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  • sbob
    Free Member

    Cars are very reliable in general, and compared to even 20 years ago. Almost all the time you get in, and a complicated machines starts up first time. It’s big business, and they employ a lot of people to design the smallest details of their cars to achieve this.

    So it seems unlikely that they’d just use the normal starter motor for the start/stop function, if it was going to fail all over the place. My point is that you should not assume that the starter motor is going to fail more often than any other component simply because it gets used more. It may turn out to be true, I don’t know, but I think it extremely unlikely that they would not have considered this.

    I drive one of the most reliable cars ever made, and it happens to be nearing twenty years old.
    But here are three words to counter your thinking:
    Dual mass flywheels.

    Check and mate. :wink:

    I’ve worked in manufacturing for most of my adult life, and have made a not inconsiderable number of parts for the automotive industry.
    It may surprise you to learn that the life expectancy of cars is actually decreasing, and there is more money to be made in supplying replacement parts than there is in the original sale of cars.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    I have to laugh when people think they’ve uncovered a major flaw in something that teams of engineers have been working on for years after a few moments idle pondering in a traffic jam.

    I have to laugh when people blindly accept everything presented to them.
    You’re probably the type to pay extra for “long life oil”, or maybe you go to church.

    Questioning things is the product of a healthy mind, and doesn’t make you a tin foil hat wearer, or an idiot.

    Free Member

    bol – Member

    It always amazes me when I see punctures in a race. Why on earth don’t people run tubeless?

    Every thread I read about tubeless has convinced me not to try tubeless.
    Never had a puncture at Thetford, come to think of it.
    Unless you count puncturing my leg on a nail head after flying into a tree.

    Free Member

    The price label on my old Magura rim brakes was £185, going onto a £350 GT Tequesta, so I’m guessing they were more than the frame value.

    Free Member

    I think I’ve just got a high metabolism.

    It’s actually the fatties that tend to have a higher metabolic rate, as their poor bodies have to work hard at shifting their excess mass about the place.
    Imagine having to lift a few kilos of moob with every drawn breath; it’s quite the workout!

    Free Member

    don’t dismiss us all as idiots in denial about how much we eat!

    Too late butterball, now go and have a cry into your Battenberg.

    Free Member

    I’m another lucky one.
    Lucky that I wasn’t brought up to be a lazy fat cake eating bullshitter.
    When are people going to take responsibility for themselves and realise that we’re all on the same boat, it’s just listing a little as the gut lords shovelling more crisps through their disgusting greasy lipped mouths are all congregating at the port bow, probably drawn there by visions of cheese boards.

    Free Member

    ?? Umm how about .. Looks and specs wise?

    I’d go with the black one specc’ed with gold components.
    Go roll your eyes elsewhere you mammoth nancy, and make your own mind up. :-)

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – Member

    I have to disagree.
    If they were 40 pence each, more people would buy. I’m guessing with the recession and everyone tightening their purse strings it will seem too much.

    Oh and I don’t eat rubbish like a mars bar infact haven’t knowingly eaten anything by ‘Mars’ for years.

    You sound cool.
    You are definitely invited to my party.

    Free Member

    Looks alone, black and gold by a long way. Just needs some JPS decals to finish it off.

    Free Member

    anyway pfft what would they know eh

    I actually know someone who used to work for OFSTED and left because she said it wasn’t fit for purpose.
    This person now takes over under-performing schools and turns them around in a very short space of time.

    She’s also glad her kids don’t have to endure the current education system!

    Free Member

    Generalising much?

    That depends on how small the sample base needs to be to fit in with your definition.
    Of course, this could be skewed by the geography of the sample in relation to that of mine.

    Free Member

    We’ll start to reap the rewards for this in 10 years time when Late 90’s to Mid 2000’s lot start innovating.

    Pull your head out the clouds son.
    I work with teachers every week and I’m just glad I don’t have children.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    I dunno.. what would you have put in my coke to try and get me drunk without me noticing?

    Rohypnol. :wink:

    Free Member

    All in the same camp here.

    Free Member


    you had an 8.5% beer and then another beer and drove? reckon you could have been close to the limit there?

    Duvel is normally sold in a 330ml bottle, then he had a half of 4% ale, I’m sure he was fine.

    Newsflash: that bloke you know who lost his licence after only drinking two pints?
    He’s a **** liar!

    Free Member

    I drink plenty, but then hangovers are for wimps and communists so I don’t feel rough the morning after.
    Always loved the taste of Guinness, and there are many meals that aren’t quite complete without that perfectly accompanying glass of vino.

    I certainly don’t always drink when I go out though, and I do have the odd friend that doesn’t drink, which has never been a big deal.

    I tend to find the types that trot out the old “can’t you have fun without drink?” are the types who can’t have fun full stop.

    Free Member


    Which pub is my thirst point of call. 8)

    Free Member

    So someone else may be better able to meet the cultural needs of the immigrant children rather than a UKIP suporter who agrees with British cultural hegemony and rejects multiculturalism- – why is this controversial ? Seriously why?

    So we’re all agreed then; we’ll ship the blighters back off to the continent so their cultural needs will be best met. :D

    Or we could, and I’m going to shout for the hard of thinking, LEAVE THEM IN THE CARE OF A LOVING FAMILY.

    (Not directed personally at you Junkers, just quoted your post for the humour angle)

    Free Member

    i’m out too.

    On day release?

