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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • sbob
    Free Member

    I had crazy high blood pressure last time it was checked.

    I simply opted never to have it checked again which has served me well in the decade or two since, but then I don’t have a wife or children to worry about.

    Free Member

    I think you need to have a chat with your wife.

    I think you need to have a chat with your wife.



    et cetera…

    Free Member

    I find anything less than a vindaloo tasteless & bland

    That’s because you either have no sense of taste or are eating shit curry.

    It’s interesting that from my experience Indians see heat as just another flavour, so you could get served a very spicy curry which will be full of different spices and flavours but without the chilli heat. Conversely you could be served a dish that is described as not very spicy which will blow your socks off!

    My signature beef and coconut curry is full of spices and flavours, but doesn’t contain much chilli and isn’t very hot.

    Free Member

    Fun size Mars bars make excellent normal sized Mars bars for midgets.

    Free Member

    They are called mansize as men are typically bigger.

    For the poster that has seemingly missed this most simple and obvious of explanations.

    Free Member

    Life is not fair

    We have a winner!

    It’s a great shame that some people aren’t born right (and I am one of them) but disadvantaging the majority is never the answer.

    Free Member

    I find it somewhat ironic that this thread is almost entirely dominated by (apparently) blokes.

    So an accurate representation of the population of the forum then? Untwist thine knickers dear.

    Basically, a bunch of blokes saying “what’s right” about a situation they are not affected by in any way.

    You can always pop over to Mumsnet if you fancy the female perspective, though you might not like what you find…

    Free Member

    Is that a proven scientific fact, that snot production is relative to body mass?

    Image result for not sure if serious

    Free Member

    Yes, but you’ll have to switch to Lotus brand for any giraffe fanny batter accidents.

    Free Member

    I’m torn.
    On one hand* I’m happily wearing an item of clothing from Selfridges Man’s Shop, yet on the other I am happily wearing spectacles from Specsavers women’s range.

    I think implosion is the only answer.

    *not actually on either hand.

    Free Member

    Well you do now. :)

    Free Member

    I can smell your Mum’s deodorant from here dirtyrider.


    Free Member

    They are called mansize as men are typically bigger.
    That’s pretty obvious, and that’s coming from someone with not too active an imagination.

    Free Member

    How often do you get a puncture?

    Obviously there is matey boy up there who drove into a static object, but in all my miles I’ve only ever punctured once. Stick with normal tyres.

    Free Member

    I spilt my load at the running man…

    Free Member

    I’m 12.

    You sound sexy.


    Free Member

    Sorry I’m late, what have I missed?

    That all the Northern Nancy’s drink mineral water whilst us Southerners enjoy a pint.

    Free Member

    Just got my first 1x bike having come from a triple.
    The chain line is cringe worthy and I run out of gears. Not entirely convinced.

    Free Member

    You’re seemingly under the misguided impression that your opinion has value.

    And yet you still asked…!

    Says a lot. Still no substance, BTW…

    Free Member

    If you’re not capable, no worries.

    Capable of what?

    If it’s making a cup of herbal tea then I’m quite capable, pop round.

    If it’s substantiating your claims then I’ve already called you out as a hypocrite. Prove me otherwise. It should be easy…

    Free Member

    Tell him, in front of his mates, about the freaky sex you had with his mum whilst high as hell on his weed.

    The association will put him right off.

    Free Member

    Tell us what it is, then. Or is that too difficult for you?

    As if by magic, I already have.

    You’d think that someone would’ve fronted up by now. Oh well.

    You need to calm down old fruit, have a herbal tea.

    Free Member

    That you’re all mouth and no trousers.

    Congratulations on completing your round of “I know you are but what am I”. What are we playing next, hopscotch?

    It is up to Peterson and his supporters to substantiate his claims.

    Yet seemingly not up to his detractors to substantiate theirs? There’s a word for that.

    Otherwise they look like a pack of whiny cockbags.

    Sorry, who does?


    Think I’ll go and test the Timmy Taylors downstairs.

    Free Member

    Make the cookies, don’t tell the son about the added ingredients.

