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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • scottyjohn
    Free Member

    I just got a camelback Octane to replace my old Dakine Helipro and cant believe how light and comfortable it is! Expands to take more gear too but awesome pack

    Free Member

    Good luck mate, its a week till our first wee one is due Bricking it! :-D

    Free Member

    And the award for taking more time to type a cheeky assed answer than just helping the guy out goes to….

    Free Member

    We went for a week do nothing by the pool in one of the best hotels in Sharm, and I wouldnt go back there again if you paid me! Flight too long, horrible dirty place, people were weird and very suspicious looking all the time, hotel staff very false and totally oblivious to any basic hygeine standards. Both got ill, despite avoiding anything with the possibility of dodginess! Couldnt say anything good about it at all. Never ever again

    Free Member

    PIKEY!! :-)

    Free Member

    I used o work in Alpe d'Huez and we took our clients for a day skiing to SC every week, as its included on your ADH / LDA lift pass. we always loved it, the terrain very different from ADH. Nice tree line stuff. And never knew it to be that bad snow wise.

    Free Member

    Ive lost 1 stone in 5 weeks which I think is great. I havent been able to exercise much as Im really busy at the moment, but managed a couple of rides. Felt better, although the first ride I had I crashed on the couch afterwards and felt ill. But since then been having something to eat when I got in and thats helped. Generally feel a lot better, had a dry skin issue on my legs for ages, and this has cleared up completely. Still a long way to go for me as I was 20 stone when I started, want to get to 16st. Looking at this as the long haul so doesnt feel like a stress to follow it. And the foods you can have are very tasty so all good. The other thing Ive noticed and not sure if its related, but my heart rate is returning to normal a lot faster than it was doing previously when I stop exercising.

    Free Member

    I have a huge mug and I have Oil Rigs for ahngin around and some bike duties, and tried a pair of scalpels on in a shop a few weeks ago and they fitted like a glove!

    Free Member

    Ton, Ive done the WHW from Tyndrum to Fw a few times now and every time I love it. In my opinion there is enough variety of types of trail and gradient both up and down to keep it interesting. I get the train to Tyndrum on the Saturday morning and ride from there to Kinlochleven, stay overnight and then ride to FW the next day. A couple of times Ive went straight down Glencoe on the most amazing bit of singletrack, instead of over the Devils Staircase, and stayed at the Clachaig Inn, as its a nice place to be with a really good pub. Next morning I got a bike taxi back to the bottom of the Devil's staircase and rode over and then up to FW.

    Id be doing it again this year but the Mrs is due in about 2 weeks so cant get away :-(

    Free Member

    Orbital – Chime
    Leftfield – Not Forgotten


    Free Member

    Well weighed in this morning and at the end of week three Ive now lost just over 13 pounds :D Im very happy so far and feel a lot better for it. A long way to go, but this has changed the way Im looking at food, and overall havent been hungry at all.
    Have been for a few meals to Italian restaurants which I thought would be a nightmare, but had a bean and sausage stew at one, and a Veal and mushrrom stew, with salad at the other. So didnt devaite from the plan too much. Did have a severe craving for chocolate one night, and bought a bar of Lindt 85% cocoa choc, and had one square which I nibbled at. Totally satisfied the craving. Day off tomorrow so will have a few beers, and a goody or two throughout the day. Going for another 2 hour ride also, so shouldnt dent things too much :D

    Free Member

    I was sitting at a coffee shop on Buchanan St in Glasgow on Saturday morning and a young guy went flying down the street pulling the best most stable manual I have ever seen. I so want to learn that!

    Free Member

    Ive been eating tomatos as when applying the custard rule, they are veg for the purposes of this eating plan :D

    Free Member

    Molgrips, would that be for breakfast? I had read one of the previous posts that said not to eat them as it hampers losing weight? I suppose a small handful of them for eating in the car? Also could be good for when out cycling….

    Free Member

    Just not sure what I should be eating when I came in :(

    Yeah I was pushing hard, average heart rate of 145 with max of 185.

    Free Member

    I had some tuition a while back from a pro photographer and he told me a the time that all camera bodies are rubbish, and not to waste a lot of cash on them. He advised to spend money on a couple of good quality lenses. The only difference with an expensive body is that its usually made of more durable materials, and the body is sealed against water better. But again, get a cheap D-SLR and an 18-55 lens and a relatively fast prime lens about 55 or 60mm lens / f1.8 and then get out and do some clicking :-)

    The best way to get some good experience of different techniques is to think of 10 subjects, so portrait, industrial, landscape, biking, etc, then put those 10 ideas on little bits of paper and mix them up in a bowl. Then do the same with techniques, so black and white, close up, wide angle, night time, etc. so choose something from bowl 1 and then the technique from bowl 2, and this gives you random ways of photographing things you would never have thought of. Give it a try :-)

    Free Member

    Hi all,
    Thats me the start of my third week, and have been keeping to the plan. Havent weighed myself since the last time, but feel a lot better, and people who know me have said they can see a difference already. Have plenty of energy and went for my first proper 2.5 hour ride with some ups and downs. Wore my polar monitor and burnt 2300 calories on the ride after a brekkie of chorizo omelette. Felt fine on the ride and afterwards did a bit of running around doing stuff, but after that I had a bit of a crash, like hitting a wall of tiredness, had to keel over on the couch for an hour which isnt like me at all. Didnt have anything to eat when I came home, but then had a very thin base pizza for dinner and felt a bit livlier. The Mrs tempted me with a segment of choc orange which I thought I deserved so had one bit :-)
    The only thing Im struggling with is breakfast. I get up and drive for 1.5 hours to work, so have a large black coffee on the drive, and have nothing to eat till I have breakfast with mates at work. I then have a scrambled egg and a bit of sausage. I need something to have at home or in the car I think, so what ideas do you guys have?

