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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • schrickvr6
    Free Member

    Pedantry aside it was reference to a quote in I believe season 2 where the two punks who ended up working for Chris selling Webistics didn’t know his name and referred to him as Christopher Multisomething, but thanks for schooling me.

    Free Member

    Interesting, so it was Dickie Multisomething that coaxed/dragged him into the business.

    Free Member

    Lookup the reverse sear method.

    Free Member

    I mean, look at the state of this lot.

    The GB News pitch meeting…….. Right that’s most of the team in place but I think we need a “person of colour” to meet our quota. Yes yes good point, I know why don’t we have a black lady then if anyone starts throwing around accusations of racism or sexism we’ve got it covered. Brilliant, why don’t we have two? To hell with it lets make it three then they won’t have a leg to stand on.

    Free Member

    I thought Midsommar was excellent, great soundtrack by Haxan Cloak too.

    Free Member

    I can cedar you all really nailed it with these inventive fence pun posts, you’re breaking boundaries.

    Free Member

    Bitcoin has no intrinsic use or value.

    Spoken like a self appointed expert who truly has no understanding of cryptocurrency…. There is so much more than Bitcoin, Smart contracts, DeFi, Blockchain, NFTs, Gaming tokenization and betting, Oracle services, Supply chain, Ad tracking etc etc….

    Free Member

    @hugo so by your assessment the likes of Google and Facebook also have no value?

    Free Member

    Ooh is that a Yamaha CS10? I’ve got a CS5, it’s kind of shonky but I love it

    Close, it’s the CS-15 with Don Solaris mods, it’s a great sounding bit of kit.

    Free Member

    My setup a few months back, I’ve shuffled a few things in and out since.

    Free Member

    My latest album, have hit a bit of a creative wall, typically when I’ve got a few labels wanting to release my music so I’ve attempted to buy my way out of it by treating myself to a Squarp Pyramid MK3.

    Free Member

    Metamask or MEW.

    Free Member

    Bilt Hamber Deox gel is amazing stuff, but it actually dissolves the rusty material leaving shiny metal so if it’s particularly thin you might be better with a stabilizer.

    Free Member

    For those that prefer jets off why not go with a proper Scandi wood burning tub for peak STWness?

    Free Member

    The only film where I’ve genuinely considered walking out of the cinema. Lack of storyline and shit writing compensated for by people being stupid and falling over a lot.

    Free Member

    The best Top Gear has been for a long time, the chemistry is good and they seem to have realised that the constant ribbing (bullying) is just tiresome.

    Free Member

    I didn’t sign up to this edition of fatbusters but since the beginning of February I’ve gone from 113.4 down to 103.8kg on the “mostly keto” diet, it’s the lightest I’ve been in years so pretty chuffed. Pretty much no exercise either as I’m still messed up from long covid.

    Free Member

    I think they should be regulated as there is basically a monopoly, nearly all vets are owned by Independent Vetcare LTD who are owned by Nestle, who are masters of price fixing. A consultation three years ago was £28, now £48….

    I had a shit experience recently, old cat not eating and with a history of hyperthyroidism vet immediately says we should run bloods based on the history, next day bring the cat back in for some meds and vet2 tells me the results are invalid as his last Vidalta was given the day before, well wtf didn’t vet1 tell me that. I called to complain expecting at the minimum an apology and ideally a reduced cost or free re-test only to be confronted by lead vet 3 telling me he was backing vet1 100%, he was super slippery and evasive saying vet1 didn’t even know about the thyroid, you wouldn’t have left your cat for 48 hours without treatment etc etc. I said you’re missing the point, I should have been made aware and it should have been my choice to make. His reply? Quite frankly Mr ***** I don’t care about your point!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a mixer you can borrow if you pick it up from Newport and drop it back

    I take it by ignoring my offer it’s of no interest, consider the gesture thoroughly withdrawn.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t sound great, you’ll probably end up with mud and crap getting mixed into the concrete. You’re in Cardiff? Based on what you’ve said it might not help but I’ve got a mixer you can borrow if you pick it up from Newport and drop it back

    Free Member

    Manage it yourself and use Openrent to advertise and draft contracts etc.

    Free Member

    Only got my nails from Silva but for that they were fine.

    Free Member

    Location? There’s a good place in Usk South Wales.

    Free Member

    Sorry wrong room, thought you said pie experts….

    Free Member

    I really like UHT but I’ve been forced into drinking an alternative due to a medical condition and I’m really enjoying Almond milk, couldn’t stand Oat milk it was like sickly mud.

