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  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Don’t worry, you’re not alone, I’m scared of red light too.

    Free Member

    do if it’s yours why is it on photobucket as belonging to stuart j davis and titled ‘My TTS’?

    Oh god, he’s become self aware. HE’S LEARNING! SHUT IT DOWN!

    Free Member

    Firefox users tend to have a higher IQ than Chrome users. IE users tend to have the least IQ of the lot.* I’m not mentioning Opera or Safari.

    Free Member

    and whilst we are on guitars, I also find that I don’t spend as much time using mine a I would like rather like the bikes

    This :(

    Free Member

    Don’t forget the amps. You need at least 4 different cabs with different heads for each tone. Versatility is your enemy in the quest for tone!

    Free Member

    If you are driving from Cardiff to London, and you have just passed J15 (the last Swindon exit) are you still near Swindon?

    Not if you can only go in a direction away from Swindon. :)

    Free Member

    You can.

    But you’d still be wrong
    Pfft, given the amount of literature on the ‘passage of time’ from both a scientific and ontological perspective, I don’t think the STW forum is the place where it’s finally decided what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’… come to think of it, what is ‘right and wrong’…
    *wanders off*

    Free Member

    Question answered.

    Why can’t we have a philosophical debate about time?
    Poo to you, gavel man. :)

    Free Member

    On Boxing Day do you say “Man, it has been ages since Christmas”?

    No, but I would say “Man, it’s ages until Christmas”. Time only goes one way, you’re living in the past, maaaan
    Continuing this logic, you’re always furthest from Christmas. Except on Christmas.

    Free Member

    By my calculations, the mid-point of Xmas to Xmas is 182/183 days away from Xmas.
    The 26th December is one day away from Xmas.

    Have you figured out a way of going back in time?

    Free Member

    Well, electrical fault is a bit broad. Human error could at a level be considered an ‘electrical fault’.

    Free Member

    Everyone assumes that something will go wrong but are quite happy to trust the fly by wire systems for the accelerator and the brakes.

    The fly by wire systems are fine. It’s the control law that they respond to which is limited. The ‘brain’ as opposed to the arms and legs.

    I wouldn’t trust your average person behind the wheel as backup – just look at the recent Air France crash repeated on here a few times to see what happens when even highly trained professionals encounter a malfunctioning control system.

    Does anyone know if there are any industry standards for the communication between cars? This is the sort of thing Google would have a patent war over… I wouldn’t want a patent war involving cars with different manufacturers being unable to communicate with each other…
    *wanders off*

    Free Member

    meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta MUSHROOM MUSHROOM.

    I rode my bike, anyway.

    ah damn it, now I know what you look like. Mental image ruined!

    Free Member

    Wheels are attached to planes. If you park a plane by putting the brakes on, and then throttle the engine up, the plane will not move.

    The rolling resistance of a wheel varies with the square of the wheels’ rotational velocity (consult any introductory dynamics text). As this velocity can be anything (the treadmill is very powerful), there will be a velocity with a rolling resistance which is greater than the thrust of the engines, just like the maximum friction from the tyre is greater than the thrust of the engines for the parked case.

    Yes, everything will explode, and the rolling resistance coefficient is tiny (around 0.01), but since you asked…

    Free Member

    “If you put a plane on a very powerful, very long, very wide treadmill and fired up the engines, then would the treadmill operator be able to prevent the plane taking off by running the treadmill in the opposite direction?”


    Free Member

    The SawShank Redemption – The extraordinary story of one trotterless sheep’s escape from the butchers.

    Pup Fiction – The lives of seemingly unrelated dogs are woven together

    Free Member

    Marketing…all the fun of sales without the accountability.

    High five.

    Free Member

    >>I wish they’d shut up about the bondage websites and women’s clothing.
    Is it stirring something in you?

    Ha Ha! :|

    His private sexuality is playing an important role in the media coverage, even though no link has been established between his sexuality and cause of death. Yes, they tested to see if he could have got into the bag himself, but this test would take place if you were found dead in a bag – it’s a fundamental way of determining if someone else was involved.

    The guy was a brilliant mathematician who will now be remembered as a sexual deviant, for no reason other than to satisfy the public’s insatiable appetite for weird news stories. I mean, a two page spread in the Independant skewed toward his sexuality being the root cause, with no evidence to support it? It’s like Joanna Yeates and the case of the Missing Pizza all over again, (incidentally, she may also have been in a holdall bag at one stage) except missing pizza doesn’t shame a family in the eyes of a homophobic public.

    Free Member

    I wish they’d shut up about the bondage websites and women’s clothing.

    Free Member

    Add to that if I had to see/hear an advert for every 6 minutes of entertainment al-la spotify I’d be there all week trying to watch star-wars!

    Plenty of people (myself included) are happy paying £5 or £10 a month for Spotify. I would also be happy paying a similar amount for hassle free, on-demand film watching. The current offerings are getting there, but as previously mentioned it’s the lack of titles that’s putting most people off.

    Free Member

    Of course there has to be a reasonable and proportionate response, as Cougar points out, you don’t nuke a shop from orbit but, equally, why should people and businesses not be able to protect thier IPR (and livings) from theft?

    Theft you say? You mean copyright infringement. It’s an important distinction leading us to the wilderness of internet moral discussions…

    Free Member

    this is for commercial reasons

    While I hear what you’re saying, really it’s the legal inforcement of copyright law.

