shin pads and elbow pads.oh yes.
    and take a spare mech hanger.

    Full Member


    excellent riding & food , I'm going again in june.

    Full Member

    kenda dred tread 1.8's here.

    Full Member

    Go and try the bikes you can afford – at least ride them round the block.
    As pitduck says – the spesh is hard to beat.
    You will need a helmet and gloves plus a reasonable waterproof.
    As you know it gets wet up there. :-)

    Spare tubes and pump will make alot of sense too(when you puncture),
    so have a look for a rucksack/camelbak to carry them in.
    (You could just fit them to your frame and use a water bottle 'til
    you have the extra readies).
    Have a look on'tinternet for prices or ask the bike shop if they'll give you 10%off accessories when you buy the bike from them.

    btw, some great routes around Skiddaw too…..
    use the search facility on this forum..

    Most importantly have fun.

    Full Member

    "Halfords. No choice with our scheme though Halfords will credit your LBS for a 'custom build'. "

    clubber – how does that work?
    I'm about to be "tupied" to a company that only deals with halfords.

    Full Member

    Shergie – hope you heal quick. nurofen fixes all. :-)

    Full Member

    I won't be one of the quick ones,did mere mortals leave drop bags?
    I think I'd have to carry something to start off with though.
    i never ride without the safety blanket of my camelbak and its contents.
    Will have to give the weight issue some thought.
    Only carry enough water to last to each food station for example?


    Full Member

    Ah, i see.

    Full Member

    Shergie – is it john? I was camped next to you.I deffo remember the ribs.

    Full Member

    187 here.
    first time and very happy with that.
    117/329 male-18-40 cat.
    I'm 40 next month , so even happier with that.

    well done all.

    Full Member

    looking at a few of your photo's it seems a quite few people didn't have
    back packs….was this to save weight?
    Are the food stations regular enough that you don't have to carry much?

    Full Member

    "I got cramp in my calf during sex the other night. That put a right damper on the evening I can tell you.

    Do you think I should start stretching before having sex? "


    Full Member

    I was suprised how many people were cramping at the Dyfi.
    Drink more(not booze) before and get into stretching.
    Where do you get the cramp?
    Is it in the same place?concentrate stretching there.
    I know this doesn't help before a ride, but after a particularly grueling
    and/or hot ride you cannot beat dioralite (spelling?),the stuff you give
    kids for diarrhea.Works for me ,and every other person I know who has tried it.
    It is also much,much cheaper than all the expensive potions available.


    Full Member

    i had to think for a minute…….

    Full Member

    The worcester bosch ones are pricey but reliable.
    I have one in cumbria. for my other residence I had to save money and bought a BIASI (italian apparently) – it was only £495 and after 4 years the only problem I've had was the CH temp probe needed to be changed.

    Just like bikes …it doesn't all have to be xtr(worcester bosch)
    when deore(biasi) works just as well.

    Full Member

    "Dan who was doing his 3rd EVER mountain bike ride… thats ride… not race, or event.. he'd only ever put his leg over an mtb twice before Sunday and he gave everything a go… RESPECT! "

    fair play to Dan.

    Full Member

    orange sub 5 (antique) ,
    kenda blue groove front,nevegal rear.
    both 2.1.
    I thought they did everything perfectly.

    Full Member

    crikey..forgot about the tandem.nice chaps.bonkers.
    I was also yo-yoing with a fella on a Merlin – he had smiley stickers
    on his pack – thanks for letting me past on the downs. sweet was the flapjack?!lovely.

    just finished cleaning me bike and my brake cable stay has
    worn away/snapped!!!!

    Full Member

    Just like to add my twopenneth….got home last night.
    Good Campsite,great ride.
    Brilliantly and sadistically marshalled…."this is the last hill"etc
    The drummers were my fave.
    Hello to Roger – the mature chap with the pakamac,walking boots&socks Plus his rear tyre rubbing on his front mech!
    I hope i can go up hills like it when i get older.
    Generally good banter all the way round…shame about the litter bugs.
    Definitely one for next year.
    …when are the results published??

    Full Member

    just been packing me stuff for camping this weekend.
    Going down after work tomorrow.
    How much stuff!?
    Am I the only one?
    This is me first camping trip that hasn't been to a music festival in
    years.The only supplies required then were illegal ones!

    Say hello if you see a stressed out fella in a black tatty clio
    cursing his tent. :D

    Full Member

    I'm riding me Sub 5 – down on friday……
    How many michelin stars does the curry house have?

    Full Member

    Chilterns for me on Saturday.
    Like xc-steve,on Sunday I'll be sneaking out of bed
    with the sparrow farts(v.early)
    to get a pedal in and around Trent Park before the missus wakes.

    Full Member

    if you go to Epping take a compass.
    It took me a couple of years not to get totally lost
    I was there on Saturday and although it is almost dry, there are quite a few flooded patches holding on.
    By time you get home though you should be able to brush it off.

    Full Member

    Will Do.

    Full Member

    "Going down on Friday anyone up for a local ride Saturday and a few beers Friday night maybe a curry! "

    I'm also planning to go on the Friday….and was planning a little pedal on the Saturday.So I could be up for that.
    I'm going on me jack jones so any crack/company is welcome.


    Full Member

    Whinlatter Pass,Honister Pass & Newlands Pass… well as those mentioned above.

    Full Member

    All sounds good.
    I love climbing and descending.
    pj266- So will the climachx trail(s) be open on the saturday then?
    Or should I go somewhere else?

    Full Member

    the sarf darns.

    Full Member

    thanks for the advice.

    Full Member

    Bugger .thanks.

    Full Member

    thanks for posting that.

    Full Member

    I went with ciclomontana 24 oct 2009 for a week.
    Apart from a couple of heavy showers on one morning (pre-ride)it was lovely and sunny.
    If you go high up it can get a little chilly descending or when you're out of the sun. Pack a gillet and some arm warmers and you'll be right.

    As far as the area goes the riding is amazing and the food lovely.
    I'm going back in June.Hurrah.

    Full Member

    Absolutely smart.

    Full Member

    Hello ti29er,I'm North London ,
    so will keep an eye out for convenient rides.
    b.r. off of here has been showing me around the chilterns old git.
    very underated area in my opinion.

    Full Member

    "Its clear that CallmeDave is losing the election"

    absoulutely brilliant. I hope so.

    Full Member

    My ACL went "pop" – went to A&E and was given the same advice as you.
    Had two weeks on crutches and then I could walk lightly.
    However , the next time I played played football(few weeks later) or even moved my leg to a funny angle the ligament gave way- you'll need to look out for this- it hurts,alot, and the result for me was falling down.

    Anyway to cut a long story short…keep hassling the gp for referal to
    knee specialist and when you see him emphasise how active you are.
    They will try to fob you off with physio when what you really need is a
    MRI scan to conclusively prove how damaged the ligament is.

    I eventually got the MRI and needed a new ligament.
    Not what you wanted to hear but it is something you need to get treatment for.Best of luck.

    Full Member

    +1 for the gore windstoppers.
    I bought a pair with hi-vis (white bits) on,
    but I now see they do them in a
    camouflage stylee.

    They are light weight and work a treat.


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