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  • Privateer Bikes | Proving It’s An Enduro Bike That Will Do DH
  • sbob
    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member

    Anyone with a matt black bike should be dragged off it and flogged at the side of the road.

    Oi! I resemble that remark!

    I’ve been matt black for 13 years, and as an aside, my paint cost more than yours. 😛

    Free Member

    I could understand the support for Bob Crow if he really was a champion of the poor, but unfortunately he’s most famous for getting more money for people who already earn well in excess of the average wage.

    Robin Hood he is not.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member

    Oooh, the thread resurectionist troll.

    good work that man.

    Bats and hammers kill and maim more people in america than guns

    Ban bats. Or give them glasses.

    Or, give the bats hammers, and have an unstoppable army!!! 😈

    Free Member

    They probably got the idea from me singing the theme tune to “The Littlest Hobo” whilst shopping with friends. 😀

    Free Member

    whatnobeer – Member

    Good to see the trend going downwards despite the increase in the number of cyclists on the roads.

    It’s possibly because of the increase in cyclists, although there are people that won’t agree with me on that.

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    You’re tenacious, sbob, I’ll give you that.

    I knew there was a polite word for it! 😀

    Free Member

    Aren’t you nice! 8)
    Top quality caliper as well.

    Free Member

    A tyre combo you feel comfortable with.
    You want something with low grip that doesn’t break away suddenly, then just practice.

    Free Member

    van cough cough – Member

    Ah. Dairy Crest. Great drivers.

    The safest place for a shit driver is in front of you. 🙂

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    It’s extremely well written.


    Nowhere do I accuse you of not giving other reasons why you don’t like Labour, as you quite falsely claim I have.

    Yes you do. I’ve pointed where, clearly.

    Still, I guess banging on and on making the same silly false claim over and over again, detracts from your embarrassment over the revelation that whilst in opposition, the Tories promised to match Gordon Browns’s spending penny for penny, eh ?

    The embarrassment is in your lack of understanding of the very words you’ve used.
    The was no revelation, that’s a fantastical invention of yours.
    It’s like me going “Tee hee hee! Ernie doesn’t know that grass is green!” and getting all excited about it.

    Have a play with this[/url], it may help you. 🙂

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Do you see it now?

    I see that you’ve chopped my quote in half again.

    Here it is again in it’s entirety :

    All you are doing is directing all your hatred against Labour’s spending policy, whilst completely ignoring the fact that it was also the Tories identical spending policy.”

    See ? I haven’t accused of not giving any other reasons.

    Now are you going to keep editing my post and making the same false claim again ? It could become boring.

    You see that bit in bold?
    If that’s all I’m doing then I’m not doing anything else am I?
    Jesus H, I never thought I’d be giving lessons on comprehension, especially to the author of the work in question! 😆

    So don’t use your lack of comprehension to accuse me of making false claims.

    If that wasn’t what you meant and it’s simply a poorly written statement, then fine, leave it be.
    Just try a bit harder in the future and think about what the words you are using actually mean.

    Free Member

    I haven’t accused of not giving any other reasons.


    All you are doing is directing all your hatred against Labour’s spending policy

    Do you see it now? 🙂

    Now stop being silly and give me a bike you tight arsed lefty, thx1138 seems to have missed the bit where he owes me. 😆

    Go on then

    I’ll give you one (and it’s a biggie, for me anyway) and one only for the time being as the missus says it’s bedtime:

    I don’t like CMD as he is trying to privatize the police force service with his chums, the notorious **** wits, G4S.

    If you play nicely I’ll give you more tomorrow. 🙂

    Free Member

    allmountainventure – Member

    Haven’t read the previous (got lost in the left right banter) so sorry if this has been answered already.

    £50 + what?

    Is housing paid for?

    As the market trader mentioned that since his housing benefit had been reduced he was left with only £53 a week, I would say yes, housing is paid for.

    Free Member

    Great, now I’m probably going to get banned again for having to point out the bleedin’ obvious. 🙄

    ernie_lynch – Member

    But you’re not are you. All you are doing is directing all you hatred against Labour’s spending policy,

    No, I have given other reasons why I don’t like Labour. Have another read old chap. 🙂

    whilst completely ignoring the fact that it was also the Tories identical spending policy.

