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  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    The high rate tax payers will be the driving force of economic revival by making money and investing it in jobs.

    Is this true ? Surely most rich people have their money and are just trying to keep it.

    Surely most innovate companies and products originate from the middle classes, where there are enough resources to provide a good education but there is also a drive and desire to achieve more. I would guess most innovate companies come from the minds of the middle class not people earning over £150,000.

    The abolition of the 50% rate is going to go hand in hand with the extension of tax free earnings to £10,000 (which Im in favour of) but guess were the short fall will be made up.

    Probably by dropping the 40% tax band even more than planned putting more pressure on the upper middle earners.

    I know there is alot of complaining about this child benefit cut but the way the system seems to be going out of kilter with the realities of work.

    With a possible £10,000 in tax free, maybe more, it really doesnt make sense for a family to have 1 earner. It will be much better to work part time and try and maximise your tax free potential but I dont think this is how most employers see things.

    I mean you could earn £20,000 as a couple and only pay NI soon with 2 part time jobs.

    Free Member

    Free holiday then, what’s the problem?

    Potential to get her hand bag nicked, according to past experience.

    Free Member

    yes I often meet people like this. Normally on national speed limit country roads there’ll be dragging along at 40mph on a reasonably wide straight section.

    Then your’ll approach a tight corner and think actually I better slow down might be a cyclist or pedestrian round the corner and 40mph is the max I feel safe going round the corner.

    And then the driver, who appeared so nervous they had to go 40mph on the lovely straight bit of road with good visibility, will start to pull away from you drive like Michael Schumacher round a series of hair pin bends where an accident is quite likely.

    Then your’ll catch them straight back up when you get to the next safe, easy and faster section of road where they should be at 60 no problems.

    Free Member

    I think its all down to your technique and riding a singlspeed will accentuate this.

    I’ve been riding for over 10 year in the last 5-6 years my technique seems to have improved loads. My legs literally seem to have straightened out.

    When I first started riding my feet tended to point out and my knees point in (made spd’s a real bu***r).

    But my ankle movement seems to have increased and my knees straighten up.

    So now when I stand up and stamp a high gear I can feel the force is really transmitted straight though my muscles down to the pedals. And as people above point out this actually helps straight and stabilise my knees even more.

    But previously I seemed to put alot of the force through the ligaments in my knees not though the muscle so previous stamping out a high gear seemed to be bad for my knees.

    Free Member

    Your bike has nt got slower, Your mate has nt got faster, you’ve got slower or maybe just old.

    Free Member

    There are three sort of privatisation from what I can see.

    1. Privatisation of a Dynamic and fast moving sector with room for new ideas and innovation and changeable goals with open infrastructure.

    Ie the privisation of BT and the opening up of telephone service providers.

    This often goes well. The room for expansion of new ideas, new system, new products for customer seems to have deliver a better telecoms system for the UK. We now have some of the greater broadband acesss in the developed (although speeds lag the East).

    Also the system is open and it is easy for a customer to move from BP to O2 to Virgin.

    2. Privatisation of non-vital roles ie Cleaning/Cooking

    These privatisation supposedly goes “well” according to supporters. But just appear to be a way of cutting corners to me basically cleaners/cooks are brought in from cheaper areas and are paid less and encourage to clean / cook faster. Whether the same standard of service is achieved is unknown because no one cares to measure it. This is normally. Often the objective is to encourage staff to work overtime therefore to pay below minimum wage.

    3. Privatisation of vital closed goal sectors with stringent regulation ie Train services

    These privatisation seem to end in disaster. The key strength of the private sector is to innovate and quickly apply new ideas. However this is impossible here due to regulation and closed goals.

    Ie in the phone business BP can start sending you internet and eventually TV down your phone line.

    In the railway system the Operators can pretty much only deliver the same thing BR offered.

    The system is closed you cant move from one operator to another.

    Also the regulations are strict the rail companies can import a load of foreign labour to operate the trains to reduce costs. They cant remove safety equipment to lighten the train and they can just run all the trains late and hope no one notices.

    I think the police system is more like the Train service. What good is privatisation actually going to do what can a private firm do better ? I dont fancy them importing Iraqi policemen and paying them less, or cutting corners, the only last thing they could really do if try and fiddle the books to make it look like more crime is being solved than currently goes on.

    (PS I know someone will come along to say privatisation of the railways has gone well !! Well true trains are running better but the amount of government backing has massively increased)

    Free Member

    Missed it, shame. Needs to be on TV more often

    Free Member

    why not use 29er wheels there looks like there is a fair bit of room in it.

    Free Member

    just a minute I never though about it but could I have used wiggle vouchers ?

    Or have they made sure any arent available at the moment.

