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  • Giro Insurgent Spherical Helmet review
  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    any news ?

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    Free Member

    who knows as we cant actually tell how much tension is in the legs, but if it is an accident waiting to happen be sure to post pics of the aforementioned accident.

    Free Member

    imperial is a no

    Free Member

    I did the downhill and I did the first lap of the fun XC but my chain broke.

    Your right it was a mixed crowd (XC fun + DH) but there wasnt any booing on the downhill strangely enough.

    Frankly if people have enough guts to enter the XC champs which is always pretty hardcore I dont think they should get booed at all.

    Some of the girls were clearly upset I could see one girl whispering some obscenities under her breath.

    Everyone says “Booing wasn’t meant to be nasty to be honest.” but I cant really see how you can take it any other way when people start booing people who are clearly struggling.

    I can kinda of the see people booing the elite riders if they were to walk it but I dont any/many did.

    Free Member

    I was at the BUCS (student championships) at the weekend. If people didnt either clear the a tricky downhill switchback or preferably fall off there was soo much booing (mainly from the downhill crowd i think). Frankly I bet this has put a good few female student riders off as a few of them just wanted to carry their bikes through this section.

    Free Member

    dont know if this would be any closer ?

    would mean you wouldnt have to go so far round the M25

    Free Member

    possibly one of the best links ever

    Free Member

    Not too sure where I stand on the original question, but I very much disagree with this ->

    “along with anyone else who kills someone locked up for life, with no chance of parole”

    One I assume you mean intentionally kill someone. But even then everyone deserves at least a second chance (if they keep killing people that would be different).

    In my opinion prison serves two purposes one its a punishment and a deterrent but its also so the prisoner can try to pay back their debt to society and start again.

    If people dont have a chance to redeem themselves, a second go to do things better than frankly why bother you might as well just shoot them all but then who’s going to shoot the executioner.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to do ANYTHING out of “loyalty to family”.

    “Do what you feel is right”

    I totally agree with this however I tend to think showing some loyalty to the family is the right thing to do in a some of cases.

    Free Member

    Im surprised how many people are saying just dont see them.

    I have to say my soon to be mrs. doesnt get on that well with my mum and frankly she does say some rather bizarre things not just to my mrs but to other members of the family.

    But frankly she’s my mum she brought me into the world and cared for me through out my childhood which was great and frankly I think I owe her big.

    I know the current view seems to be I didnt ask to be born I dont owe you anything. But I love being alive so I think so I think I owe her in some respects even for that, although I can follow the argument that I dont.

    Also she gave up job to care for me etc etc etc I know its a cliche but it does nt stop it being true.

    Maybe my situation different even though my mum can be odd I know she only tries to do the right thing to do but she really cant see anything from anyone else’s perspective at all anymore. I think that just what happens as you get old though.

    Free Member

    I’ve got something like this

    Although I though my version was 35 litres.

    Generally pretty big and theres a padded laptop compartment.

    Although saying that I’ve got a 10″ asus eee pc. I’ve brought a spare charger off ebay and leave that at work I also plug it into a monitor there and I’ve got a switch for the keyboard and mouse.

    I’d say a 15″ laptop is quite heavy for communicating to work every day unless its a macbook air or something.

    Deffinetely get a spare charger and leave at work though.

    Free Member

    As your parents are psychopaths its likely that they emotionally damaged you, while bringing you up. Therefore you are likely to emotionally damage your children as you will probably turn into a psychopath like your parents so its best you dont see them either.

    What do you mean ? Are you suggesting your parents have recently become psychopaths ? Are you suggesting there always were psychopaths ? Do you not think not being unable to stand your own parents is a bit strange ?

    If you really think your completely competent and making a rational decision that would suggest your parents brought you up well and they arent psychopaths, which is ill-logical.

    I would suggest that although your parents are probably acting irrationally, suggesting they are psychopaths is also irrational and therefore you are irrational.

    Maybe being irrational is a family trait ? Therefore your children will ban you from seeing your grandchildren for being irrational too.

    Free Member

    Hmm When I’ve emailed them they said they didnt any idea of price ?

    Free Member

    yeah I think it would be best it some one could cheaply produce them with just a allen key end.

    Nut a bolt is annoying as you have to carry a spanner as well as allen keys.

    Free Member

    I found them on ebay. Chumba were selling loads of them but they seem to have stopped now.

    This was the link

    To be honest I wish I’d brought a second pair cant find them anywhere now.

    Free Member

    I’ve managed to get hold of some converters and Im using these axles/quick releases

    Seems quite stiff, but easy to take the wheel in and out but the axles are quite heavy.

    Free Member

    Hey guys can you get into richmond park after dark ? Some people has suggested yes they leave the pedestrian gates open and some no.

    If so anyone any ideas which are open and how long they are open for, is the robin hood gate open after dark ?

    Free Member

    Theres a hostel in Trawsfynydd, unfortunately I cant find the web adress but it does have one

    Free Member

    I would go to a physio then.

    Although Chiropractic obviously has some success it is not actually based on the current scientific thinking.

