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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
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    Free Member

    Dice an onion and soften that up a bit, add smoked paprika and a tin of black beans, big teaspoon of asda chipotle paste (don’t get the sainsburys one, its rubbish) a stock cube and a dash of water.

    It’ll be done in <10 minutes but does get better if you let it do it’s thing for a while, also keeps well in the fridge for a couple of days.

    Best on a toasted bagel with some avocado and a poached egg (relative faff) or just as beans on toast

    Free Member

    Ooooh @nbt you’re off to Morillon, we spent our honeymoon there.

    We had our first experience of a UCPA holiday in Flaine earlier this year and it was fantastic, hotel, 3 meals a day, lessons, ski hire and kids clubs all included in the price.

    We enjoyed it so much we’re off to La Plange with them for new year.

    Free Member

    We’ve got 7, i’m being repressed!

    2 blue (cardboard), 2 green, garden and food waste, 2 grey for general waste and a brown one for glass and plastic bottles.

    all collected fortnightly, not entirely sure how we ended up with 2 grey ones, we just sort of adopted it when it was left in our drive way.

    Free Member

    Sorry @binners not often that i’m prepared to go in to bat against you in the arena of baked goods, but in this instance, you’re wrong.

    Get yourself down to the Gear Farm Pasty Company. We were soaked and rapidly heading towards miserable on the west kernow way when these guys gave us free pasties that were absolutely bloody amazing.

    We caught up with a bunch of local tourers as we all tried to save money avoiding the Helford ferry and they were adamant they were the best pasties in Cornwall, and it’s hard to disagree

    Free Member

    Have a checklist of things that are a disaster if you forget, for me that’s work pass and phone

    I keep spare pants and trousers at work these days having buggered that up a few times and had to sit there in lycra until the shops open

    Free Member

    Bloke turned up with his 3 kids on electric quad bikes and his sur-ron at wythenshawe park bike tracks yesterday.  The bike trails there are already showing significant signs of wear thanks to these things, they were throwing up stones all over the place.

    There were probably more kids on the bike tracks than on the playground.

    Free Member

    i live 2 mins from the bridgewater in Sale and will do a bit of road work to get to the TPT if it’s a nice day cos the canal is ridiculously busy!

    Wet november morning and the canal is great :D

    I’d follow the TPT up to stretford and get on the canal there

    Free Member

    Depends how you’re rating ‘artisan’

    Some of our local breweries are knocking out some phenomenal beer, but I live in Manchester so we’ve got Cloudwater in town (their DDH pale is amazing) but I wouldn’t call them artisan these days. Pomona Island are also doing great stuff and pushing the boundries a bit and places like Beer Nouveau (definitely artisan) is doing stuff that even if you don’t like the beer you’ve got to appreciate for the lengths that he’s going to in reproducing old/ancient recipes. He’s been sourcing heritage grains and getting them roasted with ancient methods to get the grain bills etc.

    Then there’s other local producers that are just knocking out decent, traditional beer. Not amazing but more artisan than Cloudwater!

    Free Member

    That was a masterclasses from me on how not to rode road to sky. New FTP set with the forst 25 minutes through the jungle to catch you lot up then i died the whole way up.

    Couldn’t get my heart rate back down under 175 for love nor money. Im still at 85 now!

    Couldn’t leave the kid with two pages of the chapter left so missed the start by a couple of minutes. First time up the alpe this year, still 5 mins off my best but happy with sub 53.

    Free Member

    I just opened the companion app to see you’d all been racing without me so had to come on here and have a look what it was all about :D

    Sign me up, although wednesday lunchtimes after tuesday nights is gonna hurt!

    Free Member

    I’ll 3rd that! Great fun that, 50mins within ~3 watts of my FTP with all those surges, no wonder i feel like i’ve been through the ringer.

    Nixie, fair play mate, that was some spectacular riding to keep away all that time, thought when we caught up with Savoyed we might have enough in our legs to chase you down but I don’t know about anyone elase but i couldn’t push the numbers you were for my turn on the front, let alone TTing that out. C Donnelly(?) had dragged Phil and I round for the first half of the race and I had to give almost everything just to hang on to the group. Once we caught Savoyed it seemed to calm down a bit then Phil dropped, he was going really well in ourt little group then must have had some computer issues.

