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  • scud
    Free Member

    Having spoken to On One they said that they should be dispatched on monday 5th when I spoke to the yesterday, this may have changed though.

    Free Member

    I am a 29 er convert but I think that it is horses for courses, when it comes to hardtails to ride all day in comfort and where the trail allows you to carry speed an keep that speed then 29er everytime.

    If the trail is going to be full of tight switchbacks, steep slow technical type terrain then 26er full sus for me, I think that is why 29ers are so popular in the states as there riding is different. I think at the moment you can’t jump or manual a 29er as well but I think that over the last few years the gap has definitely closed as the geometry has become more sorted.

    My ideal is a 29er light hardtail and a 26er full sus

    Free Member

    Thanks Shandy, it was me that started that other thread as well trying to find out the specs after i’d spoken to the guy on the On One technical “helpline” and he didn’t seem to know anything.

    Brant coming on and actually giving some information was a great help and i wouldn’t have pre-ordered the frame had he not cleared up a few things, if it had just been based on the website and the conversation with them i wouldn’t have.

    Free Member

    I must admit I would of hoped that they could of at least put a picture of the finished frame on the site and the specifics such as the seatpost diameter etc.

    Basd upon a conversation with them, the guy on the technical helpline said 27.2mm seatpost, which I have now bought, only to find it is 31.6mm

    Free Member

    Same here really, I was told that they would be delivered 1st or 2nd of Dec. But it seems that the frames aren’t actually in the country yet.

    I think that thankfully On One have a good name and they seem to be trading on that, not many companies would ask you to pre-order and hand over your cash with out any picture of the finished article or any sort of specs or geometry details really.

    Doesn’t stop me getting excited though.

    Free Member

    When at university one of housemates had them call round, he said to them that he was just of out to college, but if they were in the area tomorrow would they call back as he was interested in what they had to say.

    In the intervening 24 hours, he had got hold of some old sheets painted satanic symbols on them and hung them from the walls and used fake blood to “decorate” the place… the look on their face as they entered the living room was priceless, they left faster than Usain Bolt.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t noticed the sizing had changed? I was an 18″ on old Scandal frame so guess it couldn’t have changed to much. Are the smoothie headsets any good? Or am I best going for my usual Hope one?

    Free Member

    I should hopefully get it for the weekend, so will post up some pics. Feels a bit
    Like Xmas not being sure what it is going to be in the parcel.

    This is where we all find out that the graphics are some hideous graffiti pattern or have flowers all over ’em!

    Free Member

    Just ordered the raw finish frame after Brant thankfully was good to answer my questions.

    I must admit that it is a bit different ordering a frame not knowing what graphics or other bits actually look like, but I’ve owned a few different On One frames and they tend to be great value for what they are. Can’t wait to see what the finished product will look like. It is a shame that they seem happy to take your money via the pre- order system yet the person that answered the “technical helpline” didn’t know the answers to anything I asked him

    Free Member

    Thanks for replies, Brant you’ve answered my queries. Just wanted a few things straightened before i spent my hard-earned.

    I can sympathise, spent 3 months in a sling typing one handed in a job where i do nothing but type,

    I’ll bug you no further, sleep well.

    Free Member

    If you pre-order now, have they said when actually delivery will be?

    Free Member

    Thanks all,

    Brant – sweet dreams, I do admit that it is a lovely looking bike, but the On One staff, although lovely are selling a product that they don’t seem to have much info on, the guy at On One told me that it was a 27.2mm seatpost and had no idea whether running it at 120mm would affect the warranty.

    The forks do come with the spacers, but not being a racer, I would like to run the fork at 120mm if it doesn’t mess up the handling to much?

    By the way Hi Andy (the nickname Scud actually comes from when I used to be a chef and we had a newspaper cutting from the Gulf War, saying “Scuds make a real mess” and that’s what i was known for in the kitchen)

    Free Member

    It is the ape-hanger handle bars i don’t think i’ll get the hang of, but the bottle holder and rain canopy are a nice touch…

    Free Member

    I did, but it would have been nice of them to mention the fact that they were going to wipe the phone.