    Free Member

    Was only 10 Open Male spots left when I got in

    Lol 🙂 me too

    process was soo simple though. Shame it didnt go live on time but looks good.

    Free Member

    Out of interest did you actually click on the links I sent you ? As they were probably the most useful post.

    Free Member

    Yes summer lightening BKB and Yoghurt pots are marked on

    Free Member



    GPX file can be downloaded from first link

    Free Member

    At present I have user blocking (with options to hide threads by author and to hide posts with an option to have a link to click to see the post


    but would you really want to read a forum that consisted of posts such as :->

    TJ your not really thinking that through are you ?
    TJ it always difficult to tell when are you trolling ?
    TJ do you really believe that or you just making it up ?

    Would nt it seem a bit one sided ? Or will it delete posts that mention TJ as well as his posts ?

    Free Member

    even bruised ribs are seriously painful

    Free Member

    Ok I just said 30 second off the top of my head

    Free Member

    Hence why it’s not always a good idea to filter past large vehicles.

    Just because you can, and there’s an ASL, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

    Im not even on about large vehicles I never filter down the side of them.

    But even with smaller vehicles the lights can change as your filtering and they can start to drive away with out seeing you.

    Free Member

    I suppose this would be less supported by the Newspapers reader ship than making haulage companies pay.

    Free Member

    Interesting to note the alloy frame failed at the hydroformed bend prior to the head tube junction. Obviously, being able to lay up and strengthen carbon at key weak points allows Carbon to be much more applicable to complex shapes and still retain the strength whilst managing weight effectively, using less material where necessary

    Is this totally a good thing though ? Its great for pure XC machines but for everyday use ?

    I did see the NOMAD concrete block test and the frame does appear strong in all directions, but the temptation will be to leave some areas of the frame very thin to save weight surely if these get hit then the frame may easily damage ?

    Free Member

    I don’t think its about manual jobs, working in an office now is the same as working on a factory floor in the 60’s, or university education.

    Its about the control you actually have over your own life (whether you understand your level of control or not), do you get to choose a career or just get the best job you can find, do you get to choose where you live etc.

    I reckon this is the best description.

    There are plenty of people who have a degree and have a salaried job but have no more control over their lives than a factory worker from the 50/60s.

    If you own your house and have some savings/pension your probably not working class anymore even if you have a manual job. Because you have a level of control over your life and could stop working and live in your house.

    However if you have a degree and work a big city paying rent the your basically a slave to your wage and this would make you working class in my book.

    this blue collar manual job / degree white collar thing came in when white collar jobs generally used to pay more, but this is no way guaranteed now.

    Free Member

    I got a reasonable result 2:1 and Im doing alright. So I dont think I’d work harder. I’d have probably to work twice as hard to get a first.

    Id probably say spend slightly less time drinking/counterstrike and more time cycling/playing footy.

    Free Member

    I think the picture looks good.

    Its meant to show physical effort by increasing the contrast ?
    So only the important things stand out.

    I think that sometimes kinda happens when u really try hard and feel a bit faint.

    Free Member

    My experience is that it drains worse…

    Hmm, possibly end of thread here I think 🙁

    Cheers for the info though.

    Free Member

    Could possibly drive south to Swindon to do croft trail if its worth it.

    Free Member

    I just reckon they should have the word troll flash up next to their names. This way normal people know what they are getting into from the start of the conversation.

    Free Member

    A real real shame because in most other ways she’s great and I will miss her loads

    Wow you really sound in love !

    I hope my misses is describing me as “in some ways he’s great” and “I do occasionally miss him” on some other forum.

    Free Member

    Being someone who loves playing footy but only likes watching and talking about it, I can see that some people talk about it far to much and their has to come a time to move the conversation on.

    The responses most likely to make me move the conversation on would be something along the lines of : (best responses)

    “Im not really into football can we move on”
    “Sorry dude Im a skateboarder/MTBer/etc”
    “The skills needed in football are a bit like MTB/driving/chess/etc because …”
    “Come on we always talk about football”

    The responses most likely to wind me up and make we want to talk about football more are : (worst responses)

    Any thing with the word “Wendyball” or “Soccer” in
    “Oh brilliant, I love football. Don’t you just love all the sweaty men, running around in their tight shorts!”
    “just tell them ‘football is a game played by idiot’s, and watched by bigger idiot’s’.”
    “now Rugby, there’s a proper sport.”
    “I’m surprised nobody’s yet mentioned that wendyball’s not a sport, just a game”
    “Start talking about how you thought the Patriots were going to win it, but the Giants were deserving winners, and that Eli Manning definitely deserved his MVP award. Then say, “Oh, you’re talking about soccer”.”
    Mentioning Rugby or American Football at all.
    Mentioning Cricket

    Funny responses but probably will lead to more football chat are :
    Q. What does FOREST actually mean?
    A. Fear of relegation every saturday teatime!
    “explain the paradox between the illogical and all consuming tribalism of the fan supporting a “club” that has long since become a business focussed on profits and owners or shareholders represented on the field by a (mostly foreign) bunch of mercenaries with no interest or geographical connection with the club”
    “F*** O** you C*** ”

    Free Member

    less than an hour stockport to delamere ?

