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  • Isuzu D-Max: The Perfect Pick-Up Truck For Off-Roading
  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    gold fish eating competition with shots ?

    Free Member

    Should Usain Bolt have his own category altogether? As he’s better than all the other men? Sebastian Loeb? Sebastian Vettel? Roger Federer?

    They all ready do, most of us mortals with more average physical attributes just turn up for a gorrick once in a while or a friendly 5 a side.

    Free Member

    “Chrissie is ridiculously good, but women and men don’t compete directly in Ironman, there are mens and womens categories. That she is so good that she is faster than most of the male competitors doesn’t change that.”

    I have absolutely no idea who chrissy is but its not important where she’s finished. Or if one woman is particularly outstanding.

    Surely what would be important is the average of say the top 50-100 males and top 50-100 females.

    If the average speed of of the females is considerably slower, theres probably some statistic like 2 standard deviations difference from the males then they need to be classed separately.

    I would imagine in most sports your’ll occasionally get one woman who is much better than the others and I’ve guessing some where along the line they probably have very high testorone level or some kind of inter-sex disorder, like that south african runner.

    Free Member

    cheers guys

    Free Member

    Battlestar Galatica and Game of Thrones are good even if you dont like fantasy or Sci-Fi.

    My wife even got into them

    Free Member

    They’ve presumably kicked up a fuss about this, in an attempt to deflect attention from the fact that our captain for the night is likely to be an “almost” confirmed racist.

    And as we’re always banging on about racism in other countries we’ll look rather stupid.

    Free Member

    Why shouldn’t Iran have nuclear weapons?

    Because there’ll quite dangerous. The real question should be why are nt we doing more to decommission the current nuclear weapons.

    Free Member

    XTR shifter feel nicer, I think because they are smoother and more accurate. But I think you still need the same force.

    Free Member

    I have a feeling alot of people might be like this in the western world.

    The fasting test appears to be the easiest to pass.

    I did the fasting one and I well with in normal levels. But also I brought myself a self test kit and directly after eating I was a bit too high. mind was mashed potato and I was feeling a bit ill hence why I went to the doctors. Infections can raise blood sugar.

    I should try and test myself again when I am in good health.

    Free Member

    When I was a kid, I tried to bunnyhop up a curb. I ended up smacking my front wheel into the curb and flipped over the handlebars. I landed with both feet on the floor, sitting on the front wheel, which balanced the bike.


    Free Member

    My goal against Physics in the annual Chemistry/Physics footy match back in 2002 is probably the greatest thing I will ever achieve.

    I was playing left back and made a mistake and shouted offside which I think put off our goaly and Physics went 1 goal up.

    Soon after I picked up the ball inside our half went round one man and kept going. I could see our winger pulling wide left but instead of passing I stepped inside their right back and brought the ball onto my favoured right foot.

    By this time I was just outside their area and I could see our big striker saying he wanted the ball put in at the far post. So I thought I’d put the ball near as possible to the top right corner. I let it go and it sailed straight in !!! 🙂

    Free Member

    Most of the main trails are marked on Openstreet map.

    I actually think that first garmin map by MTB_ROB is quite good. Its just it misses out stickler, but it does includes most of the stuff over in crowthorne which is often less busy and often not mapped.

    Free Member

    Im not sure I agree I think 30 miles off road is a fair distance. You didnt do any road.

    I think the most I’ve done all off road is 66 miles and that took all day.

    To be honest I think on most group rides your’ll be fine.

    I dunno what you mean by cramping exactly are you quite big. I suppose the usual suggestion is make sure you drink enough + electrolytes

    Free Member

    Surely its so much more difficult to use the calf to gain power if your toes are sticking out?

    My toes used to stick out and I found it very hard to get out of SPD properly (I used to twist out not in).

    I reckon you should learn to walk with your legs as straight as possible now.

    What probably happened is you have a lack of mobility in your hips, and your legs turn out slighty.

    This means your knees have turned in as you grow and learn to walk.
    So it now appears your feet turn out (when knees are straight), when in fact its your knees pointing in.

