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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • scruzer
    Free Member

    excellent stuff! Dont know about smiling, i'v nearly pst myself at some of them!

    Free Member

    Variouds kids bikes but never a Chopper!!! Regrets..
    1981 – Elswick Stag
    1991 – Dawes Rough Trade
    Rocky Mountain Hammer
    Rocky Mountain Equipe 95
    Rocky Mountain Equipe 95 crash replacemnet frame, then many guises to date
    Santa Cruz Heckler DH build up
    Santa Cruz Bullit DH build up
    Trek 1200
    Lightspeed Vela
    Santa Cruz Superlight to date
    Lightspeed Ardennes to date
    Yeti 575 to date
    Some interesting bikes out there!!

    Free Member

    Ya could try u tube. coverage by the freecaster people…

    Free Member

    Many during a trip to NZ in 94/95, including 80 mile night ride to East Cape lighthouse only with a petzl head torch (and the company of Clause, if ya watching – Hi!), 3 day excursion around the Marlbro' Sounds and a 3 day epic around the cape of Corramadel via Stoney Bay to Fletchers Bay (though I ended up walking many-a-mile). The Negev Desert is another epic through Palestine/Israel (take ya pick)and nearer home Shap to Osmotherly while on the coast to coast in one day, Ouch!

    Free Member

    The Irish had not at that point qualified, they still needed at least 1 goal anyway (was 1.1 on aggregate) so what's all the fuss about? And they still had time to get that 1 goal and didin't so out they go, less the chance of a penalty shoot out… which they may well have lost on anyway… A point I have not heard anyone else make?

    Free Member

    I did this post same ime last year and for same reason. Seasons came up alot so did Roam quite alot. Funnily enough i never did get round to buing any… maybe i buy now cos i have just been checking out prices. Dont forget Amazon!

    Free Member

    Rode there on sunday and saw no digging. 'Twas quite dry though considering all the rain they had on Saturday. Maybe that put people off..?

    Free Member

    Yep have maxle race and superb. had 07 revs before, 010 much better, (improved stiffness, post mounted,pushlock,..)though my others were QR. Bagin at 349£!

    Free Member

    I live in south yorkshire and my current 'LBS' is in Rutland! No guesses to which one.Its crazy I know but those that can come up with the goods/service get my hard earned cash. (The others can go under) Seriously its sad news in these parts for propper gear and stock levels. James is closest in R/ham or Seff, but either only get my dosh when i am desperate! Look closer at this area including the 'sunny delights' of Doncaster, then come and save us!Not sure what Lincoln and Scunthorpe are like these days? These areas are all largly(ish)populated and serve many cyclists!

    Free Member

    Dual Air Maxle Revs! (349£ from Rutlandcycling)

    Free Member

    Just a bit in WhatMTB, though that may be the bit yav read… No mention website..

    Free Member

    Blimey Billybull, thats both then cos Dalby did for sure. Wonder if there is a link? Was at Dalby 3 weeks ago tomorrow when I went in and asked why they had no bikes in? Shop man told me then. Though I hear they didnt want it publising.. Guess ive just blown that for em…

    Free Member

    sorry to here this 18bikes. As billybull says Purple Mountain bikes (though at Dalby not Keilder)got broke into and top notch geartaken… These people are surley 'professional'? Will scan the streets in south yorks good luck with the recovery

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy made a similar response to mistercruds post about the petition to have a 3foot gap between us and traffic I notice…. (See post further down pages). Strange cos if he rides a tandem then its likely to be double trouble in the event of him being in an accident! Maybe he should let his mate know about his views…

    Free Member

    Not sure what TandemJeremy is thinking of? With that view he could have been given 2 days! Punishment fitting the crime? Keeping him off the roads so WE and the inoscent public can be a little bit safer for a long while longer is one point and satisfying those left behind by the terrible incident would be another. Thanks to stu for putting up the item..

    Free Member

    Or try Evans, All Terrain, Stif, Air Valley Cycles, Moongloo…. then York shops…

    Free Member

    …So thats why its called the Lake District! This part should be renamed Hell To Water?

    Free Member

    Are you referring to a child/young person? Then has this person been to the Doctors? I would be more concerned if s/he was.

    There may well be underlying emotional/psychological problems…

    And yes there is professional support available, so don't ignore it! Seek this if you are genuinly concerned.

    Free Member

    Talking Roadie/lycra? Lusso always been good stuff, not had End/Alt gear in lycra but do use their gear on mtb with no major concerns. Maybe Lusso do make 'casual/baggy/mtb' gear do they?

