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  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Hell yes! I just spend a lot of time waiting for computers to finish whirring…

    Free Member

    Can’t say as I’m overly fussed TBH. Whenever I’ve had to rely on CCTV data because I’ve been a “victim of crime”, I’ve never yet been told “yep, we’ve got great footage of the perpetrator, the police are rounding him up now.”

    They would if perpetrator had large breasts.
    They also would if there were more cameras. They also would if the cameras were assisted by software and were linked to facial / object tracking. The latter two aren’t exactly far-fetch tin-foil-fat ideas, are they?
    I can’t believe that you’re really banking on the incompetence of others to protect you from ANY of the myriad of pitfalls from plans (and the misuse of plans) such as these. Especially with technology and automation.

    Free Member

    The two are hardly equivalent.

    Neither are Iraq and Syria. What’s your point?

    Free Member

    I thought D-Day went well, to be honest

    Free Member

    Phew, the only two choices that I could possibly make in life are ‘do someting’ or ‘do nothing’. That makes it a lot easier!

    Free Member

    “What it is, is that…”

    Free Member

    I think pink is almost more of a mans sales monkey’s colour than a woman’s these days.

    Inflammatory? Never. ;)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Good read, thanks.

    Free Member

    I’m South a bit. :)

    Free Member

    Anyone who goes to a trail centre on their own and tries to tag on to other people is quite frankly a bit weird and should probably be avoided.


    Free Member

    Just ask if he forgot it when you get to the carpark and have a conversation

    I was imagining :
    “Did you leave your helmet at home?”
    -“Nah, can’t stand them for a pootle around a trail centre”
    “Fair enough.”
    -“Fancy staying at my chalet in the Alps next summer?”

    Free Member

    No chance of you ever doing the same, even if it means sacking work? Mostly just comes down to choices and priorities.

    This. There’s a whole world out there!

    Free Member

    This is such fannyarsery. You’re halfway around a trail. No matter anyone’s thoughts on helmets, there’s nothing you can do to get him to wear one at that moment.
    Just ask if he forgot it when you get to the carpark and have a conversation.

    Free Member

    No, why would it be?

    Something about someone paying someone else’s wages? :lol:
    (This isn’t a personal jibe, just tacking with the winds of a typical STW argument)

    Free Member

    How can a test designer be happy with that? It has to work in application, not just in statistical theory.

    On top of all this, new drivers still fail to perceive hazards.
    Ban this sick filth.

    Free Member

    Scuzz, missed your edit in your first post:
    “Two clicks per hazard won’t penalise you, neither will four for the developing hazard”

    Im going to go for that technique next time. Identify hazard, click, give it a second for the computer to join in, click again, then click 4 times as it’s developing.
    That should see you through – it’s how I did it. If you get disqualified, I’ll owe you a drink :)

    Free Member

    If were were all the same the world would be dull.

    TJ – marching to the beat of a different drummer ( the one in my head that talks to me)
    YES! It’s taken YEARS! I mgiht have to leave the forum now ;)

    Free Member

    Straw man. There were other posts in between yours y’know!

    Free Member

    Man fails hazard perception test

    Man claims that decades of driving means he is safe therefore the test is at fault

    I say his attitude shows complacency ( because he did not train for / understand the test) therefore he is not as safe as he claims – because of his complacent attitude.
    Are you inferring the subtleties of someone’s attitude across the internet again? And you claim he is unwilling to learn! ;)

    Free Member

    No cougar – thinking that because you have decades in a car makes you safe to ride a bike is complacent. Knowing you always have more to learn makes you safer.

    Comedy gold. Re-read the thread – someone said he couldn’t drive. Turns out Stoner can and has been driving safely for years. At no stage did he suggest that driving a car means he can ride a bike…

    Free Member

    And I find a bit weird and unsettling that anyone should equate an appreciation of the Spitfire and the role it played with sexual arousal.

    Still I guess it takes all sorts………it’s a funny ol’world ain’t it ?
    Psst… Wanna hear some Big Ol’ Diesel Train Engines starting up?

    Free Member

    ^ Ladies and Gentlemen, POST OF THE WEEK!
    I offer a platitude: “Everyone fails at somepoint. It’s how they move on from failure that matters”.
    (I agree that the test is a load of bollocks. You should take your mildly arrogant ‘doesn’t apply to me’ attitude and use it to compensate for the test being a bit retarded – that’s what I did. It actually says in the instructions “Click again shortly after your initial click just incase”. Two clicks per hazard won’t penalise you, neither will four for the developing hazard)

    Free Member

    Its actually so the cleasner can mop all the floor without trapping water in the edges, and also stops the dooor soaking up water from the floor.

