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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    Hi sorry dont really get what your suggesting ?

    So when I get to Kimble Farm (near top of stonor descent).

    Are you suggesting I take the descent down through Great Wood to Turville and then take the road up to Northend hence to christmas common and continue my route from there ?

    Free Member

    Change in air speed, clothing or other physical factors only accounts for half this varience in sensitivity, they put the rest down to psychological factors.

    Totally agree with this. When I’m out side obviously wind speed can change but often dont get the same affect as with air conditioning.

    Like you say I would put alot of this down to psychological factors.

    But the biggest factor is when Im outside Im generally doing something I want to do.

    When your at work your generally doing something you dont want to do, all day, sitting still. If Im going to do this I want conditions as much to my liking as possible as I expect everybody else does.

    Free Member

    If AC could really create steady temperature ie 24 with out excessive air flows, people would be able to wear the correct clothing to be at the temperature they want to be at.

    Free Member

    24 be she “doesn’t believe them”

    But it wont be 24 degress all the time, air conditioning cant do that as far as I am aware.

    Generally AC senses it is getting too warm then turns on for a bit. The AC then over compensate and it gets too cold so it turns off for a while. It then becomes too hot and they turn on again.

    Also you have to take into account the differences in physical mass if she is a particularly small woman or you have a large surface area in comparison to your overall weight you will feel alot colder than some one else.

    In my office their have been many many arguments over the air conditioning, but the workers change very quickly.

    At one time people have demanded it as low as 21 degrees where as now its at 26 degrees with people complaining if it goes lower. (which I personally think is now a bit warm)

    Being a baldy sitting directly in front of the air conditioning can be annoying as I often have to wear a hat while at work.

    When we had it at 21 degrees i’d often have several layers on then go outside on to realise it was 28 degress or something and suddenly be sweating like the pig that knows its dinner.

    I just think the air conditioning is a very personal thing and very difficult to get right.

    I reckon the main problem is putting too many people/computers in the same room.

    This means you have to use quite large air flows try and keep a steady temperature this has 2 problems.

    1. People in the draughts are too cold, people not in them are too warm.
    2. Air flow cooling increases how different individuals feel the temperatures.
    Individuals with a larger surface area to volume are very quickly cooled.
    Individuals with a small surface area to volume will retain their heat for longer.

    Therefore thin or small people general dislike the way AC tends to over then under compensate. As they need a steady air temperature for them to regulate their own temperature.

    This is what happens to me sometimes when the AC is off I can almost feel sweat starting to form then suddenly its back on Im freezing.

    Free Member

    I’m generally a hot person too

    I work in an office with a mental post menopausal woman who refuses to stop making exaggerated shivering noises hourly if the temperature’s anything less than 26degrees
    A couple of times a day she’ll switch on a fan on her desk when she has a hot flush though. 95% of the time though she tries to set the AC to 28! + she’s got a 3KW heater under her desk.

    She thinks we’re the most unreasonable people in the world wanting the AC set to a sensible 23-24

    Yeah but does she sit directly in the path of the air conditioning units ?

    Free Member

    In response to your question Im guessing some people are sitting near an air conditioning unit.

    In a modern office it is very difficult to create a stable temperature thoughout the whole room.

    Most air conditioning units pump out air at one temperature. Normally then there a lot of computers or people creating heat near the thermo.

    That means that the people right under the air conditioning get very cold and some one in a corner surrounded by computers will be far too hot.

    Free Member

    Generally I dont get too hot when Im sitting around.

    But on the Tube or Train Im always boiling also I find the air get very warm/moist and it becomes more difficult to breathe easily.

    So there I am taking off layer after layer while everyone else has suits/coat/hats etc on.

    Just wishing someone would open the window its very easy.

    Mind, if Im working (ie sitting still at a computer), and im anywhere near an air conditioning unit its jumpers, coats and woolly hats all the way. No matter the time of year.

    Free Member

    your face ?

    Free Member

    what ?

    My whole toe nail came off playing footy. It grew back totally but it did take about a year. And it was kinda bumpy and ridgy for about 2-3 years.

    Free Member

    Hey Matt,

    I have a 1998 caldera, just wondering how you have fitted the disc brake adaptor to the frame.

    It looks like an A-Z one but I thought they were only for aluminium frames with a flat dropout ?

    Also how easy is it to take the wheel out now ?

    Free Member

    If a dog bit and you and did kick it hard in the head with a hard SPD boot I assume you could kill it ?

    Out of interest what would happen if you killed a dog that had bitten you and the police knew about it ?

    Free Member


    I did nt think the red flag could fly at the moment.

    The last recruits went through a couple of years ago. They’ve certainly taken down the assault course. Its being transformed into a medical facility at the moment isnt it.

    Free Member

    “should i lock her in the cellar when my brother comes to visit ?”

    Hmm interesting

    Free Member

    yes but changing tyres is a lot more hassle than changing wheels.

