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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • scottyjohn
    Free Member

    Ive done a similar with a PC connected to each monitor, and VNC to them to control whats displayed. We used MS Access to build an auto refresh form which you can make quite jazzy.
    Just need to setup the datasources on each PC to allow the access to run as a front end for the back end data. Most offices already have MS Access available and someone who can use it pretty well, so might be a no-cost solution for you, although the solutions above would be a more robust way of doing things.

    Free Member

    I fancy this also, where can I find the details? I cant find the original thread? Cheers

    Free Member

    Set the PC to automatically get IP from router, open a command window and type "ipconfig /flushdns" then restart the pc and see if that cures the issue.
    Just a note also from your final point above, if the pc is a 195. address and the router is a 192. address I dont think that will work. The PC has to be on the 192. network to comm with the router.

    Free Member

    Definitely get MUCH bigger locks on the shed for a bike like that :-)

    Free Member

    A good site to look at is, where you can set a weight loss goal, and see what it is you are eating. it also suggests alternatives to stuff you have eaten which are better for you. Just gives you a better idea of what your consuming. And theres lots of tips and advice on there also

    Free Member

    Well I got mine yesterday with minimal fuss, and transferred perfectly and the phone is a vast improvement on my old 3G. I wanted it for the improved GPS and multitasking. Tested it this morning and the GPS is a lot more accurate. Its a bit of a pain in the *ss though that everyone has this BIG chip on their shoulder about Apple. I bought an iphone when they first came out because it was revolutionary, and light years better than any mobile Id had before. Then I bought a macbook through my business to do iphone development, and yes there are times I need to use windows on it for business stuff, which I run in VMWare perfectly. But on the whole, I would never buy another laptop again, and certainly not another phone. Ive tried all the Nokia and HTC models, and the iphone is light years ahead of any of them in terms of user experience and interface.

    But its again like "hardtail or suss" conversations, each to their own, and no need to flame each other about personal choice. Its like standing on a trail next to other guys with different bikes pointing at theirs and jumping up and down shouting "MY GOD YOU ACTUALLY RIDE THAT PIECE OF CRAP????" Not really very intelligent is it?

    Free Member

    cliche but the lance armstrong book its not about the bike was amazing.

    Free Member

    LOL I was hoping for a more varied response, but looks like Im just a REALLY unfit weirdo! I suppose I could push longer than I do, and maybe yes if I granny ringed it all the way and paced myself, but I am always being passed by other riders and like to maintain a non-embarassing speed, so tend to burn, collapse, burn, collapse till I get there. I enjoy regular stops too, but from a purely fitness perspective I need to get a whole lot fitter by the sounds of it :-(

    Free Member

    Just take a slightly different route for a few days. Anyway a day later the red mist will have subsided and probably the worst you will get is a finger :D

    Free Member

    Traffic lights angled so that when you actually stop at the line, you need to be a contortionist midget to see when they change! Grrrr

    Free Member

    Yeah POP access like hotmail only gives you a view of your inbox, whereas IMAP lets you sync with all your subfolders etc. And when you look at a mail in IMAP, on your iphone or thunderbird client it tags it as read, whereas POP doesnt which is bloody annoying :-)

    Free Member

    Gmail is best out there IMO. Full IMAP so should work well with Thunderbird

    Free Member

    I wouldnt queue tomorrow its not on sale till Thursday :D

    Free Member

    I used to be a manager in a bike shop, and we were always told that according to the law, if the bike is used at all, the purchaser has to give the seller three attempts at fixing the issue before they are entitled to a refund.

    Free Member

    Get the taxi boat from Westminster pier to the Tait Modern. Cheap cruise past all the main sites and then do the Tait, walk back over the bridge and over to St pauls, then dunno :-)

    Free Member

    If its not working, Id sync it to your itunes and do a restore. This usually fixes most niggles. Im assuming you have done a hard reset also?

    Free Member

    Ive tried a colleagues ipad and agree that the typing was actually a lot better than I thought it would be

    Free Member

    The only one Ive found that sits down rather than on my head is the giro xen, but a bit pricey these days

    Free Member

    1000m is fine and you wont notice any difference from sea level. Anything above about 1800m you start to notice a difference. Also depends on how long you stay up there and what your starting altitude was….

    Free Member

    I happened to be visiting a sanctuary for sick and retired circus animals in Spain when the warden was bottle feeding a couple of tiger cubs that were only a couple of weeks old. He let me feed one and then we rolled around the floor playing for a bit after. He did say that in another few weeks I wouldnt be able to do that as it would have my hand off! I can honestly say they were the most amazing creatures. Whilst feeding mine with the bottle, its eyes were just staring up at me, huge and green, amazing. The mother had been dumped from a circus when she got ill, she had leukemia and didnt have the strength to feed to cubs. Such a shame.

    Free Member

    My mate had his wedding in Carbisdale castle youth hostel in the highlands, with everyone staying there at a grand cost of £20 each per night. Was in November so had sole use of the place. Grandest youth hostel in Europe and wedding ceilidh was in the main hall, with stags heads and all! Was amazing and felt like the grandest wedding Id ever been to. And all for buttons really. He had a lot of mates from the area who helped with catering and bagpipes, photography etc which helped.

