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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • scunny
    Free Member

    What do you expect from a car parts outlet. Pop along to a proper bike shop. I guess that’s why my local lbs doesn’t stock Citroën C3 oil filters.

    Utter bollocks. I thought the Halford’s bashing would have died down years ago. Do you think the vague recall info is purely because it’s a cycling item? I’m pretty sure a large successful company like Halfords could do a pretty good job of relaying information regardless of the product.

    Free Member

    Chavy or not, I had a Piaggio NRG when i was 16/17 which went like hot sh*t. Comfy at 60mph and I always felt confident when on the road, ample underseat storage and the mod cons. Really not worth getting a wreck at that age just to avoid being ‘trendy’, more hassle than they’re worth (and you’d struggle to get a Vision over 35mph.

    I had the same model as this:

    A friend back then had a billy whizz, i was envious:

    Free Member

    I was pushed over the edge the other day “£50 and a day off to whoever places a candidate today using the best scare tactics”. ‘orible b*stards

    Free Member

    Thanks, I appreciate the advice. I have actually been doing that for the past few weeks, i’ve had a few ‘meetings’ with folk but nothing has come of it yet.

    Currently being a recruiter, i can’t stand the big sites – 9/10 there will be no job attached to the ad, just a slimy recruitment consultant wanting you to sign on to his books.

    Free Member

    Highly addictive. You might think that it’ll be fine cos you’re away for a month, but you’ll just end up taking them with you. Benzo withdrawals can kill you, so it’s not really something you want to mess about with.

    FYI the site you’ve seen is fake, you can only get them via deep or India’s version of alibaba.

    Free Member

    Finished Uni and I pretty much stopped drinking at home all together, I would generally go out once a week and drink 8ish pints.

    Now I never go out but I drink a few cans every other night at home, have done for the past year or so purely out of laziness. Going back to not drinking in the house after this can.

    Free Member has a big thread about them somewhere

    Free Member

    The Mastiff would have turned and barked at his owner because he was wound up from barking at you, despite misconceptions, dogs don’t have eyes in the back of their heads, him cowering shows that once he realised he was barking at his owner he was remorsefull.

    If you were fighting someone and felt something grab you from behind would you instinctively stop and leave yourself vulnerable to attack or spin round quick on the offensive?

    Free Member

    Cue lots of STWers calling for the ban of anything thats not a Border Terrier.

    Me and Gracie will just sit here and watch

    Free Member

    Ok thanks. I didn’t want to start digging about at it because it seemed stuck in there pretty fast, now i know that it does come out i’ll give it another go.

    Free Member

    I might be missing something, bare with me.

    The cut out in the bb still has the plastic guide in there with the 2 runs for the cable to feed to the mechs. I took out the bolt that I presumed holds it in place but it didn’t budge.

    Should i be able to take it out?

    I have the cranks/bb installed, are they stopping the plastic guide from moving?

    Do i even deserve a bike?

    Should i be ashamed that i worked in a bike shop for 8 years and i’ve been defeated by a simple task?

    Free Member

    but actually found it easier to run a section of normal cable through and then follow that with the plastic tube

    I don’t have a plastic tube. Standard outer that sits in the cable guide on the frame, steel inner cable going from that round the bb to each mech.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand. If you want something you can just chuck a couple of bikes + kit in and not care about getting it dirty then buy a big estate which will be far nicer most of the time.

    I have an r6 track bike, I’d struggle to get that in the back of a estate. I currently transport it around on a rickety old trailer.

    Free Member

    Not necessary, just use the bolts.

    Free Member

    I got one in December. A few letters from Highview Parking, each one increasing the amount I was required to pay, they stopped for a while then i got some letters from a debt recovery company (again, Highview Parking with a mask on) decreasing the amount i had to pay and basically pleading with me to pay it.

    They’ve all stopped now.

    Free Member

    Go speak to the neighbours, then please go ring the council or RSPCA with due cause for your childs safety.

    Why would he need to ring the council/RSPCA after talking to the neighbours?

    “The dog in the garden next door was looking at me funny”

    Free Member

    It won’t be a pit bull (especially as you’ve already said you’re no expert).

    Staffy cross or American Bulldog.

    American Bull Terrier

    Go speak to the neighbours, please don’t go ringing the council or RSPCA without cause or speaking to them first.

    Free Member

    Maybe she hadn’t been taught by her boss? If you spoke to her in the way that you’ve implied in the OP then you’d definitely have come across as a condesending ‘snob’.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Did you read the post above you, or did you just want to post ME ME ME again in case we’d not got it first time around?

    Wrong side of the bed?

    Free Member

    Cheers guys. The jobs in education recruitment, upside is shorter working hours during school holidays, but i’m not going to be earning above basic during that time. I’m willing to give it a go, there’s nothing stopping me finding something else if it’s not for me.

