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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Only possible if you’ve got more than one on the go IME, otherwise you start thinking about it too much and the other party starts entertaining thoughts that they can keep you all to themselves.
    It shouldn’t ever be compared to ‘relationships’, or used as a transitional period: then it’s just a dysfunctional one-sided relationship without effective communication. Great way to stay in shape.

    Free Member

    That tinyurl is to BeforeIt’sNews by the way – just letting you know so you can chose whether or not you want to be put on ‘The List’ being compiled by the ‘NewWorldOrder’* or simply ignore it because, well, it’s likely not true

    Free Member

    It’s largely irrelevant as you’re only applying half of the rule.

    Half of your rule, you mean. It’s not cool to move the goalposts and proclaim I missed after I’ve already hit the back of the net ;) – it’s the sort of thing men with beards do to win arguments!

    Free Member

    Yep, tomhoward’s got it, teaching of that ‘rule’ has been abandoned, since there’s more exceptions to it than there are adherences.

    Taking a 216,558 word english dictionary, and “ie” and “ei” being next to each other in the word:

    I before E words: 13,374
    I before E after C: 3,242
    I before E not after C: 9,809

    E before I: 2,271
    E before I after C: 323
    E before I not after C: 1,948

    Words that follow the rule: 10,132
    Words that do not follow the rule: 5,190

    I’m bored, this may or may not be correct.

    Free Member

    yeah but the authorities need some kind of “probable cause” (that’s not the right phrase I’m sure). They can’t just stop people at random, they need some kind of plausible reason to believe the individual should be stopped.

    The documents in question detail the systematic abuse, by governments of many nations, of laws of this ilk. Why are you giving the authorities the benefit of the doubt when this whole situation has arisen from authority’s lies?

    What’s left … carry an encrypted copy digitally on a hard drive or URB drive.

    Loads and loads and loads of methods.
    I can’t write them though, I could be detained for assisting terrorism.

    Free Member

    1) they don’t necessarily need to be, the test is “could they help terrorism”

    Your post could aid terrorism.

    2) also, we (you & I) have no idea what he was carrying. Perhaps he could have British docs obtained via the US.

    Seeing as they’re encrypted, I doubt even the authorities know what he was carrying.

    Free Member

    Not sure that’s 100% true about the audience – I’ve read plenty of interviews where musicians have said that a ‘good’ crowd energises
    a good performance, and vice versa.

    The best rides are the ones you’re a part of ;)

    Free Member

    It’s sympathy, I believe, which defines an exceptional player. Lots and lots of practice (playing), of course, to ingrain the technical abilities and provide opportunity for learning; but sympathy for the instrument, accompaniment and audience and the self are present in all of those who have ‘it’.

    While your post is good, I’d argue all of those things are something others put upon the musician. To my mind, the musician is simply trying to ‘get it right’, where ‘right’ is an endless quest with no defined goal, with criteria they’re unsure of, shaped by snippets of ‘Yeah, that sounds good’. The audience is just along for the ride.

    Free Member

    edlong – top post :)
    time for some ice cold refreshment I feel.
    The difference is small, and barely warrants notice in the grand scheme of things, but nevertheless its potential existence alone and any effect it may have is used primarily as a tool by some to feel superior to others :D

    Free Member

    what with language being needed in order to communicate

    But it isn’t! Point at a pump and see what you convey – it’ll probably communicate far more than your desire for a pint. You’ll be told where to shove your dire attitude, the barman will go home and tell their boyfriend they had ANOTHER self important wetwipe in the bar etc etc. All of this communicates far more than “May I have a pint please”, which is instantly forgettable.
    Saying that, go to another bar and they might throw you out for saying please or not wearing the right kind of hat.

    It depends on so many factors, a bit like cycling two abreast on a single lane road. I like that you’ve drawn the line at ‘anything without a please isn’t cricket’, that’s good.

    In my mind, it’s all proper use of language – it’s just all the other stuff you may be telling other people through your choice of words that’s important, and what this thread is about.

    Plus I’m soft in the head.

    although it does display a shocking lack of discrimination or taste when it comes to choice of refreshment.

    Smiley face.

    Free Member

    Really? You think “Can I get..please?” is as rude as just pointing at the thing? I have to say, I disagree.

    Aha! So, choice / use of language can convey politeness. The importance of politeness depends on many factors, for example the situation – you don’t look down your nose at someone who fails to apologise after they run into you to get out of the way of an explosion.
    Surely, as well as politeness, language can convey other things? And, like politeness, these other things may or may not be important, depending on the situation?
    Some people think proper grammar and use of language is important. Personally, I’m having far too much fun flirting with the waitress to worry about this sort of thing.

    Free Member

    @scuzz Hire them? Hire them? Unless you are in Calibloodyfornia, we employ people here! That’s all

    Come to the west coast, it’s, erm,
    no :(

    What is language for? If someone walks into a pub and says “Can I get a pint of lager please?” will the barman understand and be able to comply with the request? Where’s the problem?

    They’d get the same message if you just pointed at the pump! :)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh, OH OH
    How are you?
    I’m doing good

    Some people don’t know these things. I use them as markers by which to quietly judge other people, ensuring I do not hire them as employees, marry them or give them the benefit of the doubt on anything that requires attention to detail.
    On some days

    Other days I really couldn’t give a monkeys. It’s almost like I pick and choose my ‘how much I enjoy things and those around me’ based on nothing uniform, influenced mostly by my mood and who was in my bed when I woke up.

