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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up!

    Free Member

    A wolf may be an omen about someone envious around you who will try and undermine your work.


    Free Member

    I like it when someone will give a perfectly good answer and then someone will come along and post exactly the same, or some absolute bollox.

    Free Member

    FSCS – Up to £85,000 per person, per financial institution is guaranteed – you would be at risk if you had more than £85,000 total spread among any combination of Smile, Co-op or Britannia.
    Good information here: Money Saving Expert
    Ironically, Brittania currently have one of the top non-ISA savings accounts going…

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I’m not anywhere near ‘Wiltshire’s Hidden Gem’, otherwise I’d be up for it.
    Keep looking!

    Free Member

    No worries, from the formula we could say:
    “1st term, N = 1, A = N² = 1² = 1
    “2nd term, N = 2, A = N² = 2² = 4
    “3rd term, N = 3, A = N² = 3² = 9
    But the general formula of A = N² works for any term, whether it’s the 1st, 2nd, 18th or 9,898,781th.
    So, we say the formula is for the Nth term. We then replace N with whatever term it is we want to find.

    Free Member

    Easier to see it when you set it out like this:

    Where it comes in Sequence (call it N): 1 2 3 4 5
    What the value is (call it A): 1 4 9 16 25
    list of Ns - 1 2 3 4 5
    List of As - 1 4 9 16 25

    You can see that to get from N to the corresponding A, you just square N. So, A = N²

    Free Member

    Samsung 840 Evo or 840 Pro – a few months back they were universally recommended. Not sure if something better has come out since.
    Got a 128GB Pro for home which is big enough for Windows Server 2012 – keep files etc on a separate HDD.
    Got a 512GB Pro for work.
    Neither have skipped a beat.

    Free Member

    Brilliant! In this scenario there’s no reason why you couldn’t outlet into the building instead of outside. However, I’m presuming that this system isn’t used much in winter because of very cold outside air that is inputted directly into the server room?
    Any hot airflow out of the server room needs to be replaced, this will be by fans from outside – unfortunately the times you need the heat for the office are also the times that you have the coldest air outside which needs to be preheated before it enters the server room!

    I could talk all day about this, check your emails :)

    Free Member

    It’s vented. Our server room is secure, but not airtight!

    Of course, but your server room will output a large amount of air at a relatively low temperature – not particularly good for this sort of thing unless you can use a lot of the air. And to do that, you need an inlet suitable for large amounts of air into your server room which must be within certain tolerances for the IT hardware, air/air heat exchangers, or a chilled water system.

    Free Member

    Extract air? Where is the inlet air to replace it going to come from?

    Free Member

    Thanks cinnamon_girl, genuinely much appreciated.

    Free Member

    My boss recently took to wearing a waistcoat. I’ve not had the heart to tell him he looks like he should be in Mumford and Sons


    Free Member

    I went all menswear the other day.
    I was walking to a meeting across a city centre square and a young chap walking toward me dropped to his knees and took a photo of me with his DSLR before giving me the thumbs up and dashing off.
    I later sat in the second row for some stand up comedy and the comic focused a lot of his attention on me but all he ended up doing was repeating ‘cock’ over and over again.

    I’d rather not have the attention, thanks.

    Free Member

    but then i don’t wear boring business suits with crap shoes and end up looking like I have just come from a days work selling insurance.

    Lets have a look then

    Free Member

    • Bearded pedants speaking in absolutes with self-appointed authority
    • Preceding every sentence with a short, sharp intake of breath through teeth
    • “It is what it is”
    • Undeployed keyboard feet
    • Poorly formatted word templates. (why make a template if you have to make identical edits each time you use it?)
    • “Just that, you know, Jer neigh say kwa”

    Free Member

    The above cards offered may need dedicated 6 or 8 pin pci-e power connectors. Check you have sufficient connections to your PSU to support this – you can get 2x 4 pin molex to 1x 6pin pci-e adaptors easily enough (off the top of my head,not sure about 8 pin). Both of the above are also previous generation high/mid range gaming cards and not exactly small. :)
    ATi sapphire HD5450 off of Amazon new for £20 will do the job without any additional power connectiobs, as long as you have a pci-e slot on your motherboard (sounds likely). If you can find the model no. of your current card we can let you know if you’ve definitely got the power connection a necessary for the above cards.

    Free Member

    Bye then, Mr Woppit.

    slackalice – I liked your post and wanted to say so earlier but thought you wouldn’t come back to this thread. I’m glad you’ve returned so you can read this :)

    Free Member

    Oi, Woppit, what are you trying to achieve anyway?

