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  • Thomson Elite 35mm Aluminium handlebar review
  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    I would imagine core strength/pilates/yoga/streching type exercise would be the best answer.

    Free Member

    I doubt this is anything to do with cycling.

    Has she lived a relatively static life and then suddenly started doing exercise ?

    Bad habits and musco-skeletal weakness has probably developed in that time.

    Increased activity has probably brought up this these problems.

    Problems with sciatica/hand/foot problem suggest nerve compression of some sort on her left but where or why is hard to say.

    Free Member

    I could do a proper bunny hop when I was younger. I then had a reasonably complicated injury from football which took me a couple of years to get over. I then went and to live in london and didnt have as much time to practise and now I can barely bunnyhop at all.

    In fact now if I learn a new skill now adays I find 6 months down the road I have to learn to do it again.

    Free Member

    Dont really get the appeal of apple products

    BUT !

    I do get the pricing structure!

    Ie make everything as expensive as possible the fanboys will still buy the products.

    Free Member

    I think most pro roadies endure more physical pain than any footballer.

    I like both and play both, but know that cycling is harder.

    Surely this all depends on how seriously hard you push your self at each sport.

    You'll find you up-doubtably take one easier than the other. I tend to find a MTB race the pain can be more continuous. But in football the sprinting is pretty knackering but you tend not to notice it as your directly competing against someone else.

    Also I get ALOT more injuries playing football from being fouling/me fouling or from over streching. I basically get no injuries cycling.

    I personally would say it takes alot longer to recover from a full 11 a side football match (1:30 hours) than a gorrick MTB race (also 1:30) and generally Im alot more stiff the next day. And hence I would say football is harder.

    In fact Im rarely stiff after a race at all and I could probably do it again (abit slower) within a couple of hours definitely by the next day.

    I can just about get away playing 5 a side 3 days in a row but anymore is too much. Theres no way I could play two 11-a-side matches (properly) two days in a row.

    Actually I think the reason for this is Im quite happy being over token racing as I've still got my bike and I can still enjoy myself and Im racing against myself which actually demotivates me to an extent.

    Where as in football you cant just lose the ball you need to fight tooth and nail to keep it the direct competition forces to me to try harder hence Im more tired afterwards.

    Free Member

    Ah I use (and even prefer) rapid rise anyway so sounds perfect.

    I've got a feeling my wife has planned my life for the next month at least.

    Im quite happy to post but the shifter is on my commuter so it'll have to be a pretty quick turn around.

    Free Member

    Hi scruff

    I have an nexus twist shifter a swap might be on the cards. What do you mean by "Cant get used to the reverse action ?"

    I was up on the chase 2 weekends ago we could of swapped then.

    Are you in a rush to get a new shifter ? Dont know when but imagine I'll be up in Lichfield at some point again soon.

    Do you live near by ?

    Free Member

    is nt it Mountain Mayhem that weekend ?

    Free Member

    What makes them radical rebel rockers ?

    Have they incited a country to revolt, replacing their government with a novel form of Magocracy, simply by the bands aforementioned rocking ?

    Free Member

    yeah standard answer hope hoops.

    DT 4.2 for general duties or 355 if you can afford

    Free Member

    The "material" of the foetus is not made up 50/50 of mother and father.

    Ok this is true as the ovum is much larger than the sperm but the genetic data to produce the rest of child is approx 50%. And the material that makes up the rest of the child has been processed by the mother first.

    The point is its not 100% the mother as TJ states.

    Actually the more I think about the this the more I think it is its own life form. I was trying to give a hand to the pro choice sayings it 50% mother 50% father but to be honest I probably think its 100% its self and 0% mother/father.

    Free Member

    scu98rkr – how can you lay claim to something inside her body? You have zero rights on her body and quite rightly IMO

    Im not really talking about rights. Im talking about your statement that is its is 100% her body which is simply not true.