    I feel the workarounds which will allow you to access the site after it is blocked will be so common, it’ll render blocking useless. Espcially as the method of circumventing the block is similar in complexity to that of downloading a torrent, knowledge all those users easily gained.

    Even if it’s successful, the nett effect will be the same as shutting down Napster. And you know how much impact that has had on your life day to day.

    It’s a slippery slope for online freedom.

    Free Member

    Put down the tools after an evening fitting my new drivetrain. Woke up in the morning, noticed it’s a nice day, I thought I may as well ride to work. Then I notice the gear inners cross under the downtube, I’d fitted the shifters the wrong way round! Rush to undo all the bolts, feeling glad that I hadn’t cut the inners down. Swap the cables over, check the underside, problem solved. Cut the inner to size.

    I get on the bike to double check the indexing on the rear, notice not much is happening. Check the front, gear change but it doesn’t feel right…
    Yup, I’d got the shifters the right way round the first time, I’d just routed it wrong… Ride to work with “Low, Med, High” instead of 10 speed, with 10 degrees of not-quite-right at the front…

    Free Member

    What! You are saying owning/riding isn’t a deep philosophical experience?

    I was mysteriously drawn to this thread, I now know why… Carry on

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine, it’ll just be a bit heavy for mountain biking, reminding you it’s there and making you feel uncertain as to whether you should take it off to save from breaking it.

    I prefer not to check the time when I’m mountain biking though.

    Free Member

    If you’d identified the blown capacitor on the hard disk controller and soldered on a new one THEN you would’ve “repaired” it!

    But he did repair the laptop – in the same way one of the electronics guys at work will repair your old monitor by replacing one part for another part, or the person previous repairs a kettle by swapping the element. The fact it’s modular doesn’t detract from this. It’s just semantics.

    I think it’s been the same for centuries – some people are interested in how things work, some people aren’t.
    This won’t go away.

    Free Member

    It’s like a cross between Fusion and Fission; leave it to the nerds.

    Free Member

    Don’t start with 2012 then.

    Free Member

    Muphry’s law is an adage that states that “if you write anything criticising editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written”. The name is a deliberate misspelling of Murphy’s law.

    I was going to post up a suggestion that grammar threads on the internet should be hooked up to a dynamo – we’d have all the energy we need.

    Free Member

    I don’t. I like my news to be unbiased and factual.

    Ooooooh, Handbags. How does that work in practice?
    Edit: :D

    Free Member

    check Heston Blumenthal’s method. He is a prize one in many ways, but his explanation on the science of cooking steak (and home made burgers) made a lot of sense to me and since then, have had some spectacularly successful results even with (go on, flame me) ‘supermarket quality’ steak.

    Heston says to turn it over every 30 seconds (Edit: beaten to it, I read 30 seconds from him… I blame the radio times.) For medium rare, supermarket steak, I do this for about 4 minutes. Don’t season with pepper before, because the really hot pan will just burn it.

    Steak out, let it rest (on a warm plate if possible, mine goes cold quickly), loads of red wine in the hot pan, Flambé while looking your wife deep in the eyes…

    Free Member

    We have to make signs in our shop for card categories. Many hours are spent discussing whether it is Fathers Day, as in a day for all fathers to celebrate. Or Father’s Day , a day belonging to a father.
    It is open to the forum.

    That would be Fathers’ Day, no?

    Free Member

    It makes you well 1337; congratulations.

    Free Member

    If you mean to go from Sadgill over Gatesgarth Pass and down to Haweswater and then up the north side of nan Bield and down the other side into Kentmere then I suppose everyone has to do it once to know not to bother.

    Too true :(

    Free Member

    From this thread it appears that many posters with a deeper interest in science think that the majority of science’s work is done..

    That’s the sort of thing my father in law comes up with…

    List of Unsolved Problems in Physics

    The Reynolds number of the turbulent flows it is possible to predict using DNS is increasing with the increase in compuational power available. This will provide us with an accurate description of turbulence which has many industrial applications.

    Free Member

    For those who would like to buy the book, he’ll be selling signed copies at £7.99

    Why don’t you ask your kid if they want the book. If they say yes, ask them why. If you’re satisfied with the answer, get them the book. I don’t see how peer pressure really comes into it.
    Any reading is good reading, right?

    Free Member

    There’s always the Office trial software if all else fails. If you can find a copy of Office Starter, that could work. It’s a free, unlimited cut down version which is meant to be for new PCs – there was a loophole that you could download it from Microsoft but that appears to have been cleared up…

    Free Member

    we can agree the guy is a dickhead and could do with a kicking though right?

    Hell yes.

    Free Member

    Since you’re posting on a site that sells advertising space in order to operate, I guess it’s the former.

    It’s neither. I fail to see how generalisations (he is a ‘businessman’) make any argument stronger.

    I simply feel the link between big-business-profit-driven-world-eating-people-killing-machines with this ass-hat is tenuous. He set it up as a blog about himself, not as a profit making exercise. I feel that to claim he is a business man is to trivialise the damage actual large corporations are doing as well as give the guy the ego boost he wanted in the first place, playing into the hands of both parties.

    Free Member

    Are those two things mutually exclusive then ??

    Strictly speaking, he makes money from something yes – but to compare him to Nestle and oil companies is a bit rich.

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