    Apart from that all good Shwartz do a shake on cajun spice mix, which Ive been putting over chicken or salmon, with some olive oil, and some chopped cherry tomatoes in foil in the oven. Excellent!

    Free Member

    You spend far too much time at work to hate the people you work with. I like most of the people in the office but you always have a couple that you get on better with.

    Free Member

    Or your car for that matter lol

    Free Member

    Nice one!

    Free Member

    Well said Solo, keep it up mate, its all about enjoying life after all!

    Free Member

    Hi all,
    Just a tuppence worth from me! Started the eating plan two weeks ago and only did a couple of days and then got flu, unrelated as a few people around me got it at the same time. SO kind of fell off the wagon for the rest of that first week, and this week has been my first proper week doing the plan, although I still found myself watching what I was eating slightly during my ill week. Havent done any exercise excpet for a 10 mile flat cycle last Saturday. Did my weigh in today and have lost 9 pounds! I do feel less bloated and more alert, and despite a couple of cravings for chocolate, which I managed to resist, havent really felt hungry at all. Am going to ride one day this weekend, and am moving furniture all day Saturday, and then will return to my 3 days a week in the gym and see how I go then. All in all Im impressed by this plan, I think it does seem to change your outlook on eating completely, and hope I can stay close to it for the long haul. :D

    Free Member

    I find the free range jobs are better

    Free Member

    I ended up with a stunning younger girl after I split with my partner a few years back, and couldnt believe my luck. Helped me get over the old relationship, but the most true thing I learned from the whole experience was…. Fit, Sane, Single…. choose any two :D She turned out to be a bit too challenging on the same front! However I have met a new woman and have been blissfully happy for the past 5 years. So it can all end well. Not a nice thing to say, but a new woman can help ease the pain of the old, but as long as you are clear that you arent after anything serious. That transient relationship probably wont be a long termer but will serve a purpose. Hope this helps, and doesnt sound too mercenary!

    Free Member

    I hover around 19 and 20 stone and havent had any issues with the two bikes I own. One a Spesh rockhopper and the other a giant trance. Can still get the correct sag with the forks and the shock on the trance. Its only a Fox float R too.

    I do trail centre stuff and hit all the kickers with no issues :-)

    Free Member

    This video is one of the best things Ive seen on anti global warming theory. Seems to have lots of credible scientists giving their views

    Free Member

    I have the same problem and I use Oakley Oil Rig for general sunglasses duties. Currently trying to source a similar setup for riding prescription glasses but seems expensive!

    Free Member

    Just ask her, you need to be careful as to not appear like Mr sensitive child custody guy with an abusive ex. Dont discuss it, unless it really comes up. Keep a bit of mystery as there is nothin worse than someone goin on about their ex! lol

    Free Member

    Me too Im on…..

    Free Member

    I was on holiday in Egypt at a top hotel, and a bunch of women had burka swimsuits!! They looked like frogmen but in bright colours, altho some were black. Pissed me off a bit to be honest, they had a sign up saying no clothing in the pool other than swimsuits, including t-shirts to protect from the sun, and yet these frogwomen were floating around in what didnt appear to me to be particularly hygenic clothing

    Free Member

    Been off work the last two days ill with flu, and still in bed :-(

    Free Member

    Aha I stand corrected…..

    Free Member

    The only transport is public bus to Balmaha, after that its walk or ride Im afraid….

    Free Member

    I think you just have to take it on the chin as it being one of those annoying positive discrimination things. Women can get away with what they like, whereas if you try to do anything men only, society kicks you in the nads. Take the scouts for instance, long traditions of both scouts and guides, all worked out perfectly, until some muppet took offence that she couldnt join the scouts, and dragged them over the coals until they were forced to give in. Totally pointless whinging wins the day again….. welcome to britain. :D

    Free Member

    So first day, and not feeling bad at all. Felt a bit of an evening buzz which was strange, didnt expect that :D

    Brekkie was nuts and coffee, then two poached with a bit of sausage

    Lunch was a two egg omlette with ham and peppers, with a portion of boiled carrotts on the side.

    Nuts in the afternoon with coffee

    For dinner had a tuna bean salad tin with a side salad of mixed leaves, celery, spring onion, olive oil and a small dab of balsamic vinegar. Very tasty.

    Hitting a bit of a craving thing now, but just going to have a cup of camomile tea to give me a taste.

    All good so will try to keep it up :D

    Free Member

    Aha, I bow to your wisdom Mol, your right, fructose only scores 19 on the GI scale….. so ignore me :D

    Free Member

    I think the avoidance of fruit is related to its high sugar (fructose) content, and the consequent spike in blood sugar after eating it. For instance a tomato has roughly a third of the sugar content of an orange, so it may be a fruit but one that should be safe for this diet as its not going to cause the spike you would get with an orange or such.

    Hope this helps….

    Free Member

    Where is this available?

    Free Member

    Starting today after a weekend pig out :-)

    Just had nuts and coffee on the way to work, and am now going for a couple of poached eggs and some sausage yum yum. Then veggie omlette at lunch. Tonight is bean prep as they have been soaking overnight. But I found large tins of tuna and bean salad that dont look too toxic, so Im having one of those and some salad tonight. Weighed in this morning at 129.5 kg, so long way to go. 6'2" and stocky built, but more fat than muscle these days. Decided enough was enough, and this eating plan came along at the right time for me, so need to get on with it now.

    Free Member

    better to use a cleaner app as they generally know which can be deleted safely. Havent used one in ages though.

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