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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Stif Squatch
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Simon_Semtex, you make a good point concerning the value of good teachers, but I haven’t read the legislation that states Academies have a their own employment law, seperate to the rest of society. No one is forcing teachers to work at academies.

    I think teachers are, on the whole, underpaid.

    Free Member

    Didn’t read Elfins’ post, ’cause he’s a knobber.

    Free Member

    Do you mean in real life, or on here? I know some fail to discern a difference…

    Free Member

    CaptJon – What’s their definition of disposable income? Not quipping, just curious.

    Free Member

    On the other hand, the planet can’t support the current population. Having children is the least green thing you could possibly do, no matter how many muesli boxes you recycle.

    There’s only one option – Geo-Martyrdom

    Free Member

    Have lots of kids. Educate them all and let them get inspired by the world around them. Nudge them toward Engineering and physical sciences, they will build rockets and technology such that we can colonise other planets.

    Free Member

    So, Bacon killed Steve Jobs?
    Rally the Fruit-Themed hipster Army! We march at dawn!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sainsbury’s never used to have an apostrophe though did it? And I am not sure Morrisons ever have.

    Used to have J Sainsbury written on it, people called it Sainsbury’s. Well, Saynsbrees or Saynbo’s mostly round my way.

    Free Member

    Well, ASHRAE have a seven point thermal sensation scale, upon which occupants of buildings with air conditioning and no natural ventilation have been found to be twice as sensitive to temperature deviations than those in a natually ventilated building. Change in air speed, clothing or other physical factors only accounts for half this varience in sensitivity, they put the rest down to psychological factors.

    That’s right, scu98rkr and post menopausal woman – you’re both mental.

    Free Member

    Are you really fat?
    You are aren’t you.

    Free Member

    Sansa Clip+ sounds nice, but in-ear headphones are a must as it isn’t very loud.
    Hey, grahamb – does Rockbox let it go louder?

    Free Member

    Congratulations Edukator – but I don’t understand why Audis and Quality of Life are mutually exclusive. Let’s generalise some more, shall we?

    Free Member

    I love meta-forum-mechanics-threads which reak of reverential failure.
    The mods are awesome on here, I couldn’t put up with reading half the stuff they’re required to.

    Free Member

    I bought three new suits this year. Which was nice.

    You’ve bought three suits in 87 hours?!

    Free Member

    I know how I’d rather judge a book.

    It’s OK, you’re both Core Business (TM)

    Free Member

    TJ – I thought you’d been banned!

    Its a peculiar outdated thing the suit and slowly dying.

    I don’t know how you got this from either this thread or the Mad Men / Board Walk Empire fuelled menswear resurgence in popular culture. Maybe you mean ties.

    Free Member

    IME the more important the work I’ve done, the less need there was to wear a suit.

    Horses for courses ‘n all that.

    Free Member

    (good) suits are expensive to buy and get trashed when sitting around the office in them all day.

    You need to meet a female tailor ;)

    Free Member

    And don’t forget the cost of uniforms, often available from one supplier at a fixed price, stresses those families who are already hard-pressed

    Damn uniform cartels. Allowance is available from local authorities to cover uniform. £30 for a year 11 pupil in Leeds if you have an income less than ~£16k.

    As if the kids don’t know who has a poor family and who doesn’t?

    Every little helps.

    Free Member

    On the point of uniform, I think it’s good at levelling the playing field when it comes to being singled out for being poor/different. Not everyone can afford or wants to wear the latest fashions so grey slacks and black shoes for everyone takes the pressure off there. It’s a lot more manageable when you only have 999,999 things to cause conflict.

    Good point – I was just typing exactly that, glad I refreshed.

    The effort to look smart is small compared to the favourable difference in how people perceive you. It’s a very economical way of coming across better to people you want something from, beit your clients’ money or pupils’ parents’ trust.

    The negatives are sometimes there though – I’ve heared people say techies who dress smart are making up for their lack of technical ability. I prefer to think they’re more the complete package.

    Free Member

    Suits are to bosses as magnolia is to property sellers: a reliable benchmark for minimum presentability. Both look crap when dirtied, too.

    I get bigger facilities and more attractive women when I’m wearing a flatteringly cut, well fitting suit. As this is all that is important in my life, yadda yadda yadda.

    Try getting a nice suit, wear it and see what happens.

    Free Member


    Its the bomb nerds wetting themselves.

    Its not a game you know – real people die
    Alright, alright, you’ve had your fun already. Let some other people talk some more about Type 45s and our Astute Class subs. They keep people employed!

    Free Member

    TJ: Yes, the right of self determination is fine for all of them. That’s how we see it.
    What’s your point?

    Free Member

    I would like a decent solution to one of the last colonial outposts.

    What is it about the Falkland Islands that requires a ‘solution’? Can you lay it out for me simply with evidence? I’m a bit thick you see.

    Free Member

    The only similarity I can see with the Isreal case is: Land is occupied by A and ownership of land in disputed between A & B. Why this has to be specific to Isreal we don’t know – we attempt to extrapolate this logic to include similar land arguments, ie the entirety of civilisation, to show that the Isreal case isn’t a special one that deserves refutation in its own right. But you dispute this logical leap.
    At a level more complex than A vs B, Isreal has far too many other issues at play. A big one is obviously religion.
    That’s why no one will touch this argument – we don’t see what anything has to do with it.

    Royal we, of course.

    Free Member

    Not sure why you think the distance is irreleavnt tbh..How can it be “ours” at that distance?

    How can Germany not be French at that proximity?
    … I don’t understand where you’re drawing the lines

    Free Member

    Sooner or later Britain will lose her South Atlantic colonies, there’s really no point hanging onto the 19th century.

    Why? Because they’re geographically far away?
    Edit: High five

    Free Member

    And why don’t you like boats!

    Free Member

    Thats what great Britain is. the one island. Check it out.

    We know. But we don’t know why you seem to think boats are immoral.

    Free Member

    Keep him on the conveyor belt until he decides to get off it. It offers the best chances: but they’re still just chances. He’s got to do the work and want things. It’s best to show him as many of the opportunities as you can so he can make the decision himself.

    Free Member

    Get promoted into your own office. It’s the only way.

    Free Member

    I am a teacher of souls

    Free Member

    Go and give her a big hug. She sounds miserable. Overlook this petty crap. Make the road a nicer place to live by reducing your passive aggression.
    She’s an adult woman – she isn’t going to change.

    Next time, get it all in writing that they agree to pay and take it the legal route if someone doesn’t. No big deal.

    Free Member

    Edit; correction: without further clarification, this amusing but pointless argument over semantics will circulate fooooreveeeer…..

    Shhh! That’s the point, right?

    Free Member

    By who?

    Myself and the people I love.
    I’m really not sure about anyone else, but there is a wikipedia article on it. Take a look here to find out more.

    Very good post (and username) 2tyred

    Free Member

    I don’t see any major celebration at summer solstice, which on your theory would still carry great importance.

    Midsummer is celebrated but doesn’t have much retail interest.

    Free Member

    Seeing as historians disagree on the origins of Christmas, I find it amusing that STWers have such conviction.

    Free Member

    Thumbs up here, They’ve held up to abuse from me.

    Free Member

    Who cares if Elfin or anyone has sympathy or not, really? This holier than thou stuff is horrible! I’m going to flounce!

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