    None of my contacts were saved onto PC, so lost numerous numbers and email addresses.

    3 aren’t the only ones terrible for customer services. Last week I had to make calls to Zurich Home Insurance, 3, Virgin Media and Royal and Sun Alliance. Not once did I get through to someone in the UK and not once did I get a satisfactory response.

    Rant over………

    Free Member

    I have a 3 iPhone and it is bloody awful.

    It has become a running joke that they are called 3 as there is only three places in britain they work.

    I have had to buy a Vodafone PAYT phone to take on the bike with me as every time i step outside a major city it won’t work, my in-laws live in Norfolk and I cannot get a reception anywhere outside on Norwich, been with the bike to Exmoor, Highlands, south and north Wales and again the reception drops right off. But it is not just remote places, I cannot get a signal on half of the M25 that I travel in the morning or indoors in my flat near Guidlford.

    Customer Services are terrible also, my first iPhone had a faulty aerial, they simply said that they would fix it,so they sent it off, was left without a phone for nearly a month, then found that they had wiped it completely of all contacts and all the apps (many of which i had paid for).

    Free Member

    I did it last year on 120mm Trek EX8 and was fine, would possibly have liked a bit more travel but mate did it on 100mm hardtail.
    I think that is more important to prepare bike right. I’d make sure brakes are 100%, possibly run bigger rotors, take plenty of spare brake pads. Run slightly larger wider tyres than you possibly you normally would.

    Dropper seatpost is worth it’s weight in gold also. If you’ve got space to take plenty of spares as they expensive out there and I am 99% you won’t get any 29er spares out there.

    Most important though is that you enjoy it! You’ll get round fine on your bike

    Free Member

    I have a habit of walking into a conversation in the middle.

    Walked over to a mate who ex Royal Artillery as he was saying “that’s when we accidentally blew up a field of cows”

    Favourite was coming back from the bar after a ride to a friend saying ” and they found this girls body under my brothers bed. He did his time and now he is a monk” completely missed the start of that anecdote!

    Free Member

    We park in Broadmoor hospital car park and ride down under bridge.

    Free Member

    I went out to Peru and Bolivia 4 years ago and whilst out there decided to the classic mountain bike ride down the “Road of Death” supposedly the most dangerous road in the world, starting off at about 5200m above sea level and going down to the beach in 64km.

    We saw lots of organised US companies on good bikes, wearing luminous vest going down slowly, we decided to go with a dodgy local outfit. We paid them for lovely Iron Horse full sus bikes and turned up at the top to find we had ancient Trek hardtails with v-brakes!

    About 61km in, I managed to have a complete blow out with the rear tyre which audibly popped and I went over the bars and came to a rest on my back with my feet overhanging the edge with a good 100ft drop straight down. I had managed to dislocate my shoulder with enough force that it pulled off the head of the humerous and stuck the brake lever through my leg also.

    Had to then endure 8 hour journey back up the road to La Paz and a hospital, they stuck metal pins in shoulder but completely overlooked where I had stuck the lever in my leg.

    So I escaped twice, firstly narrowly missing going over the edge and secondly them finding me in hospital bed the next day bleeding out from leg having lost over 2 pints of blood where they hadn’t checked me for any other injuries other than my shoulder.

    My only saving grace was that my Camelbak had burst in the fall and absorbed a lot of the impact to my spine.

    Free Member

    The new bits of trail will take time to bed in, difficult when it is wet, but needed to be done before it got even wetter.
    It is a difficult to place to build trails as we have to agree what is done with the Crown Estate and others and the material used has to come from the quarry there, nowhere else. The new head ranger there though is amenable and although not a rider, he welcomes bikes there.

    Plus none of us our professionals there isn’t the money for that.

    Deadkenny, the tight switchbacks are very tight! But they follow natural bombholes that were uncovered when the foliage was cut back

    With regards to charging in the car park, I know it is an idea, but I must admit I am just a digger, I’m not party to the negotiations with Crown Estate, MOD and Forestry bods that govern Crowthorne woods

    Free Member

    As a member of the club that builds and maintains the trails there, it is nice to hear something positive instead of the usual criticisms.

