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  • Canyon Neuron First Look: A Very Rejigged Trail Bike
  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    – Adjusted for 100mm suspension frame (about 460-470mm axle to crown?)

    I dont think a 100mm corrected frame needs this length of fork.

    Original MTB forks are 400mm, Im pretty sure your’ll only need 440mm max.

    420mm if you want quick steering.

    Free Member

    The watford gap is in Northamptonshire though so well north of Cardiff.

    Unfortunately every one thinks its to do with Watford in London.

    Free Member

    The OP din’t allude to the abilities of people according to their ethnicity, merely their location….

    Sorry I dont get this at all ???

    Would it be ok to say people who live in Somalia are rubbish at driving then ?

    Free Member

    My point is, that without justification, Hora’s comments are ignorant and bigoted, but sadly that’s the norm with him. He may well have a point to make based on his own personal experience, but to me it’s just more of the same ‘foreigners aren’t as good as us’ crap that he often comes up with.

    But surely the original comment was bigoted as well suggesting south east drivers are worse than northerners.

    In fact Somalian drivers from London are a sub group of SE drivers and you didnt start ranting at the OP.

    Free Member

    A good friend recently bought his wife a sat nav and she wasn’t best pleased.

    Not to worry he thought, she’ll love the other present.

    A LadyShave.

    Funnily enough I think my wife would love the above presents because they’d actually be useful.

    I think she made me get her a satnav for a bday once already.

    Free Member

    Just except it there is only one job now adays using excel or something similar.

    Free Member

    I think the reason there are a few “token” old buildings as you call them is because that really is all that was there before.

    If you look at an old OS map of Bracknell theres’s basically nothing there before the new town so its no surprise theres only a couple of token old buildings.

    Things will change anyhow. The good 1960’s building (of which there not be many) will be kept and the rubbish ones knocked down.

    Its not like all old building were great (especially if you lived in a slum) its just the rubbish old building were knocked down and only the good ones remain.

    Free Member

    Yeah it’s kind of sad to see the results of these 60s car-focused new towns. You end up with a load of dual carriageways and roundabouts choked with traffic, and a load of concrete crappo buildings in between.

    Not sure if this is true, Bracknell is a new towns in the area the OP is talking about. And the traffic probably flows the best through this town than any other in the area ie Reading/Maidenhead/slough.

    Plus there are proper decent cycle ways that you dont need to stop every 5 mins.

    In fact I would say the transport system in Bracknell is excellent.

    Free Member

    Swinley I like generally but if it’s really wet like last year, the sandy bits just go totally soft and it gets very hard to ride.

    I think Swinley suffers more from the shear number of riders rather anything else.

    I’m pretty sure it would hold very well if they were just less riders.

    Free Member

    I’ve never had a problem with disc brake pads at swinley or any other sandy soil.

    Free Member

    Personally I reckon if pads are only last one ride or a couple of weeks I reckon there is either an :-

    1. Incompatibly between pads/brake and rotor.
    2. Problem with Rotor
    3. Bad set of Pads

    I wore a set of avid juicy pads out in one ride but I was using an Hope floating saw rotor.

    When I changed this back to an avid rotor they were fine.

    I reckon the effect of the terrain is minimal on disc brakes although it obviously had a massive effect on rim brakes.

    Free Member

    Should forks have two legs or three ?

    Free Member

    If anyone doubts that alcohol is addictive: several hospitals that MrsGrahamS worked at have had problems with alcoholic patients drinking the alcohol gel from the hand sanitisers!

    But surely this depends on the definition of addictive. You can become addicted to any substance if you take it every day your body will eventually start to crave it.

    But some things are clearly more addictive than other, alcohol is a lot less addictive than nicotine for example.

    It just depends where you start the bar for something being an additive substance. Personally I wouldnt see alcohol as addictive as if you take it once or twice you dont start craving it and having withdrawal symptoms you really got to work to become addicted to it.

    Free Member

    Geetee – you don’t die of heroin withdrawal – you do of alcohol withdrawal.

    You dont die of alcohol withdrawal either do you ???

    Im sure most of us have taken alcohol and are sitting here quite happily feeling no withdrawal effects and more important we not additivity craving it.

    The only people who die of alchohol withdrawal are those who have been drinking alcohol every day of their lives probably since childhood.

    Im sure if someone had been taking heroin everyday of there lives since they were 12 would also die if you took it away suddenly. However people like this are probably dead already.

    The fact that people can drink alcohol everyday of their lives every lives and become addicted to what is essentially a non addictive substance and still live 50-60 in someways shows it isnt that harmful a substance.