    Free Member

    I had a few mates that were into martial arts, and they used creatine to boost the effectiveness of their training. I believer that it improves the endurance of the muscles, and allows you to train longer / train harder / lift heavier, meaning that the muscle breaks down more and hence increases mass. I think they only used it for short hard training periods though. As someone else said here, also aids recovery too.

    Free Member

    1) yes
    2) 41

    Free Member

    LOL Wrightson, you may have a point! :-D

    Totally agree Samuri it is pretty sad. I know guys like you say that seem to give up everything to get a season ticket, even to the neglect of their families, and you cant help but think that it has something to do with an early learned need to belong to some kind of group. I think its that element of it all that makes me feel uneasy about it all.

    Free Member

    Its just a totally unsustainable amount they get paid, and the clubs going bust are proof of that. And because they are "football clubs", they are allowed to run up massive debts, which ultimately will cost everyone in the end. And because they are football clubs, the finance industry allows it. Again reinforcing my mass psychosis theory! It would be great if every struggling business was allowed limitless finance whilst the directors were all alllowed to take limitless salaries, but in the real world people have to be realistic. Im not closed to the fact that someone could educate me as to the how the whole thing works, Ive just never managed to be persuaded that there is anything good about football at all. I can see the benefit of guys playing footie for a laugh or five a sides to keep fit, but the whole club football thing escapes me.

    Free Member

    Im not sure about the RR as I think it just has an air of "lord of the manor" about it. They can look very ordinary or stunning depending on wheels etc. Ive been really taken by the new shape Discovery, as it looks amazing but still has a little edge about it. And as classy as the RR I think if specced right

    Free Member

    Well Ill pitch in with the first I hate football post. I just dont get it. Its like standing watching a large proportion of society descend into some kind of psychosis.

    The thing that really gets me is the fact that if you dont like it, you are generally regarded as some kind of social leper! Everywhere you go, its "oh your from Glasgow, what team do you support then?" "Ah, Im not really a football man mate" Conversation ended.

    And thats before you even start with all of the ritual, my town is better than your town bollox! And all this sh*t about how it brings the world together. What a load of crap, it causes more social issues than anything else I know! Jumped up little muppets with the intellectual capacity of a gnat, who because they can kick a bit of dead cow in the right direction, get Ferraris and mansions thrown at them, unbelievable. Then there is the whole bling thing, and the wags, and a whole generation of equally mentally challenged muppets who idolise the football crew and their wag, and decide that they need some of the bling at any cost. Cue credit crisis.

    But hey, at least the trails will be quieter this summer! :-D

    Free Member

    I had heard that he had an altrication with the taxi drivers the previous evening

    Free Member

    Ill never own one, but I had a loan of a mate's 360 spider in Spain for a week, and it was absolutely amazing. Didnt seem that greedy on fuel, felt solid and reliable, and was very happy in traffic as it was blasting up mountain roads. Ill never forget that week! The most amazing thing is that you could drive by a more expensive porsche or Merc and everyone stops, stares, and takes pics nect to the Ferrari.

    Free Member

    Editra as a text editor as it properly formats the text for multiple types of coding. If you want a WYSIWYG editor then Ive always used Adobe Dreamweaver. Although recently Ive been just creating online at

    Free Member

    Get an iphone, but if its for work, make sure that your exchange has active sync enabled, otherwise you will have to set up an autoforward onto a gmail account and pick up that way. It works, but can be a pain as you have to forward the message to the original sender as a reply, rather than reply, as then it sends it back to you. Bit of a faff but it does work

    Free Member

    So, the guy was oinvolved in a legal wrangle over a will with his brother, and he shot the lawyer involved and the brother. I think it looks like this may have been the trigger, and then once he flipped, he just went looking for anyone else he thought deserved it, hence the taxi drivers he was arguing with. We dont know really if he knew the other people or whether they were random though.

    I think there are just occasions where people flip out and cause damage, thats always going to be the case, and life cant be restricted by trying to account for random chaos events that will happen every now and then.

    Free Member

    I would probably take a different approach and approach senior management directly, not the HR staff. Sell it to them as a positive PR opportunity, business cares about their workers etc, improving the health of staff…blah blah, isnt our company so committed to green blah blah…..
    They should be able to put some weight behind making the HR staff actually do some work for their money ;-)

    Free Member

    Aha! I may drop long then, always wondered whats up in them hills! I work in Livingston, so could be there for the 7pm at Bonaly. Might see you guys there……

    Free Member

    Hi guys, whats the level of fitness like in the group? Wouldnt mind even coming along to get a pointer of the trails that are there, although Im so unfit wouldnt keep up with most of you regulars.

    Free Member

    I fit into Fox sergeants ok, as they are made from stretchy stuff but still baggy. Im a 42" / 44" porker! If not there were some threads recently with
    they look quite good

    Free Member

    Is it just me or is ro the most annoying **** of the week/month/year??

    Free Member

    Bear would own the shark. "Whats that biting my leg?…..SNAP" sharks jaws levered open and disposed of lol

    Free Member

    Top film, watched it last night on my macbook in HD and it was stunning. Going to get the lead to connect to my big TV tpoday and then watch again over the weekend! :-D

    Free Member

    anyone frome friends is usually an indicator of a sh!t film

    I liked Jennifer Aniston in the Beak Up, it was hilarious lol Although to be fair, she was just the eye candy and Vince Vaughan was the funny one :-D

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