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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    I am not sure if your calculations are right or wrong but if they were right how fast would you have to be going on the aluminium bike? Less than walking speed? Something sounds amiss.

    It’s very amiss, there’s copious amounts of editing going on here – soon it’ll be a post about something completely different. It’s mainly because I’m incompetant.

    Free Member

    My calculations are wrong, but the energy required to break the carbon frame from the drop test is equivalent to an average man riding into a paper wall at over 5000mph with no energy dissipation from tyre, air, rims, spokes, hubs, bearings, or forks.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I have to say it amuses me somewhat how some people appear to feel uncomfortable with the fact that social classes exist and deal with that problem by pretending that they don’t.

    If there was only one person in the universe, social class would not exist – it is a means of describing and catagorising multiple people into groups.

    Social class does not exist to me if I do not compare myself to others. It can be applied to me by other people, but I do not apply it to myself, as it involves comparisons with other people which ultimately leads to either envy or smug self-satisfaction, neither of which acheive anything.

    I am not denying social class exists, I just don’t feel this obsessive need to compare myself to others and catagorise my place in the world. I’m too busy living for that.

    Free Member

    What the hell GW? Let’s all be nice to each other please.

    Free Member

    BillySuggar: Only have one complaint. They squeal in the wet. Tried Hope sh1t shifter just to satisfy myself it wasn’t residue on the rotor from cleaning. No change. Done it since new. Pads are not glazed. It’s been useful to let people know you’re coming at times and it can make you faster not wanting to hear a pig being murdered under you. Far from ideal though.

    This! If you hear the squeal enough to annoy you, you’re doing it wrong! Similarly to the Pro2 – Why aren’t you peddling?!

    Free Member

    Wait, there’s finally a BigHitter issue of Singletrack?

    Free Member

    Note to self; self raising DOES NOT = better high…


    Free Member

    Sorry unless the NHS is massively reformed and ring fenced then its a cash black hole that we cant afford despite its efficiencies. etc

    Yeah, money is better spent bailing out banks, isn’t it.

    Free Member

    A lot of students know the exact requriements needed to scrape by – the majority of people on my course (Engineering @ a Russel Group Uni), even in their final year, get by by learning the past papers. Then ask them a simple question and they have no idea where to start. Give them an open ended design excercise and they complain that the exact requirements of every evaluation are not clearly outlined so they can fish for marks.

    They complain about coursework that isn’t directly related to the exam (a really good design exercise was scrapped recently because the students believed it focussed ‘too much’ on coding, not the physical laws behind it. It used Matlab and required a for loop. Seriously.) The uni caved because they know they’ll lose out on the ‘student satisfaction’ part of the National Student Survey (The survey itself, incidently, is someone in a call centre phoning you toward the end of your final year and asking you vague questions where you state how much you agree.)

    I have no idea how it was 10 years ago.

    Free Member

    So, you lack self awareness to such an extent that you don’t think there’s anything sad about meta e-drama? You really want to waste time talking about a site you waste time on, on the site you waste time on?

    I love this place, it’s like a proto-internet.

    Free Member

    Well, Smooth’s alright, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I stopped frequenting a local drinking establishment due to the adverse beard ratio. I’m normally a rather sciency kinda guy, but I had to put my discomfort down to the supernatural.

    Free Member

    At the moment fb seems to have limited revenue generators- ads, and games

    It’s not so limited when it has the potential to deliver ads and games to everyone in the world
    Edit: I agree with the rest of what you’re saying, though.

    Free Member

    Men with Beards if nothing else are warlike and aggressive, even though for many it is a defence mechanism.

    Free Member

    And I thought I was a troll. What on earth are you lot on about?

    Free Member

    emsz – Member

    I hate being called ‘babe’, or ‘sweetheart’ by blokes, but i don’t mind ‘love’ from old dears on the checkout though. there’s a bloke on the train station that calls everyone “me duck” which is ok. Hate being complimented by strangers as well, very creepy

    And yet TJ claims:

    Can yo really not see how belittleing it can be? Note all the women posting on here dislike it.

    Maybe thats the intent but its not a cultural difference – note all the women on here dislike it.

    It belittleing and demeaning and disrespectful to refer to someone you don’t know by a term of endearment. It says “I am more powerful than you”
    Why are you claiming this, when it’s not true?

    Free Member

    I dislike being called ‘Stud’ and ‘Player’. It’s sexist.

    Free Member

    With muppetWrangler on this one – let people retain some sort of individuality. It’s much more interesting than ‘Sir’ … ‘Have a nice day’. When did I get knighted and why should I adhere to your instructions?