    Either the fetus made up of 100% its own material or 50% of mother and 50% father. The genetic data to produce the fetus are from both the father and the mother.

    Free Member

    But I really feel for the OP – I contributed to his first post and he knows my views on termination when in a relationship but it sounds to me that, unless she has a quick change of mind, this relationship is destined to failure. The only possible solution I could suggest is to convince her to put off an abortion until the latest possible time so she has time to consider her options. But at the end of the day, if she really insists losing the child is the only solution then I am afraid you would have to accept her decision.

    Although I agree with the original sentiments of this post. I dont agree with this

    put off the abortion until the latest possible time.

    And I dont see how anyone from either side of the argument, pro-choice/pro-life can.

    Surely the later you leave it the more emotionally/physically damaging the procedure will be.

    Also the more likely the fetus/child will be able to feel pain or be aware.

    Free Member

    Its her body and her right to choose – 100% Morally . legally and ethically.

    This is simply is not true. No matter how you look at it 50% of the fetus is from the father.

    Free Member

    Do not blackmail her into having the child – that way lies disaster. I know a couple in this sort of situation – she got pregnant unexpectedly – He pressured her into having the child ( she would have aborted). 10 yrs on they are miserable and so is the child. Their relationship is on and off, she resents him for persuading her to have the child.

    Do not let her blackmail you into agreeing to an abortion – that way lies disaster. I know a couple in this sort of situation – she got pregnant unexpectedly – she pressured him into agreeing an abortion (he would have keep the kid). 10 yrs on they are miserable. Their relationship is on and off, he resents her for persuading him to agree to the abortion.

    Free Member

    Only she can make the decision – you can help. support, advise but its her decision about her body.

    Am I the only person who does nt agree with this ?

    Even if looked at from a purely scientific viewpoint the genetic material of the child is a ~50% from the mother and ~50% from the father. So how can it be just her body ?

    And obviously at some point before birth its 100% some one elses body.

    Personally I take the opinion that you dont want accidentally kills someone so its on the pro-abortion group to prove to me at what point it isnt a separate individual or I'll just assume the safest option with is conception.

    I pretty much agree with OP a termination is a serious procedure and obviously will affect both parents and the child/potential child and as the OP says it may affect him emotionally never mind the mother.

    I dont really think people should be having terminations willy nilly and OP seems to suggest they are in a reasonably good position to have a child doesnt really seem like any pressing reason to terminate except they might have less time for fun.

    Free Member

    most people buy a seatpost that fits their frame, not the other way around

    just what I was thinking, although if the OP has a carbon epic frame there seatpost doesnt fit I can swap for my b1 nirvana 1.0 frame.

    Free Member

    b1 nirvana 1.0 full suss

    Free Member

    We've headed to cwmcarn and back in a day from london.

    To be honest its probably the easiest to get to.

    Cannock Chase or Forest of Dean are no closer to drive to if you check on google maps.

    Free Member

    scu98rkr…and the country is not feeling pain now??

    Not as much as it could be. In comparison to previous recessions the country feels like its absolutely bustling. Im from the midlands and last time I remember a really quite dead feeling in the town with many many shops closing and whole sections of the high street closing.

    This has nt happened this time at least in the areas I live suggesting to me its not as bad. Also during the recession there dont seem to have been massive lay-offs . Most company's seem to have coped through voluntary redundancies and moving people to part time work most of my friends seem to have kept their jobs. Although obviously people have lost there jobs.

    My younger cousins however are struggling to get work. So the main issue I can see is that youth unemployment has grown massively but obviously if an economy is not growing where are jobs for young people going to come from ?

    And in some ways the figures for youth unemployment look bad as a percentage because older workers have just managed to keep their jobs. Rather than previous recessions where sons daughters fathers and mothers were losing jobs together.

    Free Member

    economy. GB was then the luckiest chancellor in history by living in a time of unprecedented growth and stability so all his little plans and schemes and tinkering and spending could go pretty much unnoticed. Then, when things did start to go a bit pear shaped, we suddenly discover that we are in a pretty dire position.