    If there’s a cleaner, what’s the problem? ;)

    How do people manage with the green tardis toilets at race events, wait for somebody to exit and grab the door and suddenly find theyve done a pizza or curry all over the bog, then its a quick exit,only for the next chap to think youve done it all yourself.

    A polite tip of the hat usually covers it

    Free Member

    Cubicle doors have gaps under them solely for this reason – hook a foot under when you open them – or will that ruin your George black trousers?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The reference to Thatcher and bike helmets is a joke, right ? Since she had nothing to do with it. Where’s the punchline btw ?

    It’s a commentary on neo-conservatism and the demise of extended family, wrapped in a baguette of STW goodness.

    And I love a good helmet.

    Free Member

    It’s too much information and takes some of the fun out of life. I don’t want to know everyone who will be at the party. I’m more likely to go “Oh, he’s a bit of a dick, it’s going to be a bad party” instead of just turning up and seeing what happens.

    When I see someone who I haven’t seen in ages but aren’t friends with them enough to meet up, I want to be surprised. I don’t want to know ahead that they’re coming to the city. I just prefer the surprise, it makes life a little bit better.

    I don’t want to passively know what everyone has been up to. I want to ask them and have a conversation about it. Even then, too many conversations go:
    “I went to Spain”
    -“Yeah, I saw on Facebook.”
    “They had a lovely donkey in the garden”
    -“Yeah, you took a photo and put it on Facebook”
    That’s boring. You’re just talking about Facebook.

    I don’t want that potential new friend to satisfy their curiosity about me by looking at my Facebook page and never talking to me again, instead of inviting me out and getting to know me. And these days, even if they do invite me out, instead of a personal invitation to an event, I get an invite along with 326 other friends / childhood friends / promoters / donkeys / their mum. I call this the ‘gathering vs party facebook pitfall’ – it’s not cool turning up with ‘da hoes’ to a Star Wars viewing.

    Free Member

    Just wondering if John will come back with his source, as it sounds like he might have been making it up.

    Molly Prince’s side of the story

    My favourite bit is

    I am saddened by the attempt by ill-intentioned and misinformed individuals to ruin a thriving business, employing hundreds of staff


    Free Member

    You do realise that Thatcher introduced bike helmets as well don’t you?

    She has always divided opinion 8)

    Free Member

    It’s a sad sign of the times – our Elders are left to rot in care homes, where they have nothing but thoughts of their Grandkids to enjoy. I blame the Thatcher catalysed dissolution of society into the Nuclear Family.

    Free Member

    [Double post]

    Free Member

    Hey, look, we both like planes and internet forums. Who cares? :)

    Regardless of the appropriateness, there is NOTHING that could beat the sound of 9 Merlin engines flying overhead (5 Hurricanes/Spits & 1 Lancaster)!

    Agreed :)

    Regarding having modern aircraft in the display, apart from the Typhoon, what others have we got? C17 Cargomasters?
    Only leased, and hardly our cutting edge tech. Jaguar? No longer in use. Harrier? Sold ’em off. Vulcan? Lovely, but the only one flying is privately owned. Tornado? Well, I think we’ve got one or two left.
    Regarding the Typhoon, how many do we actually have available, that aren’t in the Falklands/in maintenance/ whatever? I’ve been told the Typhoon is something of a hanger queen, but that could be hearsay.

    We’re just waiting for the F-35

    Free Member

    That would’ve been good… I love that combo, the spitfire going as fast as they dare to avoid unnecessary wear and tear (i.e. part throttle low boost only) and the typhoon just doing its best not to stop dead and fall out of the sky flying slowly with leading edge slats partially extended with its excellent low speed handling characteristics and FCS doing the work.

    While we’re being pedantic…

    Free Member

    The old L200 had bars going across the top of the bed near the cab, I used to bungee rubber the stem to that with the bars turned 90 degrees (bikes facing direction of travel). The bikes would be at the edge of the bed with space for luggage in between, front wheels crossing in the middle.
    Either that, or I’d use top cover (like a MountainTop) with bars and put a standard bike carrier on it with the front wheels in the bed. It’s a bit expensive though.

    Free Member

    Baggy! :)

    Free Member

    Just for reference, the AMD FireGL dedicated workstation (CAD) cards are identical to the consumer gaming cards – you only need to modify the drivers to get all the ‘hidden’ functionality without forking out for the price. Details are sketchy and all over the place – if any one is interested I can dig the threads up for you (eg. I configured my 4850 into the equivalent FireGL card for Solidworks)

    Free Member

    add into that cigarette’s, coffee, drugs etc…

    Woah woah WOAH!
    You fatties are so quick to generalise… ;)

    Free Member

    >But that doesn’t explain all the skinny people who don’t exercise but eat lots.

    Mike do they really exist?

    Nice to meet you.
    I know things will change as I age.

    Free Member

    Where can I get one of those?

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