    I would try and improve the mobility in your hips so your feet point forwards and eventually your knees will begin to turn out too.

    I’ve found I seem to have more power cycling now and get less groin/hip injuries playing footy since I manage to get my legs to straighten a bit.

    Free Member

    light wheels = nervous handling

    heavy wheels = hard work

    Its not the light wheels that make the handling nervous its the fact they are less stiff, and also the fact that light tyres tend to be skinnier.

    If you could produce wheels that were both light and stiff they’ve be just as good as the heavy wheels.

    Free Member

    Clearly the whole rights of way system needs to be upgraded.

    Personally I think there should be more levels of road/path

    Footpath : Foot only
    Path : Foot + Bike
    Bridleway : Foot + Bike + Horse
    Byway : Foot + Bike + Horse + MXer
    BOAT : Foot + Bike + Horse + MXer + 4X4
    Road : all

    then all rights of way need to reclassified according to what they can fairly sustainably support.

    Ignoring the Peak District for a moment I personally reckon alot of bridleways in the south (ie chilterns) are not capable of supporting horse’s with out it destroying the path.

    Also some paths need to be upgraded. for instance there is a BOAT that goes along the top of inkpen hill/ walbury hill.

    I would have not problem sharing it with 4×4/MXer except they destroy the path.

    Its not particularly exciting so clading it in stone like the road in the peak district would not be a problem and should be done ASAP.

    Free Member

    I never use the shopping divider things on supermarket conveyor belts. It’s highly amusing to watch people who simply cannot stop themselves from placing them, even if I’ve only got one item.

    you c***

    Free Member

    I really like that “Naked Streets” idea too – they also get rid of all the street furniture. There’s a couple of trials happening in the UK already. I like the idea that the motorist, in the absence of any familiar reference points has to slow down and is forced to interact with other road users. Again, horses for courses though.

    They supposed to have done this on exhibition road London, but to honest it just looks like it going to be a normal road.

    What has really annoyied me though is they have put these lights in the centre. but mounted them in these massive circlar rises which really reduce the width of the road.

    Free Member

    but cars got very wide

    This is so true !

    Free Member

    Personally in the countryside I cant see why you cant knock down the hedgerows and just make the road wider. To allow cars and bike and Pedestrians.

    Presumably you could regrow the hedgerow.

    I reckon everytime a road is upgraded or retarmaced it should be widened to include all three transport methods.

    The only reason not to is the cost as far as I can see.

    Free Member

    It quieter out there

    Free Member

    Never really been into pets.

    My wife sister has cats who just smell and I dislike. However her mum has a cat though who’s a bit stupid and just sits on you and i’ve got a bit of a soft spot for her now.

    But dont really see the point in having my own pet. I’d have to look after them and stuff and they’d be there all the time which might start to grate.

    Surely it better for other people to have pets and do all the cleaning etc and you can see them occasionally.

    Free Member

    Bob Crow would look a bit silly if he priced them out of their jobs.

    The trains will be eventually be automated no matter what. Even if the drivers were earning £25,000. I bet the people staffing the ticket offices are nt earning as much as the drivers and they are still being replaced.

    Granted it might take a couple more years before it becomes economical to replace them but they’d still be replaced.

    To me it makes sense for the tube drivers might as well get as money they can before they are replaced.

    Generally its much better if you can get as much money as soon as possible.

    Ie 50,000 in one year is probably worth £75,000 over three years or something like that.

    This is because you can put the money straight into a mortgage or savings therefore avoid interest charges.

    Plus there is always the possibility of getting another job in the other two years. Therefore you might earn £100,000 in total over the three years.

    And then if your earning £25,000 in London your probably renting. If your earning £50,000 you might be able to buy. If you manage to pay off a mortgage before they automate the trains your’ll likely be fine no matter what.

    Therefore im not convinced those who accept a drop in their pay to allow their company to continue trading are doing the right thing. If they need to be paid less, it is likely company is going to try and close down and move abroad at some point no matter.

    So you might as well get as much money out of them as quickly as possible and save it before trying to move on to something else.