    I haven’t ignored it, I’m well aware of it.
    You’re simply imagining things to have an argument. 🙂

    I don’t call that ‘restoring the equilibrium’.

    You’re accusing me of ignoring the Tory party’s faults whilst criticizing Labour’s.
    The reverse is precisely what others were doing and why I posted. 💡

    I call it straightforward dishonesty.

    Then you have a poor grasp of the English language old chap.
    Do you need me to list all the things the Tory party have ever done that I am not happy with, lest I get accused of dishonesty again?

    Just because I don’t like mushrooms doesn’t mean I automatically like aubergine.

    I hope you can understand that.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Why would you do that?

    Restoring equilibrium, but then I’ve already mentioned that, and my dislike for CMD, and the coalition. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve read the guide books of all the major religions. 🙂

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Is why you didn’t appear to know that far from criticising or condemning the last Labour government for their “spending spree”, the Tories pledged to the British people that they would match it penny for penny?

    You seem to be imagining that I’m a fan of the current Tory party.
    I’m not. 🙂

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    Nonsense. The country is a very wealthy one; the cash is in the pockets of far too few. It’s all about fair and equal redistribution of that wealth

    I’ll wager a bike that you’re much better off than me, if you’d like to redistribute some wealth I would happily accept a bike. 🙂

    Free Member

    I do have a deep seated hatred of Labour, that’s true.
    The difference is, that it doesn’t stop me feeling hatred towards CMD.

    (I suspect a “Scanners” style explosion of mind at that concept!)

    I wouldn’t say I was happy, but I was content with the last Conservative government.
    The country was doing well, for those of you that don’t remember it.


    Free Member

    Thrustyjust – Member

    Maybe, but she was stationary and parked in a bay, so not actually driving.

    I was also hit whilst stationary and most insurers hiked the premium as a result. 🙁
    It was my first car which I’d only owned for a couple of weeks. 😥

    Free Member

    So Labour aren’t to blame for their unprecendented spunkfest of money that wasn’t theirs?

    Interesting concept, but not sure I’m with you on that one.

    I can’t stand Cameron, but the deep seated tory hatred on here is so strong people are actually defending the last government? 😕


    All Labour managed to do was go on a returnless spending spree and, as is proof from the many threads on here, convince everyone they are entitled to whatever they want without working for it.

    As an example look at the thread discussing speed cameras and driver training.
    Lots of posters wanting safer roads but only one actually taking the responsibility for themselves and looking into proven training.
    Everyone else just dismissed it and called for changes in other people’s behavior.
    That’s what “vote for us, have a laptop” Labour have reduced this country to.
    Well done.

    I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you to have the last word (I’m sure you won’t mind) as I don’t want to risk getting banned again.

    Play nicely kids. 🙂

    Free Member

    project – Member

    Also if a driver is found guilty of a driving offence he may well loose his job and licence.

    Lose FFS.
    I wouldn’t mention it but it’s pandemic.

    One of our local bus drivers hit a cyclist.
    Now this happened on a guided busway (if you’re unfamiliar with the concept just google “white elephant”) and the cyclist should not have been on it, but what’s even worse than someone who only has to deal with the controls “go” and “stop” getting it wrong, was the bus company spokesman who stated that they were happy the driver had done everything they should have.
    How hard can it be?
    Pedal on the left to stop, pedal on the right to run them over.
    Whoops! 😳

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    I didn’t vote for them.

    Didn’t vote Labour?
    Ah, too young to vote.
    It all makes sense now.

    Free Member

    Thrustyjust – Member

    I went straight through insurance and we didnt pay a jot, never put our premium up

    Then you were lucky, as a non-fault claim will normally put your premium up.
    The simple fact that you have been involved in an accident means statistically you are a greater risk.

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    Teamhurtmore; your obsession with figures and statistics (which as I said, can be manipulated to present whatever version of the ‘truth’ that suits the user) betrays your lack of knowledge and experience of reality. Take your head out of your books, and have a look around you. For all your desire to support Tory actions, Britain is becoming increasingly poorer as a society. That is something only the selfish, the foolish and/or those in denial will fail to see.

