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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Gimp’ll do that well easy. The learning curve isn’t that bad. It’s basically the same as photoshop for most basic things, yet different enough to make photoshop users feel uncomfortable.

    Free Member

    Scientists only accept science.

    You seem to be so sure of yoruself. The irony is, no scientist would ever have as much confidence in their understanding of the universe as that which you appear to profess.

    Take the scientists who make great boasts about the accuracy and precision of their experiments and theoretical predictions – they say things like “We’ve measured this phenomena to an accuracy equivalent to measuring the distance between New York and LA to within the width of a human hair” and all I hear is “We’re brilliant at predicting this stuff, and yet we still can’t say it’s fact! No one knows whether the next decimal place will disprove our theories!”

    These are people who are 99.99993% certain, based on the combined works of thousands of others, and yet still have discipline which prevents them from saying things are ‘fact’.

    It doesn’t really compare with ‘I just knew it’.
    And nothing you say ever will, except that which you can measure to 99.99994% accuracy.

    (disclaimer: I don’t know anything)

    Free Member

    We may end up at 10+ people within a year.


    Free Member

    The frustrating thing is, I can link you to this nice little Greasemonkey script that will open links in new tabs, but if you’re too lazy to Ctrl+Click, Right Click New Tab, Middle Click, tap and hoooold, arcane Apple things, you’re probably too lazy to figure out how to use this script and would much rather the admins here bend to your will.

    If you have Chrome, googling: “Tampermonkey Open Links New tab” will probably see you right.

    Free Member

    There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand quantum computing, those who don’t, and those who are a superposition of both 8)

    Free Member

    Treatment of service staff is one of the most obvious indications of someone’s character. I’m just glad the rude exist – they make me look good. :)

    Free Member

    So you wanted me to reproduce the text of a “political science journal” ? ffs

    :) Nope. I don’t want you to do anything, but if you’re asking, it’d be nice if you didn’t try and pass off over-simplifications as fact. Oh, and while we’re at it, JY has a couple of good points he’d like you to address.

    Free Member

    “Whose” is the possessive form of who.

    No of course I haven’t, it’s a well known fact that people vote for the candidates and political parties who’s (sic) policies they least agree with

    Taking a leaf out of JY’s book, I’m just going to say “False dichotomy”.
    Here’s a list of journals where research into voting behaviour can be found
    I’d simply like to suggest that the issue might be a little more complicated than you make out.

    Free Member

    The electorate chooses those who’s (sic) policies they most agree with to represent them in parliament. And if they decide to choose “a bunch of ex-posties, failed lecturers and trade unionists” then so be it.

    Do you have any proof to back up that ridiculous claim?

    Free Member

    Much appreciated

    Free Member

    Do you have a copy of your tenancy agreement? Should all be detailed there.

    I’ll have a look – what happens if the above points aren’t specifically mentioned?

    Free Member

    If I gave it a shot n contacted them n was rejected I’d be even worse, which is 100% likely to happen.

    Here’s what I’d do, and I’m more awesome than SurfMat:
    – Fill your life with interesting things that keep your mind off of them. This is a perfect time to learn a new hobby – dedicate time to it, knowing a new hobby will make you feel better in the long run.
    – Fill your life with interesting people, as above.

    Don’t go to them asking for anything, it’s degrading for you and puts them in an uncomfortable position.

    Instead, use your new found awesome hobby and confidence from having met new people to live your life better and I guarantee that you will either win them back, or meet someone who’s better.
    Also, in my experience, it takes an amount of time equal to half your relationship length to get over them. YMMV, except for the guarantee bit, that’s FACT.

    Free Member

    Wired magazine bought a Bitcon miner

    So we’re destroying the private key used by our Bitcon wallet. That leaves our growing pile of Bitcoin lucre locked away in a digital vault for all eternity

    This makes me sad :(

    Free Member

    My first was an F-15, the Airfix plastic was grey so we only painted the afterburner nozzles and the missiles.

    The German ones are fun to paint with ‘speckle’ camo, the FW190 was my favourite kit.

    B17 and B29 were both good, used tinsel to make it look like one of the B17s engines was on fire, had that thing hung up in a dive. The pressure bulkheads for the bomb bay of the B29 taught me a thing or two.

    Got rather into them, sadly (for my Dad) I lost interest just after starting the B52 ;)

    Free Member

    Sonic Boom :D

    Free Member

    Bloody hell, that means it’s been 5 years since I last bought a copy: even as a one-off 20th anniversary edition it wasn’t worth it.

    Free Member

    To be honest, I put him right there with Assange in the self-important category.

    I fail to see how any of his actions have been in his self interest.