    The PROBLEM is the people at the top often understand this kind of reasoning instinctively. The people at the bottom tend to think well if I help the company a little now it will help me later, which is perfectly normal reasoning for a human social situations. But the company is nt a person and doesnt abide by these rules.

    Free Member

    At some point surely everything will be automated.

    At the moment its difficult to automate jobs that require thinking but it cant be too far away.

    What happens then we the world be perfect and we’ll all have infinite leisure time or will we all be on the dole.

    Free Member

    attendency to get the shakes anyway if i don’t eat

    I’d be tempted to suggest cutting down on sugary foods you eat. Try to eat more complex carbohydrates.

    Ie wholegrain pasta instead of pasta. Brown rice. Brownbread.

    Stop taking sugar in tea.

    Dont drink coke or anything like that.

    Try and eat oat type cereal with out sweetners etc etc

    Free Member

    You could lose a small child in the braking bumps there. In fact I have so if you see one emerging from one of the aforementioned bumps could you contact me, he answers to the name Alfie.

    Free Member

    To be honest that light is getting a bit old now. Although the batteries last forever.

    But I’d still be tempted to get something cheaper and probably brighter from dealextreme.

    Free Member

    i think elf theory is basically this.

    All taste in music is subjective. Therefore it is really impossible to rate bands more highly than one another and all bands must be at the same level.

    Thefore the band that is considered to best or the most highly rated is also the band that is the most over rated.

    This band is probably the beatles.

    Free Member

    cheers for the info

    Free Member

    This is an intersting SF story on the theme. If all the clever folk don’t have kids and all the thick ones do……….

    This totally depends on your definition of clever though doesnt it.

    It would seem pretty stupid not to have kids to a lot of people.

    Free Member

    [/quote]We are not removing the least fit

    You miss understood what fitness means.

    The least fit are being removed all the time.

    For instance those who decide that the world has too many people already and it would be best if they did nt have children are constantly being removed.

    Really I dont think you should give reasons for the direction of evolution as it just happens.

    Free Member

    I was cycling home from london the other day on the a4 cycle path.

    Several times I was over taking some other cyclists, so I called I called “on your right”.

    Que them immediately moving to the right.

    Free Member

    From rough guide you can download the GPX files for £1.99 which is good.

    Ive done this the only problem is as its official they have to stick to the bridleways.

    To be fair alot of the best decents in the (south) chilterns are on bridleways ie hanger wood.

    But there is some good stuff on footpaths and your unlikely to meet ramblers and it to be a problem in my opinion. (or even meet them at all is the weather is average)

    Free Member

    For south of the M40 that page has some good inspiration but I dont think any of the routes link up the best bit.

    I could work out a route including the best bits south of the M40 but sounds like your interested in the north.

    Free Member

    obvious not worth what he’s asking but nice frames. I particularly like the middle one the steel tubes with the silvery blue looks really good.

    Free Member

    as wisepranker says

    open street map

    Free Member

    ladies tend to have excellent diplomatic skills.

    Bit like GW …

    Free Member

    GW if you’ve no idea what labyrinth is like why are you spouting off ?

    Labyrinth is a very long uppy/downy twisty trail with the trees very close on either side. And normally Swinley is very busy with MTBers at the weekend. Im surprised you can actually fit a MX bike down it.

    A MXer would nt be going down it kinda on the half chance no one would notice or mind. And therefore they are unlikely to be reasonable if you point out it might be better if they went somewhere else. Probably because there might not be that many other places for them to go now adays.

    Free Member

    Thats a bit unfair GW. There are times when people should stand up and say something, but Im sure they know they’re not meant to be there already.

    And whether the OP said something or not isnt going to make much difference.

    Free Member

    Is nt it normally the battery that the heavy anyhow ?

    One of my P7 type torches is a bit heavy but the other weights nothing with out the battery.

    However it tends to get a bit hot unless its cold outside. You might not want something really hot on your head.

    So presumably the lightest torch will have no heat sink and little battery life.

    Personally I dont think you need 1200 lumens on your head. Although obviously the day will come when there’ll be no point not have that much.

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