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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • scotabroad
    Full Member

    Scotabroad, Trekster is fast for a pensioner, ain’t he?!

    Well he always beats me to the top of the hill, gets in way down though, only kidding John!! :wink:

    Full Member

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record – Genesis Core 50, great bike! :-)

    Full Member

    I have 26/36 with a 34 cassette and it works nicely and I find I need to change gear less for some reason. BTW I am no racing snake. Only disadvantage is when it gets to a very steep hill. One if I had a 22 granny I could get up with a lot of effort, one which was marginal for getting off and walking anyway.

    Full Member

    Looking out the window in Dumfries this morning only about an inch of snow. Dont know what Drum or Dalb will be like but Ae yesterday had a fair amount of hard ice about which required riding with care, made for a good ride but the fire roads did require some respect.

    Full Member

    I like that second last picture John :-)

    Finished ride of at the cafe with a great bowl of Marys leek & tattie soup, just the thing to warm a cold body

    Damn right – yum yum…

    Full Member

    I think they were decent enough all rounders 10 yrs ago but they have fallen behind what else is on the market now, e.g. Maxxis ardent is better all rounder IMO

    Full Member

    Ehrm if you have a triple chainset on the bike and working why not just use it rather than walk??

    Full Member

    Son is lapping it up, but god its lame

    Full Member

    Great company today folks and a chilled out pace to boot.



    Full Member

    Genesis Core 50 for just under 1200 is a well specced trail bike, and I love mine to bits!! I am a big fan of steel and have a Prince Albert 853, and have had an Inbred as well. But dare I say the Core 50 gives a lot more smiles per mile :-)

    Full Member

    I’ll be there + one other mate.


    Full Member

    I gave the guy a call and we have came to a mutual arrangement via paypal and ended the auction with him as the highest bidder which is a faction of agreed total. Its a big oil tank so its not getting posted, so money will have to be in my sweaty palm before I give him a hand to hump it over the garden wall.

    Cheers :D

    Full Member

    What the issue is is that the highest bidder has contacted me and offered a much higher price which I am more than happy with. So its within the rules to sell to him. Also he needs it fairly soon and the auction has 7 days to run.

    That said what would be the better option I think would be to offer a buy it now price which he can click on and end the auction, then that would keep everything in order??

    Can you add a buy it now option?

    Full Member

    I think that is very wise, obviously a mistake on their part!

    Full Member

    What carslog said.

    I would also check what the standard size is for your car as per handbook, it may be that they have fitted what is standard for the car.

    Full Member

    They have done superb shows in the past, the North Pole being one of them, but as said above it was weak compared to how it could have been, too formulaic, and they are now just playing up the the stereotypes which they have created.

    Time for the boys to risk a different formula IMHO.

    Full Member

    I fitted a Wickes kitchen 2 yrs ago and used the teak oil they supplied to treat the solid oak worktop that I specced from them.

    Applied the oil a couple of times when new and probably every 6 months after that.

    The worktop is very resilient, it does not mark at all with hot cups of tea or hot pans, although I would stick a frying pan onto it right off the stove to be sure.

    As long as you are sensible and use chopping boards etc it should last a long time.

    Full Member

    I got a tip off a stove installer who said stuff some spare loft insulation into it. It stops the draughts but does allow a small amount of breathability.

    Simple trick and it works very well, our front room had the newspaper/ carboard stuck up it and we repalced it with a very large handful of loft insulation and the difference was immediate. Plus you can pull it out if you want to use the fire. Obviously use gloves and mask etc….

    Full Member

    Which European country has the longest coastline?

    A – Norway.

    Full Member

    Like TJ’s idea of the large baked fish, could add too that with plenty side dishes of veg, roast tatties etc. Starter of cripsy duck sounds good, and pud could be some home made apple or rhubarb crumble, then some port for the adults, hmmmmmm……

    Full Member

    Out walking the dog this morning and this was the local golf course in Dumfries.

    Full Member

    Nobodys mentioned Subarus, superb 4×4 “cars”! Heavy on fuel compared to normal cars but drive as a car should and have mechanical viscous diffs to give superb grip on road when required.

    Full Member

    TBH I am getting a bit tired of all these folk on various forums(not just here) who are saying how great it is riding in the snow and this is the best ride/day out/most fun they have ever had.

    Bad day at the office, or is it hormonal? :-)

    Full Member

    Mine got up there, but interestingly it’d only work reversing up the hill than taking it gently in 2nd/3rd- this is a fwd car. Any reason for this?

