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  • scu98rkr
    Free Member

    messiah are yours Nobeerinthefridge the same guy ?

    According to this (click) joe smith is from the isle of barra too.

    Free Member

    She said ‘school’ is fun but it’s not fun if you go every day…

    great line

    If you replace the word “school” with “work” I think your daughter is on to something !!!

    Free Member

    Im pretty sure I did this when I was younger. I think the system was alot less structured than it is now. I think I went to some kinda of pre-school/nursery or something.

    Every now and then I’d tell mum I didnt want to go anymore. So we would nt go. Then we’d restart at a different one. I think I went through 3 before school started.

    I was quiet a shy child and it took me time to adjust to new ideas and new experiences, but I dont know if I was maybe picking something up from mum as well as shes quiet a similar mindset.

    However once I got to school (5) I knew I had to go and I dont remember asking not to go and that was fine.

    Free Member

    I came across some in Westwood one day

    Free Member

    I’d say peppers there one of the least fruity fruits.

    Free Member

    Im 32 think I can probably get away with it.

    Makes a bit of a mockery of the ages cats if people just ignore them.

    The age categories are a joke anyway. The timings and spreads will probably be pretty similar(maybe a bit faster) than the open anyway. Whats the point of basically having the same race twice in a day.

    If it was split on ability I obviously would nt want to swap cos I’d look a right idiot coming in dead last.

    Free Member

    since working down in london with lots of different nationalities.

    I normally get :

    “yes” (with a blank stare)

    Free Member

    no I thought that would be obvious from the post

    Free Member

    It doesnt even look like you do anything wrong when you fell off. That tree just must be very very slippy

    Free Member

    I’ve only do one ride with strava on and I think I did pretty much what your describing. It seems the obvious way to use it.

    To be honest the route is actually my standard route.

    Basically I go along a bit of road (your warm up/cycling from home to wood).

    Then I bash it up the first hill as fast as possible and then just ride the rest of the ride normally.

    I’ve always done this I reckon if I bash the first climb out at sprint pace I can kinda tick off the fitness side of the ride off and then just enjoy the rest of it at what ever pace I want.

    Still only came 2nd on the hill :(

    Free Member

    Much faster than you: Generally these guys fly past with such skill and speed that they don’t even need to call.

    Much slower than you: Good chance these guys will pull over anyway, but otherwise I wait until there is ample room to pass because they can react very unpredictably when you call.

    About the same speed as you: Simply no need to pass on singletrack.

    Good answer. In 3-4 seasons of XC racing I have only had 1-2 incidents where people didnt fall into these cateogories.

    The only one I really remember was one was a guy who seemed just a bit (not a lot) quicker than me on flats (not even on climbs). (Had tubless when it was new with Crow tyres)

    However he was alot slower on singletrack he’d over take me then slow me down on the single track. On one straight I managed to over take him as I had so much energy coming out of the singletrack, but then he started to come back near the end of the straight. I deliberatly forced him to go so wide that I just beat him to the next singletrack entrance.

    Bit bad perhaps but I managed to pull away from him after that singletrack as he wasnt that much quicker on the open ground to catch me again. I saw him after the race and said sorry he did seem a bit annoyed but said it was fair enough as I managed to pull away eventually. If I had not managed to pull away, I’d have looked like a right plank though.

    Free Member

    Fast – yes

    Not as fast as new schwalbes for similar grip if you ask me.

    Free Member

    For rigid I have found my 29er far more capable. even with 1.9″ tyres compared to 2.2″ tyres/

    Might not be as much fun possibly.

    Free Member

    original question was is the overtaking etiquette the same in XC as DH.

    The answer is no.

    DH is meant to be a time trial. The penalty for letting the rider behind u catch up if you have to let them overtake.

    I’ve overtaken people in a XC race on a DH but in fairness it generally isnt a great place to overtake unless your sure you can it safely.

    If you manage to fall off/crash over taking you’ll slow yourself down alot more than if you just stayed behind.

    Free Member

    I do think it misses some good stuff and obviously has to stick to bridleways

    Free Member

    Theres the Summit 100K route (65mile) they have it on Viewranger if you want to create an account u should be able to get the GPX.

    if not get viewranger app download route and then convert on ur phone.

    summit 65

    Free Member

    Hey McBoo, that south chilterns Six’s is my route. There’s a few things Im not happy about with it so trying to improve. Which what this thread is about !

