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    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    19C factory owners built housing for workers nearby. Current planners ban this type of arrangement.

    This post suggests you’re aware of some of the problems encountered today, yet others are quite contrary.
    Care to enlighten? 😐

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    You cannot be serious.

    You cannot be serious.
    Let’s make fuel more expensive!
    Really hit the poor!

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    I was fortunate enough to be unemployed and so in need of employment I had to start my own business.

    You were fortunate in obviously not being in the situation of living from hand to mouth.
    Many are. 💡

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    Anyone can start their own business.


    I helped a little old lady get another job (cleaning) recently after being layed off.
    She was in tears.
    She wouldn’t have a **** clue where to start.
    Your attitude is ridiculous and offensive, and I am not easily offended.

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    Why unrealistic? I’ve biked a hilly 33km to work with the business suit in a bag (but only when train times didn’t fit), lived in my business premises and generally found solutions that didn’t involve regular use of a vehicle.

    You had your own business.
    Not everyone is fortunate enough to be in that position, and not evryone has shower facilities at work.
    If I turned up to work soaking wet on my bike, I’d be sacked. 💡

    Free Member

    trail_rat – Member

    Too many folk move miles from work to get cheap housing.

    I paid a little more in the long term knowledge that staying closer to the city meant long term i saves money by not being forced to run a car.

    My colleague bought another 10 miles out (25 miles from the office) as in his words ” i got a bigger house than you for the same price”

    Whos the dummy?

    Some people made that choice before the fuel price escalator was introduced, unfortunately.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    Oh – not the person who couldn’t afford to drive to work because he lives too far away then?

    I used to work 200yds away.
    Unfortunately, I no longer have that job and took what was available.
    I can’t afford to move closer.
    Tough times, but I do what I can to ensure I’m not a burden on others.

    Free Member

    I was joking about your house being poorly situated, and being jealous, just incase you thought I was serious. Your view is so frankly silly and unrealistic though, that I thought the humour was fitting.

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    People make choices. If fuel is more expensive they will choose:

    – to live closer to work

    – to use public transport

    As someone who obviously has far too much money to have any understanding of what it is like for people on a low income, let me point out to you that not everyone can live closer to work, not everyone can use public transport to get to their place of work, and there is not an abundance of work to choose from at the moment.

    I sincerely hope that helps you understand.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    Can I just check who exactly it is has a poorly situated house? I’m not sure anybody is jealous of people stuck in a car on a commute.

    The guy who has thousands of cars passing his door.
    I don’t get stuck on my commute.

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    Fuel is far too cheap, hundreds or maybe thousands of cars go past my house everyday and only a tens of bicycles.

    I’ll vote for £6/l. Smaller cars driven slower can’t be a bad thing.

    Obviously a troll post, but fuel at that price would put me out of work, and I don’t have that big a commute.
    Oh, and drive a Nissan Micra.
    Have a think about that between your bouts of bitter jealousy at the car drivers who pass your poorly situated house each day.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    The government needs tax though, it’s got to come from somewhere.

    Absolutely, but I believe it needs less. There is so much money wasted across the board. Just look at the people responsible for retrieving the revenue; HMRC. What is it? 49p in every £ collected gone in the collection of it.
    That seems a bit shit to me. 🙂

    Free Member

    mudshark – Member

    it’s not just tax

    Just the majority.

    Free Member

    It’s expensive (to the consumer) because it could be much cheaper.
    I’ve made small bits of metal that cost thousands, but were considered cheap because that was as cheap as you could manufacturer them.

    Every month people spend hundreds of pounds on just the tax on petrol, which could be used to stimulate the economy by being spent, as opposed to just being squandered by those **** wits in government.

    Free Member

    I will be partying hard.

    Free Member

    nickjb – Member

    Given that there are millions of people making needless journeys, not car sharing, driving gas guzzlers, etc. I’d say it was still plenty cheap enough.

    That’s your opinion, which you can’t back up with fact. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m waiting for one of those types who feel sorry for all the people who can’t get jobs (because there are no jobs) to suggest to someone who drives to work that they should get a job they can walk or cycle to. 🙂

    Free Member

    You can use a coke can.

    Free Member

    HoratioHufnagel – Member

    Actually the opposite is true.