    Free Member

    I use ~5GB a month, but I am a high powered Businessman.

    Free Member

    “Universities should consider where a student went to school, their parents’ occupation and whether either parent went to university.”

    Wait, so we should be increasing the impact a parent’s choices have upon their child? To all the people reading this at work who spend their time solving complex problems, go home! It turns out that to solve a very complex problem with no single cause, which no one can model, predict or accurately measure, we simply have to apply a very crude action across the board in the direction we’ve assumed is the opposite!

    (35%) considered that “evidence of success through a difficult start or background” was important.

    What does that even mean?

    Free Member

    TheMailOnline, and frequent commentators thereof.

    Free Member

    I’m on the ‘Whisky and Now’s tonight

    Free Member

    Oh naturally Binners! Just don’t go claiming it’s something it isn’t! :)

    Free Member

    But they are square and fans are round, like fitting a round peg in a square hole, so not as efficient?

    I wish fluid dynamics was that simple :(

    Free Member

    [Apple] clearly saw the innovative cooling solution as a more important part of the design than conventional internal upgradability.

    How is it innovative?

    Free Member

    To play multiplayer on PS4 you will need to have a Playstation Plus subscription. $5 a month, $50 a year

    That settles it. Back to PC gaming for me!

    Free Member

    I’ll have you know that Hob Nobs are actually rough enough to form a turbulent boundary layer when skimming, with associated drag reduction when compared to the smooth rich tea’s laminar.

    Free Member

    Cougar: Tor is open source, no?

    Free Member

    It’s incredible that my op of a shocking account of parental neglect has turned into a debate about my description of the mother which seemed to cause more offence than the actions toward the child.
    It’s this kind of self righteous liberal political correctness crap that gets my goat.

    Nah. I don’t like bad parenting, unfortunately in this case there is nothing I can do about it – the perpetrators aren’t here. Well done OP, good sir.
    I also don’t like bigotry and generalisations. You’re here.

    Free Member


    Bit loud innit?

    Free Member

    I’ve noticed this as well, I think the majority of people on the road are sheep and will just follow the car in front, failing to look further down the road to see what actually may be being passed.

    Free Member

    How do you propose enforcing an age limit? You can forget parents enforcing it for you .many are utterly clueless as to what their kids are up to IT wise.

    Oh that’s easy, the NSA are already monitoring every communication in and out of Facebook’s servers, they could easily tell whether someone is posting content that appears to come from below the ‘too young’ threshold. Job done.

    Free Member

    You said yourself, you’re applying the same force. And it’s the force that matters.

    Free Member

    What I mean is, presumably for each brake there’s a certain force needed for the pads to grip the disc so hard that the wheel locks up. At that point, depending on speed, conditions, etc, etc, the bike either stops or skids.

    You want all the KE of your bike to turn into heat or ablation (pad wear), at the limit that your tyres can handle. Think ABS. Otherwise you may as well put a stick in your spokes!

    Free Member

    Now I think about it smaller surface area is actually better for brakes as you’re applying the same force to a smaller contact patch, resulting in more pressure.

    Ah, so THAT’S why skinny tyres are grippier than fat ones ;)

    Free Member

    . Just takes one person to be a selfish idiot, and then the aggrieved party will tar everyone else with the same brush, before they even get a chance to prove themselves otherwise.

    Ergo proving themselves also to be idiots, as well as slaves to their own mindset to such an extent that they’re constantly miserable. I feel sorry for them. Maybe they’re just hungry. Lots of people get a bit of a mard on when they’re hungry. I go out of my way to be so cheery and helpful that most people think I’m a bit dim. It’s fantastic!
    I sound like barnaby bear! I like barnaby bear. One time he went to France. I went to France. But some kid burnt my neck. I didn’t like it.

    Free Member

    Oh, you’re mcmoonter. That’s all right then

    Free Member

    Hammerite, currently it’s difficult to find these videos for a specific person. Hopefully by the time search engines start letting loose socialnetwork backed facial recognition on the general internet and allowing people to search openly for content depicting someone, it will be painless to bring law enforcement to bear on the administrators of the server, or removal of websites from search engines. Maybe.

    Free Member

    It’s natural that someone who witnesses such a barbaric act would want to do something about it. Like attend an EDL march. Hell, if I’d witnessed that and were a massive racist, I’d try and organise the damn march.

    But then again, I’m a corporate shill.

    Brought to you by

    Free Member

    As a functioning adult, considerably younger than the lot of you, who grew up with an internet connection in his bedroom, chill out.

    Also, thanks for putting ‘children’ and ‘porn’ together in one URL.

    Free Member

    Well that escalated quickly

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