    I can’t see why this is indicative of class – only poor people use the bus anyway. Anyone who uses public transport has failed – Thatcher said so.

    Free Member

    It`s a small plane so what?

    It’s remarkable that it flies given its longitudinal stablity? That it probably has it’s own flight control law architecture and yet seems to be a toy? It looks awesome? It’s got canards, a wing AND a T tail?

    Free Member

    I missed you, flow

    Free Member

    The British way of sticking to rules is really quite funny.

    To you.
    The rest of us love our ethnocentric indignation-fuelled vigilante moans, thankyouverymuch.

    Free Member

    Depends – did I get to that point in my career without selling out my ideals?
    If I’m a sell out, I might as well embrace and milk the system for all I can!

    Free Member

    Well done you.
    (I know this isn’t a help, but I don’t like my current money-grabbing landlord: by requesting we have 24 hours notice before she barges in, we’re “difficult”…)
    Respect your tennants, it’s not an easy buck.

    Free Member

    Have you paid for any albums / tracks recently you wish you hadn’t?

    Free Member

    >>Black boxes in cars to check speed or whatever

    >Personally, I’m all in favour of cars being speed limited to that set for the road they’re travelling on.

    >being prevented from breaking the law is hardly a civil liberties infringement, is it?

    Privacy is considered a civil liberty.
    And anyway, holding someone captive prevents them from breaking the law – is this an infringement of civil liberty?

    Free Member

    Big fileshraing site which pays you if people download the content you upload. In file-download guise, as well as flash video guise (Imagine youtube with no content restrictions, but wants you to pay to access more than ~42 mins of video a day) and some other guises too.
    Content generally not accessed directly through the site, but through other websites which provide links.

    It’s fair enough. The founders made a lot of money directly out of the distribution of copyrighted material. I’d have more to say if less money was involved.

    Free Member

    They want to frame you after your Police-created clone murders a politician of the Police’s choosing.

    Free Member

    Hey Paddy.
    If you’re struggling with maths, I’d get a copy of K.A Stroud’s Engineering Maths book at the level you want. There’s a foundation, his standard ‘Engineering Mathematics’ and an advanced.
    The three of them will take you from pre-calculus up to the maths level required for final-year accredeted engineering courses (well, nearly).
    I’ve found no text book that is easier to follow, worth its weight in gold. Got me through my degree.

    Free Member

    The only proper way to dispose of a fag end is in the eye of your enemy.

    Free Member

    That’s no moon…

    Free Member

    In this day and age can you ever afford to give people the benefit of the doubt?

    I can, but then I’m rich.

    Free Member

    Haha Binners!
    Just for a recap, I stopped a couple of weeks before xmas and stayed off them until new years eve when I pretended to be a chimney. Woke up 1st Jan feeling awful. Been off them since!
    Still think about them a few times a day, but it’s fleeting. Can go out for a drink too, can even go outside while everyone else smokes completely unaware that I used to smoke. No big deal, all good.
    I can actually walk up stairs, too.

    Free Member

    OP in “finding out the world doesn’t owe him a living” shocker

    I’m not sure how this is warrented – the OP has a living. He appears to be looking for the recognition he feels he deserves.
    Why don’t you just say ‘life’s unfair’ next time?

    Free Member

    Is the product / service you’re developing and they are selling any different to your competitors?

    hope that their success trickles down the company to you or if you want to directly share their success – move to sales.

    The OP is stating that without the product / service there would be nothing to sell. Success should not ‘trickle down’ – it should be there for everyone who played a part in the sale – including those that facilitate it without direct client contact. It’s exactly the trickle down attitude he hates. It’s a team game, people. The OP knows this, but the Sales guys don’t seem to grasp it.

    Free Member

    Distinctive ..ahem.. ‘hand shake’ you’ve got there, scaredypants.

    Free Member

    I had to venture onto Twitter for my fix… It’s a strange world out there.

    Free Member

    Apart from cases were a law is broken, why should a commercial organisation have the right to tell us how to dress, talk or act DURING our own free time?

    It’s written into most contracts that the employer has the right to terminate the employment if you make the company look bad, whether during or outside work hours – whatever the job.
    Why should teachers be exempt from this? The problem is drawing the line as to what constitutes making the company look bad. This is why we have a legal process.

    Free Member

    REALLY? Academies have to adhere to “Normal” working regulations? Would a 19 year-old plumber who gets pissed on a Friday night and then posts a photo on Facebook of his drunken antics be fired by his employer first thing on Monday morning? I think not.

    Can you post a link to a case when this has actually happened to a teacher in this country, please?
    And how do my teacher friends have jobs? They have plenty of pictures of themselves being drunk on their facebook profiles.

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