    Loony leftie picks unmeasurable metric to measure things by, shocker.

    Just face it; this country is worse off because of the people you voted in.
    I’m not saying that the coalition are doing any good, but it seems like you’re drastically looking for people to blame for the guilt of your past actions.
    Am I close?
    Labour have done far more damage to this country than any Tory government. Don’t forget all this talk of cuts and austerity is because your lot went on a bender with an unprecedented amount of other people’s money. 💡

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member


    You alluded to the front brake having the greatest amount of stopping power, but on the roads the rear should be plenty enough.
    Likewise, if you’re struggling to control your bike when indicating and decelerating, then start braking earlier and more gently.

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to understand what I should do to achieve more in life; should I work hard and aspire to better myself or should I throw in the towel and wait for someone to hand my easy life to me on a plate?


    Free Member

    TuckerUK – Member

    You’re aware that undertaking is perfectly legal, yes?

    It’s as perfectly legal as pushing a screwdriver into someone’s head, there’s no specific law saying it isn’t legal, but it is covered under a blanket law. In the case of undertaking the law is Dangerous Driving.

    You show me a case where someone has been convicted of dangerous driving solely on the evidence of having “undertaken” and I won’t require you to retract that 100% horse poop statement. 🙂

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    Oh, and he’s a Labour voter.

    Tax avoider votes for party that uses tax avoidance.
    I fail to understand your surprise.

    Free Member

    thx1138 – Member

    Has anyone blamed foreigners yet?

    Ah yes, I see that’s been done:

    “The introduction of the minimum wage has led to British people being forced out of the job market for immigrant workers who will work for less than minimum wage off the books”

    Phew! What a relief.

    I’m not saying that the situation is typical in this country, but the company I mentioned before that lowered their basic wage when the minimum wage was introduced refused me work as I couldn’t speak Polish!

    Not that I have anything against immigrants, as I come from an immigrant family, I hope you understand. 🙂

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member

    one of which does most of the actual braking, unless you’re hans rey you can indicate and ride at the same time but you won’t be slowing down aswell as normal and you won’t have as much control.

    Sounds like you’re riding too fast…

    if I’m turning right I’ll be positioned in the road so you know I’m turning right.

    Do you not indicate prior to moving towards the centre of the road?

    Free Member

    slowoldgit – Member

    the three grids line

    Am I having a moment…?

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    I’d much, much rather people completely stopped rather than just giving a cursory glance for cars before diving out in front of a cyclist.

    Far too easy to lose a cyclist in a saccade when you don’t slow down and look properly. Search on YouTube for “roundabout smidsy” for plenty of evidence!

    I’d much rather they stopped deliberately blocking the view up to the roundabout.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    but take a look at who we’re presently ruled by.

    It’s almost as though you’re inferring that the previous government was devoid of anyone of privilege.
    I’m sure that’s not what you wanted to make out, what with it being so utterly untrue, but thought I’d point it out to you anyway.

    Free Member

    msjhes2 – Member

    Any lorry that tries to overtake another lorry on a dual carriage way when the incremental speed difference between them is non existent.

    Any car on a DC that is travelling slower than the lorries, and fixie-hipster **** that ignore pedestrian crossings.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    So what your saying is that everyone who isn’t successful is basically a layabout, and its all their own fault? For their failure to grasp one of the plentiful opportunities for self-advancement in our utopian meritocracy?

    No that isn’t what he is saying.
    I work hard, but there are people that work harder.
    Always try and remember; it doesn’t matter how clever you are there is always someone cleverer more intelligent. 😉

    Free Member

    Solo – Member

    Imo, minimum wage was a poor idea as it actually became the maximum wage.

    A company I used to work for ~15yrs ago pays its workers less now than it did then. 💡

    Free Member

    Not saying IDS is right, but I could easily live on that. 🙂

    Ignoring the fact that sobriety would turn me insane, of course. 😆

    Free Member

    Stem cracked at the weld. Very fortunate to notice at slow speed.
    Crank snapped in half whilst standing up wheelying. Less fortunate that time.

    Free Member

    slowoldgit – Member

    I’d just stand on the pavement outside the nearby primary school, book and pen ready, with a mate nearby observing through a video camera.


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