    It is similar to acupuncture is based on the concept of “Chi” which has proven to be false. However acupuncture continues to be practised and some studies has shown it to be beneficial however we are still unsure and to why this is.

    Chiropractic is based on Vertebral subluxation which currently is unproven.
    Therefore I would say go to a physio as there practise is based on current thinking.

    Free Member

    To me it doesnt sound like your describing a muscle pain at all.

    If your muscles were damaged they would hurt when you used them and be fine when you dont. (unless your torn one and you’d know about that)

    You describe “worsen if i lie down for prolonged periods “

    This sounds much more like nerve pain I would go to a physio/doctor. You description is too vague for anything but wild guesses from us.

    Free Member

    No doesnt sounds like groin strain.

    Groin strain describes a partial tear of one of the Adductor muscles.

    You dont seem to mention muscles pain at all in fact its the one thing you dont mention. You description is so vague it could be one of many injuries to you pelvis.

    Free Member

    I very much doubt the car driver even knew they’d hit it especially if it was small kitten

    Free Member

    People will disagree with this but this is what I find

    In London if there is a queue of stationary traffic, cyclists tend to go down the left(undetake) and motorbikers the centre(overtake) and scooters tend to go any which way they please.

    Personally I dont always like going down the center because often there’ll be a motorcyclist coming right at you or behind you also trying to over take but obviously in some situations it makes more sense.

    Anyhow I think alot of these deaths occur because people are filtering down the left but then the lights suddenly change and they have not managed to get far enough in front of the lorry for them to be seen and lorry turns into them.

    I think that traffic lights need some kind of signal to suggest there about to change I realise this is why they go orange but its not long enough. Maybe even a count down so you can judge when it is safe to filter down the traffic.

    Frankly this could quite also happen if the driver of a lorry was turning right as far a I can see. Especially if the driver was sat on the left.

    Free Member

    Made me think of this ->

    – Yes son.
    What does regret mean?
    – Well son, a funny thing about regret, It’s better to regret something you have done than something you haven’t done. And by the way son if you see your mother tell her …

    Free Member

    your missing the point of evolution.

    Evolution isnt the surival of the fittest or whatever you describe as being “BEST”.

    Evolution is the survial of the species most responsive to change.

    Therefore you could argue the people have massive amounts of kids while conditions are good are responding to the conditions better.

    You use the words “PRIME” genes. This the mistake people made near the turn of the certury there is no such thing.

    Im sure evolution could of developed a series of super beings as clever as a humans, as fast as a cheatah, as agile as a cat, could grow back limbs, live for 100’s of years and would never get ill. Unfortunately such a species would require huge amounts of food and rest and therefore would die off as soon as a drought came along to be replaced by a humble dung bettle or something.

    Free Member

    Actually after a bit of thinking Im remembering the feelings I had as a child a bit better.

    My answer is if you think you can devote enough love/time/effort to more than one child (plus you not putting your self in too much financial difficulties) then yes you are being selfish.

    Free Member

    Im an only child I definitely wanted brothers and sisters when I was younger.

    I would nt have have just the one kid myself.

    I think its difficult to say what the best course of action is. The thing is you need to know what the children are like and thats difficult before they are born !

    My family generally had large family’s one uncle had 6 kids one 4 kids. My dad died a couple of months before I was born so thats the reason I didnt have any brothers and sister. I think my social development around my friends(not adults) might have been slowed but thats just because of who I am a more out going person might be fine.

    I can see its very easy to say they’ve got loads of friends but I think some of the intricacies of getting on with people can only be learned by living with them and if you spend your childhood living with adults you can miss out on learning some things.

    Free Member

    groom pays as far as I know

    Free Member

    ok guys cheers for the ideas

    Free Member

    3rd view point, I dont actually think she looks much different.

    Free Member

    How about a 29″ wheel on the front 26″ on the back ?

    Free Member

    Same as me then If I try the other way :?

    Free Member

    I used BB7 for many years I’ve change over to avid juicy’s

    In my opinion they do have less feel/modulation/power but I have to do so much more fettling with hydralics.

    Also you can adjust the bite point and lever reach more easily for big/small hands.

    The only problem is if your small / light the rear wheel can be very easy to lock up.

    Free Member

    I’m currently sitting at work practising twisting my feet in

    Free Member

    40 mpg I kinda know what you mean some times I’ll swing my right leg over and the left just seems to unclip

    Free Member

    Im actually using egg beaters (on the loose setting) but I did the same when I had shimano SPDs.

    Yeah obviously the crank does get in the way at certain angles so you have to time the release with the pedal stroke to a certain extent.

    Free Member

    quick question which way do people twist their foot to get out of spd’s?

    I’ve always twisted it in. Ie the heels go in.

    So theres 2 movements 1 to twist the foot in then 1 to move it back out and put my foot on the ground.

    I’ve never understood “there’s plenty of time to unclip” because there isnt for me.

    So do most people unclip by moving their heel outwards? This would enable one movement to put your foot on the floor.

    I’ve tried this but I dont seem to have the muscles in my leg to accomplish this movement. esp in my left leg. I twist and nothing really happens.

    Free Member

    just let him sort out delivery himself

    Free Member
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