    Simples – its a short steep hill by reversing up you got more weight onto the (front) driving wheels and hence more friction.

    What I didnt say was mine turned into a sled coming back down it, should have went a smidge faster to keep the traction :oops:

    Full Member

    P20 that Seat vid is a classic, i laughed my socks of at that, what a ****.

    Full Member

    Yep my beemer is that bad it took me and Trekster to Dalbeattie to make the first tracks on the red route in -10ºC :-)

    Full Member

    -13ºC this morning – ouch!!

    Full Member

    Love the first pic Trekster

    It is the handsome subject matter that does it….

    Simon, forge, Trekster et al anyone up for a mid week ride this week at Mabie, Ae, Dalbeattie??

    Full Member

    Salsa + Thompson seatpost and no issues at all.

    Full Member

    Cyclop, would you recommend it? I was thinking of nipping up there tomorrow or Tuesday? We were up in similar conditions two weeks ago and it was ace.



    Full Member

    This clear cold sunny weather is far better that the usual just above freezing cold rain that has typified many a winter!!!!

    Full Member

    Ive had an E36 M3 saloon which was pants in the snow and now have a E46 330 sport diesel with traction control which is better, but yes it is tyres that cause he most issue. What I can safely scoot about in with the wifes zafira will stop the beemer dead. I am absolutely sure it would be much better with narrower higher profile tyres, but I am not shelling out for them, and it could make the insurance suspect if I did. So careful driving whilst its snowing and any depth means it stays put.

    Its performance in normal road conditions make up for it though :D

    Full Member

    This year we’re not bothering with any childcare, just lessons – La Clusaz tomorrow and La Tzoumaz at half term


    Did LA Clusaz a few years ago with Rocketski and thought it was a great wee resort and friendly too. Although hotel staff were a bit too relaxed.

    unfortunately due to lack of job we will not be going this year, so its Glen Shee for us!

    Full Member

    We went a while back with a one year old and a 2 yr old.

    It worked out ok but the travelling is pretty hard, it is expensive if you go for a nanny/ creche, and we couldnt stomach leaving them all day so skiing was heavily curtailed to what we would normally do.

    I would say if you are a skiing fanatic and spending the extra money, getting substantially less ski time in, putting the extra work in is worth it to get the annual fix then its possible.

    In hindsight for me I would skip it until they are a bit older.

    When we went three years later both of them were in half day ski school, then afternoon creche where they played in the snow all day and it was brilliant! (proud dad seeing 3yr old and 4 yrs old doing parallel turns :-) )

    Full Member

    +1 to Andys comment, we got a dog about 4 months ago and taking him for long walks is brilliant for unwinding!

    Full Member

    Desiderata – Max Ehrmann

    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible without surrender
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexatious to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain and bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love;
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.

    ps I am not religous but its an apt poem when discussing real stress.

    Full Member

    As said above both good all round tyres.

    I found the folding advantage too weak in the sidewalls and split them far too soon when minions and high rollers took it in their stride, so I would recommend wire beaded ones if you have much rock around.

    Recently I put 2.1 Ardents on my hardtail and have been very impressed with them, they roll faster and have just about the same side grip, and although they have a shallow tread pattern they are pretty good in general mud and loose stuff but I am a heavyweight so that will help add friction to them. They even grip well in the snow. Steer clear of 2.4 Advantage they are huge.

    Full Member

    It looks very christmasy (sp?) out of the window this morning in Dumfries, no doubt it will be reported as a national crisis but its a few inches at themoment with light snow. Looks like it will be decent riding when the sun comes out :-) I see the 7 day forecast is double digit minus numbers for next week, brrr.

    Full Member

    My little angel bounced back to full health as soon as school was in! Sorry to have missed it, it would have been to finish off the week with Mabie after the Ae and Dalbeattie classic rides this week :).

    Up in Dundee this weekend and there is still piles of snow up here, they have had a real dump of snow!

    Full Member

    The fact that you were actually skiing, turning and doing a run on your first day out is probably 10 times better than your average skier on their first day!!

    A lot of people actually struggle to remain standing up let alone do what you did. Take a lot of pride in what you did.

    Skiing is a technical sport which takes a while to master, and there will ALWAYS be someone better and faster than you. And in the alps that includes kids who ski as soon as they can stand up.

    Also I would strongly advise when you get as knackered as that again that you stop and have a break and something to eat. It is very very easy to get injured skiing when you are knackered, and an injury that could last a while, esp to the knees. So slow down or stop when you start losing control.

    Welcome to the club, check out Snowheads forum for lots of useful information.

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