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  • Qualifying results Maribor DH World Cup 2019
  • sbob
    Free Member

    It is legal to undertake if the vehicle you are undertaking is moving slower than the flow of traffic.

    No it isn’t.
    Read the thread, or prove me wrong, your choice. :)

    Free Member

    Fungus is not a food group.
    Anything that has the ability to grow between my toes should not be eaten.

    assume it’s used as a meat substitute for those who have one veggie child and two non veggie children, so we can all eat the same thing at the same time with the minimum of fuss

    Veggie kids?
    Tantamount to child abuse, and your laziness is no excuse for poor parenting. :P

    Free Member

    He was only going a few mph faster than us

    Being overtaken. If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass

    I appreciate that slowing down is not a technique of every (many?) road cyclist’s safe cycling arsenal.

    Free Member

    Strictly speaking, if you had changed lanes into the mini driver, it might have been your fault, irrespective of the fact he was speeding.
    Lots of cars travel faster than 70 on a motorway, some legally, and you have to make provisions for this.

    If you were doing the speed limit ( :wink: ) and the middle lane hog was therefore going slower, the mini driver’s speed differential would have been too high no matter which side he chose to pass.

    Free Member

    there wasn’t time or space for 6 of us to stop safely behind him

    Doesn’t sound like safe cycling to me…

    Free Member

    If there is any possibility that the intention can be misconstrued, don’t do it.
    Unfortunately, too many people are not in a position to make that decision.

    Free Member

    My other half may have received a warning letter from the community speed watch team this morning, from a time when I may have been driving, and I may have chosen to deliberately incite their attention, and said letter may now be residing at the bottom of my recycling bin, safe from her return. :twisted:

    Free Member

    After that experience I’m reserving the right to view anyone openly admitting to undertaking and/or advocating that ‘there’s nothing wrong with it’ a massive idiot.

    Sounds like you should spend less time insulting people and more time working on your piss-poor observation skills. :-)

    Not saying the mini driver wasn’t in the wrong, the situation you describe (which I’m not 100% sure of, are you saying the mini came out of nowhere?) is exactly when you shouldn’t pass on the left.

    Free Member

    Is this of any use?

    Although it seems arse about face to me; the brakes I’m used to one would bleed the system from the caliper with a syringe, forcing any air upwards (the way it wants to go anyway) and out of the reservoir in the lever.
    If I used your method I too would get fluid pissing out of the caliper as without the reservoir seal in place you effectively have a bit of tube with two open ends: air can enter the top of the tube (at the lever) so fluid can just drain out of the bottom (the caliper).
    Unortunately I’m not familiar with the Hopes.

    ETA: Hope’s video.

    Dunno if that applies to your brakes.

    Free Member

    ah sbob that made me laff

    I once fed a bacon burger to a Jewish vegetarian; double bubble!

    Cured quite a few veggies over the years, plus a few afflicted with religion.
    Bacon is always the key. :wink:

    Free Member

    So then, pretty illegal I’d say. No?

    That’s not legislation, it’s just a simplified bit of text that gives a couple of different examples of what may constitute careless driving.

    Free Member

    Not illegal but if you do it and the person you are undertaking pulls into your lane you may well be fecked by your insurance

    Generally speaking, the onus is on the driver changing lanes to make sure it is clear.

    Worth mentioning that if you are ivolved in an accident which is not your fault, your premium can still increase.

    Free Member

    Although the ‘undertaking’ itself may not be, Dangerous Driving (which it would be) IS.

    Have you any idea how hard it is to get a charge of dangerous driving to stick?
    Merely passing a car on the left would’t get you anywhere near the threshold for dangerous.

    Free Member

    Highway Code 268: Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake

    The HC is not a legal document.
    Undertaking is not illegal.

    Free Member

    If anyone wants to link to the legal act that forbids undertaking, then go ahead.
    Doesn’t exist though. :wink:

    Free Member

    Why is under taking illegal?

    It isn’t.

    AFAIK, “undertaking” doesn’t even exist as a term used inside the law, you either pass on the right (ok) or pass on the left (bit naughty).

    Free Member

    On a recent thread of this ilk I was slated for suggesting that veiled women might not wish to be veiled.

    There is a huge amount of pressure to conform in muslim society; I know two brothers who both break the fast they swear blind to each other that they uphold, and I let a young “muslim” lad hide in my office to stuff his face with bacon. :lol:

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Don’t blame you for wanting to show that off!
    Enjoy! :D

    Free Member

    No i havent bled them, but that another £15 (either to lbs or for the bleed kit) that could also go towards new brakes.

    At some point, you will have to bleed your hydraulic brakes, no matter who makes them.