    Free Member

    Can I get…

    Whoop Whoop!

    Free Member

    Had these jeans on for 3 months now without a wash, got at least another 3 in them. You’re all jessies.
    No, I don’t smell like those kids at school who didn’t wash. (You know the one).
    Dry clean suits whenever they clam up.

    Everything else is clean every day.

    Free Member

    “Supersonic flight isn’t the barrier it use to be”

    No? Laws of physics changed recently?
    The laws themselves? Silly question, you know the answer to that one.
    Our Ability to accurately model these same physical laws for engineering and design? That increases every day. As does our technological and engineering capability to adhere to the physical laws in a beneficial way. Just the other day there was news that MIT had developed ionic thrusters with the capability to produce more thrust per unit of energy than any Trent1k. Take a look, it’s awesome.[/url]. Then there’s things like Skylon[/url]. And loads of other stuff that this thread isn’t the place for.

    We are not in the future. The future is much more awesome. It just doesn’t look like Concorde.

    Free Member

    100,000,000 people have geotagging phones. Chances of trackig em all, and it being you they track, well, practically nill.

    Chances of tracking them all: certain, there’s a big kurfuffle about it in the news at the moment, take a peek. Besides, it’s just data – would you really be surprised that if you put enough computers together you’ll be able to process loads of data? There are only 7 billion people on the whole planet – I have more bytes than that on a chip the size of my toenail.

    Chances of it being you they track? It’s already happening, they’re just not using the data they’ve gathered about you against you. Cause they promised not to, basically.

    Free Member


    Not on this evidence, you’re not.
    You’re clearly arguing with a moron, now you look silly ;)

    My line of reasoning is that the tiny number of direct beneficiaries on their own does not justify its enormous cost.

    But we agree anyway! Now let’s go outside.

    Free Member

    > If flying on the thing is the only condition by which one can benefit from Concorde, sure. Can you prove that’s the case?

    Prove a negative? No, I can’t.
    Russells’ Teapot etc
    Your whole line of reasoning has been that Concorde benefited a tiny number of people, citing its small scale of operations and low passenger throughput. We asked you to prove that only the people who flew on Concorde benefitted from Concorde – a key part of your reasoning – and you can’t. Meanwhile, we’ve offered proof that other people can benefit from Concorde who have not flown on it, which refutes your claim, and I have to break all of this down into tiny chunks so you can understand it, yet you think you’re the clever one?


    Jamie, if you’re out there, photoshop me a crown!

    Free Member

    If you really believe that the tiny number of beneficiaries constitute utility on any meaningful scale, well…

    If flying on the thing is the only condition by which one can benefit from Concorde, sure. Can you prove that’s the case?

    Free Member

    When I take a photo, even in just the regular camera app, Google Goggles has a go at trying to figure out what it is. Presumably it uploads the photo to 4 different Google datacentres which run an algorithm on virtualised hardware spread across 16 different CPUs, intercepted by the NSA during the upload, download and every communication in between, all so it can tag my bike with ‘Money Pit’

    Free Member

    Report it then!

    Free Member

    I’m not sure that standing up for the right of a significant number of your fellow humans not to be imprisoned for no reason and subjected to state sanctioned torture and murder can be described as a personal cause.

    Wait, he ranted about America?!

    Free Member

    Nice rant, poor argument.
    Fry is far too arrogant & pompous for my taste. I prefer people who put equal amounts of care into their message and their delivery.

    Nice read though.

    Free Member

    Who would you ask in Denmark? ;)

    Free Member

    *chuckles at druidh*

    All too meta for my liking

    Free Member

    Everybody loves me

    Free Member

    crunching those numbers must be a nightmare to model.

    This Chap’s your man

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s because I’m Bipolar

    Why aren’t you out preventing crimes?!

    Free Member

    As if Shelley and Diggle have never shopped in Sainsbury’s…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    *whimsy* LFGSS… Hmm what’s this now…. */whimsy*
    Oh dear god

    Free Member

    Woo! I hope it’s as good for those kind of graphs as it is for contour plots and things. Fantastic bit of kit :)

    Free Member

    Do it in Paraview![/url]
    Open source, uses python, and can now export plots as vector graphics!
    Haven’t used it to animate graphs, but it has an animation module that can do sweeps through 3D data sets and things, so take a look!

    Free Member

    How good do you want it?
    Paint and Gimp:

    Free Member

    What’s your budget?

    Free Member

    Sandisk Sansa Clip+
    Just make sure you put the country as International (or somewhere that isn’t Europe) when you first turn it on if you like music loud.

    volume more controllable than iPods.

    He could be referring to how annoying it is/was/(dunno LOL) turning the volume down on an ipod when you’re in the menu. But I don’t live in his brain, so…

    Free Member

    Bit creepy really.

    In one.
    And have you seen their faces? That glazed over look? The tactful deflection of your polite comments, the outright avoidance of your not-so-polite comments? They’re expert junkies and you’re the path to their next fix.

    Imagine how you’d feel if you talked someone down from the edge of a multi-story car park. Imagine how high on life you’d feel knowing you’d saved someone’s life. That’s the high they’re going for, delivered by a few choice knocks and ready-written pamphlets.

    Lazy evangelists, go help someone.
    And I mean help, not prey upon.

    Free Member

    There you gooooooooooooooo
    For extra-extra clarity, the magic floating menu with the ‘Crop to Selection’ bit happens when you right click on the picture… but it’s the same menu as the one at the top. Which I’ve only just noticed

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