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  • scaredypants
    Full Member

    pike here

    what year is that one in the pic – that’s a massive headtube !

    (… must go & have a look at mine)

    Full Member

    what’s your spare ?

    could you make a matching pair for the front ?

    Full Member

    I think sloppy pivots are pre-installed on SRAM mechs

    Full Member

    – and what if a bird falls off it ?

    murderer !

    Full Member

    Yeh, I’ve wondered about this

    Wasn’t sure, so I cut 3 slots in mine – everyone knows triangles are strong


    Full Member

    God, is that still running ?

    Full Member

    Rohypnol ?

    or that billy bragg song

    ….while she was giving herself for freeeeeeee (sob)

    Full Member

    Err, hello to all the 66 regulars – seem to remember a couple of similar threads on the old stw

    My 66slata is pretty nice I think, but then my pro-status is in doubt and not sure I’d notice unless it was properly kack

    I took it straight to WWave when I got it as it had a fault with the dust seal spring. While it was there (I watched), the ata leg innards were swapped for “the new one” (??). The guy also put in some apparently special teflon jizz. I was reminded that the lower chamber must have higher pressure than the upper one (to prevent the ATA wire getting fouled up). They also told me what pressures to use & gave me a laminated sheet with new pressures on it (yeh, of course I’ve lost that !)

    Aaaaanyway, took it to Les Arcs this summer and I was faster than last time when I had a z1 coil/air fork (I don’t think I’d remembered the trails and I don’t ride enough to have improved technique but I suppose the 66 at least can’t have been MUCH worse than the Z1, plus a bit longer). What I did see in the alps was a bit of wind-down, that I’ve currently “fixed” with a zip tie (Marcus, if you’ve loads of springs spare I’d be grateful….)

    Like Mr N, I have quite a lot of sag (my moobs, especially!) and pressures in both are quite low (top is under half the bottom but don’t remember more than that). The fork was DED plush – reckon you’d call wallowy if trying to pedal it far, but I was ski-lifting so no bother. If I was going to pedal it far I think I’d have to set it much harder, though might ramp up a bit from being wound-down I guess.

    Still awake? Congratulations, it’s over !

    Full Member

    Like that line in (?) Annie Hall:

    “it’s OK, we can walk to the kerb from here”

    Full Member

    (see thread below for other views)

    I don’t “get” bb facing either

    Full Member

    would not take much force to slightly deform an alloy cup when tightening it with a foot long lever

    well,the way I see it, the force you’re applying with your lever is rotational. Rather than actually your lever “crushing” the cup into the shell, the threads pull the cup in as they turn into the shell.

    I still don’t see it (& wouldn’t really give it beans when fitting a cup anyway – I’d rather use a bit of threadlock and just nip it up. Should they be ded tight ?)

    Full Member

    copy of my answer a week or so ago

    (somebody please tell me why I’m wrong – I don’t ride enough to find out for myself (HTII for 18 months so far))


    I just don’t get this facing lark

    BB shell has a thread in either side. cups screw into thread to a depth of, what, about 2cm ?

    Won’t the opposition of the 2 cups be dependent on the accuracy of the thread-setting, not the ends ?
    (surely it’d take a lot of force to warp one of the cups and it’d more likely just sit there, butting up to one bit of the shell – unless it was fitted using a tractor spanner, by a gibbon)

    Full Member

    Surely you could get over to Cannock Chase from there ?

    Full Member

    additional options, if sending it back isn’t your choice

    send it back & ask for a small discount from the shop

    get st to agree to you flogging it on classifieds, then paypal them all but the postage cost (or the whole lot if they collect)

    Full Member

    cheap – bit less reassuring if it goes tits-up ?[/url]

    (we have one from here – they did fix it when an early fault appeared but has only 3 month warranty IIRC)

    Full Member

    Mine’s a 2003 or 4 model, if that makes a difference

    1st started with 100mm x-vert on it – was actually quite good for XC

    Then a boxxer (7 inch), then a marz z1 (150mm), now a marz 66 (170mm)

    It’s never going to *really* climb, so you have to sit & spin anyway. Longer, plusher fork makes this even more so. Adjustable travel might be best for you?

