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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Schweiz
    Free Member

    A mate of mine was talking about buying one when we were riding last Sunday. He seemed quite taken with it, but I’m not sure if that was due to some Jekyll and Hyde notion he had about the bike.

    Your mate sounds like a very well-informed chap.

    I’d say that the Jekyll may well be the ideal bike for him if perchance he was riding in a 7 day enduro race in the South of France this October….

    Free Member

    In no way suggesting I’m unlucky GW, nor that I’m living in an overblown nightmare. Merely passing on my current experience with a newborn and a 2 year old. Very rewarding but no time to ride my bike.

    The differing requirements of a newborn and a toddler, coupled with a committment to provide equal attention to both is very time consuming. I’m pleased if you found a way to handle it differently. Well done.

    Free Member

    You will have no free time. Kiss your bike goodbye for a couple of years.

    2 kids = twice the work, don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

    Free Member

    The funny head angle didn’t bother you because he didn’t complain? What exactly do you think the helmet is going to protect him from, given the roll cage on the trailer and the 5 point harness? I really don’t get the point of putting something on your kid with some vague safety benefit when there’s a quite obvious disadvantage to it staring you in the face.

    From your posts, it seems you are a father so you probably already know that babys are different to adults – they can happily sleep in positions that look very uncomfortable to you and me.

    Secondly, 1 year old kids will let you know very vocally if they are uncomfortable. The exception to this is temperature which they are unable to judge reliably.

    Lastly, whilst I am very pleased with my Croozer trailer, the “roll cage” is little more than cosmetic. Particularly the front of the trailer is necessarily unprotected (to allow loading) and there are various scenarios for which I judge by child could benefit from head protection. Each to their own I suppose….

    Free Member

    Agree with Molgrips mine loves the trailer. I commute 45 minutes each way twice a week and he looks forward to it.

    Ours have always worn helmets. We have a Croozer which doesn’t have a recess. Schweiz Junior looked a little uncomfortable when he was less than 2 years old (head proppped forward by the helmet) although he never complained. Since he was approx 2 years old the seating position lools very natural and comfortable

    Free Member

    I blew a seal in my front brake on number 46. Luckily not too far to fall…..

    Free Member

    Yes, ridden it and it’s nothing special. If anything, the lower sections are better.

    Le Tour/Vallorcine trails are a different catagory altogether.

    Free Member

    Hi Brant,

    What’s the biggest outer ring it will take in a double setup? Would I get a new XTR trail 38-26 setup on there? I see on the CRC site it suggests that the limit is at 36.

    Free Member

    The bloke deserved a slap for having his feet on the seats. Good to see someone taking a stand against such anti-social behaviour.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys,

    Will have a look tonight.

    Free Member

    I have 2 Canyon bikes – Spectral AX9 (carbon 120mm FS) and Torque Alpinist (160mm/180mm FR)

    In terms of value for money and quality of the product, there’s not normally much arguement – they are excellent.

    Customer service was always their issue in the past however I think they are making some big improvements in this area. I recently had to send one of my frames back due to premature wear at a pivot and they were really excellent. Less than 2 weeks throughput time (CH-DE), all bushings and bearings replaced (i.e. not just the one with an issue),new swingarm, postage costs promptly refunded and they even threw a new shock pump into the box.

    I hope that their UK operation is as slick as their German one.

    Free Member

    Great pic Stu – almost looks like he’s riding it for the second time! ;)

    Brilliant event.

    Free Member

    Received it on Tuesday in Switzerland.

    Free Member

    Switzerland is rubbish really.

    Yeah it is isn’t it. I’ve had enough so I’m off for a relaxing week holiday in Provence on Saturday.

    Free Member

    Bring a warm sleeping bag. Night time temperatures could be close to freezing at altitude on Tuesday night…

    Free Member

    Grand Raid?

    My best performances have been ham sandwich fueled but to be honest I don't think there is any food on Earth that can avoid the gibbering wreck feeling at the top of Pas de Lona.

    Which course did you do?

    Free Member

    The unmistakeable feeling that everything is in it's right place.

    Free Member

    Sorry, perhaps the big arse, big thighs information gave the wrong impression.

