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  • sbob
    Free Member

    As a general rule of thumb, for every shouty ranty unhappy customer that you hear about, there will be a thousand happy customers that you don’t.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    If you do, then can you explain to me how the job Alan Sugar over there is offering – part time hours for 2 weeks out of every 9, on minimum wage – is going to replace JSA and housing benefit, council tax relief etc. Bearing in mind what I previously stated that if someone signs off, it will then take 5 weeks to process a new claim if they need to sign back on (like after the school holidays)

    Comprehension failure, see above post.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    So… you were offering a part time job on minimum wage, specifically during school holidays only? with some vague words about career progression and maybe full time, possibly? At some undisclosed point in the future?

    No, it was full time for the majority of the year, but possibly only part time over the school holidays.

    With the greatest of respect, it doesn’t sound much like this one’s going to really, does it?

    It was the same position that I took. :idea:

    You 2 clearly haven’t got the got the remotest idea of how the ‘benefit trap’ works in this country, have you? Not the foggiest!

    You just carry on in your little self-congratulatory bubbles

    Been there, seen it, escaped it. There’s been no protective bubble for me.

    So it appears the person with first hand experience apparantly has no idea compared to the person with no experience.

    I like you, you’re a keeper; you’re amusing me on my day off. :lol:

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    sbob – for someone who’s supposedly been through hard times, you appear to be completely devoid of empathy.

    Maybe you should question why. :idea:

    Don’t get me wrong; I know exactly how hard it can be to get a job in today’s climate. When I first wanted a job all you had to do (if, like I was you were too lazy to look yourself) was sign up to an agency and you’d have work within the week.
    It is much, much harder now.
    However, spend a couple of months queuing up in the job centre every fortnight and your sympathy will soon be eroded away.

    Free Member

    Minimum wage, unsocial hours (sometimes), not zero hours.
    It was a full time job, but only guaranteed to part time over school holidays to start with. Chances to progress.
    Better than benefits, if you want to work. :wink:

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    Minimum wage presumably and without premium for unsocial hours?

    Are you now going to attempt to use that fact as justification for the thousands of unemployed who simply didn’t want a job?

    This will be good! :twisted:

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Blah, sarcasm, blah,

    BTW: I’ve always been self employed/freelance and have built up 2 businesses myself

    Blah, more sarcasm, blah.

    Ah, so you don’t know what it’s like.
    Well, I am surprised.

    Did you see that?
    There, I wrote it in a way you’d understand. :lol:

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    sbob – I wasn’t being non-specific.

    You are, firstly because you have no idea of what you are talking about, and secondly because you have no balls. :-)

    Have some conviction man, grow a pair. :idea:

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Which planet do you presently live on BTW?

    Advertised a job at our local job centre.
    It was some late nights, some weekends, and you’d probably need at least a push bike to get there.
    All mentioned in job advert.

    We had three applicants.
    One who couldn’t do evenings, one who couldn’t do weekends, one who wouldn’t consider the job unless we provided transport (she could have walked it).
    Last time I was at the job centre the queue was out the door, yet all we get is three timewasters deliberately applying for jobs they can’t do just so they can continue signing on.

    So what planet do you live on binners?
    Planet **** Grauniad?

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    so a homeless guy/girl turns up on your door step– you going to give them a job over the established people with vans and tools– in case you haven’t noticed there is a glut of unemployed , but yep keep blaming the poor,sick, for their own predicament– if it helps you sleep easy…

    You try getting someone to mow your lawns in my area in the summer. It’s impossible; I’ve tried.
    Just because you wouldn’t employ a homeless person (how would you know? Do they have to wear a sign?) doesn’t mean others wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    there is a world of difference, with people who are homeless, and those like your brother–sure he had a nice warm house to go to ?

    Then use me as an example instead of his brother; I’ve been homeless. :-)

    Free Member

    binners – Member


    Lovely non-specific sarcastic whinging there binners, are my posts not visible to you?
    Care to comment a bit more specifically?

    I’d wager that I’ve pulled myself up and out of deeper and darker holes than 99% of this forum’s population, so I know what it takes.

    Free Member

    Mug of coffee
    Pint of squash
    Small length of 300fps fuse
    ETA: my Motorola RAZR V300i limited edition “red” mobile phone.

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    some of you really do live in a parallel universe, yeah its easy setting up a gardening business– you need a few quid for tools, a vehicle, an address, phone no, oh and some contacts, and er some idea about gardening– i take it you are being sarcastic ?

    I’ve got a mate that does gardening, using second hand tools that he tows in a trailer pulled by his 20 year old push bike.
    When I was a teenager, I did gardening work using tools that belonged to the customers (to start with), and quickly had quite a bit of work through word of mouth alone.
    A PAYG phone can be had for £10 with £10 of credit.

    No one is saying it’s easy, but it is possible if you are prepared to get your hands dirty, drop the defeatist attitude, and actually want a job.

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    Stop throwing pearls at the swine CG,their minds are closed just like their wallets.

    Got a job yet?

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    Try asking my son the same question! When he left Uni with a proper degree, how long did it take him to find employment?

    Employers with menial jobs to offer wouldn’t talk to him cos they knew that he’d be outta there as soon as something/anything better came along.

    So he got a degree but still wasn’t intelligent enough to “tailor” his CV for specific jobs?

    I could show you two of my CVs and you wouldn’t know they were for the same person, which was exactly the idea.

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    The last Thatcherite scum government used mass unemployment,poverty and homelessnes as a method of ruling class discipline. Why did any of you think it would be any different this time round.

    So I take it you have a job now we haven’t had a conservative government for some time?

    Free Member

    So yes, you need to check a full 270 degree range before entering the road to make sure no-one’s going to run you over.

