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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    From grum’s link:

    Let us here the call and respond.


    Free Member

    Electricity usage by offices/factories/hospitals etc still has a long long way to go.

    This very website is hosted in a datacentre that uses DX Airconditioning. For every Watt of computing power, an additional ~0.4 Watts are used to run the datacentre. Datacentres can easily consume the power of a small town.
    Get off Facebook.

    Free Member

    Anyone noticed how “Yeah, I saw it on your Facebook” is a massive conversation killer? I have to pretend I haven’t seen someone’s photos / ‘shares’ for them to actually talk about their experiences. I much prefer their story-like interpretation of their experiences to a snippet of text and an image of ‘I did this lol’.

    It’s exciting technology, but the social media applications are socially boring in my opinion.

    Free Member

    least in my current job when someone says trust me im an engineer – they are actually an engineer not a desk jockey.

    We all know you have to have a copy of The Sun on the dashboard of your Transit to qualify as an Engineer here, you can be sure of that.

    Free Member

    Why didn’t you want a new sprocket? What’s wrong with you?
    Premature Chain Wear Isn’t Funny.

    Free Member

    Bleugh. I hate when art students play at engineering.

    I designed the new iPad!

    Free Member

    Grum god took a rib from adam to make woman hence the glorified rib reference

    Wait, you’re a teacher aren’t you?
    Careful what you profess to be fact ;)


    Free Member

    Kubuntu here, KDE is teh roxxorz. Not for powersaving mind you – quite the opposite in fact!

    Free Member

    Just for scientific validation, obviously

    Free Member

    My RE education was balanced, with nothing presented as fact that isn’t a fact (religion does exist) . The teacher was very careful not to influence our choice of belief.
    The young Christian guy (with his unnatural and disconcertingly happy life outlook) who kept coming in to chat about his pal? Not as tactful.

    Free Member

    But every landing was struck by a piece of orbiting rock.

    The Moon.

    Free Member

    (Possible spoilers) Mixed up “Pop” and “Hip Hop” – I got more of an electro / pop vibe, but hey. Also persuaded myself that some of the melodies were variations, not just modulations.

    Free Member

    This has been going on for months.
    Someone MTFU and sort out some legal proceedings.

    Free Member

    It’s when you consider reporting your debit card lost and getting ’emergency cash’ out of your NatWest account just so you can buy some fags – because you left your wallet at work overnight – that you realise it’s all got a bit silly.

    Hopefully, anyway.

    Free Member

    My uncle introduced himself to me at my mother’s funeral as my other uncle’s brother… I don’t see him anymore.

    Free Member

    It’s invidious consumption – the deliberate conspicuous consumption of goods and services intended to provoke the envy of other people, as a means of displaying the buyer’s superior socio-economic status, be it real or perceived.
    It is possible to talk about it without appearing envious, as long as you make up sociological terms in the process. Except where the goods are Apple products – they’re off limits, as we all know.

    Free Member

    Was the gap smaller than 11m?

    Free Member

    I’d rather they spent it on trains than motorways. I’d like to know how much tickets are and who’ll be running it. Anyone know?

    Free Member

    Who said anything about an immortal soul?

    Indeed, Cotic’s lifetime warrenty only covers the Soda…

    Free Member

    Atheist Christian retorting that we can do what we like because there is no God therefore no-one to get us in the afterlife, in fact there is no afterlife God will forgive us

    Don’t forget to add that bit if we’re doing religion&Morality™

    Free Member

    (Just, y’know, a little bit.)

    Very hat stand. :)
    See my edit link above, makes for good reading (if you haven’t read it already, that is.)
    Bonus: It’s not a cult I want you to join.

    Free Member

    >It’s when imagination then gets trotted out as fact and pressure groups try to get it taught in science lessons that we have a problem.

    >Why’s that then?

    Er, eh? Because it’s not science?

    Sorry, I’m utterly stunned by that question and I’m a bit speechless (quiet at the back). You can’t really be that hard of thinking surely, I must’ve misunderstood your question? What do you mean?

    Apologies, it’s Sugar Thursdays where I spurt things out thinking everyone is able to read my mind and know exactly what angle I’m approaching discussions from…

    I’ve forgotten my point, really. It’s basically semantics about your use of the word ‘imagination’ and your use of the concrete morality of ‘right and wrong’ in a world where everything is relative.

    I’ll shuffle away now :)

    Oh, with reference to the ‘creating a religion from nothing and having it different to our established religions’ – all you have to do is take one culture’s ‘bad thing’ and call it ‘Satan’ for instant conversion.
    Unless you’re The Pirahã, the happiest group of people in the world (measured by time spent smiling) who reject God that is.

    Free Member

    It’s when imagination then gets trotted out as fact and pressure groups try to get it taught in science lessons that we have a problem.

    Why’s that then?

    Free Member

    So not so trivial in terms of resources required, for something that is free.

    SkyGo isn’t free. It’s paid for by all the sky subscribers who will happily pay ~£50+ for a choice of channels. It’s also a deal sweetener that is worth a hell of a lot to Sky as it is one of the increasingly few things that differentiate Sky from Virgin Media.

    Free Member

    The Earth is weightless, orbiting around the sun… Dobedobedo

    Free Member

    Make sure you write everything down – keep a log of when it happens and for how long. You’ll be able to see if it’s every night and we’ll all be able to judge if you’re being unreasonable or not.
    I recommend a shared Google spread sheet so we can all see when it’s been updated without you needing to update a link here. Create a blog. Hell, à la Chrome advert, you could create a whole Google Site with an array of linked YouTube videos of sound clips and confrontations. I wish I had neighbours like yours such that I could make the most of this wonderful web 2.0 opportunity, which this most definitely is.

    Free Member

    What’s your dress code actually say? Surely as a designer you have the creativity to come up with a wardrobe that reflects the dress code whilst differing from everyone else’s attire? Surely you appreciate the asthetic of a well fitting suit?
    Or are you just lazy? ;)

    Free Member

    Zoom out a bit.
    This forum accounts for roughly nine-millionths of the indexed web by page volume.
    Just so you know, it’s not actually that important what happens here.

    Free Member

    Nom nom nom

    Free Member

    So Sunday morning, ex-gf’s dad is on the doorstep, asking for the phone back, as he says it was his and not hers to sell.

    What a plonker. How long has he had the phone? How much did he pay for it? Concerning to legal position of the phone, if what he says is true, he needs to report his daughter stealing his phone to the police :D

    Free Member

    Bouncy bouncy Fluid on Fluid action!

    Free Member

    Name ’em. Go on. You know you want to.

    Free Member

    That’s about 10 Tsar bombs of energy! All pointing at the ground…

    Free Member

    Wait a sec – why hasn’t JY’s Big Hitter got a typo?

    Free Member

    Hey, everybody! The internet is Freeeee!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    So, it’s correct for cosmologists to say “Our locale, large as it seems, is physically minute compared with the size of the universe”. But not to make a metaphysical assertion about the (in)significance of human existence.

    Nailed it.

    Free Member

    Can I have a job?

    Free Member

    Well I thought the point was they stopped you being dazzled by the reflected light from the headlights, how do they do that if they’re still on?

    Mainbeam = dazzled.
    Dipped + fog = can sort of see.

    Free Member

    Concerning our destruction tendencies – as a living system we consistently increase the entropy of our surroundings to minimise the entropy within our own system. As life brings an entropy increase within the walls of its own system, the net entropy increase of the universe is minimised through life.
    The sun doesn’t do this.

    entropy fail?
    Blame Schrödinger. – People aren’t a closed system.

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