    I'm 6'4 with 36" waist so not really out of proportion. The size of the arse is more rugby player then XC whippet. Perhaps a picture of it would clarify further??

    I need some (additional) padding for all day (and multi day) epics. The best padding definitely comes from high end lycra but would appreciate if anyone has any suggestions for quality lycra that fits real men properly.



    Free Member

    Thanks Troutwrestler,

    I'm trying to work out what the geographical limits of the ban are. Is it only valid in the commune Chamonix or is it some other larger area?

    Free Member

    The GUTR is great. I can actually wear my sunglasses uphill without them steaming up.

    Your helmet pads will still get soaked but the flow of sweat down your face is diverted.

    It's almost invisible under the helmet (although don't forget to take it off when you remove the helmet or you will look ridiculous).

    Highly recommended for sweaters

    Free Member

    Hope Jedi doesn't mind the hijack but can anyone tell me exactly which area is closed to bikes in July/August?

    BTW, accommodation for 3 days outside of hotels can be hard to find. Most places are geared up to rental by the week. There are usually some last minute deals around though.

    Free Member

    Thanks Dawson and Jedi

    Emergence was what I was looking for.

    Free Member

    Should be possible with a big enough hammer.

    Edit – 2 big hammers better

    Free Member

    Thanks Druidh. It's easy to get caught up in all the trail hype and forget the pleasures of simple touring.

    Thanks for reminding me.

    Free Member

    Tonight – a social ride with friends with lots of fast singletrail
    (Every) weekend – A big tour in the Alps
    August – Grand Raid Cristalp
    September – 2 weeks in Chamonix
    October – Trans Provence

    Life's not bad.

    Free Member

    Best fork I've ever had when it works. Unfortunatly mine's gone "clang" twice now. Fingers crossed that the latest repair is the last.

    The usual problem is with the U-Turn going "pop" (i.e. once it's blown it sits at 120mm travel)

    Free Member

    S1 looks like the average 'red' at a trail center!

    Exactly. The border of normal rideability lies between S2 and S3 depending on skill and experience of the rider. S4 and above are the realm of trials riders.

    Free Member

    Your grading on the German system is way out. There is nothing on the video beyond S2 (maybe borderline S3 for 1 section). Take a look at the pictures on the website[/url]

    The German scale is pure technical difficulty and is incomparable to the UK colour scheme.

    Free Member

    I'm pretty certain that they don't make a 27.2 model. As far as I know, Gravity Dropper is your only option for that seat tube.

    Free Member

    Even on exceptionally well designed blue piggy ones, long alpine climbs are more comfortable with the forks wound down a few clicks. For a blast round a trail centre, don't bother.

    Free Member

    Agree with you that Hausler seemed to be making ground and would probably have won, although I think that Cav was still ahead by half a wheel at the point of impact.

    Free Member

    Hard to say. Hausler moved to Cav first but then the final collision occurred when Cav shifted position.

    Free Member

    Lions eating an elephant's afterbirth in Zimbabwe

    A lynx here in Switzerland (whilst biking). Never get tired of seeing wild mountain ponies either.

    Free Member

    I'll be in Chamonix for 2 weeks in September. What's the best map to get? Any good sources for trails and routes (other than what's already been posted)

    Free Member

    I have the G5 909 (3 bikes). It's superb. Convenience is second to none and qulity is top drawer so should last you years.

    Free Member

    6000m – that's nothing!; You'll be needing the Bahnentour[/url] from Davos. 9700m of descent in 1 day.

    (Apparantly there will be a chairlift accepting bikes to replace the 2nd section of the Parsennbahn from Panoramaweg – Weissfluejoch will be renovated this summer)

    Would probably take the FS bike for that day though.

    Free Member

    it's not what (precious metal, big wheeled, colour co-ordinated, rare boutique, single geared, carbon forked, whacky barred bike) you've got but what you do with what you've got that counts.

    Who cares what you do with it. It's how it makes you feel that matters.

    Free Member

    Beautiful trails but serious over-playing it for the camera syndrome.

    Pity about the clown suit.

    Free Member

    It's the Radar/M-frame Soft Vault with space for a couple of spare lenses.

    Free Member

    Case and soft bag from CRC a few weeks ago.

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