    Free Member

    My friend had a cocker when we were in our teens. Lovely dog till it was about 4, then this happened:

    They new nothing about it at the time, only found this by chance a few years ago. Eventually Snoop (dog) had to be put to sleep after biting my friends Mum, he’d only let a few people near him, and only once in a blue moon. Life in a dog run wasn’t the best. I’m not saying this will happen to ever cocker, or that my friend’s experience could not have somehow been prevented, but it’s worthing keeping in mind.

    Free Member

    As you can drive a car and ride a bicycle there’s not much to learn.

    Do you have a license yourself?

    Free Member

    Look further down the page for the Kiev thread if thats what you’re interested in talking about.

    Free Member

    Hoar, do you have isdues with women? I have no idea what pussy riot are like nor do I really care I respect their right to protest without being attacked I wonder why you do not.

    Everyone has that right. Pussy Riot abuse that right and often deal with the consequences. I am yet to see/read about a meaningful, organised and effective protest by Pussy Riot. Just media exposure for being silly.

    Free Member

    For breaking the law.

    What do you think would happen to a group of people that acted that way in this country. You cant expect people to accept that behaviour just because their country is governed by a tyrant?

    Free Member

    Never said that their treatment was justified, just that they’re not the messiah’s they’ve been portrayed to be. To me their previous actions have totally discredited any message they are trying to make.

    Free Member

    I agree with Hora. I’d encourage you all to do some research about the freedom fighting Pussy Riot before reassessing your opinions. Russia is backwards and Putin is dangerous, I totally agree with that but the media has glorified Pussy Riot into something they are not. Points of interest.

    Chicken carcass inserted into body in supermarket “in protest”
    Orgy in a library “in protest”
    Sacking the two inprisoned members because they were getting too famous!!

    As a prime minister they are certainly not a group of people I’d be inclined to listen to

    Free Member

    whats the best site(s) to use to start a bit of speculative betting?

    Free Member

    Joking aside, i’d put a stop to it straight away. As soon as other kids find out she’s doing homework she’ll be pressured/bullied into doing the work of kids that prefer to spend their time burning kittens and setting fire to bins. Have you asked if this has already happened?

    “Go on, do my work and i’ll give you £1.50”

    Next week they might not be so friendly.

    Free Member

    NW will be the NorthWind set up I guess

    I loled. NW stands for ‘Narrow Wide”, as in:

    Free Member

    Why didn’t you service the bike yourself?

    Fitted incorrectly, maybe, but it definitely would have worked.

    Free Member

    Totally agree. My dogs would be the annoying pair that bound up to Rover while he’s on his lead and jump all over him. Because of this they’re kept on the lead if theres someone else on the field, having two american bulls sprinting towards you and your Yorkie would be an unnerving sight for anyone. I’ve been on the receiving end of it when i’ve got mine on the lead, drives me nuts. A dog is more likely to lash out if it’s on the lead, so who’s to blame if your dogs run up to mine but leave injured?

    Free Member

    Cheers for the advice. i’ve spent the weekend writing a few different CV’s, so i’ll send those round and see what turns up. In the mean time i’ll start thinking about how i can make my millions on my own.

    Free Member

    Second, avoid working with people with blighted lives, it may feel good for a while, but eventually their darkness can suck the light out of your life.

    I agree. Whilst I still feel like I’m good at my job, it is draining to deal with other peoples shit all day long, i’ve lost a lot of the compassion/sympathy.

    I’m pretty result’s driven and know that if the amount of effort I put in had an impact on the amount of money I bring home each week then I’d feel a lot more fulfilled (maybe richer/maybe poorer, but happier).

    Thinking cap time.

    Free Member

    Protein shake after every big ride should stave off hunger till tea time.

    Free Member

    Really depends on the bike, and how often you’re using it. If it was a commuter then i’d have no qualms in leaving it out side with a cover. But as the R6 is only a toy i’d rather have somewhere that offers it a little protection as it can sometimes be stood for weeks/months at a time during winter.

    Those specific bike storage things are nice, but i can’t really afford that much (and i doubt my girlfriend would appreciate an air raid shelter ruining our lovely woodland garden). I’ll probably build something similar to the picture i posted.

    Free Member

    Try We have 2 dogs. One Staff that we got as a puppy, and one American Bull that we got as a rescue.

    The American Bull is the most docile dog i’ve met, soft as muck. The only issues we have (which we’ve nearly defeated) is that she lived in a box room for 90% of her life before us so struggles with not eating her pap after she’s dropped it. We guess that she either had to eat it to hide it from her previous owner or ate it because she was starving. It used to be every day, but she only does it once a week or so now.

    The Staff was a puppy we got at 8 weeks. He’s a spoilt, needy git and seems to think he’s a lap dog. No real issues though, both can be left alone, both are great with kids (but i wouldn’t leave any dog alone with a child).

    In conclusion – I’ve had both a puppy and a rescue, and would get both again. You’re welcome.

    (I’ve posted these before, and one of the female members went off on one telling me how dangerous these breeds are – she must have just put down the daily broadsheet)

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