    In 50 years time we may have people who are 50 and have taken heroin everyday of their lives since they were 12 but I doubt it because I think they’ll all be dead.

    Free Member

    It seems we should at least shift to summer time much earlier, like the end of February instead of the end of March.

    I was just about to type the same thing. We shift to winter time just under 2 months before the darkest day (ie 31st october to 21st december).

    But we switch back over 3 months later ie the of march.

    It should be the end of February as stated.

    To be honest we could just shift the clocks for December and January and that should just about allow enough sunlight in the morning in most of the north.

    That way we’d only have 2 months GMT

    Free Member

    Do you tell someone they smell?

    Depends there are some people who just smell they wash and wash and wash and still smell. They’ve probably been told this since they were in school and its made no difference.

    Then there are people who like myself who are occasionally lax with our personal hygiene we need to be told we smell. Because if we make sure we wash regularly we dont smell were just lazy.

    Free Member

    Except for number 1 crowthorne woods the splodges dont seem to be in the right place

    Free Member

    anything is better than rain

    Free Member

    Dont take paracetamol or anything which will reduce your fever.

    Goto usefulness below


    Free Member

    Ginko is a natural blood thinner I would rather take one of those a day. You have got to go of something! Where is this research from? Maybe from a drug company who make lots of asparins! Unless you have a history in the family from cancer or heart disease then I don’t see the point. Asparin is not supposed to be in the body so I would not fancy it being in my system every day without any real evidence to it actually doing anything more than snake oil would!

    I very much doubt any drug companies are making huge profits from the sale of aspirin you can buy a pack for 0.50p or something.

    Also its surely in the public domain so anyone can make it.

    Free Member

    The only thing odd about this situation is that fergie was keen for Rooney to stay through out. Normally if any player gets too big for his boots Fergie has no issue getting rid of them, with the confidence hes a good enough manager to spot an equally good young player with the money he’ll get.

    Ie stam, van nistelrooy, keane beckham etc..

    Remote possibility but it isnt beyond reality to say fergie may have engineered the whole situation telling Rooney not to sign a contract(who is too stupid to realise it will destroy what little is left of his reputation) until they had some assurances that transfer funds would be available in January.

    If fergie suddenly signs one big player or splashes the cash in january this may be less unlikely than it sounds.

    Especially the other day when fergie was playing up to the camera’s almost crying for his lost son, looked a little staged to me.

    Free Member

    again O2 also do this I believe.

    Might be an idea telling us who your previous supplier was and what model the wireless router/modem is ?

    Free Member

    They are all wearing track shoes – you can buy them at any decent running shop.

    Inov8s have NO padding at all. Similar with a few other full on race/fell shoes.

    If you’ve ever run on a tartan – modern synthetic – track, you’ll know that the surface is quite springy, not remotely like running on hard surfaces, so racing spikes don’t really need cushioning. Have a look at marathon runners for a more relevant comparison, though even then, you need to bear in mind that elite athletes tend to be both very light and have a highly efficient running style.

    The way I see it is that there’s a broad spread of cushioning and structure from the super-minimalist barefoot stuff at one end of the spectrum – think Vibram FiveFingers and the like – through to seriously cushioned and stability-orientated stuff at the other – any number of running shoe manufacturers. Things like Inov-8s are closer to the minimalist end of things, most trail-running shoes too, road shoes tend towards the more structured end of things generally.

    Seems reasonable to me that someone who’s light with an efficient running action is going to be more likely to get away with a lighter, less structured shoe than a heavier, less efficient runner. You do get used to what you run in though, I’ve found myself wearing lighter, trail-type shoes more and more and if I do go back to a more cushioned road shoe, they feel squishy and unwieldy.

    I think it’s fair to say that it’s all quite confusing, the barefoot thing is a polar opposite to the established approach of built-up stability shoes with load of anti-pronation features. I’m not sure if there is a ‘right answer’, maybe just what works for the individual runner

    I agree, but I do disagree with just say by more and more bulky expensive shoes to “solve” your running problems.

    Free Member

    but even if you look at the other runners shoes in that picture there’s hardly any padding either.

    In effect they are all running barefoot in comparison to most modern running shoes.

    The difference in flexibility and shock absorption between zola buds bare feet and the other runners shoes is probably minimal.

    The difference being as you say the other atheletes are unlikely to be affected if they step on a particularly sharp bit of gravel.

    Free Member

    lol true and shes a good runner !

    Free Member

    Has any one noticed that one of the main exercises in yoga/pilates/body balance type things seem to be to bend your knees and get low and move your weight around in various ways while you knees are bent.

    I cant help but think without modern furniture we’d do these movements naturally our selves all the time.

