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  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Well played, good sir. Well played indeed.

    Free Member

    Thanks for signing up MikeConner, good to see an informed, differing opinion.

    Free Member

    So much whistling…

    Free Member

    Nice suit

    Free Member

    Shami Chakrabati – yeh

    This. This with a vengeance.

    Free Member

    >well meaning but damaging to cyclists.

    = Critical Mass
    Ah. Who are these then? Hippies?

    Free Member

    Ah excellent. It appears CatholicDefense has published a reply to the original comic:

    From the Catholic article:

    I’ve already gotten two e-mails from people who had friends share it, and who wanted to know how to respond.

    You couldn’t make it up, could you? Don’t people know how to think for themselves?

    Free Member

    I am trying to avoid a little britain style fakery situation!

    DO IT! That sounds like so much fun. Just don’t ever claim you’re disabled, just say you’ll be in a wheelchair.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… would an extra half inch on the diagonal really make that much difference?

    Haven’t you heard? Big is the new small!

    Free Member

    Oh I’d love a Rolex

    One of the hands simply flew off of my Rolex. My speedmasters have been much better.

    Free Member

    But every car is just a moving road block. I’ll be passing you soon enough, you can be sure of that.


    Free Member

    So you’d shoot them? Since when does theft carry the death penalty without trial?

    Nah. He’d go down and politely ask them to stop breaking into his shed. They would then, perhaps, threaten him; he would then use his weapon in a manner described by Tucker.

    Free Member

    No. The steps involved are pretty simple and if you look at it from a kids point of view, dont require any intent to execute.

    Execution doesn’t require any intent?
    So, he magically found himself on a plane without intending to? You realise that’s what you just said, right?

    Free Member

    I’d build jetpacks, rockets and microlights.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Actually, given that Christians have worn the symbol of His death around their necks and on their churches for two thousand odd years, if there is a Second Coming then I’m going to beat Him to death with a giant rubber phallus.
    >See it’s posts like this, that are really rather rude.

    I agree, but the stranger thing for me is that he capitalised ‘Him’. There’s blatant disrespect hiding an underlying respect for Our Lord, it seems

    Free Member

    Nice pun 😉

    Free Member

    Cougar, Graham, I’m dissapointed. You’re arguing about interpretation.

    But it parodies christian beliefs in every other statement in that phrase, so it is a little incongruous to have one ‘made up’ one isn’t it?

    It is not the beliefs that matter. It is the way the beliefs are held, and the impact these beliefs have on the actions of believers upon non-believers. It is a meta-analysis of the position personal belief holds within wider society.

    The comic states A+B+C=D, and you’re arguing that A doesn’t look like A, it actually looks more like F. It’s the logic that matters, not the content.

    Free Member

    re: Labor vs Tory

    Shut up. Please. You’re the reason we pretty much have a two party system. Stop perpetuating it all!

    Free Member

    I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank David for outlining something that he feels is immoral, and inform him that it is nobody’s place to attempt to adjust my moral code, other than perhaps my dear departed mother. The moral code of a minister whose existence I was oblivious to 15 minutes ago has no impact on my morality (and likely never will).

    Please, David, do continue to make the laws but leave your moral posturing behind closed doors such that we can continue to live our lives. Thank you.

    Personally, I have had a few friends who started earning a lot of money off the books. I found a correlation between their amount of undeclared income and their boasting about generally being the best person on the planet. It also correlated with how much they equated ‘Paris’ to ‘Disneyland’. I am simply (quietly) grateful that I have had the chances in life (so far) to earn far more than them legitimately.

    re tips: Usually to be administered by the employer at the business as a taxable addition to the wages

    If you’re a waitress who earns enough money to pay any income tax at all, you have done well.
    You could always tip on card if you want your tip to go through the ‘proper’ channels. Bear in mind this will likely be taxed and then rebated months later due to tax code related tomfoolery.

    Free Member

    What would Hemingway have listened to?

    If I recall, the repetitive and grating crying of his son – not all that dissimilar to Dido or Radio 1

    Free Member

    2 hours of it could be the Essential Mix and none of that is playlisted..

    Naturally. I’m not suggesting that all the play is the playlist, but that they have a list of songs they play until you want your ears to bleed. When I was writing my first novella I had nothing but a pen, paper, desk and FM clock radio.
    I wanted to die.

    Free Member

    There are 57 songs on all the Radio 1 playlists at the moment. That’s less than 4 hours worth.

    Free Member

    Good Engineering, innit?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    But the Jury don’t get to decide the outcome. They are a key part of the process, but are obviously only the jury part of ‘judge judy and executioner’ 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’m sitting here lamenting how fat Americans are to be honest

    Free Member

    andymc06 – Were the police officer’s actions justifiable if there was a riot, then?

    Free Member

    Remember the “My wife is angry at me because of a dream she had”?
    There’s over 8000 search results for “Had a dream” on mumsnet.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t, I was just offering you other (possibly easier) choices, Apologies for trying to help.

    🙂 I feel a … wait for it….

    Free Member

    Don’t most sensible people know that if there is a riot going on you get out of the area ASAP and probably do what the police ask you to do

    I decided not to bring an umbrella to work today, when most sensible people would have. Do I deserve to be pushed over by the police?

    Free Member

    Or you could just turn it off, as detailed in that blog post and many many many other sites?

    It’s one of the many reasons why I dislike Google. Turning it off isn’t an option if you clear cookies fairly regularly and don’t want to be signed in all the time. And anyway, who are you to question my choices? Sod off!
    (And yes, I am aware that clearing cookies would revert it to a ‘virgin state’ untouched by my search history so it shouldn’t matter, but I do an awful lot of searching and it builds up surprisingly quickly. And stop presuming I am a moron! I’m overcompensating because I know I didn’t spell skew correctly)

    Free Member

    Wait, so if I talk like a Jamaican, I become a Jamaican? Beer can!

    Free Member

    A non Daily Mail link for online activists who wish to deny them the advertising revenue:

    Free Member

    The Google search thing stands in the way of my fundamental use of the internet. I want a balanced view of the world! I now use other search engines.

    But, FOR SCIENCE, my google results…:
    Homeopathic Healthcare
    2)a book on Amazon
    3)A journal on Springer

    Edit: although “”s squew it

    Free Member


    Free Member

    given the supposed dearth of armament and support available to the rebels?

    Well the rebels (they reckon there are about 40,000 of them) seem to mostly be members of the regular army that deserted. They bring their light weapons, they know where arms stores are and raid them, and the place is in the Middle East – there must be a massive arms black market.

    Free Member

    Well, first of all Libya is roughly three times the size of Syria, the Free Syrian Army has got about 3 tanks as well!

    Free Member

    The Bank: It’s my house and I can make whatever rules I like.


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