    It felt pretty cheap but I dropped a feather on one of the steep sections building up to the final climb and sav came with me, saw that Donnelly was 2 seconds back and figured that this was my finish line sprint with more than 8km to go. If i could get a few seconds here I could just try and hang on to sav for the place. From that point on i knew I wasn’t going to place any better than 3rd so figured i’d turn myself inside out for savoyad and give him a nice lead in to the final climb to see how much we could take off nixie. It felt like i’d hit a wall when I hit that KOM start line :D Donnelly took about 10 seconds out of me in the first couple of hundred meters of the climb so i still had to dig deep to get up the bloody thing in the end. Cracking race all round says new 5 min power record for the season, 363w :D

    Free Member


    The Leeds end could do with some work – I don’t know my way around there so just took the Komoot suggestion of errr, straight through the middle of Bradford. I’d assumed there was a canal or something, but no.

    Free Member

    I’ve barely ridden at all this year but have managed a couple of fun ones, riding to the beach down the trans pennine from Manchester was nice. Got there for about half 10 on a beautiful summers day and had an hour to myself before the family arrived.

    Manchester to leeds off road was good, Halifax however can bloody do one, never seen so many steep hills in one place.

    Then I failed badly at the Reiver and having to bail onto the 130km route

    Crowning glory this year was heading to Nans near Boston in Lincs. I’d had a failed attempt at this earlier in the year when my ultegra cranks unbonded and left me stranded in Matlock. Taking the TPT east is definitely more fun, warncliffe woods look amazing and I realised I’d never actually been to sheffield before. I realise it’s not very far and virtually flat but considering how much I’ve done this year I was pretty chuffed. If for no other reason than I didn’t let the boredom of the last 40 miles get me down.

    Name:Manc to lincs off road
    Distance:209.9 km
    Elevation gain:1,520.0 m
    Elapsed time:11:13:40
    Moving time:08:55:00

    Nice way to visualise the year:

    Free Member

    I work in IT security for a bank, there’s naff all chance of anything being flagged if you’re logging on remotely from somewhere else in the UK. Nobody has the time to manually check that level of logging and they would spend half their lives unlocking accounts if they had an risky login setup paranoid enough to trigger from a different UK IP.

    Crack on, don’t over think it, don’t make a fuss about it and you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    You guys looked like you were having fun.

    Getting pissed off with this new setup now, there was no resistance at all so i was spinning out at 120 RPM to knock out the 280w needed to hold the back of the group. Nae chance of keeping that up.

    Think I’ve sorted it now (bloody garmin watch was pairing to the controlable bit of the trainer over ant+ and over riding the bluetooth from the tablet)

    Just as well really – still buggered from Saturday! Oh well, there’s always next week

    Free Member

    Yeah, Taxi is normally about £15-20 depending on which way your going (there’s a charge for drop offs at the airport now, even for taxis)

    Free Member

    I don’t know anywhere well enough to be comfortable leaving in the street. I would have to get a cab back as I don’t land until after 10.30. Do you know if East Didsbury tram car park allows long stay? That would be a future option.

    I live about 10 mins walk from a tram stop on the airport line, I’d happily show you places you could leave your car without too much risk.

    Drop me a PM if you’re interested

    Free Member

    MIght as well park in wythenshawe and get the tram in. That’s where most of the parking companies will leave your car anyway :D

    Free Member

    I’ve got to admit, I’m simultaneously relieved and disappointed

    Free Member

    @J-R no idea mate, I’m going to take it easy for a couple of days then see how I get on. Last time I donated I managed to cycle home from Stockport to Sale easy enough but was ready for a kip when I got home :D

    Free Member

    I was all excited about being back racing tonight as the new family toy has arrived…

    Then remembered that i’m giving blood at 2:30 this afternoon so racing is probably a terrible idea :(

    The Neobike is awesome though :D

    Free Member

    I think that you’re doing all you can. The only possible issue is that you’re probably communicating too much with your ex and not enough with your daughter. You’re getting a lot of second hand information about your daughters feelings and from experience, my daughter will tell me whatever I want to hear. It’s possible that your daughter is telling you ex what she thinks she wants to hear,a nd that then assumes that she’s relaying those messages faithfully.

    My daughter is 11 and spends (nearly) half her time here, not that you’d know it – in therough the door, gives me her phone and heads up to her bedroom where she does her homework and listens to some surprisingly good music.

    Free Member

    Do you find that the noise of the fan is an issue?

    You really can’t hear ours, it’s suspended on some wire from one of the roof joists and has some fancy pants sensors in it so it doesn’t run if the air in the loft is too hot.

    The water pressure booster pump however sounds like a helicopter taking off, that needs sorting!

    Free Member

    It’s just another rubbish festival of consumerism where the vendors offload crap we don’t need, at not much of a bargain prices….and we wonder why the planet is doomed

    Actually, i’ve been waiting for BF for months to buy the shit that I actually need.