    I pretty much agree with this but I still think the Tories plans of not bailing out the banks and drastically cutting back spending as soon as possible would have made things much much worse. And still could if they cut spending while trying to offer tax cuts (to the rich and richer) stalling the growth of the country out of recession.

    Although it would appear the GB clearly has made alot of mistakes listening to him last night I still think he has the best plans to get the country out of recession with the least pain involved for everyone in the country.

    Yes im sure the tories economic plans will also see the economy growing again and will make sure our credit rating is safe but they wont care what pain they'll have to put the country through to achieve this.

    Free Member

    Presumably the tyre can deform easier for a given pressure.

    Hence if you are riding off road and hit a bump, stone twig or whatever the tyre will deform easier. Therefore you will continue moving forward rather than move slightly up and over the object.

    The tubeless tyre proponents will claim this will be a greater energy saving energy lost from the increase in friction the tyre deformation will cause.

    Basically the same argument as the one that was on a few weeks ago saying larger low pressure tyres were quicker off road than skinny high pressure tyres. (which is obviously true to an extent or we'd all be using road wheels/tyres off road)

    Obviously this all depends on exactly what terrain you encounter and exactly where the sweet spot will be for that type of terrain.

    Free Member

    I went through the play area last summer it was very busy so the warden came down to check permits. I was the only rider withy one and I only pass through.
    I felt ashamed of the abuse he got from the other bikers. No one coughed up for a day permit and either ignored him, rode off or gave him verbal.
    I felt compelled to stay and talk to him after that and smooth things over.

    It does seem strange that in areas such as woborn or swinley where the trials are either built by locals or a volunteers group you have to pay to ride. Where as the welsh trial centres where there is alot of intevestment are free.

    So basically your not paying for anything except to be on their land.

    Free Member

    This seems to be a recurant issue now adays esp down south.

    Hardly a week has gone by this year with out a thread saying such and such an area is too busy.

    Either people are building unauthorized jumps on the Surrey Hills or the trails are unusable at swinley over winter because there's so many riders. Or people are daring to use halfords own brand bikes at cannock and are generally getting in the way.

    The problem is if one area were to now close ie Woburn it would surely start to put massive pressure on the other areas too.

    Im sure Chicksands and Swinley would get more busy if Woburn were shut.

    Free Member

    Not sure what you are doing to be XL… I'm 5'11" and 12 stone and normally medium, often small!


    I was going to say something similar to Dave. Im 5'8" and 11 1/2 stone and I often find cycle stuff a bit on the large size. Generally buy Medium but a few times I wish I'd gone for small. Anything in Large is massive.

    Free Member

    26 but I work at Imperial College and Im pretty sure the average score here would be about 35.

    Free Member

    like the saddle angle

    Free Member

    I do like the idea of some signage or markings on the road (particularly idea of some countdown markers) to suggest this is a crossing of some significance.

    However this clearly is nt chase trails responsibility and Im pretty sure it would be illegal for them to start putting signs up on a public highway.

    I imagine the forestry commission will need to gather data on how many people are using the cross now the trail is open before they can possibly push the local council for some kind warnings.

    In the same bizarre way that if a council wants to drop the speed limit on a road to 20 mph they often build speed bumps drop the average speed to 20mph then record that the average speed is below 20 and they can then press ahead for the change to 20mpd.

    Free Member

    "If it's been three years in the making then there's no excuse for there not to be better signage both for the riders and the motorists & this is something that needs your urgent attention. "

    Yeah but if you'd kept track of the chase trails blog you'd realise that CT were working to a tight schedule. Mainly because people kept riding the trails even though they were not finished therefore the opening of the trail was to some extent forced upon them.

    The problem with something like this done mainly by volunteers is you'll never have enough time and it will never really be properly finished as there'll always be something else that could be added to make it better.

