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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    i Have spoken to Graham by e-mail and had a thrilling debate with him on another forum

    Given that; graham what do I think on this issue?
    is it this?

    Wow two public school boy Tory millionairres get on
    No shit sherlock, shit always floats to the bottome etc


    Free Member

    It’s a misplaced nostaligia that’s one of the things that holds this country back.

    From what, exactly? :)

    Free Member

    Drag is a factor of considerable importance. It is independent of mass and proportional to the cube of the velocity…..The exponential increase in drag with increase in velocity

    Do you want to tell him how this is wrong on multiple levels, or should I?

    Free Member

    Miles offroad

    KM on road

    knots on water

    Mach no. @ Alt in the air

    Warp no. in space!

    Free Member

    I caught a few episodes.
    The psychology behind the episode editing is artful, but the cross over between fiction and reality – eg ‘structured reality’ just pisses me off. It’s too much like being funnelled into a mindset and spat out at the other end. Too little room for viewer interpretation.

    Free Member

    True, but for every one of them there are another ten who like that they can just press “Login with Facebook” instead of creating yet another website account, filling out yet another set of users details, and remember yet another username and password.

    And this may well become the societal norm. Which will make my visiting of ‘fringe’ websites which allow anonymity the societal equivalent of living in a tent in the woods.
    I’m going to be “that guy” aren’t I?

    Free Member

    The other aspect may be that Facebook is quickly becoming the “Internet Login”

    Don’t make me leave the internet :(

    Free Member

    Yes, but only if the new proposals are what the public want. I’m fed up with “We’re going to cut off your heads”
    *Public Uproar*
    “Oh, ok, we’re only going to cut your left arm off now”
    -“That’s OK then, as long as it isn’t our heads”

    Free Member

    (Never really figured out what is SO awful about iTunes on Windows. It works well enough for me on the rare occasions I use it)

    YOU’RE NO POWER USER! Caps, because I am a power user. And 14 years old.

    Free Member

    They’re emptied and filled with any waste and finished experiments before landing in the seaaaaaaa

    Free Member

    This, and the dribblefest that is the jubilee, have me wondering, and worrying, at how this nation became such a bunch of utter braindeads.

    It’s always been this bad! Throughout history, we have always thought our peers were morons [citation needed]. It says a lot about human psychology :)

    At least these are nice things, with people coming together and celebrating something, it could be a lot worse.

    Free Member

    Still not sure why I should care ??

    What is the downside, genuinely can’t see one.

    Don’t forget, Facebook have a habit of changing the privacy ‘rules’ (as well as the scope of service they offer) – no matter whether there is a downside now, do you really trust there never to be a downside? That’s not to say avoid-avoid-avoid, just use these services with your eyes open.

    Free Member

    Indeed, Thanks Cougar

    Free Member

    I know girls that literally get a bit damp about men in uniforms..


    Free Member

    emsz – There is one thing that trumps ‘Men in DJs’ . When the invitations also say “with medals” and those so entitled comply with the host’ s wishes. Anyone can hire a dinner jacket…

    Did someone say 1950’s pilot uniform?

    Free Member

    No one wants a prize? You lot upset me.

    Free Member

    I thought this thread was a reference to the middle aged, bald, fat, Audi driving IT managers. I’m disapointed that it’s actually just about the internet :(

    Free Member

    “Upgrade to a modern browser and see what this doodle can really do.”
    Why are they perpetuating lies?

    Free Member

    Plenty of evidence to show that societies with more equal wealth distribution are healthier, happier, safer etc etc

    Where are these places? I need edumacation.

    Free Member

    Cash is king! Glad you’re both OK.

    Free Member


    I agree! Don’t take me seriously for a second :)

    Free Member

    But to the OP, surely people of dofferent races, and therefore presumably cultures, may well exhibit

    >>differentiated behaviours

    Surely nothing unusual or ‘racist’ there ?
    Nee Naw, it’s the Quote police!

    differentiated behaviours on the grounds that one is white and the other, black

    That’s the colour of their skin, not their background or culture.

    Free Member

    Edit – Strange layout…

    Free Member


    You bunch of dirty racists.

    Free Member

    This thread is actually about helmet hair / baldness.

    Free Member

    Someone fire up ANSYS…

    Free Member

    Adverts which go on about how great a screen is with bright pictures, which are shown to me via my TV or monitor. BANNED.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t bother me at all. I’d quite happily put my DNA, fingerprints etc on file too. The only people worried about this are criminals and mad conspiracy theorists.

    This data is leaked and abused.
    “There is one, simple fact: from health records to criminal records, employment details and other personal data, government databases are not only open to abuse, but are actively being exploited by the very people we supposedly trust with our data.” Link (Final source from a FOI request for Channel 4)

    Free Member

    Do what you want and don’t worry about what other people think. This will make you a more independant and interesting person to be with and before you know it, you’ll have lots of people to go to the cinema with.

    Free Member

    It’s hardly Facebook’s fault if you splash that stuff all over the web. Is it…?

    Nope. But the whole Facebook system of Apps is geared toward opening up the audience of your private information to third parties, including information you provided under the condition that it is only visible to friends. The privacy policies simply do not have your privacy at heart, and keep changing. You have to keep telling it not to display certain information time and time again every time a new feature gets added.

    Sure, if you don’t put the information up in the first place you have nothing to worry about, and it’s debatable as to whether you have anything to worry about anyway, but I just don’t trust a service that keeps moving the goal posts.

    Free Member

    There’s nothing wrong in putting those details into the public domain, so a pretty poor example, unless they were looking to receive money.
    It’s about as harmful as putting your name and DOB (date of birth)…

    But what happens when it’s your name, DOB, activities, interests, thoughts, current and past location, who your mother is, what her maiden name was, what the first school you attended was… all in a searchable database?

    Free Member

    I think the face that someone posts details like that just proves proves that some people are society is stupid. Facebook is just a vessel for their stupidity. The same as people who drive off of cliffs following sat nav instructions. vote tory because the Sun told them to

    Grumble grumble life.

    Free Member

    The Earth is an giant electromagnet guys, it’s just not very strong compared to your average fridge.

    As for the ‘weak’ or ‘strong’ argument, it’s important to keep the distances in mind. It just depends what scale you want to work at.

    Free Member

    Has anyone else had teenagers on school trips in the hills shouting at you?
    That’s always fun. Especially when your chain snaps midway through the compulsory wheelie.

    Free Member

    You can do it, just look for as many gigs as you can – “sportsman’s dinners” and the like. Plenty of shocking comedians preaching to rooms full of drunken football fans in suits.

    Free Member

    All is not lost… We can have a STW interview if you want? 8)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m hoping this was a joke, because for me there’s nothing worse than people trying to prove how manly they are by crushing your hand in some weird power game only they are playing.

    What, life?
    Only kidding folks.
    I just squeeze enough to grip, and make my arm really stiff, like I’m trying really hard to stop them from moving my arm. Because I don’t really get much out of handshakes.

    Free Member

    You can make your own laser for next time with jelly, two mirrors, tinfoil and a camera flash. Get a pair of laser safety glasses too and you’ll be set for a duel.

    Free Member

    So are these lazer’s dangerous?

    Yes. I take it you’re a member here?

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