    Free Member

    When i had shin splints last year, i asked a running shop if you could change from being say a mild pronator to over pronator. They said that I would always be a mild pronator. If this information is true, then it shouldn’t mean you need different shoes.

    I suppose this is the real question molgrips is asking. Personally I dont think this is true and you can learn to run anyway if you try and build it up slowly. Even ligaments can stretch.

    If we didnt have modern toilets we;d all crouch down to poo which would mean our ankles ligaments would have had been streched since childhood and we’d all probably have much more flexible ankles.

    We’d also have strong glutes and muscles around our knees to allow us to crouch down and have a dump without falling over/looking like an idiot.

    These muscles would come in handy for keeping the pelvis level while running and making sure your knee caps tracked better.

    In short get some cheap light shoes and squat to poo.

    Free Member

    Yes try some other some. Dont get a barefoot running ones or anything fancy just look for a lightish,cheapish pair of trainer with minimal padding.

    That way if you feel the need to go back to the old shoes you wont have spent much money.

    Free Member

    stop spoiling the fun by being reasonably trying to solve the problem.

    Free Member

    set of forks that can only be locked using a pop lock without the actual pop lock.

    Ok if this is true im also going to change to the seller should at least go halves on a poplock. If not supply the poploc.

    Basically sold a secondhand £340 fork for a £260 which isnt the greatest bargain of all time. A poploc is going to be £40 new or £20 secondhand ?

    If the buyer adds this on he might as well brought them new and got a warranty etc,etc

    I assumed originally the buyer was complaining the forks were manual lock out when he thought they were poploc not that he could nt lock them out at all. Which is too important a feature to be missing and I would now consider the fork incomplete a bit like the cassette without a lock ring or the BB without spacers mentioned above.

    Free Member

    Really you should just need yellow tape, valves and sealant.

    Rim strips are for non-stans rims.

    I have seen rim strips add to stans rims to help with the sealing however.

    But presumably you are going for crest so you want light weight ?

    So you should go for yellow tape.

    I had some problems getting my Olympics to seal with yellow tape so I put on a second layer which seemed to help.

    Free Member

    I dont understand are the forks poploc or not ?

    Can they still be locked out manually ?

    I brought some reba recently off singletrack. They have a lockout I can manually lockout on the top of the fork. Im not really bothered about poploc/pushloc/remote loc so wasnt an issue.

    They dont look like they ever had a poploc attached or could be attached is this what this forks look like ?

    Free Member

    I don’t think FTD at cannock is easy for a beginner, even in the dry. What percentage of weekend riders there fail at the two tree roots and the werewolf slope?

    To be fair Im thinking of the original dog before the monkey trail was added.

    No werewolf slope + no stegosaurus bit at the beginning.

    Free Member

    im guessing

    most secondhand rebas are OE forks off brand new bikes often missing poplocs.

    Free Member

    I was just about to say Follow the Dog. My other half, although pretty fit does tend to scare easily and Follow the Dog is probably her favourite trail and the only one where I wont get a B******ing for taking her somewhere too difficult.

    I even get stick at Swinley forest sometimes.

    If your other half does nt even like that trail I’d question whether shes ever going to want to do technical MTBing

    My wife has been coming along MTBing with me for many years and although shes quite happy pushing her self running (ie half marathons etc) shes never shown any inclination to improve technically and we always seem to back at stage one everytime we go.

    Free Member

    ok your not going to actually write that but honestly I have had emails off people with similar wording.

    Free Member

    It would be fine in an email normally when everything is going well, however theres been a problem so the OP is needs to sound professional.

    Although Im of the opinion their chancing their luck most secondhand rebas are OE forks off brand new bikes often missing poplocs.

    If the other party really does feel like they are owed a poploc and have really been ripped off the email will read as

    “Oh im sorry but you didnt ask smug smug smug,

    Oh well love and hugs (your’ll never see that poploc i owe you and im ripping you off).”

    I dont mind being told love and hugs by my friend or even complete strangers however if I felt someone had done me over as the other party might it would grate.

    Free Member

    I’d be pretty uphappy if you wrote back

    Love and kisses,


    Its not professional sounding at all and sound like your deliberately trying to wind him up.

    Free Member

    Somehow the plot got lost in too much story or something. I hadn’t read the book and found it rather too long and hard work to follow which is a shame because I thik an intelligent superhero film would be great

    Totally disagree with this thought it was one of the few films were there has been a storyline though the whole thing and was really interesting to know what actually was happening at the end.

    Free Member

    I agree with Drac good film actually with a storyline.

    One of the few “superhero” films where I actually want to know what happened at the end cos I just wasnt sure what was going to happen.

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