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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • ScottChegg
    Free Member

    Until he stops suddenly

    Nobobdy’s perfect.

    It’s usually the motor that stops first.

    Free Member

    Getting beaten by his team mate would be embarrassing given how good a driver he thinks he is

    Getting through to Q3 and not ending up with your car in pieces would make you look pretty classy then.

    It’s funny just how much better VanDoone goes without Alonso holding him back. He must wee in his fuel tank every weekend.

    Free Member

    Got any Vera’s?


    Free Member

    Or the wiper is split.

    Or your number plate is delaminating.

    Both fails, neither of which are going to make a car ‘unroadworthy’

    Free Member

    Your car has been declared not roadworthy

    I think there is a considerable gap between ‘mot fail’ and ‘not roadworthy’.

    A number plate bulb out is not going to invalidate your insurance. It might not even be dark!

    Free Member

    The company need an administrator; they’ll sort out wages owed etc. If the business is insolvent they will open a case that will allow for Govt paid redundancy etc.

    Your ‘friend’ needs a good kick up the arse for good measure.

    Free Member

    brooess – I’m trying to draw BB into putting his case forward, but he’s just nodding sagely and saying ” You’ll see…

    Any property value requires specifics. Are we talking average price? Or the price of a 3 bed semi in Croydon? A drop in value needs a start point for reference, there’s no sign of that. So it’s all hyperbole.

    That long shopping list of ills is mainly irrelevent. Nearly all the domestic references are for London – the most overheated and top heavy property market ever.

    It does need a reset; folk are doind daft things out of desperation. Not realising their desperation is fuelling the problem.

    Free Member

    3 houses in Harrogate, all in the £320k bracket.. not sold after 7mths and offers now £280k.

    Which means nothing. Speculative prices don’t get a buyer; this isn’t an indication of anything. What did they last sell for? If they are new build then the developer has badly misunderstood the market. What are the facts behind this assertion?

    As TINAS points out, the worst financial crisis in the last 80 years did virtually nothing to house prices. An actual drop of 25% just won’t happen.

    I’ve got my tenner on it; come on BB, take my money you financial wiz you.

    Free Member

    I’ll bet you £10 they won’t

    Free Member

    Reasons for hitting a cyclist:

    At the risk of a flaming what about…

    5: Cyclist misjudges road layout and runs a junction.

    I am painfully aware that most motorists treat cyclists like bollards to be brushed passed to save themselves a second, but sometimes everyone makes an error of judgement. Without the facts, it’s just speculation.

    There will have been, over the course of human history, one or two instances were the cyclists was at fault. They will be the minority, but it will have happened.

    Free Member

    He’s whining on that he has been ‘detained withot charge for 7 years’

    Funny how he has fogotten the self imposed bit of that detaining. All he had to do was submit himslef to the process if the law at any point in that 7 years.

    Rapist or not, he is a nob.

    Free Member

    Internet nobs with a crackpot green agenda are far worse.

    Free Member

    But I don’t think they were dong it for the kids sake.

    The kid won’t care.

    He’s had the best day of his life, following on from a huge disappointment seeing his hero binned in the first corner. He’s probably set up with Ferrari hats for the rest of his life.

    No-one had to do it, and it was a nice gesture. Everyone wins.

    Free Member


    So he will take all the little victories he can.

    “Fernando ees no longer faster than me….”

    Free Member

    Since I bought an Airwave pump I’ve never had a moments problems with setaing tyres including a new NN yesterday.

    I don’t like Stan’s tape, the Bird stuff is much, much better; but if you have already sealed the rim (sure?) then you are just destined not to run this tyre tubeless.

    Free Member

    He is regarded by engineers and team bosses as a very good driver.

    I am in no doubt of his talent.


    He has been closely implicated in two of the biggest scandals of recent F1 and got away with it; dropping the team in the crap instead. That’s not great on your cv.

    His recent history is going to a team to turn them around and doing nothing of the sort. If anything they get worse as they move into orbit around his ego.

    “Fernando is faster than you”

    I bet Massa still laughs when he laps him these days.

    Free Member

    He will got where he thinks he can win.

    He will go anywhere they will have him.

    He’s expensive.

    He’s not a team player.

    Free Member

    I’m not averse to a rise in corp tax hypothecated to education- after all its employers and potential employers who are telling us that school leavers aren’t fit for the world of work- this would help correct this, no?

