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  • sbob
    Free Member

    I’m one of these people that think parents today worry far too much about their children, and they need to realise that kids heal and there isn’t a child snatching paedophile on every street corner.

    Leaving a 3 and 5yr old alone at home though?
    **** right off! Are they mental!

    I personally wouldn’t call social services as I despise them with great venom, but I would use the threat. Show them this thread.

    Free Member

    Lifer – Member

    Especially when it’s one of the most cost effective, eh?

    Says who?
    Chap who wrote a paper to piss off an MP who had used his previous paper against his wishes?

    Of course, independant people seem to come to the conclusion that it is far too complex a metric to accurately rate. But what do they know?

    Free Member

    alfabus – Member

    are memory loss and exaggeration side effects?


    OK, replace “great applause” with “shouts of ‘stack it you ****'”.

    The rest is true.

    Free Member

    njee20 – Member


    You have to move your hand position to change gear.
    A massive backward step after STI.

    Free Member

    My brother had a bird of prey land on his head once (at a raptor centre).
    He grinned the whole way through but I knew he was in pain because I could see the blood trickling down the sides of his head.

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    The C1 is amazing. I mean that. Its pared-down, basic, a lustful 3cylinder engine that LOVES to be revved bloody hard and sounds nice. It only weighs 700kg’s. My only gripe is it should be cheaper.

    What’s the gearbox like on yours? Everyone I’ve ever driven has been horrendous, not good for a company that started off manufacturing gears.
    [geekmode] The Citroen badge is meant to be a representation of the helical gears they started off manufacturing.[/geekmode]
    I drove a C1 from Cambridge to Manchester and back 4 up with no problems, and it was a wee bit more frugal than my Micra. :-)
    Not having a boot is an irritation though.

    Back on topic, I give you the Royal Nail!!! (google it for specs)

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    Is that “building tolerance” the same as alcoholics manage? So it’s OK that someone permanently drunk is allowed to drive?

    To be drunk is to be under the influence, so not tolerant. :idea:

    Free Member

    butcher – Member

    Building tolerance is a myth too, I’ve smoked plenty enough to know that.

    With all due respect, you’re talking out of your brown hole.

    I smoked a lot of pot when I was a lad (partly for medical reasons, partly for recreation) and built up a huge tolerance.
    I smoked five buckets before my GCSE maths exam and got 100%, using only two-ninths of the time allotted, and then did a huge victory jump down some stairs on my rigid GT to great applause.

    Two tokes now and I’d be **** with an inability to either think coherently or move.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    racking up on your desk is par for the course.

    I spotted a machinist racking up on a CNC lathe once.
    Nice lad but he had a lot of problems (bloody top class machinist, mind).

    Tony the crackhead; if you’re reading this, God Bless! :D

    Free Member

    “Oi mate, I’m not going to say who but people have noticed your toking at work; leave it at home yeah?”

    Free Member

    None of you have really got the hang of this, have you?

    Try this:

    With a 350BHP 2 litre turbo and short throw gearbox (wasn’t mine).

    Free Member

    Keep riding.
    You’ll get fitter, faster, and you’ll feel happier, I promise. :-)

    Go on then!

    Free Member

    mrblobby – Member

    See the 26er comes with gripshift

    Gripshift or wagon wheels, what a choice!

    (To be fair, I’ve never ridden a 29″ wheeled bike, but I do know that gripshift are a really bad idea.)

    Free Member

    Off to India.

    ETA: :D

    Free Member

    I do think having a national health service is a wonderful thing, a necessary thing for a civilized country.
    It does need improvement though.

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    if you read my post sbob

    I did.
    Care to share your source for it being so cost effective?
    An independant source would be nice. :wink:

    It wasn’t me that just jumped to a conclusion… :idea:

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    The nhs is one of the most cost effective health care systems on the planet


    its being tampered with by imbeciles who only wish to profit from its demise, so it needs more funding, how about getting all the taxes due from the obscene wealth gatherers that use this country. There is a huge amount of uncollected tax, avoided tax, and scams to help the wealthy remain even more so.

    Hang on a minute, you don’t pay any tax!

