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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • scotia
    Free Member

    ha! ok, well that should fix it up then a descale and general clean.

    we design the mechanics of the machines..

    good luck!

    Free Member

    ok, if you do manage to get the screws out and open the machine up..please be careful if you then plug it in to see it it will be possible to touch live wires..

    i forgot to ask – does the leak happen if you have the head open, no capsule in and put the machine on?

    or is it only with capsule in, head closed and on?

    if it the latter then it may well be just the build up of scale and also dirt/coffee/coffee grease

    Free Member

    Sorry for the delay…had a meeting that i had completely forgotten about. If it is hot and in that zone then there may well be a loose connection between the thermoblock and the extraction head (as the water is hot and clear it means that it has passed through the thermoblock but not yet into the capsule). I would doubt that a descale would do anything, but worth a first shot as it may be a buildup of pressure that is then causing a seal to blow (and with the normal pressure it would hold).

    Perso, i’d want to take a look inside if it was me, but then i have the tools to get into it. Its not easy as u need an oval ‘key’ and declips-ing the cocque isnt that easy.

    from afar (im in switzerland) its difficult to help i afraid..

    try the descale 1st, then see.


    Free Member

    ok, im just leaving for home so will see this later. it may well be an easy fix..

    Free Member

    is the water hot or cold? Is the water clear?

    where does the water pool – front or back?

    Free Member

    ha! wow..thats just like saying:

    i rode an IF titanium deluxe – boy they are all crap….

    oops it was a halfords special, sorry i couldnt be arsed to look up the real manufacturer and i thought it would all be the same anyways..

    Free Member

    Personally i wouldnt have the rest of the meniscus removed. You will be likely to be pain free for a while but then you will be v prone to develop arthritis as you will be bone to bone.

    I would see a specialist as over the internet diagnosis isnt great..

    I have had 4 meniscus ops, 1 ligament and i leg straightening op so that the forces go through the knee correctly.

    Not a doctor but just had a lot of experience…(of course each case is personal but its my 2p)

    Free Member

    huge congrats! merry christmas to you all.

    Free Member

    thats the name i have been trying to remember… (edit – colin baxter..)

    but they dont seem to sell prints? (i see that colin prior does, thnks!)

    i’d love one of his website banner pic..

    Free Member

    Some good observations there I feel.


    Jees – that makes scary reading. Horrible situation and outcome, totally avoidable.

    Free Member

    does bentley viewer help?

    hope all is well in the uk?

    Free Member

    holy cow!

    Free Member

    bruce – seriously? i dont know how long you’ve been with her and all but you’re willing to chuck it all because, wait for it,,,

    you feel patronised??


    Free Member

    did you notice the 300 bottles of wine?!

    Free Member

    Amazingly, the best way to avoid drinking alcohol is to not buy it in the first place – stocking up on special offers and multi-buys just sees you go through a larger amount in the same amount of time.

    i dont agree really – we have bottles of whisky, cachaça, rum and over 300 bottles of wine in the celler.. our glass recycling has never gone cazy..

    i think its more a little bit about control? The brits ‘in general’* dont seem to have this..

    *widely sweeping statement, but since leaving the motherland and living elesewhere i’ve seen a huge difference..

    Free Member

    wow – personally i think you both drink too much but thats mho..

    i couldnt do that, that is for sure.

    Free Member

    oh and OP:

    taste tests for the tassimo arent great.

    very watery coffee in comparison.

    Free Member

    Grizla – Member
    Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want one that takes pods and grinds?

    I’m thinking of getting one of the delonghi cappucino machines, and it says you can use pods in it.

    this depends on your definition of pods.

    a pod is a teabag type container with coffee in it.

    a capsule, is either the nespresso, dolce gusto or other capsule like objects..

    you need to be clear before you buy – the caspules arent deformed easily into a teabag shape..

    And the the OP: at work we just tested a Jura 1000CHF machine to compare the coffee and also help us with a new prototype machine, and in comparison to a violet or black nesp capsule the espresso that we got out of it was horrid. This was with a very nice hand ground coffee granule..

    if you’re after easy coffee, then the nespresso systems are quite good.

    Free Member

    dead easy to prepare –

    mix 4 chicken breasts, lots of mushrooms, 2 glasses white wine and lots of fresh herbs like rosemary & thyme and salt and pepper. Leave in a bowl a bit, then pour the mixture into a foil wrap and close as best you can. Then cook at 200°C for 20-35 mins.

    The best chicken i’ve ever had..and so simple. You do it all beforehand (and buy chestnut mushrooms so you dont even need to peel them) and cooking is short..

    Free Member

    works here on chrome no probs.

    im not sure you need a logo more than you have?

    great pics though, as usual.

    Free Member

    *cant be arsed

    Free Member

    *cant be arsed..

    Free Member

    not seeing any pics here..