    Why not try and get some 700cc wheels with disc brake hubs ?

    Ie CX or road rat wheels or something like that

    Free Member

    I have one of them. I found the mount actually very stable never moved. They have sent some time making sure it worked well and it did.

    But there other roblems. Thd main one seemed to be that pannier bags flap about as there is no connection at the bottom.

    If the bags are too heavy there is a chance of them interfering with the wheels.

    There may be some topeak designed bags that work better though.

    The other thing is. I brought a straight one as shown above, but if you can buy the one that points down and position as close to the wheel as possible.

    It is important to keep your weight as low to the ground as possible.

    Free Member

    What sort of anti racism message does banning the player who has just found to have been racially abused send? It sends the message that black players on the end of that sort of thing should keep their mouths shut.

    It sends the message that they should remain calm till the end of the game and then let the official channels deal with it rather than trying to take the Law in their own hands.

    Evra stooped to Suarezs level and therefore in my eyes is guilty too. In fact we dont even know if Evra started the whole thing.

    I never said I had a problem with Saurez ban, but Evra now needs to be dealt with in the same manner.

    Free Member

    I don’t think anyone is missing the point, I don’t think you have one. Agression and football go hand in hand yet yet every week in the premiership players manage to shout abuse at each other without resorting to racist abuse.

    Well all I can say is I disagree.

    Generally when a sports person lets aggression overtake them they start to make bad decisions I know I do when I play football.

    Also I manage to play week in week out without resorting to insulting the opposition cant see why this cant be true of professional football too.

    Personally I think your bound by the same chains as the FA/FIFA which is what you have stated before. Just because the game of football has been full of abuse in the past doesnt mean it will or should be in the future.

    Nothing hippy about it, its plenty possible to play a good strong game of football without swearing/abuse.

    Personally I always play best with a controlled physicality once I let that physicality spill over into actual aggression my game suffers. Frankly if I started to abuse the opposition in the same way as Suarez/Evra I’d quickly find myself leaving the field one way or another.

    Free Member

    Frankly your all missing the point the FA should of used the case to stamp down on the players using offensive language whether its racist or not by punishing both players.

    They’re always complaining about offensive language being used to Refs particularly in Amateur leagues and in also in Junior leagues, often by parents and children who’ve seen it in the Premier league.

    This would have been a perfect example to show this type of behaviour is not acceptable no matter what the situation or provocation.

    They could wipe out this unsightly aspect of football if they took a strong stand as they have in the case of hooliganism.

    Free Member

    Do you really think using offensive language to abuse someone is fair just because it is not illegal ?????????
    I’m in all kinds of trouble then. Sorry Patrice.

    Im not saying were all perfect but the the Law should be trying to aim for fairness and make the world a better place.

    If the Law is nt based on fairness then frankly what is the problem with being racist ?

    Free Member

    Using offensive language to abuse someone isn’t against the law, using racially offensive language to abuse someone is. The rules of football reflect the law of the land, I really don’t see your point.

    Im not arguing what the law is. I am arguing what it should be in a perfect situation and what the football authorities should be aiming for to improve the game.

    Do you really think using offensive language to abuse someone is fair just because it is not illegal ?????????

    Also there are laws against defamation so you cant just go saying what you want about people even if it isnt racist.

    Its not clear what Evra said but its quite possible that he said something that is overheard might make people think ill of Suarez.

    I dont know if what Suarez said is worse than what Evra said but Evra admitted very strongly abusing him but got nothing. This send out the message that you can abuse people as long as your not rasict.

    If Evra got a 1 match ban and Suarez a 100 match ban I could understand the judge deemed what Suarez said is 100 times worse than what Evra said.

    But Evra got nothing.

    So **** you Jon you mother is a *****.

    Which is apparently fine as its not racial.

    Free Member

    One type of insult is against the rules and one isn’t. So they punish the one who broke the rules just as they have done so in the past with other players who commited similar offences. How dare the FA be consistant!

    Thats my point the rules are clearly wrong when decisions like this turn up. Both players use offensive language one player banned 8 games one player not banned at all !

    The rule should be you cant use offensive language in the work place just like it is for the rest of us.

    Free Member

    We have a multicultural premiership allied to a very British notion of what constitutes racism. That’s the core issue and it isn’t being addressed.

    Rubbish the core issue is the FA/FIFA are saying it is fine to insult opponents in one way but it is nt in another way.

    If they issued a statement stating that offensive language and deliberate taunts are no longer to be part of the game. They could then ban players appropriately.

    The problem is the FIFA/FA heads are very old exfootballers who still think that insulting the opposition is a valid part of the game and are unable to move forward and accept it should be removed.

    In otherwords they want to have there cake and eat it, ie they still condone aggressive offence language, while at the same time they want to condemn rasism.

