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  • sbob
    Free Member

    It’s the third time that’s been asked. Don’t hold your breath for an answer.

    I’m not an insurance company, where I’d draw the line is of no consequence.

    Am I making this clear?

    You don’t need to, I already understand how it works, you’re not telling me anything new. I’m still allowed to not like it. 🙂

    I mean you’re wrong, of course. 😆 I can use NCB built on one policy on a completely new policy with a completely new insurer, the policies have no relation to each other, other than recognising my excellent and safe driving. 😎

    Cougar; you’re trying to relate statistics to specific incidents. That’s not how it works. You might keep your motor in a private underground car park but if you’re in the wrong post code computer will say no to reduced premiums. With close to 40 million registered vehicles on the roads individual circumstances cannot realistically be catered for.

    Free Member

    that’s where prosecutions are relevant, because there’s never been one upheld (or even sought) AFAIK, because it isn’t fraud.

    I think it has a lot more to do with how much it would cost the insurance co to possibly gain a conviction to recover, in the case of the OP what, a few hundred quid? It’s simply not financially viable.

    Free Member

    You have a very black and white view of this


    I’ve already stated that what is declarable is between the insurer and the insured.

    So the likes of Chips Away etc dealing with the public are thus accessories to fraud, as by your very definition any repair you deem necessary should also require notification of the insurer, this extends to stone chips as I mentioned previously.

    And I mentioned that I personally wouldn’t deem stone chips as declarable.

    Honestly, I think you are projecting opinions onto me that I don’t have and trying to argue against those, which is pointless.

    Your home insurance analogy is incomparable, home and motor policies are massively different.

    Free Member


    How many people have a fraud conviction for this?

    It’s breach of contract at worst.

    Frikkin’ armchair Big-Hitters :rollseyes:

    Breach of contract until renewal, then fraud. Number of convictions is no indication of legal status but feel free to point out the bit of the legislation I’ve incorrectly interpreted, I’m always happy to be corrected. 🙂

    Just worked out why you seem to be replying to my posts with a sudden increase of frequency.

    It all started when I dared to suggest that your little car wasn’t unique, didn’t it?

    Oh lolololololololololololol!!!!

    It’s just a car FFS, get over it.

    Free Member

    Still disagree that you’re defrauding them though.

    Come renewal, you’ll be lying to them to save money.

    Free Member

    Baseless statistical statements aside

    Far from baseless, I was once privy to the data and stats of one of the UK’s biggest auto insurers.

    If the OP has an incident which they don’t claim on insurance and is therefore statistically more likely to have another incident which he doesn’t claim on the insurance, how does this affect the insurance company financially?  If anything their premiums should be coming down because they’re not bothering to claim for every little thing.

    If there’s no third party involved, really isn’t it just damage?  If you dropped a hammer onto your car bonnet in your garage, should that be notifiable?

    What is and isn’t notifiable is between the insured and the insurer.

    Unless you are missing a comma, I have emboldened the bit of your scenario that holds an assumption that is incorrect. No idea what relevance it is, it is completely inapplicable to the OP’s situation where there was a third party involved.

    Free Member

    Real porridge should be simmered and stirred with spurtle


    Free Member

    Yes, but if I want to own two cars I can only use my discount for not claiming on one.

    Why am I less of a risk due to a history of careful driving in one car but not the other? I can only drive one at once and my (exemplary 😀 ) driving history doesn’t suddenly change.

    Free Member

    If I ever win the lottery, the RX-7 is the money pit that I shall purchase.

    I will never forgive the woman who convinced me not to get an RX-7 turbo as my first car.

    **** you Francesca.

    Free Member

    I’m still failing to understand why deciding against using your insurance to repair your car is de-frauding them?

    It isn’t.

    Not telling them about it is.

    Free Member

    What pissed me off was not being able to use my NCB on more than one car, ’cause I could sure as hell lose it on more than one car!

    Free Member

    the only actual income is from the policy holders

    And investments/other services. If the only income was from policies sold they would go bust.

    Free Member

    I’d argue my insurance company try to defraud me every year by just sticking a 100 quid on the renewal and seeing If i notice.

    I then have to call up threaten to leave, they go and “chat to a supervisor” and see what they can do on the price, and surprise surprise it’s back down to the same amount again.

    If you don’t like their business model, change insurers.