    A bit no.

    The trouble with all this chuff is that it is all hypothetical.

    They are promising to raise twelvety billion pounds by taking it from corps and rich people (not people like us, so that’s ok). This will pay for pay rises for everyone in a popular job, like nurses. Every likes nurses, don’t they? And schools. They can have more. And a million new Plod, coz Diane has promised.

    But when in the big chair all new PM’s find that half the things they want to do, they can’t. The other half they don’t really want to do.

    The practical upshot of all this is this will be an easy win for May, followed by a reset of the Labour party.

    Probably followed by the rise of that oily snake Keir Starmer as the new golden boy of the Nu Left.

    We really are doomed.

    Free Member

    I’ve just dropped a coil…


    Free Member

    Their manifesto is fully costed according the the IFS.

    Would this be the same IFS that said that Labour’s plans would help schools, but damage the economy? It just might…

    Free Member

    I worked for a big farmer during summers at university.

    I loved driving the tractor.

    Free Member

    she still managed to bring it in at a gnats tadger under her £3k budget.

    I think it’s sweet you beleive that.

    I’ve recently got a 6C, and every time I ride it I’m dazzled by just how good it is.

    Free Member

    Therein lies the problem with politics, it has become more about personality and less about policy.

    Therein lies the problem with Labour.

    They have a baffled old man making promises that, if elected, they have not got the first idea how to pay for them.

    Actually, that’s not quite true. They have one idea, which they are spending over and over again hoping no-one will notice.

    Free Member

    It’s supposed to p!ss it down Friday.

    That’ll keep the moaners happy.

    Personally, it’s brilliant. Long may it stay dry and firm.

    Free Member

    She’s raw fed, so there are lots of raw bones, pigs trotters, whole rabbits, that kind of thing, and she won’t eat them except whilst sitting in a plant.

    She is probably craving some vegetables.

    Her farts must be spectacular…

    Free Member

    I’ve just caught up with this weeks.

    Quite tense at first, Suchet was doing a good job of quiet menace and oddness.

    But then he did his little boy voice and ruined it. A genuine laugh out loud moment. But not in a good way.

    Free Member

    We had a nieghbour who’s daughter was called ‘Tiffany’.

    Nice little girl, very sweet.

    The she started wearing a necklace that spelt her name ‘Typhanni’

    We moved.

    Free Member

    The P7 is a great bike.

    I’ve had one on and off since the 90’s. The new one still feels ‘just right’. There’s nothing crazy in the geometry, the fit is just so and it rides in the same lively friendly way it always has. And steel is real!

    I paid just over a £1000 for a 2017. If you shop around you can find the odd bargain.

    I’d recommend it to anyone.

    Free Member

    There is a small carpark down by the side of the butchers at the community centre; so right behind the chippy.

    It’s rough and ready, but at least it’s free.

    Free Member

    Before – Gimli.

    After – Potato.

    But you look cleaner. So stick with the polished appearance.

    Free Member

    Jenna Coleman put me off

    You must have meant ‘got me off’

    Free Member

    Touch of Evil.




    Free Member

    …in some eyes.

    I always think it just really wants painting…

    Free Member

    I’m in my forties and my expectation of a state pension is that it’s like the horizon; the closer you get to it, the futher away it will appear.

    You have to make your own arrangements; relying on the state is not a recipe for a comfy old age.

    Free Member

    Gorgeous beaches but the water is just above freezing all year round, and there are jellyfish the size of car wheels.

    It’s refreshing!

    Free Member


    That’s a bit of a harsh assumption, just because the OP was in the Peak District….


    Free Member



    Free Member

    Not embarrassed that one of his Shadow Cabinet has failed to do basic preparation before a radio interview.

    One of his shadow cabinet??!!?

    When you recall that this is the woman he was (and maybe still is) nobbing, then his blind acceptance of anything she does seems less surprising.

    As does her slavish support of a lame duck leader.

    Pillow politics?

    Free Member

    When it stops being funny.

    So never.

    Free Member

    To improve power; plyometrics. Once a week will be fine, you’ll need a few days to recover.

    To improve stamina, miles. Lots and lots of miles….

    I’m gaining muscle and liking what I see in the mirror.

    That sounds like a cry for help.

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