    Free Member

    I put some money in Coinbase but quickly shifted to Binance, Fees on CB are nasty and there are loads more Altcoin pairings available on Binance.

    Free Member

    I was fine with the pacing of season 5 expecting a big season finale payoff which as far as I’m concerned never happened, and a certain character’s demise felt as tacked on as it probably was. Still, better than S4 but not a patch on the first three.

    Free Member

    She’s the least unlikable :) Currently binging on The Americans and it is excellent, I was worried the concept might get a bit tiresome eventually but season 4 nearly done and we’re hooked.

    Free Member

    The trouble with Ozark is that they’re all utterly unlikable people and if a Cartel hit squad decided to take out one or all of the lead characters I really couldn’t give a hoot. Breaking bad nailed it in the way that even in the very last episode after all the appalling things WW has done you catch yourself mentally cheering him on.

    Free Member

    What Rich said, seasons 1 and 2 were brilliant, season 3 was absurd nonsense.

    Free Member

    It’s what we’ve got at the bottom of our garden and seemed the most cost effective and least labour intensive option, it’s 20m across by 1200 high. A tip is to use a little bit of rapid set postcrete to locate the rsj before chucking in a load of proper concrete

    Free Member

    I’ve been thinking about dipping a toe into the water, is anyone using Binance? I don’t mind the complexity of it but there are a lot of bad reviews about withdrawals going missing.

    Free Member

    Personally I love Live, I just find the workflow super intuitive. As for a midi controller literally anything second hand or cheap would do a job, but a Keystep 37 or Keystep Pro would make a great creative hub.

    Ps check out my new album :)

    Free Member

    A long rambling post, jump to the final paragraph if you can’t be bothered.

    I’m still suffering as of March 10th last year, I had obvious covid symptoms for a week with a very dry cough and consistent sore throat, abated for two days the hit me lake a hammer for another three weeks. Following on from that I had no energy and was constantly clearing my throat and developed a more phlegmy cough, a few timed I’d coughed so hard I hurt my eye and had to start holding my eye in when I coughed, also my always congested sinuses were even worse than normal. Being a stupid man I just soldiered on thinking it’ll get better soon but after about five months I thought shit I might be dying I’d better get this checked out.

    So, many calls to the doctors getting fobbed off, saying I think I had covid which just seemed to be brushed aside or ignored, grudgingly being prescribed antibiotics which seemed to help but the symptoms just carried on. Eventually had bloods and an Xray which showed nothing. Another doctor then said as a hail Mary attempt to show we’ve tried everything prescribed high strength anti-histamines, anti-biotics and omeprazole, I was immediately much worse and saw the side effects of the first two were an enlarged oesophagus so cut them out and I’ve been better to some degree since.

    Since then I’ve been on Omeprozole and Ozemeprozole up to 80mg a day along with Gaviscon advance just managing the symptoms, got referred for a gastroscopy on the thinking that the coughing may have caused a hernia and through persistence managed to jump the 42 week queue and got checked out on the 23rd of December, nothing found. Back to the docs and he was happy to finally refer me to ENT although said I’ll have to go private or likely wait a year. So I saw the specialist two weeks back and he said this was 100% silent reflux caused by Covid and that he’d seen a huge spike in similar cases in the last nine months. I was being careful with diet anyway but now I’m living like a gastro-monk and after a rough couple of days I’m hoping it’s going the right way. I just want this crap gone I’m feeling utterly defeated and it’s pretty much robbed a year of my life. Oh and another thing is the shortness of breath or more specifically the shallowness of my breathing, I’m having to tell myself to breath properly which is really weird. The symptoms have morphed and changed so much over the 10 months it made it difficult to explain and re-explain to docs what the hell was gong on.

    Free Member

    Corned beef hash, proper winter comfort food.

    Free Member

    Holy bat resurrection Threadman!

    Like that Adam, nice stuff. Here’s a track off my new album out tomorrow, I made it in early lockdown so it’s got a bit of a gloomy vibe.

    Free Member

    lasted 5 full seconds

    Those are rookie numbers!

    Free Member

    Chrome on iOS14.

    Free Member

    Don’t bother with an nVME drive, they are not worth the money.

    Even if it is the same price or cheaper?

    a semi-modular unit

    Why semi-modular? Unless you’re a PC poser it’s money down the pan.

    Free Member

    For a ready built system I’d be looking at OCUK, Scan or PC Specialist. Your spec looks decent, PSU I’m not sure which model that is but you potentially want something a bit beefier, check the 12v amperage. If budget allowed I’d go for the Asus Prime X-570P and an NVME drive which are actually getting cheaper than SATA now.

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