    The NHS is run appallingly badly.
    A good friend is being denied an operation he needs because it is too expensive (£5,000).
    Meanwhile, he has received over £20,000 worth of pain relief which is needed because he hasn’t had the operation.
    You call that cost effective? :lol:

    shifter – Member

    Has anyone read the link? It says that UKIP have suspended the bloke that was advocating the compulsory abortion. Isn’t that a good thing?

    Sensible post is sensible.

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    working long hours for low wages can make you very twisted and bitter, binners is right , you need to step back, ave a year out and look at the wood through the trees ….cycle when you want, get up when you like, go out when you like, stay up all night if you like, whats not to like ?

    sorry, i forgot you have to get up very early tommorrow , the 8 hour day was fought to get people a life worth living, and you just want to work 20 hours a day……tis sad…

    I imagine you’re having great fun under the impression that you’re winding me up.
    Except you’re not.
    My original point was that people can do more to help themselves, so not only have you been massively wrong, you’ve also unwittingly proved me right.
    I actually have to get out of bed around noon tomorrow, after which I will spend my time making some disadvantaged people very happy, for which I get enormous satisfaction (don’t make that dirty).
    In less than three weeks time I will be on another continent, enjoying the sun, sea and sand of a beautiful country, with my beautiful partner.
    If we like it, we’re going to move there, and will be able to afford a lifestyle the likes of which fuels the jealousy of people like monkey.

    So I’ve really got nothing to be bitter about. :-)

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    You deserve to earn below the average wage because you have below average intelligence.

    Ad hominem strikes again! (Google it)

    Got a job yet?
    What’s your excuse?
    Is it Thatcher?

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Have you seen Fox News!

    I don’t own a television. :D

    Free Member

    Give me the tickets and I’ll see that they’re not wasted. :D

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    I’ve made plenty.

    Let’s see…
    Sarcasm/Incorrect assumption
    Failed attempt to belittle my experience
    Continuation of failure/sarcasm
    Continuation of failure
    Still digging the same hole of failure
    Possible attempt at wit?
    Admission of ignorance
    Finally some sense! Albeit misdirected and unnecessary.
    More ad hominem


    You just seem to be struggling to address them, in between the ‘aren’t I bloody great, me?’ Self-reverential eulogies

    All I’ve done is use my experience to counter other people’s opinion.
    I’m sorry if that comes across as self-reverential, but maybe that self respect is what got me into a job. :idea:

    Free Member

    I’ve already stated that I earn less than the national average wage, are you ever going to make a point?

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    you the guy that works 80 hours plus a week innit, you going to burn out before you get a pension– in fact i wouldn’t bother with one , if i were ye, in germany they work much less hours for much more dough….i let you work that one out …

    I might do 80 hours, I might do 8.
    I don’t see what the Germans, who work less, earn less, and have a lower disposable income have to do with anything… :-)

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    Thats you that is :wink:

    Yeah, and I lied about the private health care. :lol:

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    sbob– your world appears very stark and unforgiving–did you suffer trauma in an earlier life ?

    My world?
    It’s quite nice thanks.
    Got food, clothing, shelter, good friends, a loving woman, and in a couple of weeks I’ll be going on holiday for the first time in years. :-)

    Now off you scoot; those jobs won’t find themselves, will they!
    Chop chop! :D

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    If you have a car accident let’s see pictures of that private ambulance picking you up.NOT.

    What is your point?

    Are you gloating because I pay NI and for private medical care when you pay sweet Fanny Adams?

    That is right, isn’t it?
    That you contribute nothing to society and still have the gall to moan about an administration from over fifteen years ago?

    Tell me where I’m wrong.

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    Good to read sbobs mature,constructive and intelligent reaction to the points raised.Music to my ears.

    What points?
    We’ve had someone who’s precious baby didn’t get a job straight out of Uni, and I suggested why.
    Someone with little to no experience of something thinking they know more than those with that experience.
    Someone who hasn’t got a job and would rather procrastinate on a forum than look for one.
    You, who I believe have no job and blame everything on a politician from over two decades ago.

    And Junkyard. :lol:

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    Good to know that if Sbobs health breaks down,that despite him being Superman he will never claim sickness benefits or rely on others.He is an Island entire to himself.

    I have private medical insurance.

    Free Member

    How hard will I need to work to become the Duke of westminster or the next monarch. Seems like you need to be lucky and be born to rich parents to pass on their wealth and contacts.

