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  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    The bits that have been armoured with pebbles are slippy no matter what tires you have (unless your using super tacky’s or something). The rest is sand and drains well I dont see what wrong with the racing ralphs.

    You see kids on BMXs going round the cannock trails so a long as your a half decent MTBer you should be fine on anything. If your planning on racing your mates or sommit again ralphs should be fine.

    Free Member

    Also slightly personal, have you and your wife had arguments about moving to Sweden ? Or just had a lot of arguments generally since you moved to Sweden ?

    Does your girl think they will stop if you move back to uk ?

    I’d be surprised if from the age of 4 she was so keen on moving back to the UK if both her parent were really happy about moving to Sweden and though it was a good idea. I just think she’s getting the idea from one of you.

    Free Member

    she has always been obsessed about going back to the UK

    Are you sure its not you/your wife who is obsessed about going to back to the UK ? And she’s just articulating a feeling she’s getting from you both ?

    Also certainly the UK she remembers when she was 4 wont be the real UK. When she was 4 she wasnt in school etc.

    Also does she go to the UK in holidays etc ? She might subconsciousnly be associating the UK with holidays/fun/grandparents/not going to school and Sweden with school/work/boring etc.

    I mean surely she has more friends in Sweden than UK. Also moving back to the UK might be very difficult for her, what sort of area is it in Sheffield ? Are the kid at the local schools likley to be alot more “street smart” than the kids in Sweden ?

    I dislike cities and much prefer surburia/countryside etc…

    Subconsciously this might be because I went to a school in a nice surburan town then I went to the local catholic school (while all my friends went to the local secondary school) which was much more in towards Birmingham and much more urban. There were many kids there from tougher parts of Birmingham I didnt really fit in there. I now work in Central London too.

    Im pretty sure in my mind City = Work/School/Horrible while Countryside=Holidays/Family/Fun. I really cant see any good sides to cities.

    Free Member

    how much had you drunk ?

    Free Member

    By way of a comparision – I find doing tubeless tires (stans yellow tap + stans rim strips) less of a faff than bleeding avid brakes.

    Or at least I dont put it off so long.

    Free Member


    Cheap tioga 200grams on ebay

    Free Member

    is it that little ? I just read fee and assumed it would be loads will do

    Free Member

    lol cheers. I used n’t be too bad but my wife started make some valid points that I should sell before I buy. Hard to argue against her when she starts using logic which luckily that isnt too often.

    Free Member

    You do realise that women are people and might appreciate being ASKED how much wine they would like?

    Surely thats sexism both ways though some men might not like drinking or be bad with alcohol so they should ask them too.

    Basically they’ve just made a easy assumption that men drink more and women drink less.

    Sexist yes, but not to women more than men.

    Frankly I’d have been gald to get the half a glass

    Free Member

    PS also how can a dog not understand the concept of a path. If they were clever enough to think sood running around after deer all day Im just going stand about and wait till that human geezer feeds me, their clever enough to understand paths no excuses.

    Free Member

    the op is asking what is going on in the mind of a dog when a MTB approaches.

    I imagine alot of the ones who just sit in the path are trying to play chicken with you, if you bale out they when and they walk off barking and wuffing and generally beging very pleased with themselves.

    In future just make sure they dont win, they you can ride off happy in the knowledge your the big beast and they might think twice about playing chicken again.

    Free Member

    They over do it now adays, what you want is a reasonably normal news article. Then suddenly when your guard is down hit you with one or two totally really really top gags.

    Free Member

    on say thats very much on the by and by old chap

    Free Member

    I think to answer bluebirds question he need to define what he means by correct.

    To be honest I also think he needs to define “is” “that” as well starting from kind of basic language axioms that are undeniably true.

    Free Member

    Wikipedia article here

    Never thought about this before, but after reading the wiki this issue so confusing and wide ranging that I think its difficult to have a “correct” form. Obviously what is “correct” is subjective to a large degree, but almost all “English” speakers would say the “Red Apple” but not the “Apple Red”, so I would suggest the “Red Apple” is correct. But this issue seems too complex.