    Free Member

    wrexhams not to long to get to either could you get to Llandegla from there ?

    Free Member

    In fact train is even quicker to stafford/rugely from stockport.

    Its only 45 mins to stafford 1:05 to rugely.

    Free Member

    I think heading to the Lakes is probably the best idea.

    But seeing as your mentioning Manchester there are fairly quick train from Manchester to Stafford or better Rugely (1:20 hour).

    You could do a chase route from these stations.

    Surely the best thing to do is type in Machester to Where-ever on National rail a few times to get an idea of train times ?

    Free Member

    If they just made the bars in between black or the same colour as the roof I dont think they would stand out as much.

    I could see there should be some rules that the installers attempt to fit the panels to the house, just a few little changes would make all the difference in terms of visual impact.

    The new panels on new builds are hardly visible ! I did even realise they were solar panels until I was told.

    Or there was some system to cheaply tile into and around them. Would look so much nicer and natural.

    Free Member

    Generally middlelane drivers annoy me.

    But will anyone admit to this.

    Ok I’ve gone into the outside lane wanting to overtake 2 middlelane drivers (going 70 mph).

    I’ll admit Im speeding, about 80-85mph say therefore Im no saint.

    Then I’ll be going past the first driver when some c**k comes up behind going 100mph and expects me to slip into between the two cars.

    Im sorry but Im not going to move in for 2 seconds just to have to move back out again and over take again. That and theres little room inbetween the two middle lane drivers.

    If everyone was changing lanes like every 30 seconds it would be impossible to judge which lane anyone was going to stay in.

    Even though im keen for the traffic to move at slightly more than the speed limit say 80mph in modern vechiles. Some other drivers seem to have a totally different idea of what is a safe distance to me.

    I like to pull out in plenty of time and pull back in when im at least another cars length past the vehicle (prefably alot more). Some people just seem come right up behind a vehicle barely a metre distance and then pull straight back in the same manner. This has to be dangerous especially if the car in front decides to brake.

    Free Member

    six ! she says do or die ! six reasons why

    Free Member

    Why are you posting this ?

    Surely if they were any good at stalking they’ll be reading this right now.

    Free Member

    There’s a short stretch of footpath I use for the simple reason that it’s almost always deserted. In almost a decade of using it I’ve encountered less than fifty people in total, only two of which were in the mood for a confrontation regardless of space available. I’ve used the road alongside at various times but not in the rush hour. I personally think that I’m doing the motorist and myself a big favour by doing so; allowing them to move unimpeded along which is usually a very busy and fast-moving couple of miles.

    I always yield to pedestrians and correct them when they thank me by reminding them it’s their right of way.

    All’s good…

    Baiscally I agree with you here, and I’ve done the same but we are just glossing over the issues. Recently I’ve realised what really need to happen is proper pedestrian + cycling facilities need to be built.

    I can forgive old road but we do need to improve these. But we are still building roads + pavements with barely enough room for the users.

    We should have roads wide enough for 2 cars (Normally Check).

    Then a space

    Room for 2 cyclists

    Then a space

    Room for 3 pedestrians

    And this should be made compulsory for every new stretch of road built.

    Free Member

    The people from some states in India (I think more south and east) have totally different standards in personal space to us.

    At my work alot of the students who come over from india take time to make this adjustment. But I remember one in particular, he’d only just came over and he wanted to join the weekly footy kick about. Football is pretty popular in some parts of India and he was pretty good player made some clever runs + passes.

    After the game went over to say good work, cool. Then started to walk back and he keep kinda rubbing the side of his arm against me and we were both covered in sweat. So I’d take a step away then he’d push up against me again, I’d take a step etc etc this continued all the way back. Erghhh

    Free Member

    My wifes exactly the same. She does alot of running, shes even done a half marathon. Some days she’s quicker than me running.

    But both with both running and cycling if she wants to go slow she will and thats that.

    Often, like you say, it will be on a slight downhill were you dont seem to need to pedal very hard. I always think its the bike but it seems to roll well.

    Free Member

    I need a “pick all your c**p up off the floor” robot first before I could get one of these.

    Free Member

    Is it still the same underneath ? Have they just poured a load of stones over the big rocks ?

    Or have they somehow destroyed the rocks underneath ?

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