    Which is what you should be doing irrespective of any paint on the floor. :?

    Free Member

    Sandwich – Member

    Have you tried this from being an ex-professional? You appear to have no idea.

    I did.
    Went from being a manager in a precision engineering company to working for minimum wage.
    Went from living in a three bed semi by myself to a house share.
    Rent and bills (ex food) was costing me £175 per month.
    This wasn’t in some grotty sink estate, it was in a nice old market town.
    I’ve known few others that have slid down the ladder to avoid being a burden though. Most simply don’t try.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    Not only are the drivers who plow into the back of cyclists not being convicted of DBDD, the sentences they’re getting for DBCD suggests the judge sees it as being not even anywhere near DBDD.

    Death by dangerous driving carries an incredibly high burden of proof, that is it is very difficult to convict someone of the offence.
    Death by careless driving is a very new offence which was introduced specifically to allow a conviction to occur more easily (which would have been far less likely with DBDD) and provide the courts the ability to impose harsher sentences than those afforded to lesser charges.
    That doesn’t suggest that everything is being done to protect guilty drivers now, does it?
    If you think judges are ignoring sentencing guidelines for specific offences, I suggest you contact your local MP.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    Everything PP says, but a big WTF!!! to “low to mid 30’s” as an acceptable average

    Driving pleasure is directly proportional to fuel consumption. :idea:


    Free Member

    b r – Member

    Maybe air filter, take it out and have a look.

    Also could be a lambra sensor on its way out, or a sticking caliper.

    Is that a Freudian slip, revealing br’s sexy ovine tendencies? :?

    Free Member

    Hammerite or GTFO you homo.

    Ps. nice rex. 8)

    Free Member

    When is Die Hard on?

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    trying taking your hand of the bars and grabbing under your seat when you want to lower – unless it is very smooth you need to stop.

    I remember dropping my normal seat post with QR on the fly, seat gripped between the thighs. :D
    There certainly was a knack. :?

    Free Member

    Saw them for the first time at Secret Garden Party this year.
    It was awful.
    People leaving in droves.

    Free Member

    mrmonkfinger – Member

    I put the front fogs on if one of my headlights has gone and I haven’t a spare or means to change it.

    Why bother with the fogs? You’ll still have a sidelight.
    Why not carry a spare? They don’t take up much room.
    How many times has this happened to warrant mentioning it on a forum? Maybe you should get your electrics sorted, or buy a car that isn’t French. :lol:

    Free Member

    PeterPoddy – Member

    Simply untrue. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an upward pointing fog light. That’s just a massive exaggeration to make a feeble point.
    Personally, I neither use them (unless, as above, I need the rear on) or am bothered by those that do.
    How many of you moaners check your tyre pressures, oils, water, bulbs, washer fluid, clean your windows etc regularly? Or have considered some further training?

    It’s rare but I was dazzled by some moron using sidelights and fogs in the rain the other day (at night).

    Tyre pressures: weekly.
    Oils: weekly.
    Bulbs: every journey.
    Washer fluid: constantly topped up.
    Windows: always clean, inside and out.
    Further training: Lots, but still improving.

    Free Member

    convert – Member

    I have little control over how close the car behind drives or when he chooses to start braking. What would you have done differently oh great oracle?

    You have control over the space that you both have to slow down in.
    If the chap behind can’t stop in time, he’s tailgating. The only thing to do when being tailgated is back off the throttle and increase your (and his) braking zone.

    Free Member

    elzorillo – Member

    So how exactly did you manage to get a job that you have absolutely no experience of?

    My money’s on public sector. :wink:

    Free Member

    If professional cyclists gained anything from deliberately falling over,
    they would.

    Oh that’s right! They already do!

    Free Member

    There’s some sick people out there, have you ruled out humans?

    Couple of lads killed a load of hens at our local allotments for “fun”.

    Free Member

    Almost certainly; check your contract.

    Free Member

    Mounty_73 – Member

    Curious ,why not Kwik Fit?

    Local indy quote for remedial MOT work to my OH’s Micra: £75.
    Kwik Fit quote: £320.

    Plus the indy lent me a car so I didn’t have to hang around in the cold.
    And opened up early so I could get the car back before rush hour.
    I tipped.
    (Ray’s garage in Somersham, for anyone in the Cambridgeshire region)

    Free Member

    Zedsdead – Member

    If you do a mega wheelie while going past then they don’t see it…

    I remember a case where a biker was repeatedly speeding past a front facing fixed gatso, but also giving it the finger.
    Plod weren’t happy, and managed to trace him from the type of bike (quite uncommon) and the rough location.
    I think he lost his licence.

    Free Member

    Have you reported him to the police yet?

    Free Member

    Is there no issue with fire protection leaving the board unskimmed?

    Free Member

    Cheap and reliable = MkII Micra.

    Free Member

    “How do you pick up that pipe?”
    “Press this button”
    “How do I swing it?”
    “Use that button”
    “What can I hit with it?”
    “Dunno, try it out on anything”

    30 minutes later

    “Sbob, the old lady was dead half an hour ago. Stop beating her corpse and pass the controller”

    Grand Theft Auto 3. 8)
    Good times.

    Surprised to hear so many people mention Mario Kart 64, I thought it was awful compared to the SNES version.
    Bowser/Kong, rainbow road, I will beat you. :twisted:

    Free Member

    Best cheddar I’ve ever had was a four year old called Scruttock’s Old Dirigible.
    Sourced from my local cheese shop, but they specialized in low volume cheeses so it’s probably not available anymore.

    Waitrose do a goats cheese that is very hard like a cheddar, though slightly crumblier and still quite sour, definitely worth a punt.
    Good shout on the comte above as well.

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