    On the other hand be grateful for all the suckers blindly accepting their increases because they are keeping your premium down. 🙂

    Free Member

    However we all know that premiums rise far in excess of that minor increased risk

    If we only paid for what damages were going to occur then there would be no need for insurance and the roads would be a lot quieter!

    thus the insurance company bears no increased risk

    The insurance company bears all the risk and it is a huge one. Typically the sum total of premiums paid is less than the sum total of payouts.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Then come renewal time to the great surprise of precisely no one the insurance premium has gone up despite my wife being at no fault.

    This is the bit people struggle to get their head around.

    Your wife’s insurance premium went up because she was statistically more of a risk. Nothing sinister about it, just cold hard stats.

    Free Member

    I’ll learn to ignore.

    They do say ignorance is bliss. 🙂

    Free Member

    That’s a question only your insurance co. can accurately answer, but I’d class a stone chip as wear and tear.

    Free Member

    Problem is, he’s technically right.

    In your face DezB!

    And you have no argument.

    Statistically, the OP is more likely to have a similar loss, which is why his insurance will most likely go up if he declares this loss, which is why I wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    I doubt any right-thinking person would lose any sleep over that

    I most certainly wouldn’t.

    and I don’t see how it could be classed as fraud either

    The OP is obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception, that is the very definition of fraud.

    Utter nonsense.

    What do you disagree with? That the OP’s insurance contract will contain a clause stating that he needs to disclose this incident?

    SRSLY? Where do you draw that line? Stone chip on the bonnet you don’t repair?

    That’s just absurdum.

    Free Member

    Terrible photo

    Lawn needs attention.

    Free Member

    Might have to do the manly thing and admit she was right. But I doubt I will

    Go one further and tell her that it was a good job you had the idea to put some money aside each month, even though she was against it.

    As long as you are happy defrauding your insurance company by not disclosing the loss, then fixing the damage yourself will probably work out cheaper in the long run.

    Free Member

    Thank you for your reply in describing a situation where you and your horse were not struck from behind.

    Perhaps you can entertain us with other anecdotes that don’t involve you and your horse getting struck from behind to further compound your arrogance.

    Alternatively you could stop being such a victim blaming pompous arse and

    get a **** grip !

    Free Member

    Just treat everything and everyone with a healthy level of contempt.

    I thought this was going to be about the “Brexit Dividend”.

    May your dog contract the gonorrhoea.

    When I bum it.

    Free Member

    Image result for bojack horseman driving

    Free Member

    I need to watch it again then, pretty amazed they didn’t crash if they hit a horse….or is there a different clip doing the rounds?

    When you click on the link on page one there are words as well as pictures.

    Have a look at the words this time. 🙂

    Free Member

    So, throwing this to the masses which offence did they commit?


    Free Member

    Can you actually read? Go on, give it another go.


    Yep, just re-read your posts and I am in no position to change my mind. Victim blaming, bell-endery and shit-talking from page one.

    For instance, how have you reacted in the past when your horse has been struck by a cyclist?

    Convert, spotted earlier:

    Image result for only me harry enfield

    Free Member

    I once had to walk a neighbour’s dog, Care to guess the breed?


    Free Member

    This makes me angry, and angry doesn’t suit me, which makes me even angrier.


    Free Member

    Victim blaming, idiocy and an apologist.

    Great hat trick convert, well done.

    Animated Photo

    Free Member

    This really is the whitest forum I’ve ever frequented. Not a dig, just an observation.

    Free Member

    I did have one of these for a while

    Bet you wish you still did! Big money motor these days.

    Far less special but I learnt to drive in a 350BHp 2WD Sapphire Cosworth, which was nice.

    Free Member

    Big love for the Corrado.

    Free Member


    Image result for 2000 e39 m5

    E39 M5.

    Dead comfy, nice big boot, very easy to drive.

    Then you hit the sport button, launch yourself to 60mph in less than 5secs and onwards to a theoretical top speed of 187mph.

    It’ll have you laughing all the way to the next tyre fitters, via the petrol station.

    Free Member

    Oh and not in battle mode you wouldn’t…!

    You’re right, never got into it.

    Free Member

    the Dutch conquered us in 1688 and shafted all of us …

    My peoples! 😀

    Free Member

    You’re wrong sbob

    What do you want, a **** medal?

    In other news, grass is green and the papal magnate doth defecate in thine copses.


    Free Member

    Best game of all time -hands down it’s Super Mario Bros 3. I love Mario Kart but it is nowhere near as perfect as that.

    I just meant I’d kick anyone’s arse.

    I’ve completed whole laps blindfolded and once missed Christmas because some Japanese kid had matched my best time and I needed to shave another 100th off.

    Bowser FTW.

    Free Member

    I think you two should stop oppressing the OP. 😀

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