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  • RedBull Hardline – Bigger In Real Life, But Is It Worth The Effort?
  • sbob
    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member

    they’re supposed to be a professional driver and better than average.

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


    Free Member

    chiefinspector – Member

    All went well and i seem to be recovering well.

    Nothing else is important. 🙂

    Free Member

    toys19 – Member

    trig was always:
    Silly Old Hitler
    Caused A Havoc
    To Our Armies

    Some of his cards are hearts, the others aren’t.

    Free Member

    coatesy – Member

    Unless you’ve disconnected the cables, it’s unlikely to have caused a problem. Check that the shifter bodies aren’t being pressed upon by the brake levers, and the cables are seated properly in their stops.

    Absolutely this.
    You could take the shifters off the handlebars and they should still work.
    If you’re having trouble getting onto the big ring, then the only thing I can think of is that your outer cable end wasn’t seated properly and now is, effectively shortening the cable.
    If this is the case then unscrewing the barrel adjuster may be enough to bring the gears back into alignment.
    Very unlikely scenario however and not one I’ve come across.
    Praise the Danes for the insight and imagination gifted to me this evening through the power of export. 😀

    Free Member

    plyphon – Member

    sbob, FWIW, i’m using tubes.

    Then God help you!
    Can’t say I’ve ever had that problem.

    Free Member

    jedimaster – Member

    Is any good or just pure rubbish?

    Well it’s utterly pointless.

    But still cool. 8)

    Free Member

    Every time I fit a tyre to a rim and inflate the innertube, it inflates.
    Every time. 8)


    Free Member

    Raise the stem!
    Drop the bars!
    Wahey! 😀

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    Now you’re just being deliberately offensive.

    I’m not being offensive, just pointing out that in your frenzy to denigrate the UK you’ve ended up being exceedingly offensive to some of us who hail from foreign shores.


    Sorry to see you leave, but do close the door on your way out; don’t want any nasty drafts getting in. 😉

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    Has no one yet mentioned F1/top level motorsport engineering? Aren’t most of the F1 teams based/have factories in the UK?

    Yes, I mentioned engineering.
    Nice claw back.

    Free Member


    Sorry if that offends you

    Firstly, you are not sorry.
    Secondly, nothing you write offends me.
    Except this:

    not least assisted by conscripted troops from the various British colonies

    Are you suggesting that all those “from the colonies” that gave their lives were forced to do it?

    I am offended as it cheapens the sacrifices made by my family, when they chose to fight.
    I understand that is probably not something you can comprehend. 💡

    Free Member


    I like English cheese. The English make good cheese.
    I like French cheese. The French make good cheese.

    Two countries can be good at something. No negativity.

    Not fully understanding you there, old chap, mainly on account of you seeming to be off on a rant of your own about something.

    It’s quite simple, but I’ll explain it again if you’re having difficulty.
    This thread is about things in the UK that are inherently better (the clue is in the title :wink:) , yet you seem to want to dwell on the opposite.

    I would add that another positive attribute of the British is that we have the ability to discuss things in a calm, reasonable and respectful manner, without flying off the handle and resorting to silliness. Some of us at least are really rather good at that.

    Yes, at least we understand irony. 😉

    Or is it simply that you are interpreting my comments in a negative manner?

    “the reality is that we’re actually in decline as a nation; economically, politically and socially”

    Doesn’t sound too positive.

    “Actually you’ve just highlighted something else we’re really good at: Mindlessly obeying the orders of our ruling elites, who generally don’t have the needs of greater society at heart, merely using the rump of the population to achive their own self-serving ends. And we’re very good at accepting a monarchical society with little more than the illusion of democracy. Pretty good at being subservient sheep actually. “

    Nope, no positivity there.

    “Bloody right there.”

    Ooh, what’s this?

    “The perfect example of”

    Looks promising…

    “combining ideas”

    Oh no! The inference that the good thing just had to be down to someone else.

    “We’re world leaders in moaning, surely? “

    Back to normal again.

    I could go on, but I think I’ve provided enough examples to ease your comprehension.

    Free Member

    Why do people think that positivity about one’s own country means negativity about another?

    thx1138 – Member

    I think you may have posted in the wrong thread. Because I don’t see any of this ‘left wing pessimism’ of which you speak. Or any confirmed ‘commies’ posting.

    Every post you have made in this thread is full of negativity.
    Why not stay on topic, or simply refrain from posting?

    ETA: Whisky. 🙂

    Free Member

    What is with is this left wing pessimism?
    Why do you commies find it so hard to champion, to congratulate, to be happy for?
    Is it bitter, bitter jealousy?

    I’d say we’re inherently better engineers.
    Just look at all the engineering talent we export to other countries.

    Free Member

    chiefgrooveguru – Member

    We have an 11 day old Xanthe here – we wanted something that wasn’t a top ten name, or heading that way – hoping it’s not too unusual… You’re welcome to borrow it if you promise they won’t be at the same school!

    Nice tactic.
    You’ve realised you’ve given your daughter an obviously obscure name that she’ll hate you for, so now you’re trying to convince others to use it to dilute the effect and mitigate the damage.
    Very cunning… 8)

    Free Member

    zokes – Member

    Besides which, really, what’s the worst that realistically could happen if the OP leaves next week?

