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  • Trash Free Trails: One Bag Challenge
  • seadog101
    Full Member

    Austin Maxi. All the seats fold flat to make a proper double bed!

    And my Dad never figured out why I, when a frisky young fellow, was happy to borrow is car…

    Full Member

    14 – And I thought I was a nice bloke. Now, where’s the knife sharpener…

    Full Member

    tomhoward – Member
    What do you call a fly with no wings?

    A walk.

    What do you call a fly with no wings and no legs?

    A raisin.

    Full Member

    eugeo81 – Member
    Prodigy – Fire Starter

    My choice too.

    Or Mogwai – Scotland’s Shame. Not that I’m a Scot, or shameful, just a great piece of calming music.

    Full Member

    It was just a BB removal tool, but they faffed me about for what seemed weeks with many emails about not in stock, alternatives, extra costs…

    Then out of the blue the one I originally ordered plopped onto the door mat.

    Never again.

    Full Member

    A wee pootle to the woods and back with the kids…

    On the flat and smooth tarmac track back into town, son the seadog falls off (no reason given..) right in front of me. I had no option but to slam on the brakes, rather than flatten him. Over the bars I go. Grazed right shin, bruised right forearm, end of bar smacks inside of left knee giving nasty lumpy graze. Both bikes get bent mech hangers.

    Son totally undamaged. At least he had the concern to ask if I was OK.

    So much for a ‘Get them out of the house for half an hour…’.

    Full Member

    Bravely invited my Mum and Dad to Chrimbo dinner. They were actually quite good company.

    Full Member

    TBH it was a blimmin’ stupid way to clear a ball.

    Full Member

    And a Happy Chrimbo to you Phil!

    NORAD Santa Tracker[/url]

    Big Man sets off in a few minutes….

    Full Member

    I’ve got the earlier Lumia 800. Running WP7.5, and it’s pretty nifty. The OS is very slick and intuitive, and it works well when integrated with a windows live account. The size/shape/weight are just right and build quality is excellent, just like the better Nokias of days gone by.

    OK, so people grumble that there arn’t as many apps as Apple and Android. I seem to have found plenty that do everything I want from a phone.

    I got it cos it was much cheapness, £150. At that price it was a no brainer.

    Full Member

    We had our hideous old wreck replaced with a Potterton condensing boiler. Been pretty good. If you crunch out the sums and take into account gas price rises, it’s getting through half the gas of the old one.

    Full Member

    There’s a nice deep hole by the bank of the river I cross coming back to home.

    Lob bike in there and give it a quick waggle.

    Full Member

    Despite being a quite nice and likeable my new phone one does not seem to have graphic equaliser with it’s native music app.

    They do not fly enough planes from Aberdeen to Durham Tees Valley on a Friday, hence I have to wait until the evening flight, after a dawdling stay at the hotel, late check out 17:00.

    Full Member

    I thought gayness came with a sense of what looks good on you? These were not gay quality cardys…

    Full Member

    Sorry, a bit too lazy to read all the posts, so maybe this has been mentioned already..

    Your construction is a bit hefty, as you say, and as it’s only supporting your leg, could you get away with lighter bits of wood? I take it your good leg is still bearing most of your weight, and the rest is so that your chewed up ankle is off the ground?

    Full Member

    AS well as all the top tips here, especially the Gurkha idea, leave an old smartphone, cheapo ebay thing, nicely in view in the garage which is loaded up with one of those find my stolen phone type apps. May lead the local law enforcement right to their door!

    Full Member

    One from a nice cold cider bottle.

    That, or Pink Lady, or Fuji.

    Full Member

    pingu66 – Member
    Saedog that’s 5?

    Yes we’re both correct, BOC the collective term for Bunch of C….

    Full Member

    Of the 4 blokes who are my bosses, there is one buffoon, one fool, one numpty, one smart arse, and one BOC.


    Full Member

    Mrs Seadog says not to get her anything as we have just had nice new shiny kitchen fitted.

    Not sure if it’s because she considers it a pressie, or because we are now skint.

    I hope it’s because of being skint, as I don’t want to spend that much again next year on a pressie.

    Full Member

    I was lucky enough to spend my last 6 months in the RN working with the SBS at RM Poole. Amazing bunch of blokes. Get your lad to aim high and do his utter best all the time. It will pay dividend in the end.

    Full Member

    Right, you’ve convinced me.

    I’ll admit that some of you have used words and phrases that I don’t quite know what they mean, but I think I get the jist of it. In the past I have gone for the smaller weights, lots of reps, but generally speaking most of you seem to be recommending bigger/fewer/slower, and focus on technique. Is that right? Given that, I would like to get the upper body strength improved and maybe have arms that don’t look like wet spaghetti.

    Will report back later….

    Full Member

    We used to tip our postie, as he was a top bloke doing a grand job.

    He was a high flying top exec at the local arm of a big multi-national. Sadly he suffered some form of severe mental breakdown. Ultimately he was well enough to return to work, and chose to avoid the stresses that came with his previous job and began a new life with the post office.

    He’s now moved, and we’ve had a succession of different Posties ever since. Maybe they can’t handle the pressure!