    Free Member

    CM – so you need to me to explain to you why its childish and stupid?

    i think you’ve just answered the question with your last two responses..

    you can drive, so that makes you older than 17..strange as you come across as less intelligent than a 2 yr old (and that may well be an insult to all two year olds..).

    grow up.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member
    Stupid annoying idea. B&Q did it for a while. I went in and spent about £200 on all sorts of stuff. I clearly needed a bag to carry it out, they wanted to charge me 5p, adding that it was for charity. I was incredulous, I’d just spent a big pot of money there and they still wanted to charge me 5p. Even if it is for charity, I think I can decide which charity I give to , how much and when. I was so pissed off for so long that a couple of days later, i dropped by on the way home, picked up loads of little packets of stuff from around the shop, went they tried to charge me 5p for the bag, I told them I wouldn’t buy it and so could carry the stuff and walked out.

    seriously? or are you a troll? i cant believe anyone would be so stupid/petty/childish for nothing..

    Free Member

    andyl : that surprises me about the council choosing snow socks over winter tyres! not meant to do the same job atall…how bizarre..

    Free Member

    im glad you called them winter tyres.. many people mistakenly call them snow tyres…these are totally different…you’d find them in snowpacked parts of finland etc..

    winter tyres, i’d personally recommend. The are actually recommended for a temp below 7°C so im guessing you’ll warrant them.

    we use 4, my father in law uses 2 on his drive wheels – this by swiss insurance does mean that he’d be liable in an accident.

    the difference in winter weather, cold, ice and snow is just amazing.

    i would NOT go for 4 season ones.

    We run our winter tyres from end sept to end may. we get about 2 seasons out of them.

    Free Member

    thanks for the ideas! for info they are planning to go into their hotel leave the baggage and then head out for brekkie.

    the hotel is v close to baker street u-ground if tht helps with any future suggestions

    Free Member

    for example, take a look at the photo post on here, there is some real quality work in there..

    Free Member

    I must admit, im intrigued to see this…you have only just bought the camera having only just borrowed an SLR from a friend before, and now you’re going to ask for money for your shots?!

    I have been taking photos for a while, have a D90, and personally wouldnt dare accept to do a wedding shoot, or for that matter charge for any of my photos. But if you feel that you are a natural, and that you now know your camera inside out and are sure and certain that you know how to cope with all weather and light situations then go for it.

    I know that we unfortunately wouldnt have used you for our wedding..not enough experience really. Not only with actual photo work, but your camera!

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    It must be tricky for Scottish people who are into cycling – coping with staying balanced on the bike with that enormous chip on their shoulder.

    haha! i thought better of you grum…

    mr smith…how funny! (thats sarcasm btw..)

    i dont understand this ‘the scots have a chip on their shoulder’….Cant scots and english just get on and respect each other? Its getting tiring..

    Free Member

    thanks for the replies, i havent had time to read them all yet but i will do..

    for info its from a mac based system, with a synology nas..

    ah and in switzerland spotify isnt yet (and prob wont be) available..

    Free Member

    Yup its very useful. We use it to prove a principal, and even to replicate some ‘series’ parts which we cannot make at prototype stage. For example current project all the parts that are to be injected will be printed but are ready to be injected if you see what i mean.

    useful, and as has been said much faster than traditional processes – aswell as more complicated parts being possible.

    Free Member


    I like these;

    ‘Not not cancer. I’m busy’
    ‘Because we don’t give up. Ever’
    and also
    ‘Terminal is open to interpretation’

    I think it sounds better than incurable..but its a personal thing.

    Have a nice sunday in the wet lakes!

    Free Member

    Tyred and AH, so sorry. Dont know what you’re going through but lost several family members so know it cant be great.

    excellent with the just giving – i will donate.

    keep strong the both of you.

    Free Member

    Absolutely fantastic news!

    Read your post since the beginning – you are a true inspiration to us all…if only we could all be a bit more like that!

    keep strong and fighting.

    PS would you do a documentary? i would think it’d go down very well with the likes of channel 4 – i’d certainly watch it

    Free Member

    well i’d be leaving from a uk airport, back to Geneva..

    if you could ask that would be great – i have a feeling that it’d be seen as dangerous though..

    Free Member

    I would say that if the van is already at the airport, then whoever you are renting for legally has to have put the vignette on the car – as to get from Frnace into here you pass by the customs before the airport..

    unless they take another oute but i dont think so..

    maybe ask the company, but im pretty sure.

    but to answer your question, i’d say there shouldnt be a problem if you did have to buy the vignette.

    Free Member

    Has anyone actually used american classics? I see that these come out this fall, so no-one can have any experience with them…but i mean as a brand?

    Free Member

    whatnobeer, do you have a link? just been on the site, and dont see them?

    edit, oops..ok i just missed them!


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