    It makes up a very small fraction of the cost of goods so has a negligible effect, and high fuel prices keep people off the roads, so people who drive for a living or deliver goods save time (which costs more than fuel) because theres far less traffic jams and gridlock.

    High fuel prices will keep some people off the roads, but a lot of people drive because they need to, to work for example.

    Considering we have high fuel prices I’m surprised, using your logic, that we have so many people on the roads and goods are so expensive.

    An accellerating artic will use one gallon of fuel a minute.
    I think you may have over-estimated the value of time. 😉

    Free Member

    29er makes you sound like a **** anyway, what’s wrong with 29″?

    Free Member

    trail_rat – Member

    tbh what else is going to stop folks driving un necessarily?

    Give them an alternative.
    High fuel prices increase the cost of everything and stifle the growth of an economy.

    Free Member

    nigelb001 – Member

    Couldn’t possibly use a camera without viewfinder.

    I recently bought a cheap compact and an optical viewfinder was a must for me.
    It’s my first digital camera and I was amazed by the quality of low light shots, especially comparing them to people holding their much more expensive cameras two foot infront of them so they could see the little screen.
    I would not recommend buying a camera without one.

    Free Member

    I used a lego brick to hold my front mech in place when the cable snapped.
    Or is that not what you’re after? 😳

    Free Member

    Unfortunately the scrappage scheme has already happened. 🙁

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    If we cut down, and it’s not, then no harm done. If we don’t cut down, and it is, then we’re in the shit.

    Pretty much what I meant in my post on page 1.

    I just wish we’d concentrate on the stuff that matters most; reversing the deforestation of the planet for example, and not scrapping a perfectly good old car to replace it with a new one that will use more resources over the lifetime of the vehicle.

    Free Member

    theocb – Member

    Please don’t mock me mate. Your not so perfect.


    Free Member

    grum – Member

    We were always told the weather would become more unpredictable/inconsistent, within a general trend of warming. I really fail to see how that’s being disproved by current events.

    It also seems to display a childish misunderstanding of science to say ‘well they didn’t accurately predict everything that’s happened in the last 20 years, therefore it’s all a hoax/conspiracy’.

    Perhaps scientists should stop making such exacting predictions then talking to journalists. 😉

    Free Member

    If you really like them, then you could get a brand new set for £100 here.

    Free Member

    Temperature does not equal Hydrogen? 😕

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    No, they had to rebrand it because thick **** like you looked out of the window at snow and said ‘how can there be global warming? It’s snowing!’

    No, they rebranded it because they made claims that didn’t come true.

    Free Member

    I’d be more inclined to listen to the people who say we are changing the climate if they would actually agree on how we are changing it. 💡

    Whether you believe in CC/GW or not, I think we can all agree that waste is bad and being more economical with natural resources is good.

    Burning fossil fuels for energy can’t be good in anyone’s book, what we need is a good clean source of energy, like nuclear. Unfortunately people are scared of it.

    Free Member

    It was popular when I was in primary school ~25yrs ago (Cambridgeshire).

    Free Member

    Yep, dropping to a 16 is definitely the right move. 🙂

    Free Member

    According to the first two links in google, as I assume google is broken for you at the moment, the Ti is 15g heavier. 🙂

    Free Member

    Just measured my bars out of curiosity: 620mm (ish).
    Feel perfect for me but then I have no shoulders.

    Free Member

    letmetalktomark – Member

    Any thoughts?

    Yeah, Nicky Clarke just called and he wants his straighteners back.


    Free Member

    bonchance – Member

    Bris needs a zero tolerance campaign

    I agree but this is hardly the thread to discuss such matters.

    Free Member

    motozulu – Member

    I’ve got to ask here – do we all really lock the doors of the house when we are in?!

    I don’t.

    I do after a mate went into his kitchen to get a cuppa and was stabbed by a junkie out on the rob.
    Keys are kept by back and front door in case of fire.

    Free Member

    Bleed them again.
    It has to be air in the system, so either a leak somewhere or they just need bleeding properly.

    ETA: the path of the hose is completely irrelevant if there is no air in it.

    Free Member

    If the doors weren’t locked, I’m not 100% certain your insurance will cover it… 🙁

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