    Free Member

    What I would like is for people to back up their claims against Peterson, otherwise it just looks like a pack of baseless **** bullying the OP.

    Free Member

    I reckon his supporters have no problem with getting a grip.


    (I believe that’s STW’s pre-approved reply to such posts)

    Free Member

    you’re [geetee is] so easily duped

    I’m not concerned about you, just a little saddened.

    He’s a misogynist.

    Unthinking acceptance is a hallmark of his followers.

    he’s deliberately divisive

    Sorry ransos, which evidence backed nugget of wisdom from the above did I unwittingly help you prove?

    Is that a whiff of hypocrisy I can detect…?

    Free Member

    this forum is alright isn’t it – some of the people here really are genuinely quite OK.

    I could probably count on my genitals the number of posters I wouldn’t want to share a pint with.

    Good people all round.

    Free Member

    A claim with no evidence offered to support it. Now, who does that remind me of…

    Almost everyone on this thread.

    Free Member

    As a general point how does his views on monogamy and reducing violence account for the domestic violence rates?

    I don’t know what his views on monogamy and reducing violence are, perhaps kerley could give us all a quick synopsis.

    Instead of feigning offence, why don’t you provide us with a specific claim for discussion?

    So various claims are made with no evidence offered (and the evidence that is turns out to be false) and now you want to be supplied with your own material? Priceless!

    So an hour in, plenty of complaints, still no real answer

    It was four days ago that I was trying to get some specifics from one of the detractors so don’t hold your breath!

    Free Member

    Compare these two statements

    He changes

    “I really believe that”


    “I wouldn’t say I believed that I have my suspicions that”

    So yes, slightly different. Believes/suspects/thinks, all in the same ball park.

    I’m sure if we had people scrutinizing and comparing statements that we had made in the past there would be many a time where such slight differences had occurred.

    Free Member

    So in six pages has anyone countered anything in the OP’s video?

    Free Member

    Its not brave or important to suggest that women wear makeup at work to attract a mate.


    They might want to attract other women instead.

    Free Member

    **** you forum. **** you once more.

    Free Member

    Going off topic but I was drawn to
    <h1 class=”story-body__h1″>Naked jam-smeared women in Manchester was ‘art stunt'</h1>
    from your link, where I read the quote:

    <span class=”media-caption__text”>Insp Jon Middleton tweeted he hopes it “isn’t the start of a new craze that starts to spread” </span>

    Chapeau Inspector, chapeau.

    Free Member

    Well plenty of vids posted of his pseudo science, claptrap, conclusion before evidence based thinking.

    Are there?

    Take the last vid posted. Eleven and a half minutes to point out that he said one thing in one lecture and said a slightly different thing in another lecture. Oh, and that we don’t need to cite evidence any more.

    Hardly compelling…

    Free Member

    Here’s a thought; why don’t one of the Peterson detractors simply show geetee some nice clear unambiguous evidence of their claims so we can *put this one to bed once and for all?


    *With its permission, of course.


    Free Member

    You just keep posting ambiguous toss

    You accuse me of being ambiguous whilst quoting me asking someone to be more specific?

    What **** more do you want? My first born?

    winky emoticons

    Yeah, it seems to have escaped the attention of most that I made a rape joke…

    and refusing to tell us what you actually think

    I haven’t been asked you bell end. Seriously! With the exception of mikewsmith, who I answered.

    I ‘m comfortable that you are enshrined in your views, but don’t tell tales.

    Free Member

    Thing is its not an explanation that has any ring of truth.

    What isn’t? Without specifics there is no discourse.

    audience of hapless inadequate men

    Oxford union?

    Free Member

    So he is nothing more than a cheap troll then?

    I’m not sure if he’s aware of it or not. He’s definitely “on the spectrum”.

    the clever man says it’s ok

    Except he doesn’t, does he? I’ve not listened to everything he’s published but most of people’s problems with him seem to boil down to people’s inability to understand the difference between explanation and justification.

    There is such a circle of knee-jerking that I believe a new form of the can-can has been invented.

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