    Obviously the ride down to Hambleden was just cos I was parked there no much need to do that bit unless your parked there.

    As said not keen on the Stonor descent and I reckon the ibstone common climb should be a descent (mind it is an amazingly challenging climb).

    I like the footpath descent by watlington hill though :)

    This was my attempt at an improved route

    improved route

    still maybe not a bit too much road.

    Free Member

    Ok this was my attempt at a 3rd route ->

    3rd Chilterns route

    My thinking was add young offenders + dame alice as people seem to rate these.

    However its just turned in a 42 mile roadfest. Need to think about what descents I really want and cut some out.

    Need in

    young offenders
    dame alice
    hanger wood
    Convent/Hachett Wood
    Ibstone Common/Bowlets Wood
    Footpath near Watlington Hill

    Maybe its not possible to include all the good down without turning the route into a real epic.

    Back to the drawing board.

    Free Member

    Cheers McBoo lots of that route I recognise. Some else has also put a similar one on

    Fingest Route

    South Chilterns Page

    You should put yours on there too much easier to read/remember when u have an OS map displayed.

    Free Member

    More fun to treat Stonor as a climb.

    I’ll let you know when I ever clean it

    Could be a good idea would be hard though ! :)
    One I normally climb is the bridleway up to ibstone common. Never managed to clean it as there is a big rut. What to try it as a down one day.

    Free Member

    Too much road !!

    then climb back up the road to Maidensgrove


    Free Member

    I would suggest you MTFU and do the Stonor descent

    Hmm in a word No.

    The stonor decent is a total waste of time, really dont like it at all.

    If we could use the footpath through the estate it would be fine part of the route.

    Dunno if there is a better route through balhams wood to the north, been in a couple of time and there always seem to be alot of machines and cut up tracks about.

    Cheers everyone else for the advice plenty to think about.

    Free Member

    spotted dame alice farm on the OS map

    Free Member

    Cheers guys looking up the routes, will try to fit them in sometime.

    I know quite alot of the stuff south of nettlebed from uni.

    The stuff round Park corner is new to me.
    I think i’ve seen people coming down Oxfordshire Way down to the Stonor valley road but never got round to it.

    No idea what Dame alice descent is though ! :)

    ta for info.

    Free Member

    Thames path – Whitchurch to Goring
    The swoop down out of Woodcote, along the edge of College Wood

    yeah these used to be on my circular route from Reading when I was student there.

    Whitchurch to Goring is actually pretty good fun on a barmy summer evening.

    And college wood is good on a dry day if you can get some speed up. Might actually have been more fun when bikes were’nt so good and it was harder to stay on at speed.

    Can never seem to fit in such long evening rides now adays :(

    The drop down to the Turville road (to the left of Manor farm) is good fun.

    I’ve done the bridleway here which isnt a bad descent maybe I should try and route it in, but are you on about the footpath ?

    looks like it follows the contours quite well, will try and route it in, good suggestions cheers br !:)

    And the Skirmitt/Convent BW is good as a descent.

    Yeah got this on my route, its a good descent can really get some speed. BR dunno if you’ve done the bridleway out of the back of Hanger wood ? Its pretty close and I reckon its the best descent in that part of the Chilterns even got some rocks (well large stones, ok pebbles really).

    strava segment

    Free Member

    Yeah should of done my exploring when I was a student. Tend to just explore the area’s close to me now ie Bowsey/Ashley hill.

    When I do a big days ride in the Chilterns proper, Im normally leading a mates ride so I tend to stick to what I know. Explorings great but you do spend alot of time finding bad routes.

    Free Member

    Hi trimix,

    Thats exactly the sort of advice/tracks Im looking for. To be fair Im just trying to use the road for ups and to move between locations quickly as some of my mates may struggle with that distance all off road.

    I was planing to do a ride on Sunday morning with a few of my mates.

    I dunno if your about then ?

    Or my email is scu98rkr at gmail . com if you fancy emailing me a few tips.

    Or MTB ->
    Is just waiting for someone with your experience to add a route :). You dont even need a GPX file can be built from hand best MTB route website I’ve come across.

    Also whats you opinion on the down north of the M40 worth doing ?

    Free Member

    Front wheel managed to roll over the rock once it had shed some excessive weight allowing it to move up and over ?

    Free Member

    That so many of you really want it to be something political or tangible, shows how little you understand the whole concept. Do you have a political agenda whewn you go for a bike ride, or do you just go for a bike ride?