    Free Member

    I’d say weight loss is driven by attitude.
    If desire for weight loss is greater than desire for cake, weight loss is achieved, and vice versa.

    As a side note, everyone I’ve ever met who had a “gland problem” that made them fat also spent an abnormally high percentage of their time stuffing their mouths with cake.

    Free Member

    Just sit on it and see if it’s comfy. :wink:

    Free Member

    This place is going to be Elitist and exclusive.

    If it’s exclusively for the elite who pay for a cup of tea with money they have earned from a *job that they do, then I’m all for it.

    *By job, I do not mean the fortnightly queue for JSA, monkey.

    Do us all a favour and stop breathing.
    If you don’t have the decency to do that, then stopping typing would be a welcome start.

    Free Member

    You’re about right, although the angle is normally measured from horizontal, not the chain stay. By effective top tube you mean horizontal distance from seat to head tube, yar?

    Free Member

    Builder’s tea is for the working man; you never did answer my question about your employment, can I assume I got it right?

    Why don’t you take inspiration from your moniker; see all those people with jobs?
    Get one you ****.

    Free Member

    Monkey is back!
    That must have been one hell of a Jeremy Kyle-athon to keep him away that long.
    I might start a book on how many Rustlers microwave burgers it took him to see it through.

    Great to see it doing well so far, but why the emphasis on coffee? I thought cyclists were all tea and Eccles cakes?

    Free Member

    Reality check:
    Get yourself a solicitor.
    Hide your assets.

    Free Member

    Steel is a fantastic material for building bikes, but with big tyres and 4-6″ of suspension travel, aluminium does make sense.

    If you want to see the difference between steel and ally, compare two fully rigid bikes.
    I rode a fully rigid ally bike in 1992, and in a few years time my wrists may have finally recovered.

    Free Member

    Well this is gold!
    If by “properly financed” you mean unprecedented public borrowing and spending with no hope of return, then yes, Labour were very good at “proper financing”.
    It’s the greatest reason as to why we are over £1 trillion in debt.
    That and the feckless dole scroungers.

    What do you do for a living monkey?
    I’m going to hazard a guess at semi-professional Jeremy Kyle viewer, am I close?

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine; food poisoning is for wimps and communists.

    Free Member

    I’ll admit I was interested to read his casually racist view as it isn’t something I’ve come across in my area, or indeed the last decade for that matter.

    Free Member

    Now we have innovative cycling projects on the mean streets of Oxford.Good to see sknob back with his high level sociological analysis.If a black or working class person ever shows up at this hipster joint id be amazed.Its just the usual charity obsessed private school slackers looking for an easy life.With a bit of patronising’helping the poor’,thrown in.It’s all very big society and coalition bullshit to my eyes.

    Ahh, it’s starting to become clear.

    A little advice; do you know what society/the world/life owes you?


    If you want something like this in your area then get up off your lazy posterior and do it yourself.

    Whinging like a baby on the internet will not get you anywhere, and I’d leave out the politics until you’re old enough to vote. ;)

    Free Member

    In the North this bunch would be labeled as beggars.Down south of course there innovaters providing a public service.What a joke.

    In the north it wouldn’t happen because you’re too lazy.

    Other than the northern monkey’s raging jealousy, why all the negativity?
    I won’t benefit from this endeavour as I live in the South, but wish them all the best.

    Free Member

    It’s sbob.
    Slobs are the types of people up north who sit around doing nought but shovelling pies into their grubby mouths, all funded no doubt by their fortnightly benefits.

    Free Member

    If northerners weren’t so lazy then maybe they would earn as much as those who live in the South.
    Bristol, however, is not in the South.

    Free Member

    Broken a couple of cheap stems, and luckily got away with it. Always fails of the weld.
    Running a 12yr old Synchros bar and stem at the mo.
    I do always get the needle files out to make sure there is no edge on the stem to give a point where the bar can break, but no; never broken a bar.

    Free Member

    There must still be air in the system.
    I’m not familiar with that particular brake, but I can remember older systems where you had to really force the air out by pushing a large volume of fluid through with some force.
    If there is no air in the fluid and you are spilling oil from the lever and caliper when refitting the bleed bolts, the only other explanation I could imagine would be a hose failing and expanding under pressure.

    Never seen that on a push bike though.

    Free Member

    About 53mph off road in Scotland, about 43 on road (not too many hills in East Anglia).

    Free Member

    As above, if your star nut is overtight and causing resistance to the steering then something else is amiss…

    Free Member

    Never owned one of their bikes, but they are the only clothing manufacturer that have been able to make full finger gloves tactile enough for me to roll fags whilst wearing.

    Full marks!

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