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  • Singletrack Goes ASMR & Keeper Of The Peak heads to his Island
  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    what do you mean ?

    Can I print them for you ? Postage might be a tad expensive ? Might be better to get some one you know with a printer to print them for you.

    Free Member

    Is there a notice board / forum detailing which trails are closed ?

    Might be a good idea to inform people if they travel along way to find the trails coming they might just ride them anyway.

    If there was notice they might not bother coming and wait a few weeks till open again.

    Free Member

    Open Street map is probably the best map of swinley.

    Free Member

    They were hanging fabric to tree to propose against the forestry commission sell off recent in some part of the country.

    Free Member

    Hi planning on taking some newbie’s to swinley this weekend are there any trail closures planned ?

    obviously seagull run, stickler, tank traps whole nine yards are good for newbies so would be a shame if they were shut and I might rearrange.

    Free Member

    what about that horse in the news the other day, The one who likes to go to the pub. Thats not very active

    Free Member

    I think we need to define “over-rated”,

    I would suggest this means that at the time they were famous/successful there were other bands/artists playing the same style of music who were obviously better but were ignored by press/charts/public.

    Id definitely put Pete Doherty in this camp as there are loads of other whingy strokes sounding bands (including the strokes) who realised better songs than him.

    Free Member

    it seems to me that most drivers can handle overtaking a rider doing 5-10mph, but when im doing 20mph they really struggle

    If the road is really really narrow and squiggly it can be difficult to over take a cyclist at 5-10 mph. But as soon as it straightens I agree it is much easier to over take a 5-10mph cyclist.

    Free Member

    There still building plenty of narrow roads now a day.

    I dont know why they cant build wider roads by myself.

    I imagine its because they think narrow road acts to lower speed but Id rather not be the speed restricter my self. Also probably because its cheaper.

    All roads built should now have a road, two cycle lanes either side and wide pavements.

    Free Member

    To a certain extent the history can be written how you see it, as its currently impossible accurately determine the genetics which seem so important to both sides.

    personally I’d say a group of people lived in what is now Israel-Palestine and thought of them selves as philistines. They converted to Judasim and thought of them selves as Jewish at this time several empires, assria,babylon,greek,roman invaded the area expelling a small sections of the elites around the middle east and Mediterranean.

    These people managed to convert alot of people to Judaism most of whom later converted to Christianity but some of these people stuck to Judaism. In the middle ages there probably was a expulsion of these Mediterranean jews from Christian countries which lead to them moving to eastern Europe and converting a quite large percentage of people there to Judasim. Finally some of these Easter Europeans travelled to America and got rich.

    Meanwhile in Judea the Romans converted most of the people there from Judaism to Christianity, then the Islamic Empire invaded and converted majority of the people there from Christianity to Islam. Leaving a mixture of Jews, Christians and mostly Islamic people there. The crusades happen but didnt leave a last effect and religious nature of population remained mainly the same under various Islamic empire ie ottaman empire.

    Finally the Jews in America came up with Zionism and decided they should be heading back to Israel and small numbers of Jews from America and Europe started heading there. Finally the holocaust happen and the British who now felt guilty about not stopping it allowed loads of Eastern Europeans who happen to be Jews to set up shop there
    leading to the current troubles.

    Free Member

    sounds quite similar to my route last year andy I cycled the ridgeway then came back on the K&A from the newbury map at the end.


    Free Member

    Would imagine Im the type of person this is meant to appeal to but I dont get it.

    Why is it cool ?

    Free Member

    I was having minor irritations with my left knee for several years. Mainly pain AROUND the knee cap, Still played footy twice a week/cycled at weekends.

    I try stretches/rest etc didnt seem to make much difference

    All of a sudden I seemed to start to use different muscles round my knee(may be cos I went to a few of my wifes pilates sessions) and Im shocked my how much of a difference its made. It took about 6 months but all pain is gone now.

    My left knee almost seems stronger than my right and it never aches no matter how long I ride. I can stand up and put the power down on my bike so much more than I used I just used to sit and spin partly cos my knees felt weak.

    I have no idea if this is anything to do with you but I am pretty shocked how a little change can make such a massive difference.