    Full Member

    Fried Cheese Sandwich

    Full Member

    Gonna – especially when used by Mr Cameron, our glorious leader, for reasons too obvious to explain…

    Full Member

    Cor Mike PnP v2.12! I’m still working with Crayola 4.3, I should really move on, but it works for me.

    Full Member

    Bravo Dog!!!

    My Dad hit 71 last month and still gets on his road bike fairly regular, managed 100 miles through the Northern Pennines in one day. His way of saying ‘Old? what’s that?’.

    Full Member

    Didn’t do it myself, but our shower was fitted with a slightly raised tray (about 4″) that had a floor level drain. Builder bloke then ran the drain pipe along the skirting board and neatly boxed it in.

    All came as a kit, so must be out there somewhere!

    Full Member

    Ate here a couple of months ago:

    OK, it’s a chain, but it was really good, and excellent value for money.

    Full Member

    10K is my regular goal, normally doing it in a shade under 40mins. It’s easier on the brain if you get a log card, then you can race against yourself. Just doing it off the bat id really hard for me.

    Full Member

    Do it.

    You’re both comfortable with each other.
    Know all sorts of intimate stuff, I’d guess?
    You wouldn’t have been mates for so long if you didn’t like each other. TBT.

    But it’s possibly a one way street. Commit to it. There won’t be any going back to being just friends. The ‘bumping uglies’ for one night will be fun while it lasts, but will certainly effect the way you feel about each other.

    I don’t know where I heard this quote, but I think it rings true:
    ‘Great friendship can become great love. Not the other way round’

    Full Member

    *smug mode on*

    Buy a VW Passat with winter pack – heated seats, windscreen, mirrors and washer nozzles.

    *smug off*

    Yeah, annoyingly when I bought the Forry I tested a different one which had a winter pack just like that. But it was the nutter 2.5 turbo vesion that came with the option of instantly losing ones licence….. :roll:
    For what was effectively a chunky family car it was bonkers fast.

    Full Member

    Well, TBH vociferously expressing opinions about something as simple as this seems a bit harsh. Just trying to make life a bit easier for when I’m away from home for weeks at a time. Mrs SD has suffered from a nasty arthritis type condition since her early 20’s and winter is a horrible time for her.

    Anyway, moving swiftly along… It doesn’t get that cold where we are, but the doors do get stuck shut easily, locks work and handles move, just won’t open! Silicon lube on the seals is the way forward I guess.

    As for leaving it running, found out elsewhere that it’s illegal, not only insurance scuppering.

    Block heater is a good idea but not needed, it starts fine (once you are inside it!) Also found out that all Subbies are fitted for, but not with block heaters.

    I reckon it’s the fan heater on the back shelf option. We have an outside cubby hole (coal bunker of old) which has a power point in it, right next to the car, that’ll do the trick with a timer onto it.

    Full Member

    IanMunro – Member
    So who would win in a race over a 100 mile course a pro road cyclist V’s a pro jockey. The horse would be on soil but both would have the same amount of climbing descending. Its weird things I think of while out on my bike.
    Horses are pretty rubbish over distance, and never mind a pro roadie, a runner could beat one easily over 100 miles.

    It’s thought that one reason we evolved was early mans ability to just keep on running after wounded beasts on the African plains. Eventually the wildebeast/antelope/tasty thing just keels over and dies.

    Full Member

    I lived in NZ for 7 Years, and have worked all over the world. Came back to the UK 5 years ago. I always get the ‘Why did you come back?’ quiz. Go and live abroad and you’ll soon see that every country has it’s bad points. All in all we’re in a pretty good shape here.

    You can get help if you need it.
    Most of us don’t need bars on our windows.
    The weather isn’t trying to kill you (mostly).
    There’s no animals that will poison you.
    And we’re close enough to other interesting places that it isn’t beyond most peoples ability to visit them.

    Full Member

    On Extended Wings – Diane Ackerman.

    She’s a poet, and I can’t stand poetry, sorry about that. But this is her account of learning to fly light aircraft. The only book I have re-read many times. Especially when I’ve been feeling as though the world is against you.

    Full Member

    Howls Moving Castle
    Princess Mononoke
    Spirited Away

    Or anything from Studio Ghibli

    Full Member

    For gloss it’s always oil based for me. Mainly as it’s a lot easier cleaning the brushes with a jam jar of turps, rather than gallons of water that gets into the water system. Turps is reusable, and one jar cleans a lot of brushes. When it’s done, pop the lid on and off to the recycling center!

    As for the yellowing, all over = duff paint, in spots means you didn’t use some sort of knot-stop on the knots in the wood. The wood presevatives/resin come out of solution when the paint hits it, more so where the knots are.

    Full Member

    Got mugged in Amsterdam. 4 chaps were not happy with the measly contents of my wallet so I was thrown out into the road. I smacked into the side of a speeding Ford Escort; Somehow I got away with a broken jaw only. Biting through my tongue saved my teeth, so said the Doc. A moment earlier and I’d have been under it’s wheels and squished.

    Full Member

    For 30 years I have been trying to play the guitar.

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