    Free Member

    toured there in 95-96 for 9month, revisited last year Nov-dec and ots not changed that much. Aboslutely a must for bike touring with lots of mtb opportunities and light excursions to be had. Main touring highlights were North Island:- East Cape, Bay of Islands, Bay of Plenty, North Cape, Tangariro. South Island:- Mount Cook, Lindis Pass, Haast Pass, West Caost, Arthurs Pass. Main light excursions (leaving most luggage at a base)were all in South Island:- Marlbrough Sounds/Queen Chartlotte Way- 4 days,Glenorchy to Paradise 1 night and Wanaka to Mt Aspiring Hut – 4 days. MTBing (removing all gear etc)was good on Banks Paninsula, Wanaka and at Mount Cook, though walking there last year lots of tracks have been eashed away mainly upto Ball Hut by Tazi Glasiier.

    Weather was superb for both visits during thier summer, touring great especially in wilder places especially around the East Cape though many white/kiwi will try to discurrage you with stories of rape and pillage by dodgey maori. My time on E/Cape with the Maori was one of the most hospitable!!!

    Go and enjoy!

    Free Member

    Try and see Tracey post further down. Got 010 dual air maxel for 349£. think 010 u-turns q/r about 314£

    Free Member

    winterizing bikes! Do this when the clocks go back…Posh roadie bike into hibernation(loft), out comes winter road bike. Down comes old winter mtb, summer mtb into hibernation (under the stairs)…Obsessive maybe but pays off in long run… Come spring all change!

    Free Member

    I got the 010 Dual Air Maxel from them for 349£ and did 150mile round trip for the pleasure! Great service too!They are now on my hit list to shop at..

    Free Member

    120/120 I think. Others often say RS recommendations are too high too. Keep trying different settings aiming to bottom out now and again. General feeling is not to have – pressure more than +. I go with this theory too though I'm no expert when iy comes to fizziks…

    Free Member

    I want to be ther right now and doing that descent! Oh well will have to make do with the peaks tomorrow… mud,cold, grey skies, gates, stop/start, tarmac….

    Free Member

    Just replaced 07 Revs U-Turns with 010 Dual Air Maxles. As before I run them less tha RS recommend. My weight is 12 stone plus kit. I tried 80/80 psi but were too soft so uped to 90/90. They seem good at that. I too would be interested in what others aredoing, but remeber rider weight…

    Free Member

    As chrishayes… 717s / Rampage 2.35 and at 25psi never a problem. I weigh 12 stone. Had 717s for years and their ? predecessers without any toruble!Stong and light.

    Free Member

    Try Jagwire for a touch of colour or Goodridge for a nicer shade of white or carbon or clear… You could consider sealed ones from Gore… But then you sound sensible, so go for Shimano, you can't fail with them realy.

    Free Member

    Think i replied last time… Do you realy need u turn? I thought i did for years til i just got 010 dual air maxle for 349£. They are lighter than u turns and 010 now have post mounts. Believe me not droppping travel has made no diffrence to climbing and on same climbs. Try rutlandcycling..

    Free Member

    Try Rutlandcycling. I got the 010 maxles for 349£, not sure about the QR version.

    Free Member

    great stuff, especially been viewed with a cup of tea in hand, before getting some work done!

    Free Member

    I was adamant i need travel adjustable forks having used 07 Revs U turns and Fox talas for 6 years. I have recently bought 010 Dual Air Revs and DO NOT NEED travel adjustment,its all been in my mind! Honest. Look at Rutlandcycling… 349£££ for 010 Revs 150 Duals!!!! Then go buy!!!!

    Free Member

    X-Lite Ti. Good positive action, last for years, light and choice of colours and British if that counts.

    Free Member

    Thanks so far for this interesting debate. Seems things are settling down to us willing to pay a minor fee for the up keep of trails. That said I'm sure we really don't want this to happen… I still feel there is something to be said about the forests being sold off to the private sector initillay…? ie back to my original post.

    Free Member

    But why should we foot the bill? Surely the FC have a duty to supply recreational usage? ok so they may well turn round and say ok you can walk in our forests for nothing.. till think they should be paying for trails andtheir upkeep..

    Free Member

    Interesting about what would be next..? Quite agree and I fear Forestry making money out of 'our fees'. They took the forests from us they should be funding our needs! Slowly making my mind up (and waiting to be shot!). If memory serves me right on condition of the forests being s…old off, the new owners (mainly FC)had to provide recreational opportunities for the public… Any old skool FC workers on here that remeber the sell off?

    Free Member

    Ok some interesting points re: maintaining them etc. But remembering these forests were once in public ownership and paid for through our taxes etc, what did we get back in return when they were all sold off? Not much… The same could be said for Public Rights Of Way: Supposing they were sold off, would you pay to ride on a Bridle Way? Surely its the same.. Jusy a few thoughts, I am still on the fence…

    Free Member

    cheers Stu-N and Trackster

    Free Member

    mme… I will too wait with interest… At the mo will be settling for Dual Air 150 from Rutlandcycling at 350£ or so, incredible price. I have failed to find 2010 u turns at anykind of cheap price!Happy hunting?

    Free Member

    717s all the way Im 12 stone and run 2.35 ramapges without any issues had em on various bikes since they came out,

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