    I find it hard to describe what happened but the muscle on the outside above my left knee cap is much bigger now. I dont know why I was nt using it before or really what I did to trigger its use but made a massive difference. Presumably I had this ->


    Im just saying if its a minor thing it might well be treatable if you see a pyhsio who really understands the problem.

    Free Member

    I like what everyone else calls badly modulated brakes, they go to full blast in a very small lever travel. I find I can control (modulate) the brake force very easily and accurately over this small range.. So poor modulation is essentially a subjective thing.

    I dont think this is completely true I thought it was with V-Brakes but I suppose that because they are not as powerful as disc.

    I generally like very small lever travel as you say, but when I had avid BB7s I set up the brakes for small lever travel. They became very grabby. ( I could also spin the speed-dial but they felt mushy then and this didnt always help)

    This was never a problem on the front as most of the time I wanted to brake I had plenty of weight on the front.

    But if I did not have much weight on the rear wheel I’d find sometimes it would lock it up no matter how gentle I was with the lever. Like the minimum power that could be applied was more than traction the wheel could have (mainly on sandy/slippy descents).

    I now have avid juicies and if they are well bleed and the pads are close they can have very small travel on the lever. But I never accidently lock the rear wheel. Presumably because they are easier to modulate.

    Free Member

    I used to pay over a tenner for CD’s

    Key words there are “Used to”. You get CD from the supermarkets now a day for £5. Therefore the MP3 album should be about £2.50 I recon.

    Free Member

    I still think these things need to be worked out and in time they will be, but there is no way it the same as stealing a CD from a shop.

    Also there is no way a digital copy is as valuable as a CD.

    As pointed out there is no packaging/shipping etc costs. But another thing is there is no resale value.

    For instance you used to be able to sell CDs.

    But this is impossible with digital files so they lose their resale value.

    Which means their overall value decreases.

    Free Member

    is swinley too far away some section of the trails there would be erfect but obviously you need to know which the seagull run is very easy unless you go very fast

    Free Member

    I once sold some Marzocchi Super Flys on ebay to some one called WA1975 or something. Name was Warren realised he did this website.


    Then saw them for sale some years later on Ebay.

    PS ebay was much smaller then

    Free Member

    looks like it from that clip

    Free Member

    Did you think really think this through before moving in with students what did you expect

    are you being serious or do you just want to let off steam on the forum.

    To be honest if you have real OCD levels of cleanlyness you wont be able to manage in a student house it just wont work.

    I mean if they really are disgusting ie being sick on the couch, utting a cushion over it and saying it clean thats different matter.

    Free Member

    Im with brooess and McHamish thats is pretty difficult.

    I did it last year with 2 of my mates, first day we did about 2/3rd to Truleigh Hill and the other 1/3rd to eastbourne on the second day.

    There was constant drizzle but the trails were dry and I found it pretty hard work it took us all day maybe 8 hours to do the first 2/3rds. (I suppose that does

    Maybe its easier on your own but on the first day we had to slow for one of my mates and on the second day we had to slow down for me. Also we got loads of punctures each, which is pretty annoying but our luck was out.

    Still I went camping in Wales for the next 4 days and dont remember feeling tired.

    Free Member

    The stag lives in bristol – not ideal!

    well why are you on about stafford

    Free Member

    Are you saying stafford because the of the chase.

    Why not stay in brum the town centre is compact and easy for stag do to get around.

    And also just outside the centre are plenty of go-karting/ off road karting / them sort of things if you want to do activities.

    PS thats what I did,

    Friday MTB in chase for me and mates who wanted to do it. you can hire bikes there from the bike shop or theres another company who will bring them out for you.

    Saturday off-road go karting / curry / night out /maccy d 🙂

    Free Member

    There seems to constantly be complaints about riders ruining trails during the winter, riders building illegal trails or just general access issues.

    In conjunction with this there is also the article/thread about MOD land yesterday.

    In the end I think this comes down to the number of mtbers in the SE versus the amount of trails.

    The main issue is obviously MTBiking is increasing massively in popularity and the numbers of riders are increasing. The second issue is the type of trails these rides want to build. Personally I think the numbers of riders who want to build super hardcore trails is alot smaller than the over all number of riders. It will also remain a limited number because most of us are a bit rubbish.

    I think solving this second issue surely must be simpler and would just require a few hardcore riding spots round london. Theres aston hill in the NW. PORC in the very SE now all that is really needed is something in the SW round guildford/dorking area.

