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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Tell them when you’re comfortable telling them – the only problems which can arise are if you don’t tell them until it’s too late, or if they sense something’s up before you tell them.

    I was 11 when my mum was diagnosed with Cancer, my parents turned the TV off with my brother, sister and I in the room and just said “We’ve got something important to tell you…”
    I didn’t have a clue at that age what it all meant, really. It was only my brother and sister’s behaviour that told me something was wrong.

    I feel a Christmas without it hanging over them is best. It wouldn’t be best for them to associate every Christmas for the rest of their lives with this. Forced memories are unpleasant.
    Fingers crossed

    Free Member

    Nothing, No.
    It’s a digital signal, either it’s there or it isn’t.

    Some people claim that at the high frequencies involved, the digital signals can interfere and cause artifacts and errors. However, these claims backed up with obscure diagrams and overly technical phrases demonstrating how an expensive cable is better, while completely avoiding any measurements relating to the real-world application of the cable – ie, what you can see or hear.

    Free Member

    720p is unequivocally a HD format, by definition.

    Fantastic pun there

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    Because the TV supports that resolution. However, it will support 1280×720 as well. The difference is tiny; at best you won’ be able to tell, at worst you might get a bit of black down the sides or have a bit of the picture missing. You shouldn’t notice.

    Back when HD first came out, everything was marketed as HD ready, and people’s concernes were about 720p vs 1080i, with 1080p priced too high for most. It’s only since 1080p has become more affordable and the HD format wars have settled that there was a marketing push for “Full HD” to try and tempt “HD Ready” customers with 720p into buying 1080p.

    Free Member

    (is a pumpkin a vegetable?)

    Not sure about that, but that’s no moon

    Free Member

    But in a thermodynamic sense there’s no way of re-valuing energy, it either exists or it doesn’t.

    High quality money is in a system that denotes it as high value. Energy that has high value is in a system with low entropy.

    Although that doesn’t help the other flaws.

    Free Member

    the sort of rider who waits at red lights for no reason other than that you’re supposed to, is probably more likely to ride up the inside of a bus or HGV because they can, and because they expect other road users to not squash them.

    Yes, law abiding people are idiots.

    Free Member

    Devise a pyramid scheme.

    What do you really want to do?

    Free Member

    Thanks BBSB!

    Free Member

    Can someone teach me what 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Bc5 6.c3 and the like mean?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I feel suggesting that people only have room in their heads for one topic of news at a time gives false power to the press.

    Free Member

    It all sort of ignores the fact we’re all on the internet using vast amounts of electricity to power and cool data centres for no other reason than to post on an internet forum.

    Free Member

    I’m on Day 10.
    Getting strong cravings every so often, but managed to get through them with smug self satisfaction. Could actually smell some wine I had last night!
    I can now run up stairs without my heart racing and can watch people smoking on TV without it entering my mind… then I realise I’ve managed that which counts as it entering your mind!
    Funny business. We’ll see how I handle a proper night out soon…

    Free Member

    I hold my breath every so often

    Free Member

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :D
    We’re all behind you.

    Free Member

    Actually pretty amusing.

    Free Member

    You’d see it, otherwise you’d know you were travelling at the speed of light even though there was no nett resultant force acting on you.

    And I should know – applying scientific concepts I understand poorly outside of context is my speciality.

    Free Member

    The amount of money spent on a single Christmas item is not the definitive measure as to the quality of upbringing a child has, nor is it a precursor for subjectively undisirable character traits or mental deficiencies.

    It’s none of our business, and given the information we know, we can only speculate as to whether the child is spoilt or not.

    Stop being silly everyone; go for a ride, do your work or read a nice book!

    Free Member

    You do realise that if you keep giving money to Apple they’re going to build a Terminator, right?

    Free Member

    Laptop. More flexible.
    Got my first PC when I was 9, top spec. Best thing ever.

    What’s money for, anyway? I live to love. Far better to spend money on something really useful for someone you love than to… well… not. <well thought out post of the week>

    If you really want an iPad, buy one for the coffee table. Seems to be the fashion.

    Free Member

    I don’t know any other languages. I do know foreign idioms though. I get by.

    Free Member

    Or, more likely, some people are not very good at being guided

    That’s the ticket.

    Free Member

    I can spray saliva from the gland under my tongue accurately to several feet.

    Free Member

    That’s right, be boring.
    Or, get the biggest engined BMW 1 series you can. Fun!

    Free Member

    To compensate for camera shake, get a bit of string and a bolt with a thread that can attach to your cameras fixybit on the bottom. Attach bolt to camera, tie string to bolt, stand on the other end of the string and pull the camera up till tight.

    Free Member

    Thanks, consciousness. We only have you to thank for this.

    Free Member

    ^ He means K.A Stroud, and consider this a +1

    Free Member

    they won’t refuse to cover, but cover will be more expensive. On the flip side, for those of us without conditions, the costs will go down. I’d be happy with that as I don’t have a condition that makes me as risky

    Yet. Who decides what condition to base the premium on? Do you trust them to have your best interests at heart when they want your money?
    Anything’s possible once they know how many Jacobs crackers you eat and how fast you drive.

    Free Member

    17 again
    Ice Age 3
    …well, not really. That’s what I tell myself for agreeing to go and see them…

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t really mind that either.

    Once the data is digitised, the practical uses of the data expand to whatever anyone with read access to the database wants. So, yes, it would be convenient for the doctor to know exactly how many units you’ve consumed, but realistically there is a shortage of people and organisations who want to benefit you. People want to make money from you. They want to charge you a life insurance premium for your alcohol intake. They want to make you pay extra tax for NHS if you consume alcohol. EVERYTHING is enabled, only legislation is preventing it.

    Good job legislation works, eh?

    It’s too late anyway…

    How can you overcome this? How can you keep your data as private as the day you were born? In my best selling book, only £50, I’ll tell you …

    Free Member

    Well I don’t have an allergy so the issue doesn’t arise. My issue is the confidentiality of MY data and MY RIGHT to ensure that it doesn’t get spread everywhere.

    What if someone takes a photo of you wearing your wristband and puts it on the internet?
    You don’t really object to this do you? It’s more the ease of availability of your data to people who want it for thier own gain. Maybe.

    Free Member

    I do laugh at people talking about the security of electronic copies when the paper notes are just left lying around.

    That makes the gathering and easy digital distribution and sale of electronic copies alright then! Phew – as long as some practices are poor, we have no need to worry about new methods being poor.

    Free Member

    it was irony wasnt it?


    The companies involved should give a rebate to those who generate the most data.

    I don’t see the problem, most people these days voluntarily share more than that on Facebook.

    I don’t! I’d rather it not automatically assumed that I want this :)

    Free Member

    I thought it was pretty poor, very disappointing.

    How come?

    Free Member

    Thinking about posting about it on the internet is giving me a metabrainimplosion.
    Really enjoyed it; not perfect, but it’s being judged (in my mind) on a level far surpassing most stuff on TV.

    Free Member

    The data is definately going to go further within the companies than the Sales dept. There’s no doubt that it’ll be used in the way that best benefits the entire human race.

    Free Member

    I trust this won’t be abused.
    Nick Pickles is a great name.

    Free Member

    *in a rush*
    You all sorted yeah?

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