    Well, when I said “owed the world” I didn’t specifically mean “become the duke of Westminster or the next monarch”

    I should have made myself clearer.

    Its BS to suggest everyone rich works hard and to suggest every one poor is lazy.

    Quite right, though I find poor people who do work hard aren’t the type
    to think they’re owed the world.

    This may come as a shock to you but do you know where they get most of their money from
    Poor people

    Yes, maybe all the members of STW should state their salary.
    We can castigate all those over the average wage (I’m not one of them).

    I do so love a balanced and reasonable STW debate

    Just because you’re not stupid and can put a point of view over with a modicum of eloquence, doesn’t mean you’re not a troll. :P

    Free Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    Bleeuurggghhh Thatcher!!!

    Got a job yet?
    What’s your excuse?
    Does it begin with T and end with a politician that hasn’t been in power for over two decades?

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    Z11– taxation subsidises all them big companies– so yes the paye people pay more than –those who are creative with accountancy, and not to mention the starbucks style of exploitation..

    This may come as a shock to you, but do you know where most of the taxes in this country are raised from?

    Rich people.
    Filthy stinking rich people.
    Those people you loathe with searing jealousy; thank them for subsidising your entire existence.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    Or they’ll just live in ghettoes.

    I hardly think cleaners could afford to fly to work. :wink:

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    i have decided to have a xmas break

    Well this is **** priceless!

    FWIW -i am an active trade unionist-

    ..and it all becomes clear.
    You think you’re owed the world, all you lefty socialist types do. You’re just not prepared to put in the graft for it.

    Got chatting to one of your types recently, after I said there was no need for unions anymore, what with us not sending 8 year old children down t’pit et cetera.

    “How would you like it if you had to work Sundays?”
    “I do work Sundays.”
    “Well what if you had to work 12 hour shifts?”
    “I frequently work longer shifts.”

    Unions, whilst once a necessity, are now nothing but a parasite.
    I would go so far as to suggest it is the unions that are jointly responsible for this attitude of everyone feeling that they’re owed something.
    Wake up.
    You’re not.

    Free Member

    Yeah no worries.
    Just blame it on Thatcher.

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    sbob, and co –would you work for a wage paying less than benefit, with no security, no prospects ?– sure you would…

    I’ve already stated that I have worked for minimum wage.

    oh the irony, i wouldn’t be on here if i had a job, whereas you in top positions seem to be able to be on here more than me–and i’m out o work !!!

    I’ve already stated that today is my day off.
    Why the **** are you wasting time on here instead of looking for a job?
    Treat job hunting as a full time job, and you might get one.

    There you go binners; prime example.

    Free Member

    My Grandad lent my Dad a small amount of money for his birthday, and as it was his 18th the interest rate was almost reasonable. :lol:
    What a bastard.
    Actually that might be true but that’s another story.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Not backtracking at all. I still think you’re ****ing brilliant! And clearly you do too. So we agree on all manner of things!

    I do think I’m brilliant, but not because of anything I’ve mentioned in this thread.
    I’m just using my experiences to try and show that people can help themselves, in counter to your apparant (as you actually say very little, just repeating school yard sarcasm) belief that it is never anyone’s fault that they are hard up, and there’s nothing the poor things can do about it, which is the crux of the matter; everyone these days thinks they are owed something.

    there are three basic essentials to survive in our country,food, clothes and shelter. in this ‘rich’ developed economy, the system is unable/unwilling to provide the latter.

    When I was growing up there was no school of thought that you were owed anything; you want something you work for it.
    I’ve got shelter over my head because I pay for it.
    That is, or should be, how the “system” works, not choosing to become pregnant so you can get benefits, which does happen obviously far more frequently than you think.

    I’m going to go against the tide and blame it all on Labour. :D

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    I think we’re all agreed on one thing.

    The taste of your backtracking is sweeter than an orphan’s tears? :lol:

    Free Member

    Speak to KS Suspension directly and ask them what amount of play they deem acceptable; get an absolute numerical figure.
    Then explain your problem.
    Then go back to bike discount.

    I can foresee two outcomes:
    1) You get a replacement from either KS or BD.
    2) KS lose all their business for supplying acceptably sloppy seatposts.

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