    Im sure if there was a “proper” (as proper as you can get with 150-200mm altitude gain) downhill spot in this area it would solve alot of these problems.

    The second problem is the number of trails for general riders.

    First we need to work out is the increase in MTB popularity going to come to an end at some point ? Will the numbers of MTBers start to level off ?

    Once we know this it would be possible start planning until this is known everything is really speculation.

    But I think its fairly obvious the SE needs some Wales type trail centres built, but with the land prices/lack of space will this ever be likely ?

    These trail centres would obviously draw alot of “newbie’s” (for want a better word) and allow some of the more natural trails a rest.

    Would it be an idea for MTB advocacy groups to start some kind of mega-long-term to plan to buy and build these sorts of trail centres.

    Free Member

    Hey Dave sounds good 🙂

    Free Member

    why dont you just answer the question in stead of being cyptic has the see-saw gone ?

    Free Member

    yes most of tunnel hill is MOD and the see-saw/etc are all stamped Army Cycling Union.

    Surely alot of the trails are built by squaddies in that area any how ?

    Free Member

    Normally its Dish Washer at one of the restaurants in Lichfield

    Free Member

    The only problem is its quite easy to lock up the rear wheel using BB7.

    My wife used 160mm discs could not seem to help doing it all the time. (but she is very light and I dont think she really understood modulation no matter how much I explained) But I have also found them quite easy to lock up on loose loamy downhills no matter how I set up the lever.

    I do agree with the comment that maintenance is very very easy on BB7 you just turn the pad adjuster occansionally.

    I’d also agree with this statement

    “Also like the fact I can run larger gaps between the pistons and rotors with the speed-dial on the lever compensating so I don’t loose power. When the conditions are muddy and wet I don’t get the constant grinding that hydros give you – except maybe with the newer shimanos that run a bigger gap.”

    However saying that I’ve swapped over to hydralics on all my bikes as they are lighter and the modulation is better.

    Free Member

    the bit where he goes past the guy with sticks is just plain rude. I think he also approaches the group too quick although in reality he probably could of stopped and no one was in danger.

    The second instance Im not sure what happens ! He does seem to slow down in plenty of time but then someone climbs into a drainage ditch ! The second rider laughs when but tt isn’t really funny, just confusing ?!?!?!

    Free Member

    chilterns really are mucky atm did the gorrick at crowthorne/swinley the other day and it held up fine.

    Free Member

    This is not a good example. As already mentioned the a buyer will probably offer £5-£10 less plus there is £10 postage. The seller has just changed their mind and is trying to recoup their £90.

    Free Member

    Cant believe Memento has been mentioned.

    Also I though Peter Jacksons King Kong was fairly good fun.

    Free Member

    The 8 speed shifter does work the right way round !

    Free Member

    what is that picture about ?

    Free Member

    I thought the only advantage was weight really. Pro3 are only really aimed at XC riders as far as I know.

    Free Member

    I thought the only advantage was weight really. Pro3 are only really aimed at XC riders as far as I know.

    Free Member

    For some reason cameroon claims to suPPort us too.

    Not sure what its about its like someone told them you cant say you suPPort Man U, chelsea and arsenal as you’ll be accused of glory hunting.

    Claiming to suPPort a northern team would just be wrong and they were told you cant suPPort a southern team because that wont reflect the whole nation.

    So they decided to suPPort villa as they’d aPPeal to the largest demographic.

    Also because Bham are sh*t and Play to dirty to be considered a family club.

    Free Member

    yeah we did floating. We did 6mm plywood tacked to floor board to make a base then this on top,

    wickes underlay

    Free Member

    Hi I layed an oak floor about this time last year in the living room. On the couple of days before christmas ie very cold.

    We didnt screw it down ours is floating. But the one thing I would say is it might not be a great idea to lay it down in the coldest winter in 20 years.

    As Im sure you know the oak expands and although it will be warm in your house it will probably be warmer in summer.

    We left plenty of expansion gap but little rises in floor in started to appear late autumn when we turned the heating back on. They’ve all gone now even though we’ve had the heating blasting. Probably because the floor has to be cold again.

    If you are laying it seriously make sure theres enough gaps and just jam the heating up in your house to max for while you do it.

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