    It would be a breach of contract, so the employer could sue the OP for damages.
    Of course, trying to prove exactly what loss occurred would be very difficult, so this course of action is unlikely.

    Free Member

    I like the ability of the British to put up with odious little shits.
    We’re much better at it than the Canadians.
    Which is a shame, eh bwaarp?

    Free Member

    hmanchester – Member

    Thinly veiled TVR brag?

    Russia is ➡ way, communist. 😛

    Free Member

    No man with a good car needs to be justified, but if you’re hooning around in a Tiv whilst giving the wife a Perodua Nippa to bimble about in, then I truly doff my hat in your direction, good sir. 8)

    (Not sure it’s a Nippa, but you get the gist)

    Free Member

    only cost about £22 back when i got them

    I paid £20 as the paint was a bit iffy. 8)

    The local yoofs that race them seem to go through them in short order, to them, run them into the ground, grind the bearings into powder, jetwash them to death, then get the spangly colour thats in vogue and start the process again

    Sadly, ’tis the way of the modern world.

    Free Member

    hydrophil – Member

    Listen right, everyone has been telling me how good going tubeless is and how Id never look back.

    And a lot of my friends spend 25% of their time extolling the virtues of the new Apple mobile they have just bought, but it doesn’t stop them complaining about them the other 75%.

    There are so many threads on here about tubeless nightmares I don’t think I’d ever bother.

    Free Member

    Probably done most of my cycling without a helmet, so it wouldn’t have bothered me.
    Would have avoided any dockside trials riding though, and would have avoided using the phrase “watch this”.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    acehtn – Member

    Mine are only 10years old

    13 here, but they are completely shagged now.
    I think I slipped off them once, partaking in some low speed tomfoolery.
    Never slipped off them in anger, wearing Vans, Etnies, iPath, DC, Timberland et cetera (whatever is going cheap at TK).

    Free Member

    pbooker1995 – Member

    The cheap wellgo v12 copys are far superior. And they are exactly the same without the DMR name.

    Far superior and exactly the same?
    Interesting concept.

    Free Member

    reedspeed – Member

    any recommendations?

    Learn how to look after simple bearings?

    I can’t take up the play as the nut on the end of the shaft is tight

    You weren’t trying to tighten the lock nut to reduce the play, were you?

    Free Member

    poly – Member

    I suppose nobody at your school ever gets slagged for their choice of trainers or clothing either…

    You probably think school uniforms would alleviate that problem, don’t you?


    No kid needs a mobile. They’re just an expensive toy to a child.
    If you must give in and get your child a mobile, you can always get one that doesn’t have internet connectivity.
    That way you can avoid the guilt that comes with the shitstorm that giving a child unsupervised access to the internet will inevitably bring. 💡

    Free Member

    They sell Buckfast tonic wine in my local off licence, I have no need to travel to Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    Try using a meaningful thread title instead of a meaningless string of letters and digits. 💡

    Free Member

    fivespot – Member

    sbob….I make these with 1/4″ UNF thread, but one guy I sold one to said it wouldn’t fit his Rapid. Did they use any other thread size or pitch for the cocking bolts?

    I’m afraid it’s been too long for me to remember for certain, but with the exception of the threads for the mating sealed parts, all the threads on the Rapid 7 receiver were metric. 😕

    Free Member

    fivespot – Member

    Another Theoben cocking bolt

    I’ve probably mentioned it before, but I used to make bits for Theoben, like the guide plate for that there bolt, and the receiver.

    Free Member

    unklehomered – Member

    I’m not blaming everyone, I’m blaming my 80s primary education where I wasn’t taught to spell or talk proper.

    Just as long as it’s not your fault, eh? 🙂
    Probably best to blame it on Thatcher, in present company.

    Free Member

    unklehomered – Member

    Not my fault, no wiggly red lines on work PCs… even with chrome tab installed…

    It’s not your fault because someone didn’t correct it for you?
    You sound like a labour voter.

    Free Member

    unklehomered – Member

    I said I wanted an arguement, not advise.

    I advise you to spell advice with a “c”.

    Free Member

    Midnighthour – Member

    Seeing theres plenty of experts here – whats the best way to make fried bread?

    Deep fat fryer.

    Free Member

    lister – Member

    No filthy fungus and beans have no place at breakfast…

    Amen brother Lister.

    Free Member

    My initial thought was the birthday of the bike, but 5318008 wins hands down. 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    You’re suggesting trailing brakes.
    On a mountain bike forum.
    Where I’m guessing almost everyone is familiar with disc brakes.
    And mountains.

    It appears you won’t take my word for it, so why not go on an advanced driving forum and ask there about never manually selecting gears in an auto.

    Free Member

    maxtorque – Member

    It’s worth noting in the “fuel economy better than a manual” stakes, that this only applies to the fuel economy under the test conditions

    Yep, the lab tests are skewed in favour of autos (something to do with them being able to choose what gear they do the tests in).

    Anyway, my commuter has an infinite number of ratios so I guess I get to wave my willy the wildest. 😀

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