    You pseudo-liberals won’t like this, but multiculturalism is an oxymoron in society.
    There’s nothing racist about that.
    There’s nothing racist about keeping check on immigration, although I’d appreciate it if you’d let my family of mixed immigrants remain.
    There is nothing racist about not wanting to be in the EU, which we really don’t benefit from.
    The EU was destined to fail; too many countries of differing economies.
    It’s like the world’s biggest experiment on multiculturalism.
    I’m sure UKIP has racist supporters, as you will find racist people who support any party, but as a party I have no reason to believe they are racist.

    Free Member

    Looking at those pics, it would only take a pedestrian stepping off the kerb and you’ll be straight into the track.

    Was this pedestrian hiding behind a passing leaf or something?

    Free Member

    I’ll remind you of that next time you’re cycling past a stationary vehicle and an occupant flings a door into your path.

    You do actually have some duty of care when passing vehicles to allow for this.

    Free Member

    Flat tyre? :lol:

    Is it just a bit heavy or is it not working at all?

    Free Member

    I was going to go CV boot, but as that’s been taken I’ll go for premature piston ring failure leading to failure of emissions, which won’t be diagnosed until four figures worth of diagnostics.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    You obviously want to save money, which you won’t do by buying a different new car.
    You need a bag o’ shite old one, that is light, reliable and easy to drive in traffic.
    You need a MkII Nissan Micra, 1.3, wait for it, CVT auto.


    Free Member

    DezB – Member

    What we need is no rules. That wouldn’t have happened then

    Now you’re wrong in two threads! :D


    OP: Failing to report as an absolute minimum.
    I can fully understand the “let it slide” sentiments, but if this joker squished a kid next week you’d feel pretty awful for doing nought.

    Free Member

    Aren’t most Tories peados and perverts?I thoughts thats what they all learn at their public
    /private schools.Then the sadistic scumbags take it out on the rest of us.

    Got a job yet?

    £20 to any mod who changes monkey’s name to “Charlie Chester”.

    Free Member

    :twisted: :wink:

    Free Member

    I can’t believe there are three pages of genuine replies on this subject.
    Colleague CCing in the Boss?
    Let’s go have a cry on the internet. :cry:

    Jesus H **** Christ, have you all got tits?
    There’s so much oestrogen in here I’m surprised you haven’t all slid off your, no doubt orthopaedically correct, office chairs.

    Get your waxed arses down the pub whilst you still have a chance.

    Free Member

    So we’ll be pretty much back in the situation we were in the 1930s then?

    No, and I’m really not sure how you can come to that conclusion.

    And no, I don’t think drivers have become noticeably less reluctant to prosecute other drivers

    We need the police to start prosecuting when someone’s driving falls so far below standard that an accident occurs, not prosecuting drivers who are driving safely without incident.

    I’m not sure where private prosecutions come into this.

    Free Member

    Anyway, I won’t be able to prove you wrong because your nice theory will never become reality. But it wouldn’t work IN REALITY.

    Shouting doesn’t make you less wrong, it just makes you more obviously so.

    Free Member

    Many moons ago, when all my friends had MTBs and I still had a road bike.
    We were all amazed by what terrain I could handle.
    I was arguing that MTBs were unnecessary for their sort of riding.
    I bought a MTB. :lol:

    Free Member

    Yeah, like that’d work. Most of the drivers I see can’t even get it right even when there are rules to follow FFS

    Ignoring the fact that we have some of the safest roads in the world already, it does work and has been shown to work.

    Free Member

    I support reductions in speed limits on the basis that if shit drivers are moving more slowly, both them and other road users have more time to react, plus the consequences of any accidents are less significant.

    I believe that drumming the mantra “speed kills” into people has had the effect that people now equate speed above the posted limit with danger, and conversely, speed below the limit with safety.
    I’ve heard it more than once after an accident:
    “Ooh, but I wasn’t speeding”
    as if that is the only metric with which we can measure safe driving.

    If you remove the need for people to be responsible for their actions, then they will stop being responsible for their actions.

    Scrap speed limits.
    Scrap cycle lanes.
    Scrap all the paint on the roads.
    Scrap traffic lights.
    Scrap pedestrian crossings.
    Start prosecuting when RTCs do occur.

    Make it so people have to think about their road use, and they will think about their road use, not creep along, blinkers on, with the sound of cyclists being clipped off the wing drowned out by the incessant tones of Jeremy “No you’re not a serious **** journalist” Vine.

    Free Member

    Women are less of a risk as they drive fewer miles, have less expensive accidents and are far less likely to claim in the event of an accident.

    (I used to have a finger or two in the insurance pie)

    Discrimination is exactly what the insurance companies aren’t doing, as it isn’t unjust and is based on fact.

    Free Member

    I don’t see anyone getting upset over it, it’s just a bit ’14 year old boy’ isn’t it

    Yeah, now I’m all grown up I don’t like looking at tits either.

    Get over yourself.

    Free Member

    nealglover – this sounds quite het up to me:

    If you could refrain from using my, quite obviously, tongue in cheek posts to bolster your point of view, which, equally obviously is pure sanctimony, it would be appreciated.


    Free Member

    If they’re as bad as the films I’d say it was bordering on child abuse.

    Free Member

    Why put traffic lights on a roundabout?

    There is no reason to do this.

    Free Member

    In Cambridge they add Pelican crossings in to slow down traffic. The rationale being they can’t stop car drivers crashing, but they can keep the average speed as low as possible to minimise injuries.

    Making up for the death trap cycle lanes. :wink:

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