    (also, shifting the shock mounts can steepen angles a bit)

    Full Member


    how about letting the water dribble out of the butt and then pick up your bike and RUN towards it as fast as you can ?

    (saves on employing children, too)

    Full Member

    nice – I like my Bullit

    (what’s 56K ??)

    Full Member

    bucket & brush ?
    extension lead ?

    or else decant the water into a giant balloon and employ a group of children to squeeze it while you work

    Full Member

    hacksaw & 2 old stems, then a file for the raggy edges

    no lives depend on how perfect that cut is; as long as it’s long enough and level-ish, you’re on

    Full Member

    I’ve had a couple of spells where I’ve not been able to log in at all on my normal browser (Ffox)

    Full Member

    Ya b’stard – I wanted to do that !

    Full Member


    then again, you could be talking about the classifieds…

    Full Member

    trouble is, if you use the *best* mixed bike/chat screen option there’s no “older posts” button and stuff does disappear (for the lazy) (like me)

    (current bottom of this page is 51 or so mintues old)

    Full Member

    secret ingredient ?

    gob, or jizz ?

    Full Member

    39/13 is the same as 42/14

    that help ?

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear that

    Not (yet) happened to me but close friend of mine was divorced, right out of the blue, when he was 40. 2 kids, 15 or so years married. As someone else said, was worried for a bit that he might go RIGHT off on one – he was coming out with some very weird stuff; she really hurt him.

    5 years on, he’s happier than I can remember him being. Not because he’s rid of his ex (though she was fking horrible to him when it happened) but I think he’s worked out a better idea of what really matters in his life. Took a while though.

    All the best

    (and stay off the booze, I’d suggest)

    Full Member

    yeh, wot druidh says

    I don’t think downloading is illegal (yet) is it?

    it’s the uploading/sharing that gets you into trouble

    Full Member

    Nasty !
    whereabouts in S Wiltshire ?

    Full Member


    about the same on both sides for me – can grab ankle

    Full Member

    yeh, I’ve a suspicion that max has picked up several of the bits of lung I’ve spat out on that route & he’s obviously using them better than I was

    Full Member

    get onto crucial’s website – they have a scanner thingy that’ll tell you

    Full Member

    3. If the lights are really so close together that you can’t make any distance on him, then relax as you are all going to arrive at your destination at the same time.


    Full Member

    still running? blimey

    I’m in then:

    Someone’s following me – too close for my liking. I’d either speed up or slow down, I think. If they hung behind me I’d slow more or speed up. If they did it repeatedly I’d be a bit narked so I’d have a word, maybe at the next lights. I’d try & be nice, though, since they may have no idea why I’m complaining.
    If it continued beyond that then I might get arsey or take some action, but I’d be aware that I might get a similar response. I wouldn’t feel all aggrieved & surpised if I did. If they asked me to stop and sort it out? I reckon I would.

    If somebody obviously brake-tested me in heavy traffic without any prior comment when as far as I know I’m cycling safely & normally? Reckon I’d get a bit physical/arsey with him. Wouldn’t you ?
    If I did, and the person rode away without saying anything I’d probably get madder. Might even chase them down…

    Full Member

    W,T,Fing,F are those tyres ?????

    Full Member

    I reckon there’s probably 3 kosher (as in obvious route rather than not-footpath as I’ve no idea about that). I’ve definitely done 2. They’ve all been great.

    I wondered if that was why none of the vids looked familiar?

    Full Member

    don’t worry, I think she’s gonna make a man (or meal?) of him

    *puts hand on shoulder* (son, maybe you should wait in the boathouse – keep your strength up)

    Full Member

    I’ve never been to afan but I wouldn’t change tyres just to go

    (unless I normally used ice-spikes or something)

    high rollers are great (imagine 2.1s are narrow – the 2.35 aren’t big, but you’ll be fine*)

    *is my guess

    Full Member

    I’d assume it’s an obligation on their part but, yeah, be nice about it & check if they’ve a favoured way of doing it

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