    Free Member

    My GF loves a girthy sound stage.
    She just doesn’t always know which channel to put the preamp on, usually settling for sound through the TV.
    As a result, I take the digital out from the telly and put it into a PC with a decent sound card and use the PC to stream it across the network, where Raspberry Pis connected to other speakers in other rooms pick it up for easy listening in the kitchen etc. I then have the preamp to default to the PC’s output through the DAC so, usually, all she has to do is turn the amp on & mute the telly.
    She just doesn’t want to break my stuff.

    Free Member

    No trouble, have a good weekend :)

    Free Member

    Have a look
    Here’s what you can get new for that kind of money – threw it together, but it’s a good place to start.
    New kit (although can’t upgrade CPU without upgrading motherboard), good enough GPU, fast reliable (but small) SSD, more than enough power from a PSU made by a decent manufacturer and a good enough CPU (but I’d upgrade this to an i5 with any spare cash). Double check it’ll fit in that case (shouldn’t be a problem)
    £431 without an OS or storage drive.

    Free Member

    How cheap is cheap? :)

    Free Member

    “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope” wasn’t bad

    You mean the renamed “Star Wars” ?! The punctuation was a terrible 80s addition!

    Schindler’s List
    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    The Godfather: Part II

    Free Member

    Of our income:
    ~50% needs (roof, food, water, warmth, communication and essential travel)
    ~30% wants
    ~20% saved

    Free Member

    PRISM allows for real-time monitoring, it says so in one of the leaked slides.

    Aye, but that’s for the 117,765 (April 2013) individual targets, upon supported networks for specific protocols, not the entire internet.

    Free Member

    There is definitely a limit to how much data you can process and turn into useful information.

    Yes, and that limit increases with technological development. It wouldn’t surprise me if the amount of data they can mine today is equivalent to the entire internet traffic on this day in 1998. If data generation and data processing capabilities increase in tandem, they’ll always be able to pull stuff up from the past, but ‘real-time’ will always be impossible.

    Personally, I’m betting data processing will overtake generation because humans sleep.

    Free Member

    But the amount of data we send is also rising very fast.

    Unclear who will win.

    Aye, I was pondering this before I posted, ended up day dreaming about the amount of data we could actually ever generate which led onto Matrixesque day dreams and thoughts on simulating simulated systems via systems which are themselves included in the simulation.
    But that’s hatstand land.

    There’s already plenty of evidence to suggest that they can watch everyone but that’s different to actually doing it. As I say, collateral traffic will be passed through the same monitoring point, but the filters will be applied to more specific data sets.

    Who says? ;)
    If my son choses to become an MP to rally against this sort of thing, they’ll have an awful lot of information on him which would be distasteful to the public if they were made aware of it…

    Free Member

    I think generally they don’t watch *everyone*. That would be a very pointless use of resources.

    I expect that once you get yourself on the list though, you’ll get watched a lot although I imagine a lot of uninteresting people get watched as collateral.
    This stuff uses cutting edge technology. Computing power is ever increasing, power required to perform computing tasks is ever decreasing and the talent necessary to develop algorithms is getting cheaper. It may not be economoical to “watch” everyone now, but it will be soon.
    That’s the thing about this – all the data is already being stored. The only thing stopping these agencies from linking together any correspondance, communication or action about you which has passed through any fibre optic cable crossing an ocean (if they can’t do it already) is that the algorithms can’t run fast enough yet. They will soon be very fast and very efficient.

    Free Member

    why do we still have this ridiculous industry-led notion of what constitutes an ideal figure?

    Cheap copy, innit

    Free Member

    Well that escalated quickly

    Free Member

    Ohh, and it’s the final performance today and she has been saying that she doesn’t want to do it…

    Tell her how good she was. Encourage. Praise. Make it fun.
    Cause, you know, that’s all it is – fun. :)

    I don’t have kids but I’ve got a dog who’s about that age and he’ll do anything for a biscuit. So, there’s that too.

    Free Member

    What information exactly do you need?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    scuzz – Member

    You do realise that if you keep giving money to Apple they’re going to build a Terminator, right?
    Posted 2 years ago #
    *Close but not close enough*

    Free Member

    Good one, well done :)

    Free Member

    I’m stood at the bar. All the people who stand next to me and don’t act like Londoners get a drink on me. I’m in Manchester and havent bought anyone a drink yet :(.
    I’m drinking rum.

    Free Member

    You’ll notice that all the camouflage suits in that article are different, and are matched to suit their surroundings perfectly. This is great if you always hunt in a duck pond / up a tree. Take that tree suit man and put him in the grass and he’ll be in contrast massively with his surroundings.
    Troops are often on the ground in different environments, so camouflage that is adequate in many types of environment makes more sense.

    As proof, here’s some science!

    Free Member

    Yeah, but having an external drive is pretty handy for backups anyway.

    He means an external CD drive ;)

    Free Member


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