    I’ve had to rewrite this about 5 times because my keyboard keeps missing out letters and is completely fckd

    Free Member

    I should be back next week! My new turbo has been in the void of ArrowXL for about 9 days now :( I@ll probably drop 50 watts or something daft as per with a new device

    Free Member

    The pain i’m feeling is that of a broken turbo :(

    I’ll be in once my new instrument of pain arrives. Somehow the wife and I have agreed on a neo bike :D

    Free Member

    Best laid plans etc etc….note to self, don’t try to keep up with @Savoyad…it’ll end in tears….and cramp.

    I was holding and holding my sprint waiting for you to light it up after you stuck it to me the other week when I went early, and then @Kirky72 went off the front and I had oto give it everything to go with him.

    Not sure if racing yesterday was the right thing to do, but i’m breathing easier today, even if i am coughing up the rainbow. Time for antoher lateral flow test i suppose!

    Free Member

    Crikey, should have stayed in bed for that one! as per usual on a thursday night i’d had naff all warm up, having just got the kids in bed, done the zwift update then realised i was logged in as my wife!

    I knew i was in trouble before turning a pedal so just sat in the bunch and then tried to hang on with Savoyed and Paino up the climbs on the first lap, i knew the race was going to blow apart, but that was something else, it was 15 seconds on the gravel back to Kirk,Ian and someone else? so I jumped off the bike and opened the patio doors as I was melllllttttiinnnggg. Just about managed to grab a wheel and just tried to sit in and recover as best I could for the rest of the lap. I’ve not really ridden on gravel since they did the MTB update so that was a bit of a shock actually experienceing it, not sure i’m a fan!

    Second lap and I’d seen that Savoyed had dropped Paino and Tom Baker was about 8 seconds down on our group, I think we could all smell blood so put a bit of a push on :D Chasing down the last 10 seconds was hard though, I dunno if it was me or J Kirk but it was really surging and I had to keep surging back to keep on a wheel. Anyway, good sprint at the end but still not feeling 100%, although strangely better for spinning the legs over.

    Cheers lads, and cheers Robbo for another interesting course!

    Free Member

    Oh bloody hell, i’d got this and the Thursday night TTT mixed up and was looking forward to 3 laps of wattopia flat!

    Wife and I are sat here waiting on the results of lateral flow tests as we’re both pretty minging so will have to see how i feel come half 7

    Free Member

    You sir, are doing thema disservice with your cropping!

    Free Member

    Has someone explained the start process to @scaled?

    Get in the pen, don’t pedal, REPEAT DON’T PEDAL until someone says go on discord?

    Free Member

    Right I have a WTRL profile now, just need links for the team, discord and presumably the event in zwift?

    Free Member

    Right, i’m not sure how this works but due to no beavers and no guides tonight I’ll be available for one week only.

    If you’re short a pair of legs and i’m not knocking a regular out then i’ll be happy to provide some diesel power

    Free Member

    We had this issue with slugs in the kitchen.

    We tried all sorts of things, salt worked but wasn’t exactly sustainable, copper tape was useless, eggshells etc everything failed.

    We knocked the whole kitchen down in the end and built a new one, no slugs!

    Free Member

    I’m relieved to have just signed a 5 year mortgage fix

    Same here – just built a whopping extension, spaffed half our savings and fixed on a rate lower than our previous 2 year rate. Selfishly a period of high inflation wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for us right now. I’m no Tory by any strech of the imagination, but their complete cluster **** of a government does seem to be working for us at the moment.

    Free Member

    Well, I had a feeling this might happen after that race…

    Just weighed myself and i’m 78kg now as well (raced at 80 tonight) looks like the training plan is working :D

    Free Member

    That’s my first proper race in over a year and i went a bit deep in the first one chasing anything that went off the front. I was hoping to be able to kick on from the little bunch of 3 we had in the second but had nothing left in the tank.

    These short punchy races suit me, i’m not sure i’ve got enough miles in my legs yet to last a couple of laps of something hilly.

    Free Member

    Has anyone gone with the indoor specific clothing??

    If by that you mean Bibs that you can see my arse in if you’re behind me? Then yeah, I’ve got indoor specific clothing…

    Two monitors on desk mounted stands means I can go from working to zwifting in about 2 minutes.

    Turbo is an Elite Direto with a home made rocker plate (2 x sheets of OSB), 3 cetral vibration bobbins, tennis balls for rebound and then 6 more vibration isolator spike things under the bottom plate, which is then on some carpet, which is on gym mats.

    The rocker was more to stop the whole house reverberating after we had the new floor put in in what used to be the garage. The comfort thing is a VERY happy side effect.

    You wanted ghetto…

    Free Member

    Monthly? I think I look like Iain Duncan Smith if I leave it a week 😳

    I would pay good money to see that @Binners

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