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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • scunny
    Free Member

    Any 140mm 29″ forks about?

    Free Member

    Mine just arrived, crazy value cheers Neil.

    Free Member

    put the code in

    Free Member

    Just got a new set of v6 Isotopes for £90, bargain.

    Free Member

    I had an inguinal hernia op last Feb, laproscopic so through my stomach. By mesh do you mean cut near your groin?

    I felt fine after 2 weeks, but don’t let that fool you. Recovery wasn’t bad and I was back leading a normal life excluding riding/training after 3/4 weeks. I wasn’t back to 100% on the bike or gym for maybe 6 months? and even then I could feel the surgery site until around a year post op. Back to normal now though.

    Free Member

    Don’t be a grass. Who’s going to take in your parcels if you grass on him?

    Between him and Boris, not you.

    Free Member


    I’m sure your neighbours will love you. Bad enough hearing neighbours TV from inside their house when I’m outside in the garden in the summer.

    You sound fun.

    Free Member

    Paid for by myself. I know a lot of people have a hernia without much impact on thier lives, but mine was pressing on the nerve to my testicle making it impossible to exercise/lift/play with my kids so it felt worth it to me.

    Good idea to get he ball rolling Harry, unfortunately/understandably hernia’s are not high on the priority list at the minute so there was little to no prospect of mine being repaired via the NHS any time soon.

    Free Member

    Just to update again for anyone that might search for similar experiences in future. I had the surgery done yesterday, went private and saw Dr Goodfellow at Claremont Hospital in Sheffield. Went well as far as I can tell, i’m sore today but nothing I didn’t expect. Checked in at 7am and my wife collected me at 3pm. I think all in it cost around £2.5k. Just happy to have had it done, hopefully I get the g ahead to ride from Bozz and the Dr at the same time.

    Due to this my fitness has been on a steady decline since July ’20, and my weight has been on a similar upward trajectory (how fast can I loose 12lbs?). I’ve got some work to do.

    Free Member

    Tell Bozza then. Think you should direct your frustration elsewhere tbh

    Free Member

    Not sure why it’s so hard for some people to understand, aside from being a professional rider he also has a Youtube channel. He can still create content (as his job) for the channel regardless of what that content is, just so happens he wanted to spray his bike and document it for said channel (allowed) and he collaborated with another business that is still allowed to trade during lock down.

    So Bren and Fat Creations engaged in a ‘business transaction’, no rules broken.

    As for if/why/what masks they were wearing, why do you care? Concentrate on what you’re doing.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies guys, been really useful to hear some of your experiences. I’ve made initial contact with Dr Saeed as recommended above so we’ll see what happens. I think i’ll be going private as my uneducated guess would put me around late April/May for surgery with the NHS (guidelines suggest treatment within 18 weeks of referral, but thats not accounting for Covid), so that rolls recovery into summer and fitness returning in Autumn. I’ve not been able to ride since July so i’ve already lost alot, I carried a bookcase round IKEA last week and the next day it felt like someone had kicked me in the nuts!

    Sounds very woe is me that doens’t it, actually very thankful this is the only thing that has effected me this year and my family has remained healthy.

    Free Member

    Very informative. I remember when I was younger i’d take my school bag full of stuff but over the years seem to have taken less and less to the point now where I was making myself nervous going out with next to nothing.

    Think i’ll go for a one up on the enduro bike and frame bag on my trail/xc bike.

    Free Member

    Try to find a 24″ bmx race bike or cruiser?

    Free Member

    I’m looking for a medium.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the idea’s guys, he had said he’d like a full sus so will explore that a bit more first but if not then that Brand X looks good (he cant be too fussy).

    Free Member

    SaxonRider thats reassuring to hear, i’ve been prescribed the same and i think things are getting better already. Not sure how it’s going to go this weekend as I have a riding weekend planned in Wales – road/mtb/road, i’ve pulled out of both of the road days but i’m still planning on riding at BPW on saturday. My justification is that I wont be sat down anywhere near as much. Unwise I know but this has been planned for months and is the first thing i’ll have done thats not local since Feb…. still trying to justifiy it to myself.

    Free Member

    Not had the snip, still in tact. I started antibiotics yesterday and i’m less uncomfortable today so thats positive, the pain hasn’t been as bad this time as it was a few weeks ago but then again things were much less swollen this time around.

    When I spoke to the GP he was pretty clear in saying, “I don’t think it’s a twisted testicle because if it was then you’d know about it, but if at any point it becomes really painful GET TO THE HOSPITAL AS FAST AS YOU CAN”. He then went off on a tangnet about patients passing out and havng thier testicles removed because a twisted tescle wasn’t treated in time.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. The 2 i’m going with don’t ride much now, but used to so I think sticking to the Blues with a few Red Tech trails might be the best plan. If it was up to me i’d be aiming for the red flow, but a big jump might be a bit more daunting than tech section. We’ve got a morning session booked so hopefully time enough to have go at most.

    Free Member

    Encouraging to hear as i’m currently in a market for something similar.

    Very disappointed in the lack of pictures though.

    Free Member

    Definitely something I need to be doing. Think I have 4 cans 5 nights a week, not massive amount by some standards but much more than most. I’ve not really felt the need to change as it doesn’t have a noticable negative effect on me i.e I don’t get hangovers, but I know that long term it’s not the best for my health.

    I’ve probs got about 15lbs of dad bod to get rid of so maybe i’ll knock it on the head till i’ve done that?

    Free Member

    I presumed that a steeper seat tube would decrease distance between saddle and bars?

    But i’ve just googled it and see that reach is measured from the center of the bb….

    Free Member

    Not heard of Marino before, looks like I might be giving him my current HT frame and buying myself a new one!

    Free Member

    That could well be the one – hadn’t thought On One, thanks.

    Free Member

    Ideally single speed. Pump,BMX track/Skatepark

    Free Member

    @flyingmonkeycorps @drewd Let me know if it doesnt work out.

    Free Member

    @drewd interested if OP isn’t. How much?

    Free Member

    Raise the concerns anonymously with your local authority LADO?

    Free Member

    Planet X Podsac stuff is cheap, not sure about quality but i’ve bought a few bits which feel ok. Haven’t had chnace to try them yet though.

    Free Member

    I could/would have done if @sturmeyarcher and @antigee had not been massive legends. Both those routes look great guys, thanks so much. They’ll both get ridden, one the weekend in question and i’ll go back and do other soon after.

    Free Member

    We’ve got a place in Crookes so will be starting from there. Would like to include a few big(ish) climbs.

    Free Member

    Tried to stop a front wheel spinning by grabbing the disc rotor = skinned the tip of my thumb down to the bone.

    Free Member

    Go to Lagos.

    Free Member

    Aldi 1897, Edemame stir fry, Eagulls

    Free Member

    Happy to camp in a car park if it’s just me, if I bring a +1 i’ll definitely explore air bnb.

    The friend interested in coming doesn’t have a bike at the minute. Whats the hire bike situation like out there, a bunch of nags or are they rideable?

    Free Member

    5 month old twins, used the controlled crying method about 7 weeks ago and now they’re straight off at 7pm, they do still wake at about 2 but are then back off again till 7am.

    Free Member

    Legally obliged to maintain confidentiality.

    Free Member

    Fantastic contribution, thanks.

    Free Member

    Maybe you’d rather I got her Audi Q5 serviced or got her orange 5 resprayed.

    Free Member


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