    For instance the wikipedia article even mentions this

    Some British dialects (for example, Cockney) silence all initial h’s (h-dropping) and so employ “an” all the time: e.g., “an ‘elmet”. The article “an” is sometimes seen in such phrases as “an historic”, “an heroic” and “an hotel of excellence”

    Which suggests an hotel may be correct depending on where you on from.

    Apparently An is related to Ein in german and we have gradualy dropped the n. But apparently the process can work in reverse. ->
    Supposedly the word apron should be napron. Napron” itself meant “little tablecloth” and is related to the word “napkin”. But it has ended up going from a napron to an apron.

    Also the process can add an n to a word ie it should be an ewt but the n shifted to give a newt.

    Which may mean if the cockey form kept developing we may end up with

    An hotel -> a notel.

    Free Member

    We’ve got a bumble bee nest in our compost bin too. Been there 2 years I think. Not sure what I’m meant to do when I want to remove the compost though.

    Free Member

    I like them but whenever I want to drop the bike off the stands are always full.

    If the stands at the train station are full and you cant get rid of the bike and your trains about to leave it can be very frustrating.

    When I got to work one day (exhibition road) I had to cycle round 4 stands and they were all full. Eventually I cycled back into hyde park (diana fountain thing) to lock it up and then had to walk back to work.

    Free Member

    its discontinued according to the website

    Free Member

    Would nt it be easier not to have a dog or leave the dog at home when you go walking ? Or am I missing something.

    Free Member

    I keep saying this but people keep putting me down, but Im pretty sure the old marzocchi’s were long for the amount of travel they had.

    I remember the RockShox Dukes used to be quite low when at 80mm. Also as far as Im aware Reba’s are 80mm are also about 450mm so the idea above about lowering them sound like a good one.

    Free Member

    One of them sheds is quite nice

    Free Member

    I think this is obviously true and I do think alot of people do actually recognise it but we cant recognise it to a large degree or society does nt work.

    I have definitely had arguments about a subject and when people have really pushed me as to why I believe something. I just say well there has to be 2 sides to an argument and Im clearly the sort of person who should be on “THIS” side of the argument and generally the other person sees that.

    Obviously there are some people who really cant see the other side of the argument at all and are total obviously to their bias.

    If everyone could see both sides of an argument I dont think we’d actually come to the right conclusion or the middle or the road. I think every point on the spectrum would seem just as valid as any other.

    Taking the example giving above
    For example i went to x town and got mugged at 2 am by a black male
    we could conclude
    dont go to that town it is dangerous
    dont go out at 2 am it is dangerous
    dont go out at 2 am in that town it is dangerous
    only black men are dangerous
    only men are dangerous etc
    only black men are dangerous in that town
    etc the trick is to make the most accurate one

    But if you really could see every side of the argument you could also conclude
    The wealth is more evenly shared between the three people

    Free Member

    What they don’t know is I’m never going to stop loving riding bikes

    You say that but I always thought I’d be well into playing computer games. I was still playing them as much at ever by 25 but I seem to have stop playing them recently aged 31. In fact I cant remember the last time I did play one.

    Maybe its just a temporary blip.

    Free Member

    Actually if you do take 80 as the average life span. Middle age starts more like 26 if you have 3 stages ie young-middle-old

    0-26.66 young
    26.66-53.33 middle age
    53.33-80 old

    Free Member

    I just cant seem to get a system were middle age starts at 45 you have to literally live to 150. The whole point of middle aged means your in the middle years of your life.

    This might work if the average life span was 100 not 80 as it is. Leading to middle age starting at forty

    0-20 child
    20-40 youth
    40-60 middle age
    60-80 Old ish
    80-100 Proper Old

    This doesnt work for me

    0-45 young
    45-90 middle age
    90-135 old

    Free Member


    Even if you take into account us living longer. Ie 90ish it would still be 30 I cant see how it can be later ie 40/50 nonsense some people say.