    Ok I dont understand. Why would I want to go out for a cycle ride with 200 other people in the busiest part of the country at the busiest time of the week ?

    I might want to do it if it had an agenda, ie greater cycle provision in London. It would be worth the effort then.

    So I would improve it in either one of 2 ways.

    1. Have an agenda ie block up traffic and to prove that more investment is needed in cycling infrastructure in London.


    2. Do the ride Sunday afternoon in a way to minimise disruption from traffic to increase the ride enjoyment.

    Can u just answer why it on a Friday evening ? if not to make a point ie London has no basically cycle infrastructure. Which is a good point to make so why does CM have to have no agenda ?

    Free Member

    Also why is the website so bad ?

    Free Member

    Why is the ride organised on Friday night ? Probably the busiest and most stressful transport time period in London ?

    Is it to highlight that the transport links are inadequate for cyclists + other road users. there fore your message is for improved cycle links, which I’d be all for, and therefore when the adequate cycle facilities are present u will use them for the ride and stop inconveniencing others ?

    Or is it to somehow highlight that excessive travelling for a normal working week is stupid especially in London and people should work/live more local ? Again something I might agree with. But as someone who cycle/train commutes from Berkshire to South Ken themselves I’d say the issues here are far more complicated and critical mass is nt really going to achieve anything.

    Free Member

    Seems variable.

    When I was younger I had a runny nose alot but felt fine.

    When at uni I’d have periods when I’d get alot of cold strike me down for a day then I’d feel fine again.

    Probably to do with drinking alot.

    Went through a period with less and less colds from about 23 on wards, basically didnt have a cold to speak of between 28 and 31.

    Then got a tooth/gum infection dentists dithered and didnt pull it out for 6 months. Was on anitbiotics for alot of that time.

    Since then almost been 2 years and not felt right. Last couple of months I havent got a proper cold but still tired and I seem to be having problems with my gut and digesting stuff (try to eat as many probiotics as possible).

    Free Member

    The Mummy
    The Mummy Returns
    The Scorpion King

    One of these is on ITV 3 at all times, even now, probably.

    Free Member

    Just realised looking at his ride he’d gone out tonight, rode the segment (under 4 mins it takes) 3 times until he’d beaten my time, so basically took 45 mins to complete the ride from home ( less than 1 mile away) to segment then mini loop up n down. Jesus christ thats a bit OTT.

    However he’s probably munch fitter now.

    Free Member

    Dunno cos the rest of the trail (not really sure which one we did, think there were bits of Dragons Back, The Beast and MBR) had a lot of sections that flowed much better, things like Hermons etc were really fun. Guess I just don’t like rocks on the flat, they’re fine either up or down. Sort of seems like they put them there to “spice up” the flat bits but I’d rather just get some speed up through a bit of normal singletrack!

    Thats the whole point riding over the rocks is actually more difficult that most of rest of the trail. So anyone who isnt comfortable ends up injuring them selves right at the start not in the middle miles from anywhere.

    Free Member

    mbr etc at cyb, can’t help but feel it’d be better without the rocks

    I imagine these are just to weed out the riders who arent really up for it right at the start.

    Mind if your not warmed up or in the right frame of mind they can be difficult for a good rider.

    Free Member

    To be honest I dont think the OP is describing a trail centre even an easy one.

    He should try doing something like the southdowns way or ridgeway on a sunny day.

    Free Member

    Someone on here coined the phrase “off road roadie”.

    I my mind this is what MTBing was really when I started.

    I just liked to go places on my bike preferably away from traffic. I also did like the skills and stuff but seeing the sights and fitness were just as important.

    It was a while before I realised some people do just like the fitness/competition/skills/achievements and where they are and what the view is like isnt that important.

    Free Member

    Is there not anything in the UK that’s a nice long ride, doesn’t matter how much climbing as long as it’s all rideable, but fairly ‘easy’, i.e. not particularly technical or perilous?

    Hmm yes, I think you might be in the wrong part of the country though?

    Ridgeway/South Downs Way ? Just make sure its a sunny day to avoid the mud.

    Free Member

    Oh you will only hear the crack if your SI ligaments are strong, mine are strong I have no ligament problems. But I still somehow put it out of kilter playing footy. Because the ligaments are strong it then gets stuck which means it need alot of force to get it back again.

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