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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • seavers
    Free Member

    5 years to the day that anders brevik moron shot up oslo.

    edit alpin beat me to it. it’s getting to the point where i dont want to watch the news any more

    Lets not forget that we live in a good world with good people, yes there are evil people doing unspeakable things but they must not deter the rest of us. It’s easy to get depressed and harbour hate but that is what they want.

    I say this after spending last weekend(Nice attack) with my mum who is 70. She has become very anxious, not for her own safety but for everything bad she see’s on the news. It’s easy to forget the good when the media pushes the bad so much.

    Just my thoughts.

    Edit. Spelling.

    Free Member

    It’s a religion of peace you know…

    You know something the rest of us don’t? Source?

    Might be an idea not to speculate until there is confirmed information.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Watching it now on catchup. First impressions are that they have played it safe, too safe. They are still crashing into eachother FFS.

    I rather hoped for a bit of a shake up but they have Chris Evans doing Clarkson impressions and Matt le Blurgh with less on screen charisma than James May. If you watch carefully you can see the splinters coming off him.

    It was getting repetative and predictable before the punch up. A couple of new faces and a water splash bring F all to the table.

    The only good thing is no Hammond. But at best thats like a cancer patient being told they dont have AIDS.

    Free Member

    A doom game needs to frighten you though

    This!! I want to buy this game but so far haven’t seen anything that makes me think it will. It looks fun to play but I want to fear for my digital life damn it!!

    Free Member

    Not as easy as you might think….

    Free Member

    What the actual ****?!?

    I don’t get video games. That just looks sickening to me.

    So that comment has me wanting to ask if you watch horror/action films?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    It’s an attention/cash grab. Much like his original ‘art work’ (Shutter stock Image). This guy has to be unemployable.

    He is going to screw up badly at some point, I just hope it isn’t at the cost of another innocent.

    Free Member

    I like not having to bother with aiming but it actually started when my kids were young – one of them once tried to catch the stream

    Never cross the streams…..

    Free Member

    Always sit at home. Often do at work too (where the bogs are clean).
    Wouldn’t in a pub or other public toilet.

    Just seems more sanitary to sit. There is way too much splashback from urinals or toilets, and too much chance of misfire or dribble when using the pan.

    Plus if you sit you can:
    – dry the tip with paper to avoid the dreaded “wet penny” look
    – upgrade to a poo if the mood takes you
    – reply to silly threads on Singletrack on your phone without looking like you are trying to Instagram your cock.

    We live in very different worlds. And you know what,that’s just fine!!

    Edit: Insert smiley face or whatever.

    Free Member

    Ambiguous. I would say if you are worried about being stopped and subject to a fine, should one even exsist, you should call the council for clarification.

    If you are already riding on foot paths you shouldn’t be on anyway you can probably guess the outcome of that phone call!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Never has it crossed my mind to sit down just to make a piss.

    I’m with this guy…

    Only if I’m already having a shit.

    Free Member

    RIP Prince. Amazing talent gone all too soon.

    My fave clip of him.

    Free Member

    HRT or Fire.

    Free Member

    Ummmm……it looks like if you get it dirty it’s work 2K less than what you paid for it.

    Free Member

    Thank you Cougar.

    Free Member

    Happy birthday OP.

    Option 1: You could say it is superficial if you haven’t heard from them in years but at the end of the day they didn’t ignore the automated notification and took 38 seconds out of thier day to wish you well while they take a dump.

    Option 2: You could say the nice thing about it is that the person(s) who wished you well must have been a part of your life at some point. Even if you have parted ways, don’t work together anymore,moved away or whatever it’s nice that that you get to think about each other for a bit and you both get a smile out of it. Edit: While you both take a dump….

    Free Member

    Looks interesting that’s for sure,a nice spec too. What do you carry in the bag?

    I’ve never ridden a fat bike but would defo like a blast to see how they ride. Where does a fatbike fit in with your other bikes? Is it a totally unique addition or does it replace something else?

    Free Member

    You could cast this trailer to your TV?

    Free Member

    Tomorrow is the day Scotland would’ve become independent

    So it’s dependence day then?

    Free Member

    You could go for a bathroom suitlable laminate or engineered wood. Or if you are feeling funky…


    a supplier I have used before…for er…rubber

    Free Member

    1p cash in my pocket. 0 cash in my wallet. 2016 yeah.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I have never ever had a next day from them but usually 2-3-4 days. Could depend on the item ordered? Either way it is within a week and for free delivery that is fine with me. Add to that good customer service and I’m happy to wait a bit.

    You orderd on a wednesday. They could have picked up your order on Thursday and sent out Friday.

    You might concider chilling out a bit, you might have something tomorrow?

    Free Member


    Edit; Or Sky??

    Free Member

    so need to remember to cancel it!

    I think you can go in to your account and set it so that you don’t continue Prime after the free month. At least it was when I did a free trial.

    Free Member

    Far Cry 4
    Boarderlands 2

    Both FPS and sandbox

    Free Member

    Poo on the bosses desk. Maybe a little flag in it.

    A flag, nice touch. It’s the little details that make the difference.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    You should be automatically going upstairs unless you have a good reason not to you stupid ****int lazy cretin morons

    It’s called freedom of choice thank you very much bus hitler. But thanks for telling us how to live etc.

    Free Member

    [/quote]Does that mean topgear will be exactly the same as well?

    What is a topgear?

    Free Member

    You need to get a closer shave dude, that looks patchy as F. And wear a hat in the sun.

    I’m bald too, shave very close at least once a week. Hate the way it can look untidy if left too long. Don’t forget the hair on your neck.

    Free Member

    Nothing new at all.

    I think that is the point.

    Free Member

    I would love to see this go ahead but having spend many hours playing on the unofficial trails I’m not sure if it’s big enough to accomodate a ‘trail center’ and keep walkers\families happy.

    Just my thoughts but I think a couple of well thought out yet short ‘freeride’ runs (similar to Glentress) would be great. Plus a blue/green route through and around the woods for more chilled riding.

    Is there a proposal?

    Free Member

    Another option could be that you don’t photograph the couple straight on…..against the windows. If you shot from an angle you could use the light from the windows as a highlight. Avoid the flare.

    Free Member

    I’m a commercial photographer but have done a few weddings for colleagues. Its always seems to be the case that there is a nightmare lighting situation. This is not a good one!!

    Forget HDR, to do it properly you have to take more than one exposure. Not something I would attempt with moving subjects.

    Flash…possibly. But during a ceremony?! Its not always allowed. Depends on who is conducting it.

    If you can get the couple to face the window that would be the best option. Use the available light. If that is not an option you will have to expose for the couple and have the windows blown out. This is going to suck as you could get a halo effect depending on how strong the daylight is.

    Long cables are a pain. Get some radio triggers. Where are you based? I could lend you some stuff if you are anywhere nr leeds.

    Have you done a recce? Looked at the venue etc? You could just tell the couple what will and will not work from a photographic perspective?

    Free Member

    My mate took delivery of a Zesty AM 527 last week. Paid under 2200 for it. Carbon front triangle, alu rear I believe. Pikes, dropper, 2×10.

    We swapped bikes on a ride this weekend, I had a good go on it. Its a nice bike, very light but with 150mm back and front very capable too. Came with nice short stem and wide(ish) bars. Wheel set ready for tubeless. Apart from the Nobby Nic tyres its pretty sorted.

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