    Free Member

    to be honest nothing on that bike sounds Particular light but PrehaPs most weight could be saved from forks + wheels

    get some air forks

    or if you axctually wanted a light bike youd be better off selling and buying a new one

    Free Member

    I thought that was jason lee ?

    Free Member

    I know england possibly have a problem this year on the right, but he's way too old I dont think he's playing professionally any more is he ?

    Free Member

    if its a church of england church and your a british citizen I dont see why not.

    Im pretty sure legally they have to marry you even if you dont turn up for X number of weeks. By integrating into state the church receives some benefits but it also has duties such as it has to carry out marriages funerals etc for british citizens.

    Any source for that? Sounds remarkable!


    As the established church, the Church of England gives all British citizens, with no former partner still living, the right to get married in the parish church where they are resident or in the church where either of the couple are on the church's electoral roll (not the local register of electors) – see below.

    Whys it remarkable, the clues in the title church of ENGLAND.

    Free Member

    if its a church of england church and your a british citizen I dont see why not.

    Im pretty sure legally they have to marry you even if you dont turn up for X number of weeks. By integrating into state the church receives some benefits but it also has duties such as it has to carry out marriages funerals etc for british citizens.

    It always confuses me how people can talk about the church as if its nothing to do with them. Its likely that most British citizens ancestors paid for the church either directly through the collection at mass or indirectly through taxation in the past. So frankly if my ancestors paid for the building why should nt I use it ?

    And if your part of a community it is likely a building/temple/monument has always been used in the same area for marriages, deaths and other important events even before christianity.

    One reason churchs are pretty is because they got the good spots first so why should nt they be used.

    Christianity+Church has affected everyones life and the country so much that amazes me that people dont feel like it and its building belong to them anymore.

    Free Member

    Actually a really good video ! I watch it all the way through couldn't believe it.

    Music is great and nicely paced :)

    With out a doubt the greatest commuting video to date.

    Free Member

    Freeride Nick what the others are trying to say is the landowner in the hurtwood is happy for you to ride on his land this includes in this area footpaths so its not a civil offense in the hurtwood.

    Footpaths are a ROW and are not the same as pavements.

    Free Member

    No thingies suitable for Freeview HD are currently available, Hauppauge are seemingly planning to bring one out by the end of the summer.

    This incorrect as alot of thingies use software decoding. An old thingy can still pick up the signal you just need the correct software to decode the signal.

    Free Member

    The Stickler (the one with the wikid awsum bridge – gnarr to the maxx) is easy to find if you just ride the 'wrong' way up the tank traps trail then do a left/right shimmy at the end. If you can't find the tank traps, head West down the fire road from the manhole cover above the jump gulley, about a hundred yards after the fire road on the LHS look on the RHS for some concrete blocks, then go up the grassy fire road to the right of the gully & join the trail from that. Probably best not to ride the gulley the wrong way though as the step at the end could be a challenge!

    Once you get to the end of the stickler you can turn left & left and head to the Star post for the Seagull run, left & straight on takes you in the direction of the upper star post then over to the crowthorne side, a right turn crosses back over the main run down that you're probably familiar with, or just turn round and go back and do it again (then the tank traps)

    Must be getting to know swinley better because after 3 reads I think I understood this.

    The problem with describing things in swinley is there are multiple similar features.

    As well as the tank traps at tank traps there are also tank traps at the end/start (definitely feels more like start to me) of the seagull run.

    Also you twice mention gullies. There is the jump gully and the tank traps gully.

    Free Member

    apparently yes, if its ones of the cheaper ones which use a software decoder instead of a hardware decoder.

    However you need software which can decode the the new fan galled DVB-T2 and computer capable of doing this at a reasonable speed.

    Free Member

    Gorricks has people who arent trying to win, but this year the numbers have dropped massively so the percentage of people taking it seriously does seem to have increased.

    It also has to be said you entered veteran.

    At the gorrick veteran is a pretty serious category.

    Only open and fun have people who arent taking it too seriously.

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