    Therefore they come up with these ludicrous decisions to ban one player for a non-PC insult and not the other player for just as offensive PC insults when both players should be punished.

    Free Member

    Fine ban Suarez but football, the whole system needs to understand that abusing people in anyway at their place of work is wrong and unprofessional.

    This is why both Seb Blatter and the FA are in the wrong in my opinion Seb Blatter for suggesting Ezra should just shrug it off and the FA for not punishing Ezra as well.

    In the same way that in the 60’s it was considered fine to break a man leg if you got the ball, it is now still considered fine that mental abuse can be used as a legitimate part of the game to gain advantage.

    I would suggest that these cases where one player gets an 8 match ban for racism and another gets away scot-free show that this period is coming to end.

    It should be encouraged that player should nt insult either in the hope of gaining a small mental edge in the same way the players are now encouraged not to break each others legs.

    Hopefully next time Suarez will report whoever of unprofessional conduct ie (swearing and intimidation at the place of work) rather than resort to this sort of language.

    Free Member

    Luckily rocket jr is fairly bright

    This is going to sound extremely rude but what do you mean but by rocket jr. is fairly bright ?

    If he was fairly bright why would nt you want him to do A levels ?

    Do you actually mean “rocker jr. is completely average academically(neither good nor bad)” and you dont think he’s going to stand out from the others once he has A-level/degree . So he’d better doing something else/having experience to make him stand out ?

    Free Member

    Could be the average wind speed has changed it has been more windy recently. Or the average wind direction is means the wind is hindering more.

    Free Member

    I had a feeling some of the newer ones cant be increased. I have some 2010 ones at 100mm and I think I read it on singletrack at some point try a search ?

    Free Member

    My names Roger. Pretty open to micky taking and I got a bit at primary school ie Roger Rabbit, Roger Ramjet, Roger Redhat etc etc. Pretty sure I remember chasing some kid round the play ground as he shouted out Roger Rabbit ! Roger Rabbit ! Roger Rabbit !

    Cant really remember anyone bothering about it at secondary school except the thick kid who kept calling me ROW-GER, which I suppose is how its spelt.

    When I was little did nt really occur to me that you might not like your own name. I was called Roger and that was it.

    Free Member

    As mentioned above and as advertised here yesterday


    look absolutely brilliant.

    I think the best bit is that instead of searching for routes you find a trail head (ie car park etc) then you can see all the trails from the trail head.

    Free Member

    Even the about page is brill !

    Free Member

    looks great !

    Free Member

    Its the f ecktards that ‘buzz’ you even when the oncoming lane is totally devoid of all traffic that really boil my piss.

    100% agree I just dont get why they do it ! The other lane is totally free there is no traffic why pass so close !

    Free Member

    Drivers passed closer to the rider the further out into the road he was. This is contrary to what many experienced bicyclists believed should happen.
    The riding-position effect suggests drivers simply do not change their overtaking paths very much as a function of where a rider is: if a cyclist rides further into the road, they will on average be closer to passing vehicles as a result.

    Maybe true but as you feel them coming you can move further in. If I hear a big/loud vehicle behind me I sometimes move out into the road more then pull in as I feel them start to overtake.

    If they pass close to you and you are already near the kerb you cant change how close the driver drives to you.

    Free Member

    Crank Brothers are pretty light and wide and flat.


    sure I’ve seen it cheaper than at CRC at the moment.

    Free Member

    I work in a hospital, can’t really do that from home, the bodies ruin the carpet

    yeah you class as vital services, so surely you appreciate less idiots on the road blocking ambulances etc

    Free Member

    good !

    Free Member

    quite a grim one near me is gallowstree common.

    Free Member

    Whats the point of wasting all that time travelling through delays if you can just work from home anyway.

    Any job where the majority of the work is on a computer/phone should just be made to work from home

    That way people who are unprepared dont jam up the roads for vital services, people who actually need to be at work or deliveries.

    Seeing as everyone here supposedly works in IT i cant see why they cant work from home.

    At work we use Linux, but I have a windows machine at home with SUSE installed as virtual machine and I have access to a VPN. I can do everything I need to from home.

    The only thing I cant do is physically turn on the machine, so if there was a power cut there might be a problem but the power cuts normally only happen once a year when the weather is too warm and air conditioning is really going.

    Free Member

    Your mama’s a the top of my things to do list, she’s always on top.

    Free Member

    I would say riding two a breast can make overtaking much more difficult on a narrow country road for drivers.

    But in that case there is not enough room for cyclist/car/car so it doesnt make any difference if they ride two a breast in fact it might be safer, as there is no chance of two cars trying to over take you at once.

    And if there was only one cyclist they’d be best taking up the whole lane anyhow.

    Free Member

    At least he’s paying for his ticket, unlike in Scotland….

    But he had paid for a ticket one way which was only 70p cheaper or something.

    Why he did buy a return I’ll never know. But why is a return only 20p more sometimes ?

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