    Young 0 – 30
    Middle age 30 – 60
    Old 60 – 90

    Free Member

    Im guessing this shed makes more sense in real life than from that picture

    Free Member

    Just wondering about getting rid of the front mech with out having to upgrade to 10 speed

    Free Member

    I dont think going to go football matches really is a fair comparision 5 a side fee would be more reasonable.

    I pay £2.50 twice a week to play 5-a-side every now and then I’ll get to play in an 11 a side is more expensive.

    It all adds up though if the your only expense MTBing is the bike and you cycle from home. In some ways it can be quite cheap after the inital outlay.

    Mind what I write above might be the equivalent of doing races etc which are more expensive I suppose the football equivalent is just turning up down the park which is free!

    Free Member

    You really need to rewrite your question is not obvious what you want to do. Are you suggesting using Yellow tape on a xc717 rim ?

    What is special about stans rims that you can use tape and not a rim strip.

    I would imagine the answer is they are less likely to leak air and the renaming wholes are more easily blocked by only using rim tape.

    By using a strip you almost create a direct bead with the tyre in fact I think you do.

    Free Member

    To be honest I’m sure alot of them are just a natural occurrence.

    Free Member

    I’ve been a post doc on a role contract. I think I became permanent after 4 years

    Free Member

    85mm is the right stem length for you

    Free Member

    Moilgripos – whats that wooshing noise? Ah yes – the point flying past your head. You are focussing on the negatives – not accepting the compromises. There are big negatives with a car as well for biking and hillwalking

    All Molgrips is saying is there are negatives as well as positives ? I cant see why you cant except this.

    There are negatives as well as positives to owning a car. I think we all agree many negatives to owning a car as well as positives. Your argument seems to be that as a car owner I should be “accepting the compromises” rather than describing the negatives of owning a car.

    Basically you seem to be suggesting if you believe in a principle you should be “accepting of its compromises” not just accept it has any negatives.

    That is very odd.

    Free Member

    seems reasonable to me

    Free Member

    Just like to be clear Im not having a go.

    I have no idea what your friend is like, maybe he’s a pathological liar and rides like a g*t, I dont know.

    What your asking though is it possible that a wheel built by a amateur/beginner wheel builder who has built 3 wheels, to suddenly lose tension and go out of line, while just riding along.

    The answer to this is most definitely yes in my experience.

    Just because you rode it round the street a few times doesnt mean the spokes wont gradually losen.

    Free Member

    Which is what I dont understand. How it rides fine one minute when I’m purposefully trying to put it out of true. Then the next minute when he’s JRA it knocks out. Coincidence?

    This is exactly like the wheel I built. I needed more practise wheel building.

    Free Member

    Fair enough, but I can believe it went out of line just riding along and he is telling the truth.

    From the sound of it you’ve built 3 wheels you did a good job on the first 2 and the third wheel you didnt do such a good job unfortunately.

    Unless of course you mate has a tendency to 10 foot drops or something but you havent mentioned that.

    Free Member

    Have you done it before ?

    I’ve only built one wheel before, I got it to go straight but it would keep going out of line. I just couldnt get the spokes to tension evenly. To be honest I just did for a laugh so wasnt too surprised.

    I took it shop to get it rebuilt properly and the guy there said it was nt bad for a first attempt and was surprised I want it rebuilt considering the cost. But I was doing a big ride in a couple of weeks so I wanted it perfect.

    I’d be surprised if your first wheel went perfectly ? If its not your first wheel why would you be asking here ? To be honest I would nt have charged a mate to build a wheel unless I KNEW for sure I could do it right.

    Free Member

    yeah your probably holding the handlebars too tightly. Once the pain is there it will make it feel the like the vibrations are causing it.

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