    Thanks mate

    Free Member

    Funny isn’t it? I was happy to ride 45 miles on the bike last sunday, but got home and had complete inertia when it came to doing the washing up and ironing a shirt for work next day, easy tasks, but so easy to put off.

    Free Member

    I think you have to focus on the fact that once you’ve done the task or made the call, that you know you will think “that was easy, what was I worried about?”

    Do you find that it get worse this time of the year when it is dark and rainy?

    Free Member

    Problem with the Yeti frame was there mate?

    Come out tonight and ride from Crowthorne, with a pint at the end of the ride with mates.

    Free Member

    Done, good luck to the lad.

    Free Member

    I think that if you are a freeride/ DH guy as you say then they are really. The Stifee was designed as a longer travel frame. I loved mine and ran it around 140-150mm and it was great. The only bike I ever regretted selling

    I have seen pics where people have run them with full on DH triple
    Crown forks as the frame is so strong.

    I think to run them with 100mm forks will mean that you’ll have a steep head angle and won’t be using the frame to it’s potential

    Free Member

    flying fox bikes are doing them for £1329 including upgrade to Kashima coated shock which is helping swing it for me.

    Free Member

    I think there a few great bands that never hit the big time really, from the top of my head, The Coral and Violent Femmes, Pearl Jam, great band but never held in the reverence of someone like Nirvana

    Free Member

    The new section of Stickler is going to be extended so that there is a whole new start which will avoid the 80m long muddy section if you come at it from Seagull. This will have a much better all weather surface like the new section of Stickler already does.

    Also plan to finish refurbishing middle section of Seagull and to do some repairs
    to Tank Traps.

    As posted above this does leave a lot of other trails still to play on and will help weather
    Proof the area a bit more before the no doubt soon to come winter

    Free Member

    Good work Big Tim

    Free Member

    I’ve a Berlingo van, van get 2-3 bikes in at slight angle with the front wheel turned, or I’m off to the alps on wednesay with 5 bikes with the front wheels off

    Free Member

    Militant it’s got worse since this pic, gold Hope
    Headset and Hope discs now!

    Free Member

    Have the flash full sus, but for some reason it is the 29er that i keep reaching for and love the old scandium frame.

    Got a bit carried away with the gold though….

    Free Member

    Man is driving down the road when he accidentally ran over a small child coming back from band practise carrying his triangle

    Boom, boom, tssssccchh….

    Free Member

    Bloke walks into a doctors with a strawberry wedged up his bum, doctor says ” you need to put some cream on that”

    Free Member

    I came off on The Road of Death in Bolivia managed to break my arm, dislocate shoulder and stab myself in the leg with the brake lever but came to stop literally on the edge of a 90metre drop looking down at a bus that had previously gone over.

    Then had to have surgery at 4000m above sea level with loads of morphine had some very strange dreams!

    Biggest mistake was admitting at Heathrow customs that I was flying from Bolivia and admitting that someone else had packed my bag, spent a while being searched.

    Free Member

    Cheers fellas, I was worried that with hard cornering they may misbehave

    Free Member

    The Look Out and Coral Reef I think are still closed.

    When we rode the other day there were a number of those burning Chinese lanterns flying over….

    Free Member

    Got a second hand scandium scandal frame for £80 I’ve not ridden my expensive full sus 26 for about 3 months now, I think it is is horses for courses, riding Snowdon this weekend and the full sus will come out, but for day to day riding round where I live I find the scandal has the snap and stiffness of a hardtail with the comfort of a 100mm travel full sus bike.

    I think it’s something you get or not and depends on where you live and the local terrain a great deal

    Free Member

    Not self catering, but I recommend Afan Lodge it is a newish hotel which is designed for bikers, food and rooms great, with bike dvd’s playing in bar. The owner and his son know everything there is about the area and are super friendly

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